Plan de Negocios Final 2023 PDF

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Artistic Adventures for Curious Kids

Artistic Adventures for Curious Kids

Creative education
for children in Bristol
We provide creative and educational
activities for school-aged children in
Bristol, including theater workshops
and crafts
Executive Summary
Whats our plans?

Our objective is to provide creative and
educational activities for school-aged children in
Bristol, with a long-term goal of expanding to
other cities in the UK. We aim to become leaders
in the market of children's activities in Bristol.

To offer a wide range of creative and
educational activities, adapted to the needs
of each educational center.
To establish strategic alliances with schools
and educational centers to reach more
To leverage the experience of our highly
qualified and experienced team in the
educational sector.
To offer competitive prices and flexibility in
our services to adapt to the needs of each
Executive Summary
Whats our plans?

Financial projection:
The financial projection for the first year of
operations is based on the following
The company will work for 201 days during
the academic year, which is 80% of the 252
school days.
Each day of activity will have an estimated
revenue of £400, which is based on an
average of 5 hours of activity per day at a
rate of £80 per hour.
The estimated annual revenue for the
company will be £80,400 (£400 per day *
201 days).
The estimated cost per day of activity will be
around £30, including materials and other
The estimated net income for the company
will be around £62,700 (£80,400 revenue -
£17,700 expenses).
The company will have to pay around 20% of
its net income as taxes, leaving a projected
net profit of around £50,160.
Executive Summary
Whats our plans?

Financial projection:
This financial projection is based on the
assumption that the company will have a
stable and consistent demand for its services
throughout the academic year. However, the
actual revenue and expenses of the company
may vary depending on the number of
schools that contract the company's services
and the specific terms of those contracts.
Whats our vision, products and long
term goals?

At our company, we have the vision to help
children develop their creativity and open
their minds through activities that combine
learning and fun. We believe that children
learn best when they have fun and enjoy
themselves, so we focus on creating
interactive workshops and activities that
engage them in their own learning.

Our mission is to foster curiosity and a love

of learning in every child we work with, and
to provide them with the tools and skills that
will enable them to succeed in life.

Ultimately, our vision is to be the trusted

partner of schools and educational
institutions, offering creative and effective
solutions to enrich the education of children
Whats our vision, products and long
term goals?

The Amazing Adventure Camera: In this
workshop, children will become
adventurous photographers, creating
their own camera out of cardboard and
taking real instant photos. This hands-on
activity promotes creativity and critical
thinking while making it feel like an
exciting adventure.

The AI Superhero League: This lab is

designed to help children unleash their
inner superheroes by learning about the
basics of artificial intelligence and
machine learning. They will get to explore
AI models, learn about data analysis and
build their own AI-powered robots, all
while feeling like they are part of an epic
superhero team.
Whats our vision, products and long
term goals?

The amazing adventure camera schedule

10:00am - Arrival and Introduction: I will
introduce myself and explain that we will be
using cameras to teach the children how to tell
stories. I will also ask them to guess as many
types of photography as they can and explain
that whoever guesses the most will get extra
points and a chance to keep the mockup

10:15am - Mockup Camera Craft: Each child

will be given a pre-painted and pre-cut
cardboard with two holes that, when folded
together, will create a cardboard DSLR camera
that they can look through to "take photos".
After they finish assembling their mockup
cameras, I will show them a 5-10 minute video,
adapted to their age, summarizing the history
of photography and the different types of
Whats our vision, products and long
term goals?

The amazing adventure camera schedule

10:45am - Story Creation: The children will
work in teams of four to create a four-act story
using another piece of paper. They can choose
to create a comic or a story about anything
they want, like comedy, tragedy, love,
superheroes, etc.

11:30am - Acting Warm-up: To warm up for the

next activity, I will call each team to the front of
the class, give them a concept, and allow them
one minute to decide how to interpret it in a
frozen scene. After a minute, they will freeze in
position, and the rest of the class will have to
guess what concept or scene they were
Whats our vision, products and long
term goals?

The amazing adventure camera schedule

12:00pm - Acting and Photography: The teams
will have five minutes to plan how they will act
out their four-act scenes. They will be provided
with props like wigs, swords, and helmets, as
well as their mockup cameras to help them plan
their shots. After they are ready, I will take the
actual photo with the good instamatic camera,
and they will paste the resulting photo onto
their cardboard.

1:30pm - Finalizing and Decoration: With the

photos finished, the children will have time to
decorate their resulting cardboard camera with
drawings, stickers, and any other decorations
they like.

2:00pm - End of Activity: The activity will

conclude at around 2pm, giving the children
enough time to wrap up any finishing touches
on their cardboard cameras before heading
Whats our vision, products and long
term goals?

The Creativity Lab: Our creativity lab is
designed to encourage children to explore
their imagination and creativity through a
variety of fun and interactive activities,
including storytelling, puppet making, and
painting. These activities help children
develop fine motor skills, self-expression,
and a love for learning that will stay with
them for a lifetime. The name "The
Creativity Lab" is simple, catchy and
emphasizes the importance of creativity in
a child's development.
Market analsys

In Bristol, there are several
companies and agencies that
offer services similar to those
that our business will provide.
Some of these companies
include "First Class Learning
Bristol," "Explore Learning
Bristol," and "Kumon Bristol."
These companies offer tutoring
and educational activities to
children in various subjects,
similar to what we will offer.
Market analsys

The market for educational
activities in Bristol is highly
competitive, but also highly in
demand. Many academies in
Bristol provide visitors and
workshops for the children,
which creates a large potential
customer base. Compared to
other countries like Spain, the
demand for educational
activities is high, making it a
promising market for our
Market analsys
Potential Customers: Our
business will target parents
with children between the ages
of 3 and 11 who are interested
in providing their children with
extra educational activities
outside of school. Our services
will be marketed towards
parents who value education
and want to give their children
the best opportunities to
succeed. We will also target
schools and academies that are
interested in providing unique
and engaging activities to their
Market strategy

Value Proposition:
Our value proposition is to provide creative
and fun workshops for children that
encourage imagination and creativity. In all
of our workshops, children take home a
memento, such as photos or crafts made by
themselves. Our activities always focus on
fostering creativity and self-expression in a
safe and fun environment.

Marketing Strategy:
Our marketing strategy will focus on
targeting schools and educational
institutions in the Bristol and Bath areas, as
well as parents looking for after-school
activities for their children. We plan to
showcase our unique workshops and value
proposition through various channels,
including social media marketing, email
marketing, and targeted advertising
Market strategy

Marketing plan:
1. Social Media Marketing: We will create social
media profiles on platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our
profiles will feature our unique workshops,
photos of children participating in our
activities, and positive customer reviews. We
will also create engaging and informative
content to attract potential customers.
2. Email Marketing: We will create an email list of
potential and existing customers to inform
them about our workshops and promotions. We
will send out regular newsletters and updates
about our workshops and upcoming events.
3. Targeted Advertising: We will implement
targeted advertising campaigns on social
media and Google AdWords to reach potential
customers in the Bristol and Bath areas. Our
ads will showcase our unique value proposition
and offer promotions to attract new customers.
4. Partnership Marketing: We will partner with
schools and educational institutions to offer
our workshops as a complementary activity to
their curriculum. This will help to establish
ourselves as a trusted and reliable provider of
creative workshops for children in the area.



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