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Mental Health

The WHO expert committee defines mental

health as “The capacity in an individual to
form harmonious relations with others and
to participate in or contribute constructively
to changes in the social environment”.
Mental Health
• Being comfortable with self (I’m OK)
• Being comfortable with others (You’re OK)
• Understand that one has less control on the
environment and changes are expected
• Cope up with changes that keep occurring
• Physical Hygiene – Physical cleanliness of
the surroundings to reduce causes for
illnesses and to promote good health

• Mental Hygiene – Developing a clean mind

in people and organizing a society that will
reduce destructive stress and increase the
mental and social well being of people
Mental Hygiene …
• Roles:
– Preventive, Preservative and Curative
• Objectives:
– Develop the personality of people to make adjustments
and cope with life events satisfactorily, solve problems
and resolve conflicts with self confidence and to deal
with stress
– Develop the society to ensure minimum tension in the
society, provide adequate facilities for deficient people
and seek external help whenever necessary
Mental Illness


Free from Minor Mental Major Mental

Illness Illness Illness
Neurosis Psychosis
Counseling Helps
Anxiety Disorders Schizophrenia
O C D , Phobias
Personality Neurotic Manic Depression
Disorders Depression Long Term
Counseling Mild Medication Therapy & Care
Not much Use
Therapy & Care

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