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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Normal Road, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City
S.Y. 2022 – 2023


At the end of the 40-minute discussion, the Grade V pupils are expected to do the following with at least
80% level of accuracy:
a. identify the different characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships;
b. recognize the importance of building healthy relationship;
c. demonstrate the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.


Topic: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
 Sunshine A Journey through the World of Music, Arts, P.E and Health 5, pg. 312-316

III. MATERIALS: incentive chart, pictures, informational charts, worksheet, laptop, speaker

A. Preparation

Good afternoon class! (Good afternoon, teacher!) how are you today? (we’re fine/great/okay teacher!) I’m
glad to hear that you are fine. Are you ready to learn new lesson this afternoon? (Yes teacher!) when I say
“are you ready Grade 5” you say “Ahoy!”,
are you ready grade 5? (ahoy!) 2x
Great! I think everyone is ready to learn a very helpful lesson to our health this afternoon. Before we will
proceed to our lesson proper, I will first group you into three groups. So this column will be group 1, this
one will be group 2, and this will be group 3. Alright! Now that you have your groups, I have here an
incentive chart.

As can you see in our incentive chart there are three kids, they had a quarrel. In every participation, your
group will receive a green flag, these green flags will help the three friends to settle their misunderstandings,
would you want to help them to settle their misunderstandings? (yes, teacher!) great, now all you have to
do is to listen to the discussion and participate so that you can earn green flag points and could help them
became friends again. This chart will be used to track your group participation and individual points as well.
Is that clear class? (Yes, teacher!) Great! so are you ready grade 5? (ahoy!) 2x
1. Motivation

I have here a picture.

What can you observe in the picture? (there are four kids in the park, teacher!) very good, what are the kids
doing in the park? (the two kids on the right side teacher, they are friends and doing a handshake) yes, that’s
right! how about the other two kids on the left side of the picture? (teacher, they are quarreling. The boy is
trying to take the girl’s doll) that’s right, all of your observations are correct. Now, based from the two
scenarios in the picture, what do you think is the picture trying to show us? (teacher it shows good and bad
friendship) very good observation! It shows good and bad friendship. When we say good friendship, what
type of relationship it is? (healthy relationship teacher) very good, how about the bad friendship? (unhealthy
relationship teacher) that’s right, now based from the picture, what kind of friendship or relationship do you
want to have? (teacher the good or healthy relationship, just like with the kids on the right side of the picture)
that’s right. All of us want a good or healthy relationship with our friends and other people, right? (yes
teacher!) now, that all of you want to have a good or healthy relationship, there are characteristics that
makes a relationship healthy, and there are also signs that tells us that we are in an unhealthy relationship
with our friends or other people. Do you want to know the different characteristics of a healthy relationship
and the signs of unhealthy relationship? (yes, teacher!) Great! to find it out, let’s watch a video presentation.
B. Presentation

But before we proceed to the presentation of video, what are things that we should remember when watching
a video presentation?
Setting of Standards:
1. Minimize noise
2. Watch and listen carefully to the video presentation
3. Jot down notes
Alright, all of the things you said are correct. Now let’s proceed to the presentation of the video.
C. Discussion
Did you enjoy the video presentation class? (yes teacher!) okay now that you have already watched the
video, we have here an empty concept map.

To be able to fill this map with information, teacher will ask some questions about the video, okay? (okay
teacher) let’s start, what is the video all about? (healthy and unhealthy relationships teacher!) that’s right!
(let the student write the answer on the concept map) based from the video, who can tell to the class what
makes a relationship healthy? (teacher, in a relationship you should support and encourage each other) that’s
right! (let the student write the answer on the concept map) who can give another one? (teacher a real friend
will want to know what you are thinking and feeling) very good! (let the student write the answer on the
concept map) We still have more, who can give? (teacher when you are talking to them they will be
interested) (let the student write the answer on the concept map) that’s right! how about when you and your
friend or loved ones have disagreements? (communicate respectfully with them teacher) very good! (let the
student write the answer on the concept map) anymore answers class? (teacher, the persons in a healthy
relationship should give and take to each other) that’s right! (let the student write the answer on the concept
map) the other person should not be selfish. And lastly? (teacher we should take care of our relationships)
that’s right! (let the student write the answer on the concept map) relationships should be handled with care
to make it healthy. Very good class, all of your answers are correct. Now, you have learned from the video
some of the ways that makes a relationship healthy, this afternoon we will be going to learn more about
relationships. I have here a T-Chart.


1. Respect 1. The person/persons in the
 Each person values the relationship need/needs to
other and understands control the other/ others.
not to cross the other's 2. You focus all your energy and
boundaries. time to the other
2. Trust member/members.
 The people involved in 3. You change yourself or the
a relationship are other person/persons in the
confident on each relationship change as you
other's honesty. want them to be.
3. Honesty 4. When you have to drop your
 The words and actions family or activities you enjoy
of the persons in a and spend all your time with
relationship are the person/persons in the
genuine and not relationship.
4. Support
They are there when
 5. The other person/persons
you need a shoulder to make all the decisions for
cry on and celebrate you.
with you when you 6. The other person/persons hits,
achieve something. yells, or throws things at you
5. Equality during arguments.
 There is give and take in 7. You have more bad times with
a relationship. the person/persons than
6. Communication good.
 People in a relationship
are able to talk
honestly and are open
to one's mind and

Okay class, let’s read all together! (students will read) very good! So what do you call all these pieces of
information in the chart? (the characteristics and signs of healthy and unhealthy relationship teacher) that’s
right, these are the characteristics and signs of a healthy relationship and an unhealthy relationship that you
should always remember. We have to learn and understand these characteristics of a healthy relationships
so that we can establish a healthy relationship with our loved ones and other people also we have to know
the signs of unhealthy relationship to avoid being in an unhealthy relationship.
D. Generalization
Now class, did you learn something from the discussion? (yes, teacher!) who can tell to the class what was
the discussion all about? (the characteristics and signs of a healthy and an unhealthy relationship, teacher!)
very good! Now, we have six characteristics of a healthy relationship, who can give the characteristics of a
healthy relationship? (let the students volunteer, one characteristic per student) very good class! How about
the signs of unhealthy relationship? (let the students volunteer, one sign per student) very good! So why do
you think it’s important for us to know these characteristics and signs of healthy and unhealthy relationship?
(for us to know how to build healthy relationships with our loved ones or with other people, teacher) that’s
right! And lastly what do you think is the importance of building healthy relationship class? (Teacher,
healthy relationship contributes to the healthiness of our emotional, physical, social, and mental health) very

E. Application
Now that you have understood our lesson, form a circle with your groups assigned earlier, we will have a
collaborative group activity. Before we proceed to the activity what should we remember when we are
having an activity?

Setting of Standards:
1. Minimize voice/ work silently
2. Cooperate with your groupmates
3. Follow the instructions given
Now for your group activity, each group will be given one envelope and each envelope contains situational
problem. (the teacher will distribute the envelopes) the problem will be about unhealthy relationships, so
for your activity (the teacher will read the instructions) Did you get the instructions class? (answers may
vary) Okay, so each group will be given 5 minutes to prepare, then after it each group will present their
output. Are you ready class? (yes teacher!) your time starts now.
Instructions: Read and understand the problem then make a solution based from the characteristics to
make it a healthy relationship. Write your answers on the manila paper provided.
Situational Problems:
G1 – Trixie and Dexie are best friends who had a misunderstanding; as a result, when Dexie attempts to
talk to Trixie, Trixie immediately walks away. What do you think is the problem and how would you fix
G2 – Risa and Ben would always play video games as Ben recommended. One day, Risa told Ben she
wanted to play patintero, but Ben said no and insisted on playing video games instead. What do you think
is the problem and how would you fix it?
G3 – John and Mark are best friends. John is basketball varsity player, while Mark wants to be part of
the team as well. But when Mark told John he wants to try-out, John told him not to because he does not
play well. What do you think is the problem and how would you fix it?

Are you done class? (yes teacher) you will now present your output to the class, for the grading of your
presentation, this will be the rubrics. (the teacher will just say the rubrics)
Rubrics 10 5 3 Total
Content The content of the The content of the The content of the
(10) output is relevant to output is somehow output is irrelevant to
the lesson discussed. relevant to the lesson the lesson discussed.
The output is related discussed. The output The output is not
to the situational is somehow related to related to the
problem given. the situational situational problem
problem given. given.
Delivery The output The output The output
(10) presentation is very presentation is not presentation is not
clear, ideas are well- very clear, ideas are clear, ideas are not
organized, and not that organized, but organized, and not
understandable. it is understandable. understandable.

Let’s start the presentation with group 1, followed by group 2 then last is the group 3 (the students will
present their output) good job everyone! Now for your scores (the teacher will say the scores of each group)
job well done class, let’s give everyone a dionesia clap.
F. Evaluation
Directions: Write HEALTHY if the statement describes a Healthy relationship, if not write
UNHEALTHY. Write your answer on the space provided before the number of each item.
____________1. Enjoy hanging out together ____________6. Try to change things about the
____________2. Pressure someone when they person that you don’t like.
don’t want to do something. ____________7. Do whatever the other person
____________3. Share personal stories and trust says (play mean tricks on people, say mean things
each other. about your friend).
____________4. Say nice things to their face and ____________8. Laugh at them if they make a
then laugh at them behind their back. mistake.
____________5. Talk it out if they have an ____________9. Spend all your time together.
argument (or problem-solve with the help of an ____________10. Compliment them when they
adult). do a good job

Jimenez, Aliya Nashreen J.
Juaton, Camille Khan M.
Lumibao, Rose Anne P.

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