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Creativity - Bob Proctor

Most of our population believe that some people

are creative, and others are not. But that’s not true.
Everyone is an artist. But, what exactly am I referring
to when I talk about creativity? What Is Creativity
Creativity is the expression of who and what we
are in the world. Creativity begins with the
imagination. After all, our imagination creates our
thoughts; our thoughts create our feelings; our
feelings create our actions, and our actions create
our results (our experiences).
We create the image we hold of ourselves, our
jobs, what’s in our bank account. We even create
new cells and a new body every few months. So,
every one of is an artist. We create each stroke of the
painting that is our life. The ability to create is the
hallmark of being human. No other creature can turn
something invisible into something visible.
What Sparks Creativity? Our creativity is often
sparked by dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction breeds
creativity because it prompts you to think about
changing something about your life or even the
world. It was a feeling of dissatisfaction with
candlelight that inspired Thomas Edison to create a
light bulb to eliminate the darkness and lighten the
world. For you, it may be a desire to change careers,
start a business, or build a house.
Most happy, highly successful and fulfilled people
have created their own way. They have the drive to
make life better and better, and they find ways to
make it happen. That is what separates them from
everybody else.
Every day you'll hear people say, "I'm really not
creative." Musicians are creative, writers are
creative. Everybody's creative. Everyone's creative.
And no one is more creative than another. It's just
that some people are expressing their creativity to a
greater degree than others.
How do you tap into your creativity? I think a good
way to start doing it is start daydreaming. Just let
your mind take off, all kinds of wild things. Whatever
you're doing, stop and think, "How could I do twice
as much in half the time?" And don't say it can't be
done, just because you don't know how to do it.
That's how you start tapping into your creativity.
Create a problem, and then say, "I'm gonna solve it."
Something that you've faced for years.
We're all creative, we're creative beings. God
created us in that light. And we have the ability to
take this power that's flowing to and through us, and
we can shape it into anything we want.
Take a look at everything that surrounds you. I look
here on this set, in this studio. There are lights, there
are monitors. It's all an expression of somebody's
idea. You have creativity. You are a very creative
being. Start expressing your creativity. Start
dreamin', daydreamin'.
Let your imagination take you to places you've
never been, cause you to do things better than
you've ever done them.
You are gonna be a lot happier, you'll be
healthier, you'll be more productive because you're
more creative.

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