Management Procedure For As Built Drawings and Documentation

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'As-Built' Documentation Procedure

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation


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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation

Revision History

Date Summary of Revision

0 First issue approved and authorised for use.

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation


Section Page No.

Approvals....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Revision History............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Contents......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.0 Purpose............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.0 Scope................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.0 References....................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.0 Definitions and Abbreviations........................................................................................................................ 5
5.0 Responsibilities............................................................................................................................................... 5
6.0 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................5
6.1 General....................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2 As-Built Process................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2.1 Document Formats............................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2.2 Contents............................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2.3 Method of Recording...................................................................................................................................7
6.2.4 Client Submission.............................................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 Outside Suppliers............................................................................................................................. 7
7.0 Records............................................................................................................................................................ 7
8.0 Appendix.......................................................................................................................................................... 8

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation

1.0 Purpose

This procedure describes the requirements on As-Built project documentation.

The Purpose of this procedure is to ensure that variations from the original dimensions, design
intent or materials shown on the drawings, specifications, or other documents are appropriately
recorded for the purpose of producing accurate As-Built drawings and documents.
This procedure shall be read together with Design Change and Clarification procedure.

2.0 Scope

This procedure is applicable for all projects unless otherwise determined by management.

3.0 References
Engineering Drawings
Design Change and Clarification
Engineering Document Control
Project Completion Planning

4.0 Definitions and Abbreviations

M&E: Mechanical and Electrical
O&M: Operation and Maintenance

5.0 Responsibilities

The following personnel have responsibilities mentioned in this procedure:

Project Engineering Manager
Project Manager
Consultants, Subcontractors, vendors, manufacturers, project staff Owner/ Client
Consultants Engineer Qualified Persons

6.0 Procedure

6.1 General

a) As-Built drawings and documents are an essential record of the end product of the Project's
activity. The sections below describe the process to be followed.
b) The Project Engineering Manager is responsible to prepare a list of the required As-Built
documentation and shall advise the Consultants, Subcontractors, Vendors, Manufacturers and
Project staff of their responsibilities under this procedure.
c) The Project Engineering Manager is also responsible to collate all the As-Built information
received and shall coordinate the preparation of the project As-Built documentation.
d) The Document Controller is responsible for the proper management of these documents.

6.2 As-Built Process

a) All As-Built documentation shall be compiled and presented by amending the construction

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation

drawings, specifications or material schedules in sufficient detail to reflect the actual condition
of the finished product. The As-Built documents are historical documents prepared for future
reference and shall therefore reflect the project conditions and specifications as they exist at
the time of project completion.

b) The Project Engineering Manager is responsible to ensure that the details and dimensions for
'built-in' and covered up work shall be recorded whilst work is open for inspection.

6.2.1 Document Formats

a) The As-Built document number consists of the original drawing number and the next
available revision number. The revision history box is annotated to show that the document is
an As-Built record. If subsequent revisions are required, the next revision number is

b) Each set of As-Built documents is a packaged set comprising face sheet, description and
contents for submission to the Owner/ Client Representative.

c) Where Existing Facilities have been modified, any requirements for the production of As-Built
documentation for such modifications shall be clearly defined.

d) All As-Built drawings shall be in accordance with the Project Engineering Plan and procedure
For Engineering Drawings.

6.2.2 Contents

a) The information that is typically recorded when producing As Built documentation and
drawings includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

i. Levels of various elements and foundations.

ii. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced
to permanent surface features or grid lines. The coordinates (x,y,z) at each change
point of all services shall be recorded at each service crossing location and change of

iii. Location of internal M&E Services, utilities and appurtenances including works concealed
in during construction. Locations shall be referenced to visible and accessible features of
the works.

iv. Major field changes to dimensions and details of items which may be critical to the end
user and / or which cannot be readily identified following completion of construction.

v. All M&E Equipment shall be identified and numbered / labeled in accordance with the
project specifications and listed in suitable equipment schedules listing all necessary
technical data etc.

vi. All maintenance access doors / points, test points, maintenance withdrawal spaces for
plant and equipment, safety interlocks etc.

vii. All valves, isolators etc. shall be clearly identified and labelled and locations correctly

viii. Where required by the project specification and or statutory requirements, any
necessary laminated and framed As-Built drawings detailing the M&E services shall be
provided and fixed to the M&E plant-room walls.

6.2.3 Method of Recording

a) At the end of each work package, the Project Engineering Manager shall instruct the
Consultants, Sub-Contractors, Vendors, Manufacturers and Construction staff to prepare the
first draft of As-Built Documentation.

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation

b) The documents shall be upgraded to the next revision with 'Draft As-Built' in the revision

c) On receipt of the documents, the Document Controller shall distribute the documents in
accordance with Engineering Document Control procedure with the ‘As-Built Review' stamp
endorsed for each section's review (see Appendix A).

d) The Project Engineering Manager shall review the Draft As-Built Documents for
completeness and mark-up the documents if necessary and initial the review.

e) Where required or appropriate the as Built documents shall be reviewed by the Consultant

f) The monitoring of the progress of the 'As-Built' documentation shall be in accordance with
procedure for engineering documentation control.

g) On completion of the reviews, the As Built documents are returned to Consultants, Sub
contractors, Vendors, Manufacturers and Construction staff for their updates as per the
'marked up' comments.

h) The Final As-Built documents shall be submitted with the latest revision status and 'AS
BUILT' for the description in the revision column.

i) The Final prints shall be endorsed by the respective Qualified Persons as per the
requirements of the Project Engineering Plan.

j) The number of sets (hardcopies and softcopies) shall be in accordance with the procedure
for project completion.

6.2.4 Client Submission

The Project Engineering Manager or the Project Manager shall then submit the completed As-Built
documentation to the Owner I Client Representative and will include the same in the operation and
maintenance O&M Manuals.

6.3 Outside Suppliers

The project Consultants, Subcontractors, Vendors and Manufacturers are responsible to ensure that all
As-Built changes are recorded accurately as required under procedure of design change and

The Project Engineering Manager is responsible to ensure that Sub-contractors and Vendors produce
and submit completed, checked, thorough and accurate 'As-Built' documentation.

7.0 Records

Required As-Built documentation list

As-Built drawings/ documents

Final prints

8.0 Appendix

Appendix A- 'As-Built' Review Stamp

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation

Appendix A

'As-Built' Review Stamp

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Management Procedure for 'As-Built' Documentation

As-Built Review

By: Initial Date

Revision No.

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