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Alternative Treatments for

Rheumatoid Arthritis
by Alan R. Gaby, MD

Conventional treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) present a number of problems,
in terms of both safety and efficacy. A number of different alternative therapies have
been studied, including dietary modifications, nutritional supplements, botanicals, and
antibiotics. While the response to these treatments is variable and often unpredictable,
some patients have shown dramatic improvement or even complete and long-lasting
remission. Moreover, alternative therapies, with the exception of antibiotics, have a low
incidence of adverse effects. Consideration of these treatment options has the poten-
tial to benefit many patients with RA.
Altern Med Rev 1999;4(6):392-402

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic disease, usually manifesting as inflam-
mation of multiple joints. The severity of the disease varies from person to person, ranging from
minor pain and discomfort to severe inflammation, with joint damage and deformity. RA can
also present with a number of extra-articular manifestations, including rheumatoid nodules,
vasculitis, heart or lung disease, anemia, and peripheral neuropathy. Although the cause of RA
is unknown, it is generally considered an autoimmune disease. It has been suggested that RA
may be a manifestation of the immune response to an infectious agent. However, while a num-
ber of possible causative agents have been investigated, none has been convincingly demon-
strated to cause RA.
Conventional therapy for RA usually begins with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) or, more recently, with a similar class of drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors. In more
severe cases, glucocorticoids or so-called “disease-modifying drugs” (such as gold or methotr-
exate) may be prescribed. None of these medications cures the disease, and they all have the
potential to cause significant adverse effects, although the COX-2 inhibitors have a lower inci-
dence of gastrointestinal side effects than NSAIDs.
Because of the limitations and risks of conventional therapy, many patients and practi-
tioners are seeking other ways to treat the disease. Commonly used alternative approaches in-
clude dietary modifications, nutritional supplements, botanicals, and antibiotics. In the author’s
clinical experience, the response to these treatments varies considerably from one patient to the
next. Some patients experience little or no benefit, whereas others show dramatic improvement
to the point of becoming symptom-free for many years. Alternative treatments have been used
both as an adjunct and an alternative to conventional therapy. Most of the treatments described
in this review, with the exception of antibiotics, are relatively free of side effects.

Alan R. Gaby, MD — Professor of Nutritional Medicine, Bastyr University; Author, The Patient's Guide to Natural Medicine.
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients; Contributing Editor, Alternative Medicine Review.
Correspondence address: 125 NE 61st Street, Seattle, WA 98115

Page 392 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999

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Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Role of Food Allergy In a double-blind study, 94 patients
Food allergy has been reported to play with RA were randomly assigned to consume
a role in a number of inflammatory and auto- one of two elemental (hypoallergenic) diets for
immune conditions, including RA. In one four weeks, followed by a return to their usual
study, 22 patients with RA consumed a diet diets for another four weeks. One diet (“aller-
that excluded common allergens. Twenty pa- gen free”) was free of common allergens, ad-
tients (91%) experienced an improvement in ditives and preservatives. The other diet (“low
symptoms, and 19 found that specific foods allergen”) was similar to the allergen-free diet,
repeatedly exacerbated their symptoms. The but contained milk allergens and azo dyes.
mean time on the elimination diet before im- Seventy-eight patients completed the study.
provement occurred was 10 days, and the long- The effects of food elimination and rechallenge
est time was 18 days. The mean number of varied considerably among patients. Nine pa-
food sensitivities per patient was 2.5; the most tients (11.5% of the total; 6 in the allergen-
common symptom-provoking foods were free group, 3 in the low-allergen group) had a
grains, milk, nuts, beef, and egg.1 favorable response to the elimination diet, fol-
In a study by Darlington et al, 53 pa- lowed by marked disease exacerbation during
tients with RA were randomly assigned to con- rechallenge. In these patients, subjective im-
sume a diet that avoided common allergens or provements were confirmed by improvements
their usual diet (control group) for six weeks. in objective parameters of disease activity.5
After one week, the patients on the exclusion In another double-blind study, two of
diet began reintroducing one food at a time; 11 RA patients showed a favorable response
any foods producing symptoms were removed to an elimination diet and experienced exac-
from the diet. The hypoallergenic diet group erbation after ingesting offending foods. In that
fared significantly better than the control group study, the elimination diet did not exclude cer-
for each of 13 different subjective or objec- tain common allergens (wheat, corn, egg
tive parameters of disease activity. The patients whites, sugar, and coffee). It is possible the
in the control group then underwent the same response rate would have been higher if the
elimination-and-challenge procedure that the elimination diet had been more restrictive.6
diet group had, and experienced similar, These studies indicate avoidance of al-
though somewhat less pronounced, improve- lergenic foods is beneficial for a subset of pa-
ments.2 See Table 1 for the foods most com- tients with RA, although the proportion of
monly causing symptoms, and their respective patients responding to dietary modification
percentages.3 Long-term follow-up of 100 pa- varied considerably from one study to the next.
tients who underwent dietary therapy at The difference in response rates may be re-
Darlington’s clinic revealed that one-third re- lated in part to the patient populations stud-
mained well on diet alone, without any medi- ied. In this author’s experience, younger fe-
cation, for up to 7.5 years after starting treat- male patients (aged 25-40 years) with less se-
ment.4 The enduring nature of these clinical vere cases of RA had the best response to
improvements suggests something more than avoidance of allergens. Indeed, of the approxi-
a placebo effect was involved. Although some mately 15 or so patients who fit that descrip-
patients treated by Darlington’s group lost tion, every one improved markedly with di-
weight, there was no significant correlation etary modification alone. Older patients and
between weight loss and clinical improvement. those with relatively severe RA were less likely
to improve, and dramatic changes were infre-
quent in those patients. The divergent results

Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999 Page 393

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Table 1: Allergenic Foods and
Rheumatoid Arthritis
in published studies may continued on the
also be explainable in Percent of patients diet, the improve-
Food experiencing symptoms
part by different degrees ments were main-
of dietary restriction and/ corn 56% tained for up to two
or compliance. For ex- wheat 54% years.9
ample, some highly aller- bacon/pork 39% In another
gic or chemically sensi- oranges 39% study (reported
tive individuals have milk 37% only in abstract
oats 37%
been reported to develop form), 40 patients
rye 34%
arthritic reactions to pes- egg 32% with RA were ran-
ticides or to other food- beef 32% domly assigned to
derived chemicals.7 The coffee 32% consume an un-
extent to which these malt 27% cooked vegan diet
chemicals were avoided cheese 24% (n = 20) or a con-
in the various studies grapefruit 24% trol diet (n = 20) for
may have influenced the tomato 22% three months. Pa-
peanuts 20%
results. tients on the vegan
cane sugar 20%
butter 17% diet reported relief
Other Dietary lamb 17% of stiffness and
lemon 17% joint swelling and
soy 17% an improvement in
Twenty-seven pa-
general well being;
tients with RA partici-
but they became
pated in a 7-10 day par-
worse after resum-
tial fast, during which
ing an omnivorous diet. The response in the
they consumed only herbal teas, garlic, veg-
control group was not reported, with the ex-
etable broth, decoction of potato and parsley,
ception of the Ritchie index of tender joints,
and juices from carrots, beets and celery. Af-
which remained unchanged.10
ter the fast, they introduced one food every In another trial, 46 patients with RA
second day. Foods that provoked symptoms consumed a diet rich in raw foods and con-
were removed from the diet. During the first taining no cereals or dairy products for peri-
3.5 months gluten, meat, fish, eggs, dairy prod- ods of 1-3 years. Thirty-six patients (78%)
ucts, refined sugar, citrus fruits, preservatives, showed significant improvements in joint pain
coffee, tea, alcohol, salt, and strong spices were and swelling, morning stiffness, sedimentation
avoided. After that time, dairy products and rate, and other parameters. Of the 36 respond-
gluten were allowed if they did not provoke ers, 19 were in complete remission for 1-5
symptoms. A control group of 26 patients con- years. Among those who responded to the diet,
sumed their usual diet. After four weeks, the improvements were seen by the end of the third
diet group showed significant improvements month in approximately 90 percent of cases.
in the number of tender joints, Ritchie’s ar- Improvement typically was progressive and
ticular index, number of swollen joints, pain often occurred rapidly. Seven responders who
score, duration of morning stiffness, grip abandoned the diet relapsed, but improved
strength, sedimentation rate, C-reactive pro- again after resuming the diet.11
tein, and a health assessment questionnaire
In another report, 15 patients with RA
score. In the control group, only the pain score
fasted for 7-10 days on fruit and vegetable
improved significantly.8 Among those who

Page 394 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999

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Rheumatoid Arthritis
juices and then consumed a lactovegetarian is conceivable that zinc supplementation is
diet for nine weeks. Ten patients consuming a helpful only for mild or moderately severe RA.
normal diet served as controls. One-third of Second, administration of large doses of zinc
the patients showed objective signs of im- can result in a deficiency of copper,18 a min-
provement while fasting, compared with only eral that may be even more important for ar-
one of 10 individuals consuming the control thritis than zinc. While the evidence does not
diet. The fasting patients also experienced a indicate supplementation of zinc alone will
reduction in pain and stiffness, and required produce great benefit, it is possible that com-
fewer analgesics than previously. However, by bining zinc with copper and other nutritional
the end of the lactovegetarian diet period, only treatments would be more effective.
one patient continued to show objective im-
provement.12 Copper
Proposed mechanisms by which veg- Copper is also known to have anti-in-
etarian diets might benefit patients with RA flammatory activity. Rats fed a copper-defi-
include: 1) a reduction in the intake of the fatty cient diet had an increased inflammatory re-
acid, arachidonic acid (found mainly in ani- sponse in two models of acute inflammation.19
mal foods), that is metabolized to inflamma- The role of copper complexes as anti-arthritic
tory prostaglandins; 2) avoidance of common agents has been reviewed by Sorenson.20-22
allergens (such as wheat and dairy products), Between 1940 and 1971 a small number of
as was done in some of these studies; or 3) rheumatologists used copper complexes safely
consumption of potential anti-inflammatory and effectively to treat rheumatoid diseases.
compounds (such as enzymes) that are present Studies have shown that copper complexes of
in raw plant foods. NSAIDs are more potent anti-inflammatory
agents and are less toxic than the parent com-
Nutritional Interventions for RA pounds. For example, in animal models of in-
Zinc flammation, the copper chelate of aspirin was
Because it is capable of inhibiting the active at one-eighth the effective dose of aspi-
inflammatory response,13 zinc has been inves- rin. Moreover, whereas NSAIDs can cause
tigated as a possible treatment for RA. In a peptic ulcer, copper chelates of these same
double-blind study, 24 patients with moder- drugs have potent anti-ulcer activity in animal
ately severe RA, refractory to conventional studies. It has been suggested that NSAIDs
therapy, were randomly assigned to receive become active in vivo by forming complexes
zinc (50 mg elemental zinc three times daily with copper. If that is true, then the ulcero-
in the form of zinc sulfate) or placebo for 12 genic effect of NSAIDs may be due, at least
weeks. Compared with placebo, zinc signifi- in part, to their tendency to pull copper from
cantly reduced joint swelling, morning stiff- certain tissues (copper depletion leads to im-
ness, and improved patients’ subjective assess- paired tissue integrity).
ment of disease activity.14 However, in three Copper complexes of NSAIDs have
other controlled studies, zinc was not signifi- not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
cantly more effective than a placebo.15-17 Administration and are difficult to obtain in
While it is not clear why the results the United States. In addition, the long-term
differed in these studies, two possible expla- safety of administering copper complexes to
nations exist. First, in at least one of the nega- humans has not been studied. While it is con-
tive studies, the disease was more severe than ceivable that supplementing with “nutritional”
in the study that produced positive results. It doses of copper (e.g., 2-4 mg per day) could

Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999 Page 395

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increase the efficacy and reduce the toxicity Selenium
of NSAIDs, that possibility has not been tested. The trace mineral selenium is also
Folk wisdom teaches that wearing a known to have anti-inflammatory effects.26
copper bracelet can relieve arthritic symptoms. Serum selenium levels were significantly
While most conventional doctors consider that lower in a group of 87 patients with RA than
claim to be nonsense, a pilot study indicated in healthy individuals. The reduction in serum
that copper bracelets may, indeed, be helpful. selenium was greatest among patients with the
Some 160 individuals with arthritis, half of most severe disease.27 In a double-blind trial,
whom had previously worn a copper bracelet, 15 women with RA received either 200 mcg
were randomly assigned to one of two groups. selenium daily (from selenium-rich yeast) or
Group 1 wore a copper bracelet for one month, a placebo for three months. Pain and joint in-
and then a placebo bracelet (anodized alumi- flammation were reduced in six of eight
num resembling copper) for a second month. women treated with selenium, but there was
Group 2 wore the same bracelets in reverse no significant change in the placebo group.28
order. Of those patients who noticed a differ- Selenium was ineffective in another study,29
ence between the two bracelets, significantly possibly because the patients in that study had
more preferred copper (p < 0.01) than pla- more severe arthritis.
cebo.23 Previous users of copper bracelets de-
teriorated significantly during the time they Essential Fatty Acids
were wearing the placebo bracelet. Interest- RA has been shown to respond to
ingly, the weight of the copper bracelets fell supplementation with several different oils
by an average of 13 mg during the month they containing omega-6 or omega-3 fatty acids,
were being worn, suggesting that some cop- or both. Each of these classes of fatty acids
per from the bracelet may have been absorbed has been shown to have both
through the skin. immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory
effects.30-33 The most dramatic results have
Combining Zinc and Copper been seen with borage seed oil, a potent source
Some nutritionally-oriented practitio- of the omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic
ners prescribe 30-90 mg zinc and 2-4 mg cop- acid (GLA). In a double-blind trial, 37 patients
per daily as part of an overall nutritional with active RA were randomly assigned to
program for RA. Both of these supplements receive borage seed oil (providing 1.4 g of
can cause nausea, particularly if taken on an GLA per day) or a placebo (cottonseed oil)
empty stomach. Since taking large amounts for 24 weeks. Treatment with borage seed oil
of zinc alone can promote copper deficiency, resulted in a statistically significant and
these minerals probably should be used in clinically important reduction in disease
combination. There is no good evidence that activity; the number of tender joints was
taking zinc and copper at separate times of the reduced by 36 percent, the tender-joint score
day enhances their efficacy. Although studies by 45 percent, and the swollen-joint score by
on zinc as a treatment for RA typically used 41 percent. In contrast, patients in the placebo
150 mg of elemental zinc per day (as zinc sul- group experienced no change or a worsening
fate), some doctors recommend lower doses of disease activity. No serious side effects
of better-absorbed forms of zinc (such as zinc occurred, although a few patients reported
picolinate24 or zinc citrate25). minor intestinal discomfort from borage seed

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Rheumatoid Arthritis
In a follow-up double-blind study, 56 540 mg GLA) per day or placebo (olive oil)
patients with active RA were randomly as- for six months. There was a significant reduc-
signed to receive 2.8 g GLA per day (twice tion in morning stiffness in the EPO group after
the dose as in the previous study) from a con- three months, and there were significant im-
centrate of borage seed oil or placebo (sun- provements in pain and articular index at six
flower oil) for six months. All patients then months in the olive oil group.37 Although EPO
received GLA in single-blind fashion for an did not appear to be more effective than pla-
additional six months. After the first six cebo, this study did not rule out the possible
months, the improvements in the following benefit of EPO. The dosage of GLA employed
parameters were significantly greater in the in this study (61 percent less than the amount
GLA group than in the placebo group: swol- used in the successful study with borage seed
len joint count, tender joint count, tender joint oil) may have been too low to produce a clear
score, pain, and Health Assessment Question- effect. In addition, olive oil may have been a
naire score. Meaningful clinical improvement poor choice for a placebo, as it has been re-
(at least 25 percent improvement in four mea- ported to relieve symptoms in patients with
sures) occurred in 14 (63.6%) of 22 patients RA.38 On the other hand, since borage seed oil
in the GLA group, compared with 4 (21.1%) is a less expensive source of GLA than is EPO,
of 19 patients in the placebo group (p = 0.015). the former seems preferable to the latter as a
During the second six months, both groups treatment for RA.
showed improvement in disease activity. Of Fish oil, a source of the anti-inflam-
the 21 patients who received GLA for 12 matory omega-3 fatty acids, has been investi-
months, 16 (76.2%) showed meaningful im- gated in several controlled trials. In one study,
provement at 12 months, compared with 51 patients with active RA were randomly as-
baseline.35 Adverse reactions included belch- signed to receive, in double-blind fashion, fish
ing (three in the GLA group, two in the pla- oil (providing 3.6 g omega-3 fatty acids per
cebo group) and diarrhea (four in the GLA day) or placebo (a mixture of fatty acids com-
group, one in the placebo group). parable to that found in an average diet) for
Black currant seed oil (BCSO), which 12 weeks. In the fish oil group there was a
contains both GLA and the omega-3 fatty ac- significant reduction in the duration of morn-
ids alpha-linolenic and stearidonic acid, has ing stiffness, whereas there was no change in
also been tested as a treatment for RA. Thirty- the placebo group. Joint tenderness improved
four patients with RA and active synovitis were to a similar degree in both groups. Grip
randomly assigned to receive, in double-blind strength increased by 24 percent in the fish oil
fashion, 10.5 g BCSO daily or placebo (soy- group and decreased by 8 percent in the pla-
bean oil) for 24 weeks. Fourteen patients cebo group, but no statistical comparison was
(seven in each group) completed the study; the made between the two groups.39
main reason for withdrawal was difficulty In another double-blind study, 66 pa-
swallowing 15 large capsules each day. Com- tients with RA were randomly assigned to re-
pared with placebo, treatment with BCSO re- ceive omega-3 fatty acids or placebo (corn oil)
sulted in a modest but statistically significant for 26-30 weeks. The dose of omega-3 fatty
improvement in pain and joint tenderness.36 acids was 130 mg/kg body weight/day, in the
Evening primrose oil (EPO), the other form of ethyl esters of eicosapentaenoic and
major dietary source of GLA, has produced docosahexaenoic acids. In the group taking
equivocal results in patients with RA. Forty fish oil there were significant decreases from
patients were randomly assigned to receive, baseline in the mean number of tender joints,
in double-blind fashion, 6 g EPO (providing

Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999 Page 397

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Figure 1: Zingiber officinalis
duration of morning stiffness, per day. After three months,
physicians’ and patients’ as- every patient reported a re-
sessment of global arthritis ac- duction in pain, better joint
tivity, and physicians’ evalua- mobility, and less swelling
tion of pain. In the placebo and morning stiffness, even
group no clinical parameters though they had stopped
improved. 40 Similar results taking their anti-inflamma-
were obtained in a 12-week, tory medications.44
double-blind, crossover trial In another study, 28
involving 16 patients with RA patients who had tried
RA.41 ginger for their symptoms
completed a questionnaire.
Which Oils to Use? The usual dose was 1-2 g
It should be noted that per day and the duration of
different fatty acids exert dif- treatment ranged from 3
ferent biochemical effects in months to 2.5 years. More
the body. Some individuals than 75 percent of those
may respond best to omega-3 fatty acids, oth- completing the question-
ers to omega-6, and still others to a combina- naire reported varying degrees of improvement
tion. The optimal fatty acid supplement for any in joint pain and swelling. In most of the
particular individual would presumably de- responders, improvements were seen within
pend in part on his or her previous diet (i.e., 1-3 months of starting treatment. No patient
the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids), in either study experienced side effects from
as well as genetic or acquired differences in ginger.
the metabolism of each class of fatty acids. Although these reports suffer from lack
Although we still have a great deal to learn of a placebo group and from the selection bias
about fatty acid treatment of RA, measuring inherent in a questionnaire study, ginger shows
fatty acid concentrations in the blood may pro- promise as a treatment for RA.
vide some guidance.
Herbal Therapies for RA Twenty-nine patients with moderate or
severe arthritis (25 with RA) received oral bro-
Ginger Root
melain, an extract of pineapple stem that con-
Ginger (Figure 1) has been used for tains proteolytic enzymes. The dosage was 20
thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and or 40 mg, 3 or 4 times daily, of an enteric-
other systems of traditional medicine as an coated tablet (Ananase; Rorer) for 3 weeks to
anti-inflammatory agent. Five constituents of 13 months. All patients had had residual joint
ginger have been identified as inhibitors of swelling for many months or years despite glu-
prostaglandin synthesis,42 the same mechanism cocorticoid therapy, which was continued dur-
by which aspirin and other NSAIDs exert their ing bromelain treatment. Eight patients (28%)
anti-inflammatory effect. Oral administration experienced a resolution of swelling, pain, and
of ginger oil suppressed the induction of adju- soreness soon after starting bromelain, and an
vant-induced inflammation in rats.43 In a pilot additional 13 patients (45%) improved. Over-
study, six patients with RA consumed 5 g of all, 72 percent of the patients receiving bro-
fresh ginger or 0.5-1.0 g of powdered ginger melain had good or excellent results. No side

Page 398 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999

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Rheumatoid Arthritis
effects were seen.45 Although the absence of a more effective than curcumin. As there was
control group makes it difficult to interpret the no placebo-treated control group in this study,
results, the reported benefits are consistent the possibility of a placebo response to
with the known anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin cannot be ruled out, particularly in
bromelain.46 view of the short duration of the study. In ad-
Ananase is no longer commercially dition, it is not clear whether powdered
available, and most bromelain products cur- curcumin, the form recommended by some
rently on the market are not enteric-coated. doctors of natural medicine, would have the
Because enteric-coating presumably protects same effect as turmeric consumed as a tea (the
the protein molecules in bromelain from be- traditional method of administration). For
ing inactivated by hydrochloric acid and pep- some herbs, extraction with hot water causes
sin, non-enteric-coated products may be less the release of active ingredients that would not
potent and/or less effective than the prepara- otherwise be available. Additional research is
tion used in the research cited above. How- therefore needed to determine whether
ever, it should also be noted most bromelain curcumin is an effective treatment for RA.
products on the market are offered in consid-
erably higher dosages than those used in the Antibiotic Therapy for RA
study. The higher dosage may make up for the Several antibiotics have been used with
lack of enteric coating. some success in the treatment of RA. Although
antibiotics are used in conventional medicine
Other Herbal Treatments to treat various infections, their use in RA is
Feverfew, an herb recognized for its not discussed in major textbooks of internal
effectiveness in preventing recurrences of mi- medicine, and is therefore still considered
graine, has also been tested in patients with “alternative.”
RA. In a double-blind trial, 40 female patients In the 1960s, Wyburn-Mason isolated
were randomly assigned to receive dried fe- a free-living ameba, Naegleria, from the tis-
verfew (70-86 mg/day) or a placebo for six sues of patients with RA and other autoimmune
weeks. Compared with placebo, treatment with diseases. Administration of an anti-amebic
feverfew resulted in a significant increase in drug (such as metronidazole or clotrimazole)
grip strength.47 to patients with rheumatoid diseases resulted
Curcuma longa (turmeric), a com- either in a cessation of disease activity or a
monly used spice, has been used in traditional temporary exacerbation of symptoms, with or
Chinese and Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine, pri- without a fever (Herxheimer reaction), fol-
marily as a tea.48 A component of turmeric, lowed by improvement or complete resolution
curcumin has been investigated as an anti-in- of symptoms.50 Other investigators have been
flammatory agent. In a preliminary study, 18 unable to isolate the organism described by
patients with RA were randomly assigned to Wyburn-Mason, and anti-amebic therapy has
receive curcumin (400 mg 3 times daily) or remained controversial. However, a number
the NSAID phenylbutazone (100 mg 3 times of practitioners are convinced that metronida-
per day) for two weeks, and then the alternate zole and related drugs are among the most ef-
treatment for an additional two weeks. Com- fective treatments available for RA.
pared with baseline, both treatments resulted A typical protocol for metronidazole
in a significant improvement in morning stiff- is 2 g on two consecutive days (taken in di-
ness, walking time, and joint swelling,49 al- vided doses with meals) weekly for a total of
though phenylbutazone appeared to be slightly six weeks. Individuals weighing less than 70

Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 4, Number 6 ◆ 1999 Page 399

Copyright©1999 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
kg are given proportionately less medication. Conclusion
In some cases, patients with active inflamma- RA can be a severe and sometimes
tion are given an intramuscular injection of a crippling disease. Because of the limitations
long-acting glucocorticoid along with the ini- and risks of conventional therapy, many pa-
tial dose of metronidazole, in order to reduce tients and practitioners are seeking other ways
the severity of the Herxheimer reaction. to treat the disease. Alternative therapies in-
This author has administered metro- clude dietary modifications, nutritional supple-
nidazole to a few dozen patients with rheuma- ments, botanicals, and antibiotics. While not
toid disease; approximately one-third to one- everyone responds to these approaches, many
half of these patients experienced worthwhile patients do improve, and some have experi-
and long-lasting improvement. The most dra- enced complete and long-lasting remission.
matic response was in a middle-aged man with Moreover, these therapies, with the exception
moderately severe psoriatic arthritis, which of antibiotics, have a low incidence of adverse
had been present for about ten years and had effects. The treatments described in this review
fluctuated very little in severity. Five days af- should, therefore, be given more-serious con-
ter his first dose of metronidazole his symp- sideration by the medical community.
toms of arthritis disappeared. He completed
his six-week course of treatment and remained
symptom-free for the next five years, after
1. Hicklin JA, McEwen LM, Morgan JE. The
which he was lost to follow-up. effect of diet in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin
Additional information on anti-amebic Allergy 1980;10:463.
therapy may be obtained by writing Arthritis 2. Darlington LG, Ramsey NW, Mansfield JR.
Trust (formerly Rheumatoid Disease Founda- Placebo-controlled, blind study of dietary
tion), P.O. Box 8949, Topeka, KS 66608-8949, manipulation therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.
or by visiting Lancet 1986;1:236-238.
Three double-blind studies have shown 3. Darlington LG. Dietary therapy for arthritis.
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1991;17:273-285.
that minocycline, a derivative of tetracycline,
4. Darlington LG, Ramsey NW. Diets for
is beneficial in the treatment of RA.51 In pa- rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet 1991;338:1209.
tients with long-standing disease, the clinical 5. van de Laar MA, van der Korst JK. Food
improvement was only modest. However, in intolerance in rheumatoid arthritis. I. A double
those whose disease had been present for less blind, controlled trial of the clinical effects of
than one year and who had not previously been elimination of milk allergens and azo dyes.
treated with disease-modifying drugs or gluco- Ann Rheum Dis 1992;51:298-302.
corticoids, the results were more pronounced. 6. Panush RS, Carter RL, Katz P, et al. Diet
therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthitis
In this latter group, after a mean follow-up Rheum 1983;26:462-471.
period of 3.3 years, 44 percent of patients 7. Anonymous. Environmental factors in arthri-
treated with minocycline were in or near re- tis: certain foods deemed reactive. American
mission, without having to take any other Rheumatism Association, Convention Reporter
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