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Experiment No:01 Date:


Aim: To determine the normal consistency of the given cement sample.

Apparatus: Vicat’s apparatus with Plunger, Mould, Measuring cylinder,

Trowels, Glass base, Mould oil and other accessories

Specimen: Prepared from the given sample of cement as per IS 4031-88


The standard consistency of a cement paste is defined as that consistency
which will permit the Vicat’s plunger G confirming to IS: 5513- 1 976 to
penetrate to a point 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the Vicat’s mould when the
cement paste is tested as described in 5.2 to 5.4.of the code .

A paste of cement is prepared of weighed quantity of Cement with a weighed

quantity of potable or distilled water, taking care that the time of gauging is not
less than 3 minutes, or more than 5 min, and the gauging shall be completed
before any sign of setting occurs. The gauging time shall be counted from the
time of adding water to the dry cement until commencing to fill the The test
block is placed in the mould, together with the non-porous resting plate, under
the rod bearing the plunger; lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of
the test block, and quickly release, allowing it to sink into the paste. This
operation shall be carried out immediately after filling the mould. Trial pastes
are prepared with varying percentages of water and test as described above
until the amount of water necessary for making up the standard consistency
as defined above.

Type and brand of cement :
Grade of cement/Week of Mfg :
Quantity of cement sample taken, W :
Cement is Confirming to IS :

The amount of water is expressed as a percentage by mass of the dry cement
to the first place of decimal.
Laboratory Observations:

Brand and grade of the cement used:

Experiment No:02 Date:


Aim: To determine the initial and final setting time of the given cement sample.

Apparatus: Vicat’s apparatus, Mould, Initial setting time pin, Final setting time
pin,Measuring cylinder, Trowels, Glass base, Mould oil and other accessories

Specimen: Prepared from the given sample of cement as per IS 4031-88

A neat cement paste is prepared by gauging the cement with 0.85 times the
water required to give a paste of standard consistency. Potable or distilled
water is used for preparing the mould. The paste should be gauged in the
manner and under the condition prescribed in IS: 4031(PART 4)-1988.

The time of gauging is not less than 3 minutes, or more than 5 min, and the
gauging shall be completed before any sign of setting occurs. The gauging
time shall be counted from the time of adding water to the dry cement until
commencing to fill the mould. Fill the Vicat’s mould with this paste, the mould
resting upon a non-porous plate. After completely filling the mould, smoothen
the surface of the paste, making it level with the top of the mould. The mould
may be slightly shaken to expel the air. The mould is kept for 30 -60 minutes
before the initial setting time is recorded.

After 30 -60 minutes the test block is placed in the mould, together with the
non-porous resting plate, under the rod bearing the needle. Lower the needle
gently to touch the surface of the test block, and quickly release, allowing it to
sink into the paste.

This procedure is repeated until the needle, when brought in contact with the
test block and released as prescribed above; fails to pierce the block beyond
5.0+0.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould shall be the initial setting

FINAL SETTING TIME: the above needle is replaced by the one with an
annular attachment. The cement is considered as finally set when, upon
applying the needle gently to the surface of the test block, the needle makes
an impression therein, while the attachment fails to do so. The period elapsing
between the time, water is added to the cement and the time, the needle
makes an impression on the surface of the test block, while the attachment
fails to do so, is the final setting time.
Type and brand of cement :
Grade of cement/Week of Mfg. :
Quantity of cament sample taken, W :
Water for standard consistency, P :
Cement is Confirming to IS :

Laboratory Observations:
Brand and grade of cement used:

Experiment No:03 Date:


Aim: To determine the particle size distribution by sieve analysis.

Apparatus: Rotary sieve shaker, sand, brittle brush and empty plate.

Specimen: Not less than 2 kg of sand as per IS 2386(PART 1)-1963

A sample of 2kg sand is taken and is put in the sieve shaker. The shaker is
started for 15 minutes. Materials are not forced through the pressure of hand.
After minutes the shaker is stopped and the all the sieves are separated from
the apparatus.

The separated sieve is cleaned with the brush around the sides of sieve so
that all the particles around the sieve is collected .0n the completion of this
process the materials retained in the sieve together with the material collected
after the cleaning is taken for weighing. The weight of the individual sieve is
taken and recorded in the tabular column shown below.

The result is recorded as:

a) The cumulative percentage by weight of the total sample passing each of
the sieves.
b) The percentage by weight of the total sample passing one sieves and
retained on the next smaller sieve.

Quantity of sand sample taken, W=2000 g m

Sr. Sieve Wt. Retained % of wt Cumulative Cumulative %

No. Size retained % retained finer
1 4.75

2 2.36

3 1.18

4 0.600

5 0.300

6 0.150

7 0.075

Graphical method of recording the result:
The result of sieve analysis may be recorded graphically on the chart for
recording sieve analysis.
The graph is plot between sieve sizes vs. cumulative percentage of finer

Experiment No:04 Date:


Aim: To determine the bulking of the given quantity of sand.

Apparatus: 250 measuring cylinder, sand sample, water.

Specimen: Sand sample as per IS 2386(PART 3)-1963.

In a 250 ml measuring cylinder, the damp sand (consolidated by shaking) is
poured until it reaches 200 ml mark. Then the cylinder is filled first with 2%
water and stirring is done so as to wet the sand well. The water should be
sufficient to submerge the sand completely.

We will see that the sand level is changed. Suppose the level be above the
original level. The same procedure is repeated again by taking 2.5% water
every time till the level has come back near to its original level.
Then the reading is recorded in the observation table.

Type of sand taken :
Quality of sand :
Colour :

Laboratory observations:

Sr. Volume of Sand % of Water Quantity of Increase/

No Added water Added decrease in
. vol.
Graph :
A graph is plotted between percentage of water vs increase or decrease in

Experiment No:05 Date:


Aim: To determine the silt content of the given quantity of sand

Apparatus: 250 ml measuring cylinder, sand sample, water, salt.

Specimen: Sand sample as per IS 2386(PART 2)-1963.

In a 250 ml measuring cylinder, the damp sand (consolidated by shaking) is
poured until it reaches 200 ml mark. Then the cylinder is filled first with 2.5%
water with a pinch of salt and stirring is done so as to mix with the sand well.

The water should be sufficient to submerge the sand completely. After this
step, the mix is allowed to settle and it is kept untouched for a period of 30
After 30 minutes it was a seen that different layers has been formed in the
measuring cylinder.

The difference in the two water levels is taken to determine the silt content.
Then the reading is recorded in the observation table.


1) Type of sand taken:

Quality of sand :

Sr. Volume of Sand % of Water added Quantity of water Increase/

No added Decrease in

Difference in two levels:

2) Type of sand taken:
Quality of sand :

Sr. Volume of Sand % of Water added Quantity of water Increase/

No added Decrease in

Difference in two levels:

Experiment No:04 Date:


Aim: Determination of specific gravity of10mm aggregates; 20mm aggregates,


Apparatus: Specific gravity bottle; weighing machine.

Specimen: 10 mm aggregates, 20 mm aggregates and sand

It is the relative weight of the aggregates to water.The specific gravity can
also be considered as the water equivalent of water. It helps us to convert the
known weight into solid volume, thus the theoretical yield cam be calculated
using it. It is used in designing calculations of concrete mixes, compaction
factor. Specific Gravity is useful when we deal with light weight and heavy
weight concrete.
Average Specific Gravity of the rocks varies from 2.6 to 2.8.

Weigh the specific gravity bottle/jar (W1) and note.The jar is filled carefully
with 75% of aggregates (10mm/20mm/sand). Weight of the jar
with the aggregates (W2) is noted.

The jar is completely filled with water along with the aggregates and the
entrapped air is removed and weighed (W3).

The jar is emptied completely and cleaned thoroughly. It is then filled

completely with water, wiped from outside and its weight (W4) is noted down.

Weight of the jar, W1 = g.

For 10mm aggregates:

1. Weight of jar + 75% 10mm aggregates, W2 =________kg
2. Weight of jar +75% 10mm aggregates +Water, W3 = ______kg
3. Weightofjar+Water,W4 = _______kg

For 20mm aggregates:

1. Weight of jar + 75% 20mm aggregates, W2 = ________kg
2. Weight of jar+75% 20mm aggregates +Water, W3 = _______kg
3. Weight of jar +Water, W4 =________kg

For sand
1. Weight of jar for sand+75% sand W2 = _________kg
2. Weight of jar+75% sand +Water, W3 = _______kg
3. Weight of jar +Water, W4 =________kg
�2 − �1
Specific Gravity = (�2−�1)−(�3−�4)

Experiment No:04 Date:


Aim: To determine the impact value of aggregates of the given sample.

Apparatus: Impact testing machine, weighing balance, weight box, tamping

rod, 2.36mm IS sieve etc.

Specimen: Coarse aggregates. Apparatus figure:

Aggregate impact Value: - With respect to concrete, aggregate toughness is
usually considered the resistance of the materials to failure by impact. The
most successful is the one in which a sample of standard aggregate kept in
mould is subjected to 15 blows of a metal rammer of weight 14 kgs. Falling
from a height of 38cms. The quantity of materials passing through 2.36mm IS
sieve will indicate the toughness of the sample of aggregate.
The ratio of the weight of the weight of total sample taken in expressed as a
percentage this is known as aggregate impact value. IS 283-1970 specified
that aggregate impact value shall not exceed 45% by weight for aggregate
used for concrete other than wearing surface and 30% by wearing for
concrete for wearing surface, such as runways, roads and pavement.
Aggregates are classified for type and user in the following according to their
impact value.

Impact Value.
1. Below 10 ---Exceptionally strong aggregate
2. 10-20--- Strong
3. 20-30 --- satisfactory for road surfacing
4. Greater than 30 - - Work for road surfacing
5. Max limit in 30 - - For bituminous & cement concrete
6. 35 --- For bituminous

Take the test sample consisting of standard aggregate passing through
12.5mm and retained on 10mm IS sieves. The aggregate about one third full
of the mould and tamped by 25 strokes by tamping rod. Add further similar
quantity of aggregate and tamp it and fill the measure. Determine the net
weight of aggregate in mould. Place the whole sample into a steel cylindrical
cup fixed on the base of the machine.
Raise the hammer weightt about 14kgs to the height of 38cm above the
surfaces of aggregate.

The sample was subjected to a total 15 such blows each delivered at an

interval of not less than one sec.
Remove the crushed aggregate from the cup and sieve through 2.36mm 1S
sieve and weight the material passed through 2.36mm
1. Weight of mould=
2. Weight of mould+ Aggregate =
3. Weight of aggregate =
4. Weight of aggregate passing through 2.36mm IS sieve =
5. Weight of sample retained =

1. There should not be any loss of aggregate from the mould.
2. The interval of blows should not exceed one second.

Experiment No: Date:


Aim: Determination of dry loose bulk density of cement sand, 1Omm

aggregates and 20 mm aggregates.

Materials: OPC, slag cement, 10 mm aggregates, 20mm aggregates.

Theory: The term Bulk Density is use to find the mass of unit volume of
material in its natural specimen to the volume of the specimen in its natural

Apparatus: Vibrator, weighing machines.

A mould is taken and its dimensions are measured. Then its volume is
calculated. The empty mould is taken for measurement and its weight is noted.
After this, 43 grade OPC is taken and filled in the empty mould up to the brim.
Weight of the mould filled with the OPC is taken.

Then the mould filled with OPC is kept on the vibrator and the vibrator is
switched on. Due to vibration, the particles tend to rearrange themselves and
the OPC level goes down. Extra amount of OPC is added till it fills up to the
brim. Now the mould is again weighed.

The same procedure is repeated for slag cement, and the aggregates and the
readings are noted in the observation table.

Laboratory Observations:

Sr. Material Wt of Wt of Wt of DLBD Bulk Remark

no empty mould mould Density
Mould before after
vibration vibration
1 43 Grade
2 Slag
3 Sand

4 10 mm
5 20mm
Experiment No: Date:


Aim: To determine the compressive strength of cement

Apparatus: Cube mould, poking rod, gauge trowels, vibrating machine,

cement sample, sand

Specimen: The samples of cement shall be taken in accordance with the

requirements of IS-3535:1986.

A) Preparation of cement paste: The appliances are cleaned thoroughly and
material for each cube is mixed separately in the following quantity- Cement-
200gm and standard sand -600gm. Water quantity of (P/4 +3.0) % of
combined mass of cement and sand is taken, where P is the water of
standard consistency. The mix is placed on a non porous plate and mixed for
one minute till it is of uniform colour. The time of mixing is not less than 3

B) Moulding Specimen: The paste is transferred to the cube mould and the
mould is filled up to the brim. Then the cube is taken to the vibrating machine
where it is compacted till the cube mould is fully filled by the cement paste.

C) Curing: The filled moulds are kept in a moist closet or room (90% relative
humidity) for 24 hour after vibration. After this period the cube mould is
removed and immediately submerged in clean fresh water until taken out for

D) Testing: The three cubes are tested for compressive strength at the
periods of day, 3 days 7 days and 28 days. The cube is tested on the side
where the area is perfect in shape. The cube is tested under Compressive
Testing Machine (CTM) and the observations are recorded in the observation

Laboratory Observations:

Name of the Cement brand :

Amount taken :
Sand taken :
Water added :
Size of the cube :

Cube No. Area Load Applied


Mean Area:
Mean load:
Compressive Strength=

Since mix was carried out by hand, 15% of N, I.e. N is added.

Therefore, compressive strength of the cement is N/mm

Experiment No: Date:


Aim: Determination of specific gravity of 1Omm aggregates; 20mm

aggregates; sand; cement.

Apparatus: Specific gravity bottle; weighing machine.

Specimen: Cement
- Brand :
- Grade :
- Date of Mfg :

It is the relative weight of the aggregates to water. The specific gravity can
also be considered as the water equivalent of water. It helps us to convert the
known weight into solid volume, thus the theoretical yield cam be calculated
using it.

It is used in designing calculations of concrete mixes, compaction factor.

Specific Gravity is useful when we deal with light weight and heavy weight
Average Specific Gravity of the rocks varies from 2.6 to 2.8.

Weigh the specific gravity bottle jar (WI) and note. The specific gravity bottle
is filled with 3/4 of cement. Weight of the bottle with the cement (W2) is noted.

The bottle is completely filled with kerosene along with the cement. and the
entrapped air is removed and weighed (W3). The bottle is emptied completely
and cleaned thoroughly.

It is then filled completely with water. wiped from outside and its weight (W4)
is noted down.


Weight of bottle. W1 =

Weight of bottle + 3/4 of cement, W2 =

Weight of bottle +3/4h of cement + Water, W3 =

Weight of bottle + Water. W4 =

�2 − �1
Specific Gravity = (�2−�1)−(�3−�4)

Experiment No: Date:


Aim: To determine the fluidizing effect of admixtures on cement slurry.

Apparatus: Marsh Cone, Measuring cylinder, Trowel end other accessories.

The cement sample (2000 gm) is taken and 800 ml of water is added to it. A
fine slurry is made (formation of lumps should be avoided) with the help of a

The marsh cone is cleaned properly to avoid chocking. The required amount
of admixture (0.2% by weight of cement 4ml) is added to the slurry and it is
well mixed.

Then the slurry is poured into the marsh cone with its nozle closed. Nozzle is
opened and stop watch is started. The time required for the slurry to flow
through the nozzle of the marsh cone is noted.

More 4 ml of admixture is added to the slurry and the above steps are
repeated till time taken for the slurry to flow becomes a constant.


Type and brand of cement :

Grade of cement/Week of Mfg. :
Quantity of cement sample taken, W :
Water cement ratio :
Vol. of water added :
Cement is Confirming to IS :
Admixture added :

Laboratory Observations:

Nozzle size: 5 mm

Sr. Dosage Flow Value Remarks

No. (% by wt of cement) (in seconds)
Experiment No: Date:


Aim: To determine the water absorption of coarse and fine aggregates.

Apparatus: Water, tile, weighing machine.

Specimen: Coarse aggregates (1Omm & 20mm), fine aggregates

Water absorption of aggregates is determined by measuring increase in mass
of an oven-dried sample when immersed in water for 24 hours (the surface
water being removed).
The ratio of increase in mass to the mass of dry sample, expressed as a
percentage, is termed as absorption.

Although there is no clear-cut relation between strength of concrete and water

absorption of aggregates used, the pores at the surface of the particle affect
the bond between aggregates and cement paste, and may thus exert some
influence on strength of concrete.

This test helps to determine water absorption of aggregates as per IS: 2386
(Part 1963).

1) 50 gms of aggregates (oven dry) are taken. This weight is denoted as W1

2) The aggregates are saturated and allowed to dry to SSD condition on a

slopping arrangement.

3) Now the weight of the aggregate is noted .let this weight be W2.


Coarse aggregate
1) Initial weight ,W]= 50 gm
2) Final weight ,W2=0.053 gm

Fine aggregates
1) Initial weight ,WI= 20gm
2) Final weight ,W2 22.5 gm

Water absorption= [(W2-WI)/WI]*100

Water absorption of coarse aggregates =

Water absorption of fine aggregates=


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