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Annexure – II Part – B Micro-Project Report

(Outcomes after Execution) Format for Micro-Project Report (Minimum 6 pages)

Title of Micro-Project: Perform airthmatic operation on BCD by using assembly

language program.

1.0 Rationale

This project involves concept of Assembly language program of different command like a MOV
,MUl, DIV,AX,Al and so on. In this project we learn about the how to create Assembly language
program.This project will be helpful to understand the how to perform airthmatic operation on

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

1) ALP program solving Understanding.

2) Teamwork and group handling.
3) Leadership Qualities.
4) Time management qualities.
5) Analzing the microproject.
6) Finding the right solution and getting the lesson learned.


1) Analyze the function block of 8086 microprocessor.

2) write assembly language program for the given problem.
3) Develop assembly language program using assembler.
4) Develop assembly language program to performing arithmatic operation on BCD number.

4.0 Literature Review

I will use Different command in Assembly language program like a MOV,MUL,DIV ,ETC.

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed.

First of all we collected the information which is required for our micro project
from internet facilities, reference books and our subject teacher. We used Google and

Wikipedia facilities for collecting necessary information. We searched information about how to
execute Assembly language program on TASM. During the process, we got to know about how
to execute Assembly language program . It solved our difficulties to complete the project. Then
we gathered and analyzed all the information. And we make chart related to all this

6.0 Actual Resources Used

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 Computer system TASM,MASM 1 GOOD

2 Internet facilities We have used google

3 Reference book

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects

It is attached to given report.

8.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcome of this Micro-Project

1) we easily write assembly language program for the given problem.

2) Develop assembly language program using assembler very easily .
3) It Develop assembly language program to performing arithmatic operation on BCD
4) increase Debugging and optimization skills.

9.0 Applications of this Micro-Project

1) Helpfull for increase knowledge about the assembly language program.
2) Helpfull to perform or handle the TASM software to performing airthmatic operation.



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