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Technological University of the Philippines

Manila Campus
College of Science



I. University Vision

The Technological University of the Philippines shall be a premier state university with recognized excellence
in engineering and technology education at par with the leading universities in the ASEAN region.

II. University Mission

The Technological University of the Philippines shall provide higher and advanced vocational, technical,
industrial, technological and professional education and training in industries and technology and in practical arts
leading to applied research, certificates, diplomas and degrees. It shall provide progressive leadership in
developmental studies in technical, industrial and technological fields and production using indigenous materials,
effect technology transfer in the countryside; and assist in the development of small and medium scale industries
in identified growth centers.

III. College Goals

The College of Science shall prepare students to become well-rounded individuals, scientifically literate, and
technically competent to assume a dynamic and responsible leadership for the country’s scientific and
technological development in the improvement of man’s-being and the quality of his environment.

IV. Core Values

T- Transparent and participatory governance

U- Unity in the pursuit of TUP mission, goals, and objectives
P- Professionalism in the discharge of quality service
I- Integrity and commitment to maintain the good name of the University
A- Accountability for individual and organizational quality performance
N- Nationalism through tangible contribution to the rapid economic growth of the country
S- Shared responsibility, hardwork, and resourcefulness in compliance to the mandates of the university

V. Department Objectives

1. Provide quality physics lecture courses at levels appropriate to specific programs of students.
2. Enable students to attain sufficient knowledge of physics, both conceptual understanding and the ability to
solve problems.
3. Expose students in a wide spectrum of experimental and computational methods, some incorporating group
activities, by the provision of physics laboratory courses.
4. Enhance the ability of students to communicate effectively both in written and in verbal form.
5. Develop the capability of the staff members in teaching, research and extension services.

VI. Program Education Objectives

After 3-5 years of graduation, the graduates of the program are expected to:

1. Achieve a high level of technical expertise to succeed in their chosen profession. (INSTRUCTION)
2. Engage in lifelong learning actively such as progressive leadership in applied research, development studies
in technical, industrial and engineering fields and production. (RESEARCH)
3. Engage in professional services to effect technology transfer and assist in the development of small and
medium scale industries to contribute to national development. (EXTENSION)

VII. Course Contents

1. Course Code: PHYSTECH

2. Course Title: Physics for Technologist
3. Pre-requisites: Calculus 1 (for STEM), Calculus 1 and PHYSGEN (for non-STEM)
4. Co-requisite: PHYSTECHL

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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science

5. Course description: This course is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in physics topics for
technologist fields at the calculus level. Fundamental concepts in major topics of physics (mechanics, waves,
thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics) will be discussed. The aims of this course are to encourage
conceptual understanding and the development of problem-solving skills to analyze broadly-defined physics
problems. This course has a laboratory component.
6. Credit Unit: 3 units
7. Class Duration: 3 hrs/wk

VIII. Program Outcomes in Relation to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational
Program Outcomes
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
1 2 3
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve broadly-defined physics problems


IX. Course Outcomes in Relation to Program Outcomes

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

After completing the course, the students must be able to: a
a. Demonstrate their knowledge of the basic scientific principles and fundamental concepts
of physics at the calculus level on the following areas: mechanics, waves, I
thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics.
b. Use appropriate scientific reasoning and mathematical techniques to obtain quantitative
solutions to problems in physics at the calculus level on the following areas: mechanics, E
waves, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics.

X. Course Coverage

Time Teaching and Learning

Week Main Topics Assessment Tools
(hr) Activities
1 1 Orientation Distribution and
a. University Vision and Mission discussion of course
b. College Goals and Department Objectives syllabus
c. Course Contents
d. Course Requirements and Evaluation
2 Topic 1 Linear Kinematics Lecture-discussion Problem set no.1
a. Position Vector, Displacement Vector, and Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Velocity Vector, Average Velocity, and Speed
c. Acceleration Vector
d. Motion with Constant Acceleration
e. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems
2 3 Topic 2 Force Vectors Lecture-discussion Problem set no.2
a. Types of Forces, Gravitational Force Vector, Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
Weight, Mass, and Net Force
b. Newton's Laws and Applying Newton's Laws
3 3 Topic 3 Work, Energy, and Power Lecture-discussion Problem set no.3
a. Work, Work Done by a Constant and Variable Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem
c. Work and Energy with Varying Forces
d. Power
e. Gravitational and Elastic Potential Energy

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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science

f. Conservation of Mechanical Energy

4 3 Topic 4 Impulse, Momentum, and Collisions Lecture-discussion Problem set no.4
a. Impulse and Linear Momentum Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Conservation of Linear Momentum
c. Momentum Conservation and Collisions
d. Center of Mass
5 2 PRELIM EXAM Examination Summative test no.1
5-6 4 Topic 5 Rotational Kinematics Lecture-discussion Problem set no.5
a. Angular Displacement, Velocity, and Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
c. Relating Linear and Angular Kinematics
d. Energy in Rotational Motion
e. Parallel-Axis Theorem and Moment of Inertia
7-8 4 Topic 6 Dynamics of Rotational Motion Lecture-discussion Problem set no.6
a. Torque and Angular Acceleration for a Rigid
Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Rigid-Body Rotation About a Moving Axis
c. Work and Power in Rotational Motion
d. Conservation of Angular Momentum
8 2 Topic 7 Equilibrium and Elasticity Lecture-discussion Problem set no.7
a. Conditions for Equilibrium, Center of Gravity, Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
and Solving Rigid-Body Equilibrium Problems
b. Stress, Strain, and Elastic Moduli
c. Elasticity and Plasticity
9 3 Topic 8 Periodic Motion Lecture-discussion Problem set no.8
a. Amplitude, Period, Frequency, and Angular Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Circular Motion and the Equations of Simple
Harmonic Motion
c. Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
d. Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion
10-11 4 Topic 9 Fluid Mechanics Lecture-discussion Problem set no.9
a. Gases, Liquids, and Density Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Pressure in a Fluid
c. Buoyancy
d. Fluid Flow
e. Bernoulli's Equation
f. Viscosity and Turbulence
11 2 MIDTERM EXAM Examination Summative test no.2
12-13 4 Topic 10 Mechanical Waves and Sound Lecture-discussion Problem set no.10
a. Types of Mechanical Waves Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Periodic Waves
c. Mathematical Description of a Wave
d. Speed of a Transverse Wave
e. Energy in Wave Motion
f. Wave Interference, Boundary Conditions,
and Superposition
g. Standing Waves on a String
h. Normal Modes of a String

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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science

i. Sound Waves
j. Speed of Sound Waves
k. Sound Intensity
l. Standing Sound Waves and Normal Modes
m. Resonance and Sound
n. Interference of Waves and Beats
o. The Doppler Effect and Shock Waves
13 2 Topic 11 Heat Transfer Lecture-discussion Problem set no.11
a. Temperature and Heat Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
c. Specific Heats of Solids and Fluids
d. Latent Heat and Phase Transitions
e. Modes of Thermal Energy Transfer
14-15 4 Topic 13 Electricity Lecture-discussion Problem set no.13
a. Electrostatics Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Electric Field and Gauss's Law
c. Electric Potential
d. Capacitance and Dielectrics
e. Current, Resistance, and Electromotive Force
f. DC Circuits
15 2 Topic 14 Magnetism Lecture-discussion Problem set no.14
a. Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Sources of Magnetic Field
16-17 4 Topic 15 Optics Lecture-discussion Problem set no.15
a. Properties of Light Problem solving Evaluation Rubric
b. Reflection and Refraction at a Plane Surface
c. Reflection at a Spherical Surface
d. Refraction at a Spherical Surfaces
e. Thin Lenses
f. Optical Instruments
17 2 FINAL EXAM Examination Summative test no.3
18 3 Grade verification and consultation Discussion

XI. Learning Outcomes in Relation to Program Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Program

A student completing this course should at the minimum be able to: Outcomes
Linear Kinematics
Use vectors to represent the position and velocity of a particle in two or three dimensions. I
Demonstrate how to find the vector acceleration of a particle. E
Apply equations and graphs to solve problems that involve straight-line motion with constant acceleration. E
Solve problems in which an object is falling freely under the influence of gravity alone. E
Analyze straight-line motion when the acceleration is not constant. I
Force Vectors
Explain the concept of force means in physics, why forces are vectors, and the significance of the net force on I
an object.
Discuss what happens when the net force on an object is zero, and the significance of inertial frames of I
Analyze how the acceleration of an object is determined by the net force on the object and the object’s mass. I
Distinguish between the mass of an object and its weight. I
Use a free-body diagram to help analyze the forces on an object. E
Use Newton’s first law to solve problems involving the forces that act on a body in equilibrium. E
Use Newton’s second law to solve problems involving the forces that act on an accelerating body. E
Examine the different types of friction forces and solve problems that involve these forces. I
Solve problems involving the forces that act on a body moving along a circular path. E

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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science

Work, Energy, and Power

Analyze what it means for a force to do work on a body, and how to calculate the amount of work done. I
Describe the kinetic energy of a body, and how the total work done on a body changes the body’s kinetic I
Discuss the relationship between total work and change in kinetic energy when the forces are not constant. I
Solve problems involving power. E
Use the concept of gravitational potential energy in problems that involve vertical motion. E
Use the concept of elastic potential energy in problems that involve a moving body attached to a stretched or E
compressed spring.
Differentiate between conservative and non-conservative forces. I
Use energy diagrams to understand how an object moves in a straight line under the influence of a conservative E
Impulse, Momentum, and Collisions
Explain the meaning of momentum and impulse. I
Describe circumstances under which the total momentum of a system of particles is constant. I
Use momentum conservation to solve problems. E
Analyze what happens in the important special case of an elastic collision. I
Describe the meaning of center of mass of a system. I
Rotational Kinematics
Analyze situations such as rocket propulsion in which the mass of a body changes as it moves. I
Describe the rotation of a rigid body in terms of angular coordinate, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. I
Analyze rigid-body rotation when the angular acceleration is constant. I
Relate the rotation of a rigid body to the linear velocity and linear acceleration of a point on the body. I
Discuss the meaning of a body’s moment of inertia about a rotation axis, and how it relates to rotational kinetic I
Relate the values of a body’s moment of inertia for two different but parallel rotation axes. I
Calculate the moment of inertia of bodies with various shapes. E
Dynamics of Rotational Motion
Discuss the concept of torque. I
Explain how the net torque on a body affects the body’s rotational motion. I
Analyze the motion of a body that both rotates and moves as a whole through space. I
Solve problems that involve work and power for rotating bodies. E
Describe what is meant by the angular momentum of a particle or rigid body. I
Explain how the angular momentum of a body can remain constant even if the body changes shape. I
Equilibrium and Elasticity
Analyze the conditions that must be satisfied for a body or structure to be in equilibrium. I
Discuss what the center of gravity of a body is and how it relates to the body’s stability. I
Solve problems that involve rigid bodies in equilibrium. E
Analyze situations in which a body is deformed by tension, compression, pressure, or shear. I
Periodic Motion
Describe oscillations in terms of amplitude, period, frequency, and angular frequency. I
Use energy concepts to analyze simple harmonic motion. I
Apply the ideas of simple harmonic motion to different physical situations. E
Fluid Mechanics
Discuss the meaning of the density of a material and the average density of a body. I
Explain what is meant by the pressure in a fluid, and how it is measured. I
Calculate the buoyant force that a fluid exerts on a body immersed in it. E
Differentiate laminar versus turbulent fluid flow. I
Use Bernoulli’s equation to relate pressure and flow speed at different points in certain types of flow. E
Analyze how viscous flow and turbulent flow differ from ideal flow. I
Mechanical Waves and Sound
Describe what is meant by a mechanical wave, and the different varieties of mechanical waves. I
Solve problems using the relationship among speed, frequency, and wavelength for a periodic wave. E
Interpret and use the mathematical expression for a sinusoidal periodic wave. I
Calculate the speed of waves on a rope or string. E
Calculate the rate at which a mechanical wave transports energy. E
Explain what happens when mechanical waves overlap and interfere. I
Describe properties of standing waves on a string, and how to analyze these waves. I
Explain how stringed instruments produce sounds of specific frequencies. I
Describe a sound wave in terms of either particle displacements or pressure fluctuations. I
Calculate the speed of sound waves in different materials. E
Calculate the intensity of a sound wave. E
Explain what determines the particular frequencies of sound produced by an organ or a flute. I
Analyze what happens when sound waves from different sources overlap. I
Describe what happens when two sound waves of slightly different frequencies are combined. I
Explain why the pitch of a siren changes as it moves past you. I
Analyze why an airplane flying faster than sound produces a shock wave. I
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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science

Heat Transfer
Discuss the meaning of thermal equilibrium, and what thermometers really measure. I
Compare different types of thermometers function. I
Explain the physics behind the absolute, or Kelvin, temperature scale. I
Describe how the dimensions of an object change as a result of a temperature change. I
Explain the meaning of heat, and how it differs from temperature. I
Show calculations that involve heat flow, temperature changes, and changes of phase. E
Explain how heat is transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation. I
Relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas. I
Analyze how the interactions between the molecules of a substance determine the properties of the substance. I
Show how the pressure and temperature of a gas are related to the kinetic energy of its molecules. E
Explain how the heat capacities of a gas reveal whether its molecules are rotating or vibrating. I
Describe the three methods of heat transfer I
Solve basic problems in heat transfer E
Discuss the nature of electric charge, and why electric charge is conserved. I
Explain how objects become electrically charged. I
Use Coulomb’s law to calculate the electric force between charges. E
Differentiate electric force from electric field. I
Calculate the electric field due to a collection of charges. E
Use the idea of electric field lines to visualize and interpret electric fields. I
Analyze the properties of electric dipoles. I
Determine the amount of charge within a closed surface by examining the electric field on the surface. I
Explain what is meant by electric flux, and how to calculate it. I
Discuss how Gauss’s law relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed by the I
Use Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field due to a symmetric charge distribution. E
Calculate the electric potential energy of a collection of charges. E
Explain the meaning and significance of electric potential. I
Calculate the electric potential that a collection of charges produces at a point in space. E
Use equipotential surfaces to visualize how the electric potential varies in space. I
Apply electric potential to calculate the electric field. E
Describe the nature of capacitors, and how to calculate a quantity that measures their ability to store charge. I
Analyze capacitors connected in a network. I
Calculate the amount of energy stored in a capacitor. E
Describe what dielectrics are, and how they make capacitors more effective. I
Explain how a dielectric inside a charged capacitor becomes polarized. I
Use Gauss’s laws when dielectrics are present. I
Describe the meaning of electric current, and how charges move in a conductor. I
Recognize what is meant by the resistivity and conductivity of a substance. I
Calculate the resistance of a conductor from its dimensions and its resistivity. E
Explain how an electromotive force (emf) makes it possible for current to flow in a circuit. I
Show calculations involving energy and power in circuits. E
Analyze circuits with multiple resistors in series or parallel. I
Identify rules that can be applied to any circuit with more than one loop. I
Describe the properties of magnets, and how magnets interact with each other. I
Discuss the nature of the force that a moving charged particle experiences in a magnetic field. I
Differentiate magnetic field lines from electric field lines. I
Analyze the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field. I
Cite some practical applications of magnetic fields in chemistry and physics. I
Analyze magnetic forces on current-carrying conductors. I
Describe how current loops behave when placed in a magnetic field. I
Explain how direct-current motors work. I
Discuss how magnetic forces give rise to the Hall effect. I
Explain the nature of the magnetic field produced by a single moving charged particle. I
Describe the magnetic field produced by an element of a current-carrying conductor. I
Calculate the magnetic field produced by a long, straight, current-carrying wire. E
Explain why wires carrying current in the same direction attract, while wires carrying opposing currents repel. I
Calculate the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire bent into a circle. E
Explain what Ampere’s law is, and what it tells us about magnetic fields. I
Use Ampere’s law to calculate the magnetic field of symmetric current distributions. E
Describe what light rays are, and how they are related to wave fronts. I
Explain the laws that govern the reflection and refraction of light. I
Describe circumstances under which light is totally reflected at an interface. I
Discuss the consequences of the speed of light in a material being different for different wavelengths. I
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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science

Make polarized light out of ordinary light. E

Interpret how Huygens’s principle helps us analyze reflection and refraction. I
Explain how a plane mirror forms an image. I
Discuss why concave and convex mirrors form images of different kinds. I
Describe how images can be formed by a curved interface between two transparent materials. I
Explain what aspects of a lens determine the type of image that it produces. I
Discuss what determines the field of view of a camera lens. I
Explain various causes of defects in human vision, and how they can be corrected. I
Explain the principle of the simple magnifier. I
Differentiate how microscopes and telescopes work. I

XII. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component

Technical Course: 100%

XIII. Textbook

Young, H. D., Freedman, R. A., & Ford, L. A. (2016). University Physics with Modern Physics (14th Ed.). USA.
Pearson Education, Inc.

XIV. Course Evaluation

Teaching and Learning Activity

This course will use the lecture-discussion method as a primary method of instruction. Students can contribute to
each other's learning through discussion, presentation, and sharing. Aside for giving lectures, the role of the
professor will be that of a resource person and as such may once in a while include extended elaboration of topics
in the form of group discussion. Dialogue with class participants, individual and group activities, and problem-
solving exercises will also be used as instructional strategies.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is expected of all students. The attempt by any student to present as his/her own work which
he/she has not produced is regarded by the faculty and administration of TUP as a serious offense. Students are
considered to have cheated if they turn in an assignment written in whole or in part by someone else. Students are
guilty of plagiarism, intentional or not, if they copy from books, magazines, Internet, or other sources without
identifying and acknowledging those sources or if they paraphrase ideas from such sources without
acknowledging them. Students enrolled in this course that cheat on exams or quizzes or commit plagiarism, or
copy another student’s work in any way, violate the Academic Integrity policy of the University and will receive
no point on the test or assignment in question. In addition, they will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs
(OSA) for appropriate sanction.


A student must attend classes regularly. Any student who, for unavoidable circumstances, fails to attend a class
must submit an excuse letter to the instructor/professor concerned duly signed by the parent or guardian.
Unexcused and/or chronic lateness and early exits will be counted as an "absence." Missing a class does not
excuse you from the work assigned. When a student incurs absences equivalent to 20% of the total number of
hours required in a particular subject, he shall be dropped from the subject. Considerations may be given to a
student by allowing him to make up for his absences.

Class Management

All students are expected to come to class on time. Use of cell phones is prohibited. Wear your proper uniform.

Course Requirements

The following are the requirements for completion of this course.

 Textbook
 Major assessments: Prelim, Midterm, and Final Examinations
 Class participations and Problem sets
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Technological University of the Philippines
Manila Campus
College of Science


The student performance assessment is divided into Lecture (70%) and Laboratory (30%). A student will receive
the same final grade for both the lecture and laboratory component of the course.

Course Grading: Grading will be as follows

Lecture Grade Components

Components Percentage
a. Problem sets 30%
b. Prelim exam 20%
c. Midterm exam 20%
d. Final exam 25%
e. Attendance 5%
Total 100%

University Grading System

Grade Percentage Equivalent
1.00 99-100
1.25 96-98
1.50 93-95
1.75 90-92
2.00 86-89
2.25 83-85
2.50 80-82
2.75 77-79
3.00 75-76
5.00 74 and below
DRP Dropped

XV. Other References

Cutnell, John D. & Johnson, Kenneth W. (2001). Physics (5th Ed.). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Resnick, Halliday, and Krane (2002), Physics, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,

Tipler, Paul A. (1991). Physics for Scientist and Engineers, 3rd Edition, Worth Publishers, New York, N.Y.

Young and Freedman. (2001). University Physics, 10th Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc

XVI. Course Materials Made Available

Lecture notes
Problem sets

XVII. Name of Faculty

Nelson M. Abana

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