Arthritis Formula

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Snl! )( H !

ll N ·\ I I' I~ \I r·f I \
5--fl - Ct ,. '"'I'\(, PRnti~ \\ I --- ' 1\(j
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larrre b;H c h c~. add 'cgctable f! I~ L'L'rlllC . r\: •'11111)1~,.. (.l flt' !!ll llon (lf l l'tl ~im m crctl (nu t h() l' l"ll)
1f one usc" th e\)~ aid yet C<lll lJnu~ ~--~~
do"- n rn ''' o quan :-- ttnd ~1dd on~.· pm
· t ~) r g. I~ <.:c
··nne · '''1 (, P Rr 11 ,I( ,, 1 ... , , ...
a~ much . Rcm cmhcr your tcac: hin 7 • f,.
'""ll 11 an I Ill
Pr<,per th~t. nne -
.• '
- -_
. . gs or )cu r h' t.. mn, t!tl ' nm .
Son ~ rlilnncl. coll nn nr nn~ 11 ~1 tur;d material Ll(.)th i~1 the Sl~ lution 11l'\ cr u~c synthetic~. We arc ~J\' Jn g you hope Jl'you v.JI I r
a'{.; llt'l'n - '· \ ) 1 .: -
c.: ndp htt 110,
. tO 0\t.. thrrn1 h ~ 1C ,t 111'' It' th
~ ·rar the fnm c nt ~H 1011 (:-\tla ~ e d clt)th ) nrou 1HI. tilL' n~ u llt~tH.:t 1onmg area [llld co:·er wi lh plastic diet. Source : Jomt Formul a. g \\ llh thl.!. lur I· c • 1' \.t 1ndtthm ..
l'lltt ,,.., nnd th~.: \1 ,,. ·I
10 keep il tl·om dr~ mg. oul. Len\'(.' pn a ll n1g ht ~1x n1glll!' a week. week Hl tcr week , lll1lil
....lh e~ . .
3 1. 1n lcction f(H-mtll a.
rL' I ic r appcar~ .
4 parts
CY('fC caSL'~· Drink l' liP Llf f1nishcd CO il CL'lliJ'~llcd ten with y4 Clip or
di still ed Wa ter three
4 p a rt~
Pl antain .( Pi alllago lll llJOr)
11111 c:-: a dn~ ( ·\l sn :--cc 14.)nnul3 No. 5 1). So urc~: BF& C (Complete Ti, sue and Bone) f~lack Walnut (Jug/ an~ nJgra)
4 puns ( Joldcn sta l root (f h dra~t c· .
2 part ~ 8 Lll! Ic: " ctu ( 1vco " · I anad~n s 1 l
"l9 I la ir condit1nncr fnnnuln and procedure.
.... -. pu~ arn~rican u L · · .
1 part l\11ar. hrnallow root ( ·\/tl . Ill .· \ Jfgii11Cll l
. . lilCJ 0 lCJnalh)
TP help rc!\timulntc lwi r gn)\\ I h. (or t\\'O c\ enmgs mas. age calp deeply " ilh \Varm cas tor I part Lohc iJa (Lobc11n in!lata)
oil. a ppJ~ Iwt. \\L'I IO\\clo\cr h~ad thirt~ mJnutes or more . Lc;l \l' oil on all ni ght. Next
mornmg " [bll hair\\ irll pi ne tar ~ca p or a gnod biodegradable son p a nd nn ~l'. \Va~h ,1l.!ain Thi s ''ondcrlill formula kill ~ mfcc tion clc·l .
~ h
and rin. 1..' \\ irh t ~:l made rrom this combinatwn "hich con tai 11:-\ eq ual p a rt~ nr ~ageh r71 sh. · ,r::,toxJthlromth "l
inl'ccli Oil flghtcr On~~ 2 car . ulc, threl' ti •... 1:
~ )mp ~~\k'm.andhai\Jlural
cl1apan·n/ and .)ClllO\\. J'\1as.ngc \\'dl an d lem·e tea in hair The ll L'Xl two t:\cnings do same . . me ~ a < tt\ ('r m · l~c a t •· ( • ...
a cup and pour 111 bnl11ng hot \\ atcr). Source L\ · .: t:d t:l11~t~- ~"'P'~llk tnlo
pnKcdun.? hut usc oil\ coil instead of ca. tor o il and the nc.\t {\\ o C\ L'nings usc w heat uerm . rnp 1lnlll: Formu Ia. lnkct 1011 rormu!J
oil. Rc. tone ll JgiH 3lld repeal si.\ days a week a~ needL·<.L u~ c ~ houlcl e r ~:;w nds. Tnke one or
32 . Ke Ip c o m h i na t1 o n.
l\\ o table spoon ~ or \\ heat germ oil morning and n1ght. and nlso drink a cup o('thi~ ten made
I part Par~ ley ( Pctrosc l inum crbpum l
"irh lcd " ·arcr. t\\ O times a del\ . Source: Desert l Ic rb Combinati on
4 parts \Vn tcrcrcss {Nasturt ium officma lc 1
JO. Fl'Illlula for arthntis-rllcumatism. 5 parts K elP (Lam ina ri a ·accharina)
I part Iri , h mos~ (Chon d ru~ en. pu ~ )
...J pan:-. Brigham tea (Ephedra specie ) I p<lt1 Rom a inc lettuce (Lactuca sal!\ a l
()pan~ H~ umng~a root ( H~ drangeH arborc:ccns) 1 part Turnip top · (Bra ica rapa)
...J Yucca (Yu cu1 pec ic::, ) I pnrt Iceland moss (Cetraria islandical
4 ran . Char~1 rral (Larrea tridentate )
I run Lobe Iia (Lobe Ii a in J·1aw) Th1 s is an a1d for the th) roid and a ·isting glnnd . Thc· l' hcrh~ n-.sht tn (l.'ntrPl\m~
I pw1 Burdock root (/\rct ium lappa) metabol ism an d g l VC herbal l'c~ding l 0 the thyroid gland · to help th~m dn the1r 10t llhll'~
1 pan Sarsclp<Jrilla (Smilax ofiicinalis) efficiently. This is a' cry fi ne glandul ar a1d For 3dthtional help. u·\.: '' ith l'nrmui:.t \ t) \ 2
1 r art \\'ild lettuce ( Lacwca scariola) Sou rc~: Th yroid Maintenance Fo mwla.
I p~1n Vakrian ront (\ 'a ieriana officina/is )
I pclrt \rnrm\\ ood ( .c\ rten1i sia absinthium) 33. A n t i- s p n~ modi c tin clurc (a lso s~e page 366)
I parr Cajcnnc (Capsicum frutescens: C. min11num )
I pan I part Sk ull cap h~rb ( cutcllan;J latL·rii1Pra l
.. Black coho ·h (C imicifuga rJ cemo. LJ)
~., pan · I pan Lobe lin (Lobelia inl1nta)
Black \\ alnw (J ug lans nigra )
I part Caycnn c ( Cap:=;icum frute sccn:-:.. C. mtntnHII11 l
part \ 'alerian ronl ( \ ':llenana ol1ici11nlts)
Th i~ i · a cnmhllla lt on nf herb · th rH d ~r · ·r 1 , ~ 1 ·
.· . ( e 0\ 1 y. act CJ"i n ·o 'cnt lor tile ~lccc pt cd but not I pan Skunk cabbage ( ~ ~ mplOC'\flliS lt)l'lldu,)
a~. tmdated c~d cnJJn dcpo it~ re/J ,. , . . , · . .. d . .
. b · ·· t c pam. PIO\J c a nell ~upph ol oruanic calcium !hat I part Cium myrrh ~Cnmm1pho ra m~rrha l
Loll l' a~. 11111/i.Jlcd till(/ ll~C /tt/. ki/1 ( o · I . ·~ ' . "' ~ . . . .
... 1- , .
1 . . uncu s ano llllectHl11 (llld gl\ ~ \\Oildc rf u l rc!Jel. Tl11 s part Black colwsh (Cim1ci l'trga racc>n1Lba'
Jc l e ' not l111llh.:d1Cilt becnusc thl~ t • (' . I. . . .. . . , .
r·· d ·J . I ' ' )pc () COI1l lll 0 ll IC(jlllll'S rc hll!ldrn o o l l h ~ ti ss ue yet
t:Jd lid I e .l e ( can come 'lnd full I " l . .1. I . . 2 •
.. . / >· 1 -:.. ·' . led mg. l 1e program 1s l oll o\\cd li 1ithl'u lh. Ta~c t\\O
caps u es lll <::c ll!ll e~ (I d 'l\ \·\lth a . r 13 ·'
f{; mctHalion s of thi l 1· . '·' . . .cup
~J gham ten ur ~lc(lll1-di~l i lkd' wu tcr. Use hot
· ·"' 1111 u1d 111 tea Ionn anJ 1 .
0 1N
otmu a 1 o. '~H.c,lllcd hnnL'.llL:'liL nnd cnrtilagc
u\·er ex treme!\ /) ' t 1•11t·11 ... · ·
~ ' I ot Cllpp 1cu arcu · AI . ·t ·· I· , . . .
IL''J dnrl r. In addition /(n ... . ·r , · soc ' L or l\\ o qtwrh ul kldncy bcnn pod
1111 011
- 1\.: IC . cl/1 C.\ le rna) t. lpplication of' lt)l'lllll iil \ t ) ~ -i I\ rL' CO ll1111CJ1Ckcf .

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