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Dare-Arqam is a private school with 700 branches across Pakistan. The education
system of the school is primarily Islamic in nature, although it also incorporates worldly
knowledge. DAS is an English Medium School working for educational development of the
area. We visited Dare-Arqam girl’s campus in Shadman, Lahore on 16 th March for the
purpose of classroom observation. The school offers classes from nursery till matriculation.
Grade 8 was chosen as the target grade for observation purposes. The small classrooms
comprised of only 10 to 15 students. We observed three English lessons of 8 th grade and
analyzed how the prescribed textbook is used in ESL class. An English text book prescribed
for 8th standard by Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore, Pakistan was selected for evaluation
purpose. The text book consisted of 12 units each of which having activities on reading,
speaking and writing skill, vocabulary building, pronunciation and grammar competence.
• Presentation of Lesson Observation Findings:

Grade Level: Class 8th

Title of the prescribed textbook: English 8 Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board

English Language areas under focus: Poem, English to Urdu

Translation, Grammar and Letter writing.

Lesson No: 1-3

Serial No Items To a great To some To a limited Not at all

extent extent extent

1. Does the •
textbook provide
all the language?

2. Does the •
textbook provide
all the language
to be used?

3. Does the •
textbook provide
all the language
areas to be

4. Does the •
textbook provide
all the subject
matter to be used
during the

5. Does the •
textbook provide
all the activities
that are being

6. Overall, the focus •

of the lesson is
only on the

Yes No

7. Does the teacher use any •

material in addition to the
textbook (, a text, an
example, a video, a picture
or an activity)?

8. If yes, provide examples of

the used material.

9. Comments about lessons.

In the lectures of three days, the teacher has taught the students; A poem, some grammar and
a letter. The teacher claims that she is strictly restricted to the planner provided by the school
administration and she is unable to taught her students the way she wants. The focus of
attention is basically on the memorization of facts, there is no area for the practical work as it
is the demand of the assessment criteria.

Day 1 observation

The prescribed textbook dispenses all the language requirements for the students of
Grade 8 to a great extent. The inadequacy reflects in the methodology adopted by school
administration as the teacher is bound to follow whatever has been prescribed not in the
textbook but by the board exam policy makers.

The textbook is an insight for an English language learner as it is a portrayal of

precise illustration of the rules, styles, basic structure and punctuation that contributes to
make a student conscious of the coherence and cohesion in language. It is crucial to have the
comprehension of the language to be used.

The textbook is appropriate to a great extent according to the age and level of the
chosen grade. We have discerned that the lessons in the book are rich in vocabulary, grammar
and sentence structure that must be practiced by the student of the mentioned grade. The
textbook embraces to some extent all the language concepts and areas that are significant for
English language learners of Grade 8.
The subject matter of the textbook is a reflection of the mentioned activities in the
book to a great extent. All the given activities in the textbook are designed according to the
context of the lesson. It is evident by the examples below that the activities are rooted from
the lessons.

After the keen observation of the book we concluded that there is a plethora of
creative activities that confer to enhance the knowledge of grammar, oral communication,
written, spoken and cognitive skills. The book has also provided comprehensive and
authentic ways of dictionary usage in order to grasp the concept of the difficult words
encountered by students during the lesson.
The activities in the prescribed textbook is in the form of dialogues, role plays,
character sketching, picture analysis, flowcharts and it also elucidates the important elements
of a story that can assist the students of English language to ornate magnificently their four
basic skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading. But the real dilemma is a teacher is
restricted to escorting the students only the patterns and material that is important from an
exam point of view.
The focal point of the teacher during the class revolves around limited aspects of the textbook
prescribed by exam policy makers. The teacher was restricted to follow the patterns that
hindered the creativity of the language learner. As far as the lesson was concerned, the focus
of the teacher was confined to those areas of the textbook that are pivotal for the achievement
in the exams only.

The teacher does not use the additional material in order to avoid ambiguity. The main reason
behind this practice was that the teacher has to cover the whole lesson as directed by the

Day 2 observation

The teacher was having a very limited time to cover the whole syllabus. The shortage of time
and the requirement of the course assessment does not let the teacher cross the boundaries of
the textbook. Despite the teacher's willingness, he/she is unable to motivate the students to
quench their cognitive thirst.

But just to make the students aware of the lesson, the teacher has used her own background
knowledge about the topic in order to give a brief introduction of the context to the students
which was not given in the textbook.

For instance:

When we were observing the class, the teacher was conducting lesson 12 of the textbook
named ‘Water is a lovely thing’. The teacher used her knowledge to make the students
aware of the declining resources of water in the current scenario in order to motivate them to
save water. But it does not contribute much in the process of language learning.

Day 3 observation

The classroom was totally teacher oriented and the students were having a passive role in the
class. There was a communication gap, the students were just listening to the teacher and
making notes as the teacher was dictating them.

The discourse of the classroom reflects the power and authority of the teacher and the
subordination of the students. The students were all the time listening to the translated
English to Urdu text. They were noting down the Urdu translation of difficult words to have
an understanding. The role of the student was to preserve the lesson for future assistance.

In the conclusion section we have a comment regarding the observation of the lesson. The
objectives of the lesson does not contribute towards the enhancement of the English language
rather the goal was to convey bookish knowledge. The lessons by the teacher do not reflect in
any way the exhortation to amplify the creativity of the students.

While conducting a lesson, the teacher asked one of the students to read the letter from the
book and then she translated the letter into native language. Then later, she assigned the
students to memorize the letter in their home task. She did not ask the students for any
addition in the letter. This methodology by the teacher in our point of view makes the
students crammer rather than a learner.

Interview Findings
A semi-structured interview comprised of nine questions was conducted from an
English language teacher of Grade 8. When the teacher asked about her thoughts on the
recommended textbook and if she believes it meets all of the needs for learning English, the
teacher stated that textbook has a plethora of activities that might be sufficient for the student
of Grade 8 to acquire the language. But the requirement by the examination board hinders the
students to go through all the significant activities mentioned in the textbook to enhance their

Students sometimes struggle to make the connection between their contextual

experiences and real-life situations. The content alone perscribed by the exam policy is
insufficient to inculcate in students all the essential skills to become a fine English Language
speaker . Learners are not encouraged to think critically through activities. All they have to
do now is absorb everything.

When asked are students chiefly dependent on the text book only; her answer was
surprisingly yes, as she believed that students are bound to do what is written in the textbook.
Anything that is creative is not highly appreciated. They mostly learn the textbook content,
anything out of syllabus regarding language skills create difficulties for them. They don’t feel
free for the application of concepts because they are not motivated to do so.

When questioned if students are solely reliant on the text book, she immediately
replied yes, believing that students are obligated to do what is mentioned in the textbook.
Anything that is creative is not valued highly. They mostly learn content through textbooks;
anything outside of the syllabus that relates to language skills poses a challenge for them.
They are not driven to apply concepts since they do not feel free to do so. She also shared that
teachers are restricted to follow the lesson plan strictly. They are not allowed to perform
any activity beyond the lesson plan. Students in the class are just given brief introduction to
the topic and are asked about their previous knowledge to share if they have. Students are
unable to comprehend whatever they are taught in English. The teacher has mentioned that
whenever she adopts the bilingual mode, the students grasp the concepts instantly and easily.
They try to connect it and translate it in their native language to learn easily.

Also Middle schools often lack technological advancements therefore, these

resources such as audio-visual aids are not provided to students and thus they completely rely
on specified aspects of textbooks. However, illustrations are often used to convey the
meaning. The teacher also opined that the content provided in textbooks is insufficient for
students to learn and practice English.

When the teacher ask how far she think that textbook dominates her teaching
methodology. She replied, textbooks facilitate them in one way to fulfill all the requirements
and objectives directed to them by the authorities with the given context, even if the language
acquisition is not a factor. According to her, it is an obligation on teachers to use the textbook
as a recipe or source because it provides them directions to teach.

The teacher claims that the content given in the textbook is sufficient for student to
acquire and practice English language. But the reliance on the textbook is a real hurdle
towards the hindrance of English language acquisition as the focus of the textbook is on
memorization rather than practice.

The curriculum is designed to help students become lifelong learners who will gain
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them develop their personal, social, and
emotional skills in order to become engaged citizens. To put it another way, textbooks are
ineffective in this aspect. Furthermore, the teacher believed that she is not in favor of
teaching the entire textbook they can perform even better if new materials and modifications
are included into the curriculum.

The teacher also adds in response to the question about the innovations and reforms
by the policy makers that some new scenarios including teaching techniques, development of
teacher training and new exam policies can significantly contribute towards language
enhancement of students.

English textbooks do not align adequately with the objectives laid down by the National
Curriculum as far as productive skills are concerned. In addition, there are fewer
opportunities for pair and individual work. There are no provisions of substantial guideline
and practice for the students in order to improve the presentation skills of the students.
Likewise, improving students’ interviewing skills is a part of the objectives but the textbooks
do not provide information and practice for improving these skills of the students. Speaking
tasks are assigned to students to be performed in groups without giving any proper guideline.
Overall, the textbooks do not provide knowledge and practice to get awareness of the spoken
features of English language. It was examined that there was much emphasize to memorize
knowledge rather than learning outcomes English proficiency level amongst teachers was
quite weak which claimed to have English as a medium of instruction but the entire
conversation and communication between the students and teachers was in Urdu. The
findings pertaining to receptive skills reveal that practice of listening skill is altogether
neglected. As far as reading skill is concerned, the findings show that the tasks and exercises
are not challenging and they do not have variety. However, the reading texts have variety of
subject matter which makes them interesting. Moreover, there is a significant need of the time
for the board of governors to change the assesment policy so that teachers and students
should no longer bound to the specifications of exams. Rather, they can work of proficiency,
practicality and preciseness of their language skills.


• In order to improve students’ abilities, syllabus, teaching methodology and examination

play a vital role. All these areas are interconnected and depend on one another therefore,
it is suggested to evaluate teaching methodology as well as examination system.

• Utmost attention need to be paid to ensure that each and every skill and area is given
sufficient focus and space in the prescribed English textbooks.

Observation Checklist:

Grade Level: Class 8th

Title of the prescribed textbook: English 8 Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board

English Language areas under focus: Poem,

English to Urdu Translation, Grammar and Letter writing

Lesson No: 1-3

Serial No Items To a great To some To a limited Not at all

extent extent extent

1. Does the
textbook provide
all the language?

2. Does the
textbook provide
all the language
to be used?

3. Does the
textbook provide
all the language
areas to be

4. Does the
textbook provide
all the subject
matter to be used
during the

6. Overall, the focus

of the lesson is
only on the

Yes No

7. Does the teacher use any

material in addition to the
textbook (, a text, an
example, a video, a picture
or an activity)?

8. If yes, provide examples of

the used material.

9. Comments about lessons.


ved impression of classroom observation while teacher was conducting the

lecture of letter writing (8th grade)


Saved impression of the lesson from the text

• What is your opinion about the prescribed textbook, do you agree that it fulfills all the
requirements to learn English language?

• Are students dependent chiefly on the textbook to enhance knowledge and to improve
English skills?

• Do you prepare students with supplementary activities such as grammar games and
vocabulary games before opening the text book?

• Why you use Grammar translation method for teaching a foreign language?

• Do you use any other material rather textbook such as pictures and videos?

• Does the textbook content is fully achieving curriculum objectives?

• Do you intend to teach the entire textbook? Why or why not?

• How far the textbook dominates your teaching methodology, it is facilitating you or
creating hindrances?

• Do you think the innovations and reforms by policy makers can contribute towards the
enhancement of English language?

Saved Impression of the recorded interview

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