Math - Logarithms

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### Logarithms

Back before Calca, scientists and engineers had to do math using long hand. This is
easy enough, but gets quite tedious. Thankfully we have computers now.

These engineers and scientists used a mathematical identity to make their jobs

log(x*y, b) => log(x, b) + log(y, b)

log(x/y, b) => log(x, b) - log(y, b)

When they needed to multiply large complicated numbers, they were smart and kept
those numbers in the logarithm form. Then they could simply add those numbers. The
same trick worked for multiplication.

Let's look at an example. I want to find volume of the earth.

radius = 6,378,100

volume = 4/3*pi * radius^3 => 1.08683e21

I need to multiple a lot of numbers, `4.18888` and `r` three times to find the
volume. Instead we'll use logarithms and addition:

log c = log10(4/3*pi) => 0.62209

log r = log10(radius) => 6.80469

log volume = log c + log r + log r + log r

=> 21.03616

10^log volume => 1.08683e21

volume => 1.08683e21

We were able to calculate `4/3*pi * r^3` using just three additions. Pretty
impressive I think!

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