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Product Release Letter

List of Enhancements:

New Integration with AVEVA Engineering: AVEVA P&ID 12.1.SP1 includes a new facility to
import engineering elements and attributes from AVEVA Engineering into the AVEVA P&ID
database itself. The import procedure can be carried out in the P&ID Data Grid or in AVEVA P&ID
Reports. This integration can be used to create a stockpile of elements imported from AVEVA
Engineering that can be later added to the P&ID or linked to existing elements already included in
the P&ID. This facility also supports the new Compare / Update functionality that allows the user
to see the changes in the AVEVA Engineering data before approving and importing it into AVEVA
P&ID. The elements supported in this integration are Equipment, Nozzles, Instruments, Pipelines
and Valves. Please see the P&ID Reports Help or User Guide for more information about how to
import data from AVEVA Engineering into the AVEVA P&ID database.

New Middle Tier Installation, new Interface AVEVA P&ID – AVEVA Instrumentation / AVEVA
Electrical: A new Middle Tier Installation is included in the release of AVEVA P&ID 12.1.SP1.
In previous releases Users had install AVEVA P&ID and AVEVA Instrumentation / Electrical in the
same machine to load P&ID data in AI and AE.
The new Middle Tier Installation includes an enhancement that allows loading data in AI /AE from
P&ID and viewing the P&ID diagram without having a local installation of AVEVA P&ID.
The data is loaded in AI / AE through the Compare / Update functionality in AI and AE.

Tag fields editing in P&ID Reports for Equipment, Nozzles, Instrument, Pipelines and
Valves: Please see the P&ID Reports Help or User Guide for more information about how to edit
Tag Fields in P&ID Reports. This new facility allows the user to modify Tag Fields in P&ID Reports
that can be later refreshed on the P&ID drawing.

New Linking functionality for Unassigned Elements: A new facility to link (or assign)
unassigned elements from the P&ID Data Grid to elements (lines and symbols) on a drawing that
are not fully labelled. Note these elements are Equipment, Nozzles, Instruments, Pipelines and
Valves that are either created in P&ID Reports or imported from AVEVA Engineering.

New Compare group at the Data Management Tab: The main P&ID application now includes
the new “Compare” group at the “Data Management” tab. This new facility allows the user to
compare the active P&ID on the screen against previously issued versions of the same P&ID. This
supports the Document Manager functionality previously released in AVEVA P&ID, the difference
is that the user is now able to compare versions of the P&ID drawing from the main P&ID

Nozzle enhancement: A new facility to avoid displaying the Size of the Nozzle on the P&ID. The
Size data is now stored on the Nozzle Properties Panel.

Page Connector Enhancement, Propagating Changes via Page Connectors: A new facility to
propagate changes via Page Connectors. If the “USER_PROMPTTOPROPAGATE” user-defined
directive is set to “Yes” and changes are made to the properties of a Pipeline which is connected
to other Pipelines via pipe flags, the Command prompt will ask if the user wants to propagate the
changes, if the user selects to propagate, the pipe properties are then propagated to the other
drawing(s), which are automatically opened.

Alphanumeric listing: A new facility to allow all pull-down lists (for example tag letters) to be
presented alpha-numerically, rather than the order they are entered in the P&ID Administration

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