I'm A First Year Student

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University education is one of the most vital period in evry person`s life.

It forms you
as an adult, teaches you independence, how to deal with different people and cope with
problems. You become mature and responsible for your own life. I think, everyone should
overcome this.
I`m a first year student of the National university in Kyiv. Unfortunately, this year
differs from the others, because we have an unpredictable situation in our country. In spite of
the fact that I study online, I have what to say or, maybe, dream about the real studying. I`m
a future interpreter and I can say that this type of occupation fits me the best, than I could
choose. It took me about two weeks to get underway, to become accustomed to the curricula,
which was set for us, and to understand the system of evaluation. Fortunately, I don`t waste
my time to get to the university or to do the chores, because I study at home. But it would be
difficult and unusual for me to settle into the new city and find my way around the
university, because I haven`t such an opportunity to use an underground, for example,
because my town isn`t big and I always go by feet. A period of adaptation for a new house,
such as dormitry, would be also nervous. But, in my opinion, for a student it hits the spot.
So, I guess it is better to stay at home in order to be safe and get used to studying, at least.
The most crucial subject for me is English, and I try to put most my efforts to study it.
There are also subjects, which I like such as Latin and Ukrainian literature. But a foreign
literature is complicated for me. I haven`t enough time to read a lot, analize the material and
understand all the historical ages. But I try to study diligently, because I want to make full
use of this tremendous opportunity to get a higher education. I hope, I`ll scrape trough all the
difficulties. I like how we study English. We speak a lot and work with our pronunciation, of
cource, we don`t forget about grammar. I feel that I`m overcoming my language barrier,
because every time I speak more fluently. One day, I would like to go abroad and feel the
freedom, that there aren`t any borders to make your dreams come true and than understand
what the opportunities knowledge of foreign languages gives us.
When I found out that I am student of the university of my dream, I was on cloud nine.
I`m confident that I will have time to get to know my fellow students better and we will get
on well. I can`t wait to enter the airy audience and to listen to the tutors. I want to see these
incredibly beautiful marble stairs and stained glass windows. I believe, that studying in this
splandid atmosphere will motivate me to study harder and to develop in order to become a
professional intepreter.

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