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"_X:,_-_·~<\~t:_:rr_:_-~:_'":.:_r~r,~.,_ ......~s_A_ss_--\_~_-R_·'_·_ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ __ _ _s_c_11_0_0_r._t_)1_N_'\_-,_·ti_R:~''.

:_:L~H 1• , 1 IN(j
r~t~lcTI'fllit>ll. \Varm the ofi \ C oi l (n.ot ho()~
the oli\·e o_il into a quartjar and ~
j')IClCt' -------------------~~==~~~~--~~~----~S:~~~S~A~l·~Rt~\S~·-~A~l~l"~rR~I~l\2.~~-~~~)
'i . Su 1 u
~a .,. ~r., t)tl •· close

and shake. until d1!)solvcd or lhoroughly n11xed: add th e hone)' u'"' 11 C Sdh the
1 k Sciatica, inward inflammation
weft keep well-copped and l tl a C001 rlace. (l ~

1 ounce 0~ 1 of>assafras (O leum sassafras: sa5 afras ulhidum)

J>o.~r 7gc: I tenspoon to l tahlespoon 3 times dally. 0 1l o f rosema ry (Oleum Rosemary· Ros mannus ffi · .
1 oun ce . . . . .F , . ' ·~ • o c 1na 11s)
ou nce
Otl o1 orcgttno, rom mc~q o ram (Oleum origan·· 0 ·
Dr. Shook's High Blood Pressure Forn1ula 1 . . .· · ' '· n ganum vulgare)
1 ounce Cayenne. t1ncture (Capstcum frutescens: C. minimum) <;;

(hardening of the arteries, etc.) 1 ounce

G um camp hor (Cinnamomum camph or<l)
!2 ounces
Grai n alcohol (50-95o/o) or ethanol.
1 v.! teaspoons Sass8fra~ bark ( S<.~ssn fra s nIbidum ). 3 blood c lennscr
Preparation: Mix well together.
1 1/ 2 teaspoon Euronean
goldenrod (So lidago
... ...
\ · i r~a
u ren) relic,·cs con ....
ges ti on , ~'llso. ,n d.Ill ret .
I ~ tcospoon5 Buck bean or bogbean or v.: ntcr sha rn rock ( Mcnya nthes tri rol iata) sti 1 tc Adminislration: Massage well into the sore places on the body.
. . , n1u ates
dH!CStlOll .
I 1
1:- teaspoons Black cohosh or black rnt t lc ~ nakc root ( Cim ici fu racemosa) , 1•c 1IC\es
. Spring tonic
nervous ten ion. reduces arteria l action. (purifying and thinning the blood)
I '~ tea poon. Poke root or pigeon berry (Ph)· tolacca arn erjcann ). sti rnulates glarld ,

. '-' u 1dr Sassafras (Sassa fras albidum)

ac ti on 1 part
6 rea ~ poon Indian senna frui t (Cass ia nngu tifo lin). actiYates the bo\vels. 1 part Sarsapari ll a (Sm ilax o fficinali s~ S. ornata)
15 teaspoon _ Buck thorn or European black alder bark ( Rhan1nus Frangula). c lea ns and y~ port Mczereon bark (Daphne mezcreu m ~ D . gnidium: D . laurcola)
rcgu lates the system y; pa rt Guaiac (Guaiacu n1 off1ci nale)
1 '!1 t ea~ poon s Cnssia ba rk or Chint•se cinnam on (Cinnanl0111Uin cassia), stitnulates the Preparation: Decoction ~ sin1mer for 10 minutes.
circulatory system.
Dosage: 1/2 cup or more. 3-4 tin1es a cl ay.
Prcparulion: fvfi x we JJ and usc I teaspoon of the mixture to each cup ofboi lin g hot water·
simmer for 2-3 minutes. then steep ft)r I 0 minutes (or steep in hot \Vater fo r 1;.2 hou r): strain' Relaxing and stitnulating liniment
~\\ celen to ta. te with honey. aJJo,, to cooL bottl e and lea,·c in a cool place. '
1 ounce Oi l of sassafras (Oleun1 sassa fras; Sasafras albidun1)
Dusug(!: I cup ( 6-~ ounces) 3 l i rn e ~ daily. before or after n1 ea Is: 0 R. take I :f.:l OO cap ~ u le or 4 ounces Lobelia, Auid extract (Lobelia infl ata)
I~ te[l J100n Of the p0\1. def mixed intO hOney 3 tifllCS dail y. be fore Or af1er 111Ca1S. 4 ounces Ladies s lipper, fl uid extract (Cypripediun1 calceo \us)
Preparation: Mix well together.
Administration: Massage \Yell into the affected area.
5 drops Sassafras oil (Oie un1 sa afras: Sassafras aJbidun1 )
/1 ounce Olive oi l (O ieutn olivac: Olea euro paea) Stimulating liniment
Prr?parution: fvl1 x \\'ell together.
l part Oil of sassafras (Oieun1 sassafras~ Sassafras albidun1)
AclminHrralion : Place 2-3 drops into th e ear. I- 7 tin1es daily. I part O il of c loves (Oleun1 caryophull L Syzgi.un1 aromaticun1)
I part O il of cinnmnon (Oleun1 cinnan1oni : Cinnan1omum zeylanicum)
Rheun1atic liniment Preparation: Mix together \Ve ll .
I ounce Scr. ~a(ra s, tin ct ure (Sassafras albidu tn)
Administration: Massage well into the affected areas.
1 ounce Prickly ash. l111cturc (Zanthoxylu rn atnericanu tn)
I ounce Caye nne. tincture (Cnpsicu n1 li·utC 'Cen~~ C. 1nininnun ) Growth characteristics:
I oun ce rvl."rrh, tin cture (Comtnipho rn tny rrha . \ ar. 1noltnol) Peren nial: con1n1on to the \VOods fron1 Canada to Florida to Texas and Mexico, culti\ ated in
I () Ull C~ Cam pho r. tincture (Ci nJHllnomunl can1p hora) tvtaryland, Virginia and Louisiana: g r O\\ s besl in light, sandy soi\ and in the open: f\owers
k ounce~ D is t Ill ed \\ a tcr March-M ay.
f'rl'porotion · Shak~ the ingredients \\ ell toueth
...... cr.

A£hllini\·Jn llion: Apply to the . lifeclcd parts.

- ~-

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