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Module Details

Module Code Run Module Title

UFMFV7-15-2 Feb 2023 CONTROL

Module Leader Module Coordinator Module Tutors

Taleb Moazzeni Ms Saba

Component and Element Number Weighting:

B: CW (50 % of the Module's assessment)

Element Description Total Assignment time



Date Issued to Students Date to be Returned to Students


Submission Place Submission Date

May 31
(Moodle) Submission Time
4:00 pm (Oman Time)


Attached sheet details deliverables

Module Leader Signature

Mohammad Mohatram
Assignment Details

1.1 Coursework Objectives

A classical control strategy (PID controller) is required for the control of a DC motor.

You are expected to:

1. determine the system transfer function

2. design an PID controller to meet/exceed response requirements from first principles.
3. apply PID tuning rules in SIMULINK to meet/exceed response requirements.

1.2 Submission
The assignment submission should include: the report, a MATLAB script file (.m file) containing
your calculation data (e.g., calculated gain values) and a SIMULINK file (.slx file) with your
overall system (including controller implementation).

All calculations must be presented within the report. The report should include an introduction,
results for each task, a discussion of findings, concluding statements and references. For each
task, a proper description of the methodology is expected. For example, during block
simplification, it is important to outline the process undertaken.

Page Limit 10 A4 Pages (single sided), with a minimum of 11-point font size. Appendices are not

Assignment must be submitted in accordance with the guidance provided in

the assignment document.

*Assignment report along with MATLAB files must be submitted on MOODLE.

*You need to compress all the files into a folder (.zip) and name the folder with your name
followed by your UWE ID (example:
*Your report should be in a PDF format and should include the cover page as a first page
followed by safe assign report.
* Your submission will not be accepted in you are not following the above rules
*Any copied or plagiarised part without proper referencing will be awarded ZERO!
*In case of copying from your classmate, both students will be awarded a mark of ZERO!
*Do not leave submission to the very last minute. Always allow time and plan ahead

Submission deadline: TBA

Good Academic Practice and Assessment Offenses:

GCET is fully committed to ensuring that students follow ‘good academic practice’ in the
writing/producing and submission of all types of assessments to ensure honesty and integrity in
academic practice. Every student is expected to act with integrity in relation to the production and
representation of academic work and in acknowledging the contributions of others in their work.
Engaging in any academic breach constituting an assessment offense such as collusion, plagiarism,
Fabrication or Misrepresentation, contractual cheating. will be investigated and could lead to penalties
under the UWE Assessment Offences Policy.

1.3 Marking Scheme

Coursework marks distribution is presented below. Refer to Marking Scheme for the overall mark
scheme, which will be used to grade discussion, introduction and conclusions components of the
report, report presentation and referencing, and programs. Additional marks breakdown for
calculations is provided in Section 2.

Report Marks Allocated

Introduction (mark scheme) 10%

Calculations 50% (Marks breakdown is provided in section 2.2)
Discussion (mark scheme) 15%
Conclusions (mark scheme) 5%
Report presentation and referencing (mark scheme) 10%
Programs 10%

2 Assignment Task
2.1 System Modelling

A common actuator in control systems is the DC motor. It directly provides rotary motion
and, coupled with mechanical load such as wheels or drums and cables, can provide
translational motion. The electric circuit of the armature and the free-body diagram of the
rotor are shown in the following figure:
Figure 2.1: DC motor with mechanical load

In the figure above, v is the armature voltage, i is the armature current, e is the back
electromotive force (emf), R is the armature resistance, L is the armature inductance and ω is
the shaft speed of the motor; J is the equivalent inertia on the motor shaft, T is the driving
torque generated by the motor, and TL is the resistive torque from the load. It is known that e
= Keω, T = Kt i and TL = Kt iL, where Ke and Kt are respectively the back emf and torque
constants of the motor, and iL is the equivalent load current reflected by the load torque TL to
the motor armature.

The physical parameters are:

Moment of inertia of the rotor 𝐽 = 0.025 𝑘𝑔. 𝑚2

Motor viscous friction constant 𝑏 = 0.15 𝑁. 𝑚. 𝑠

Electromotive force constant 𝐾𝑒 = 0.01 𝑉/𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠𝑒𝑐

Motor torque constant 𝐾𝑡 = 0.01 𝑁. 𝑚/𝐴𝑚𝑝

Electric resistance 𝑅 = 2.0 Ω

In general, the torque generated by a DC motor is proportional to the armature current i and
the strength of the magnetic field B. Here, we assume that the magnetic field is constant and,
therefore, the motor torque is proportional to only the armature current i by a constant
factor Kt. This is referred to as an armature-controlled motor. For a small motor, the armature
inductance is small, i.e., L ≈ 0, and hence can be neglected. Also, at the start of the motor, e =
Keω ≈ 0. Ignoring the resistive torque, your task is to develop the controller algorithms to
control the rotation of the load. That is, to control the angular position of the DC motor with
certain performance parameters.
- First, for system modelling, derive the transfer function G(s) that represent the relationship
between the angular velocity ω(s) and input voltage 𝑣(s)). Then find the transfer function
that represent the relationship between the angular position 𝜃(s) and input voltage 𝑣(s)).


Figure 2.2: Open loop control system

(Calculations 5 marks)
2.2 Controller Design
A PID Controller can be incorporated into the closed loop model (Figure 2.3) in order to meet a
set of time response related requirements (e.g., overshoot).

Figure 2.3: Overall System Block Diagram with PID Control Configuration

2.2.1 System closed loop equivalent form

Determine the simplified closed loop equivalent form of the overall system block diagram
presented in Figure 2.3.
(Calculations - 10 marks)

2.3 Controller requirements

The PID controller is required to meet or exceed the following response characteristics for a step
change in demand position:

1) Maximum rise time tr of 0.1s.

2) Overshoot Mp less than 4%.
3) Settling time (error ≤ 1%) Ts less than 0.3s.
4) Steady-state error of 0 for step.

2.3.1 Determining gains

Use standard transfer functions or pole position methods to calculate the proportional (Kp),
integral (Ki) and derivative (Kd) PID controller gains for the overall system.

Verify the gains calculated by implementing the system in Simulink.

Discuss any trade-offs for exceeding the response requirements presented in Section 2.3.
For example, what’s happened to rise time, if Overshoot Mp goes up? Discuss the results when each
of the above controller requirements goes up or down.
(Calculations - 20 marks)
2.4 Trial-error rules for PID tuning --- Ziegler-Nichols approaches
The aim of this section is to demonstrate your ability to use the course knowledge to learn new
techniques. Assumingly you have got a job in a control engineering company, your manager has
asked you to take the following task:

Research the literature and find out about manual tuning rules such as the Ziegler-Nichols
technique. Tuning rules such as Ziegler-Nichols are difficult to implement on PID controller
configurations. Convert your system to a PID controller configuration and apply a suitable tuning
process (e.g., Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules) in order to meet/exceed the response characteristics
outlined in Section 2.3. You should give a concise overview of PID tuning methods in this
section and demonstrate the designed control system by Simulink.
(Calculations 15 marks)

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