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1634 Disinfectants and Preservatives

Cetalkonium Chloride (BAN, USAN, rINN) ing powder. Freely soluble in water and in alcohol. A 2.0% solu- Handling. Cetrimide powder is irritant; it has been recommend-
Cetalkonii Chloridum; Cétalkonium, Chlorure de; Cloruro de ce- tion in water froths copiously when shaken. ed that the nose and mouth should be protected by a mask when
BP 2008 (Strong Cetrimide Solution). It is an aqueous solution working with the powder1 and eyes should be protected by gog-
talconio; NSC-32942. Benzylhexadecyldimethylammonium chlo-
of cetrimide. It contains 20 to 40% w/v of cetrimide, calculated gles.
ride. as C17H38BrN and up to 10% alcohol or isopropyl alcohol, or 1. Jacobs JY. Work hazards from drug handling. Pharm J 1984;
Цеталкония Хлорид both; alcohol may be replaced by industrial methylated spirit. It 233: 195–6.
C 25 H 46 ClN = 396.1. may be perfumed and may contain colouring matter. Store at a
C AS — 122-18-9. temperature above 15°. Uses and Administration
Incompatibility. Cetrimide is incompatible with soaps and oth- Cetrimide is a quaternary ammonium antiseptic with
er anionic surfactants, bentonite, iodine, phenylmercuric nitrate, actions and uses typical of cationic surfactants. These
+ and alkali hydroxides. Aqueous solutions react with metals. surfactants dissociate in aqueous solution into a rela-
N (CH2)14CH3 −
Cl tively large and complex cation that is responsible for
H 3C CH3 Adverse Effects and Treatment the surface activity and a smaller inactive anion. In ad-
At the concentrations used on the skin, solutions of ce- dition to emulsifying and detergent properties, quater-
trimide and other quaternary compounds do not gener- nary ammonium compounds have bactericidal activity
Profile ally cause irritation, but some patients become hyper- against Gram-positive and, at a higher concentration,
Cetalkonium chloride is a quaternary ammonium antiseptic with against some Gram-negative bacteria. Some Pseu-
actions and uses similar to those of other cationic surfactants (see
sensitive to cetrimide after repeated applications.
Cetrimide, p.1634). It is used in a variety of topical preparations Cetrimide powder is reported to be irritant. There have domonas spp. are particularly resistant as are strains of
in the treatment of minor infections of the mouth and throat. It been rare reports of burns with concentrated solutions Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They are ineffective
has also been used in the treatment of eye infections. Cetalko- of cetrimide. against bacterial spores, have variable antifungal activ-
nium bromide has also been used. ity, and are effective against some viruses.
If ingested, cetrimide and other quaternary ammonium
Preparations Quaternary ammonium compounds are most effective
compounds cause nausea and vomiting; strong solu-
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) in neutral or slightly alkaline solution and their bacteri-
Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Pansoral; Austral.: Bonjela; Austria: Mundisal;
tions may cause oesophageal damage and necrosis.
Braz.: Pondicilina; Canad.: Bionet; Cz.: Mundisal; Fr.: Pansoral; Ger.: Mun- They have depolarising muscle relaxant properties and cidal activity is appreciably reduced in acid media;
disal†; Gr.: Mundisal; Hong Kong: Bonjela; Hung.: Mundisal; Irl.: Bonjela; toxic symptoms include dyspnoea and cyanosis due to their activity is enhanced by alcohols.
Israel: Baby Gum; Bonjela; Malaysia: Bonjela; NZ: Bonjela; Pol.: Sachol
zel Stomatologiczny; Rus.: Cholisal (Холисал); Pansoral (Пансорал); paralysis of the respiratory muscles, possibly leading to Like other quaternary ammonium compounds, notably
S.Afr.: AAA†; Bonjela; Singapore: Bonjela; Switz.: Mundisal; Pansoral; asphyxia. CNS depression (sometimes preceded by ex- benzalkonium chloride (p.1629), cetrimide has been
Tenderdol; Thai.: Bonjela; UK: Bonjela; Bonjela Teething Gel; USA: Babee.
citement and convulsions), hypotension, coma, and employed for cleansing skin, wounds (but see under
death may also occur. Accidental intra-uterine or intra- Wound Disinfection, p.1624), and burns. For these
Cethexonium Bromide venous administration may cause haemolysis and pul- purposes it has been used as a 0.1 to 1.0% aqueous so-
Cetexonio, bromuro de. Hexadecyl(2-hydroxycyclohexyl)di-
monary embolism. lution, generally prepared by dilution of a more con-
methylammonium bromide. Treatment of poisoning is symptomatic; demulcents centrated solution, or as a cream or spray containing
C 24 H 50 BrNO = 448.6. and diluents may be given if necessary but emesis and 0.5%. However, a mixture of cetrimide with chlorhex-
C AS — 6810-42-0 (cethexonium); 1794-74-7 (cethexo- lavage should be avoided, particularly if concentrated idine (p.1635) has often been preferred to cetrimide
nium bromide); 58703-78-9 (cethexonium chloride). alone. This combination is also used in a lotion for acne
solutions have been ingested. Activated charcoal may
be considered if the patient presents within an hour of (p.1577).
H C CH ingestion. CNS stimulants and cholinesterase inhibi- Solutions containing up to 10% of cetrimide have been
N CH used as shampoos to remove the scales in seborrhoeic
tors are reported not to reverse paralysis due to cetrim-
ide intoxication although sympathomimetics have dermatitis (p.1584).
been tried. Corticosteroids may reduce oropharyngeal Cetrimide solution 0.5 or 1% has been used as a scoli-
NOTE. Cethexonium Chloride is rINN. oedema. cide to irrigate hydatid cysts during surgery (see Echi-
Profile Effects after cyst irrigation. Adverse effects after irrigation
nococcosis, p.136) but systemic adverse effects have
Cethexonium bromide is a quaternary ammonium antiseptic with cetrimide solutions in the treatment of hydatid cysts have been reported (see above).
with properties similar to those of other cationic surfactants (see included chemical peritonitis,1 methaemoglobinaemia with cya- Cetrimide and benzalkonium chloride are also used as
Cetrimide, p.1634). It is used in preparations for the local treat- nosis,2 and metabolic acidosis.3
ment of minor infections of the eye, nose, and throat.
preservatives in cosmetics and pharmaceutical formu-
1. Gilchrist DS. Chemical peritonitis after cetrimide washout in hy- lations including eye drops and in disinfecting solu-
Preparations datid-cyst surgery. Lancet 1979; ii: 1374.
tions for hard contact lenses; neither compound should
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) 2. Baraka A, et al. Cetrimide-induced methaemoglobinaemia after
Fr.: Biocidan. surgical excision of hydatid cyst. Lancet 1980; ii: 88–9. be used for disinfection of soft contact lenses.
Multi-ingredient: Fr.: Biocidan. 3. Momblano P, et al. Metabolic acidosis induced by cetrimonium Cetrimide is also present in some emulsifying prepara-
bromide. Lancet 1984; ii: 1045.
tions such as Cetrimide Emulsifying Ointment (BP
Poisoning. The fatal dose of quaternary ammonium compounds 2008).
was estimated to be 1 to 3 g.1
Cetrimide (BAN, rINN) 1. Arena JM. Poisonings and other health hazards associated with
Cetrimid; Cetrimida; Cetrimidas; Cétrimide; Cetrimidum; Ce- use of detergents. JAMA 1964; 190: 56–8. BP 2008: Cetrimide Cream; Cetrimide Emulsifying Ointment; Cetrimide
trymid; Setrimid; Setrimidi. Solution.
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3)
Цетримид Precautions Arg.: Boucren; Sorbicet; Fr.: Cetavlon; Sterilene; Gr.: Cetavlon; Irl.: Cetav-
C AS — 1119-97-7 (trimethyltetradecylammonium bro- Prolonged and repeated applications of cetrimide to the lex†; Vesagex; Malaysia: Cetavlex†; Dermoplex Antiseptic; Port.: Cetav-
mide); 1119-94-4 (dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide); skin are inadvisable as hypersensitivity may occur. lex; Singapore: Acnederm Wash; Spain: Cetavlon†; Turk.: Cetyl; UK:
8044-71-1 (cetrimide). Bansor†; Cetavlex; Medi-Prep; Medicaid; Richmond Antiseptic Cream; Ves-
Contact with the eyes, brain, meninges, and middle ear agex.
ATC — D08AJ04; D11AC01. should be avoided. Cetrimide is for external use only Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Cerosporin GS†; Jabonacid; Otidrops; Otocalmia
ATC Vet — QD08AJ04; QD11AC01. Biotic; Sincerum; Austral.: Acnederm Foaming Wash; Curacleanse†; Dime-
and should not be used in body cavities or as an enema. thicream; Hamilton Pine Tar with Menthol; Hamilton Skin Repair†; Medi
Quaternary ammonium compounds are not reliable for Creme; Microshield Antiseptic; Pro-PS†; Savlon Antiseptic; Soov Bite; Soov
Burn; Soov Cream; Austria: Lemocin; Xylonor; Belg.: Lemocin; Braz.: Ce-
Br- sterilising surgical instruments and heat-labile articles. trilan; Canad.: Savlodil; Cz.: Hibicet Hospital Concentrate†; Fr.: Broncori-
The antimicrobial activity of quaternary ammonium nol rhinites†; Lysocalmspray; Rectoquotane; Gr.: Hibicet; Hong Kong: Ac-
CH3 nederm Wash; B-Gel; Borraginol-N; Drapolene†; Hamilton Skin Repair;
N+ compounds may be reduced through absorption, or Hibicet Hospital Concentrate†; Medicreme; Soov Bite; Soov Cream; Tri-
CH3 through combination with organic matter, or by reduc- Gel; Zinsomine; India: Iteol-3; Scabine; Scarab; Siloderm; Indon.: Benzo-
CH3 mid; Bioacne; Borraginol-N; Borraginol-S; Neo Resiguard; Pravlon; Irl.:
CH3 ing pH. Ceanel†; Drapolene; Hibicet; RBC; Savlon; Siopel†; Torbetol; Israel: Cetrin;
Savior; Septacare†; Tisept; Travasept; Ital.: Baxidin; Cetrexidin; Cetrisan;
Solutions of quaternary ammonium compounds Clotramid†; Cuprosodio; Farvicett; Hibizene; Lidocaina Spray; Panseptil;
(trimethyltetradecylammonium bromide) should not be used for disinfection of soft contact lens- Steridol†; Malaysia: Acnederm Foaming Wash; Burnol Plus; Drapolene;
Hibicet†; Soov Bite; Neth.: Hibicet concentraat; Hibicet verdunning; NZ:
es. Acnederm Foaming Wash; Acnederm Wash†; Hairscience Conditioner†;
NOTE. The name cetrimonium bromide was often formerly used Karicare Barrier Cream†; Medicreme; Savlon; Soov Bite; Soov Burn; Soov
for cetrimide. Cetrimonium bromide (see below) is hexadecyl- Aqueous solutions of cetrimide or other quaternary Cream; Soov Gel; Philipp.: Drapolene; Rus.: Drapolene (Драполен);
S.Afr.: Benzet†; Germolene; Hibicet†; Medituss†; Siopel; Trochain; Virobis†;
trimethylammonium bromide. ammonium disinfectants may be susceptible to con- Singapore: Burnol Plus; Drapolene; Napitol†; Savlon†; Soov Bite; Soov
Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii) and Int. tamination with micro-organisms. To reduce this risk, Cream; Switz.: Gem; Thai.: Bacard; Burnol Plus; Chlorhex-C; Dekka;
Br. also includes strong cetrimide solution. Drapolene; Frebac; Hibicet†; Inhibac; Napilene; Sepdine†; Septone†; Turk.:
a sterilised preparation should be used or, where neces- Drapolene; Savlex; Savonol; Savrolin; Setilin; UK: Ceanel; Cetanorm;
Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Cetrimide). It consists of trimethyltetradecyl- sary, solutions must be freshly prepared at the recom- Cymex; Dermidex; Drapolene; Hibicet†; Lypsyl Cold Sore Gel; Neo Baby
ammonium bromide (=tetradonium bromide (rINN)) and may Cream; Quinoderm Antibacterial Face Wash; Savlon Antiseptic Cream;
contain smaller amounts of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide mended concentration and appropriate measures Savlon Antiseptic Liquid; Siopel; Steripod Chlorhexidine Gluconate with
and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (=cetrimonium bro- should be taken to prevent contamination during stor- Cetrimide†; Tisept; Torbetol; Travasept; USA: Scadan.
mide, p.1635). A white or almost white, voluminous, free-flow- age or dilution.
Cetalkonium Chloride/Chlorhexidine 1635
Cetrimonium Bromide (BAN, rINN) Cetylpyridinium bromide is used similarly for minor mouth and Pharmacopoeias. In Chin., Eur. (see p.vii), and Int.
Bromuro de cetrimonio; Cetrimonii Bromidum; Cétrimonium, throat disorders. Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Chlorhexidine Diacetate). A white or almost
Bromure de; Cetylotrimetyloamoniowy bromek; Cetyltrimethyl- Preparations white, microcrystalline powder. Sparingly soluble in water; sol-
uble in alcohol; slightly soluble in glycerol and in propylene gly-
ammonium Bromide; CTAB. Hexadecyltrimethylammonium USP 31: Cetylpyridinium Chloride Lozenges; Cetylpyridinium Chloride
Topical Solution. col.
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Incompatibility. The incompatibilities of chlorhexidine salts
Цетримония Бромид Austral.: Cepacol Antibacterial; Cepacol Antiseptic Throat Lozenges; Ce-
C 19 H 42BrN = 364.4. pacol Mint; Cepacol Regular; Lemsip Lozenges; Austria: Dobendan; Halset;
are discussed under Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride, below.
C AS — 6899-10-1 (cetrimonium); 57-09-0 (cetrimonium Braz.: Gargocetil; Laringex; Canad.: Cepacol; Mouthwash†; Rince Bouche Stability. The stability of chlorhexidine salts is discussed under
bromide). Antiseptique; Throat Lozenges; Chile: Freesept; Cz.: Halset; Fr.: Cetylyre†;
Novoptine†; Ger.: Dobendan; Halstabletten akute; Hong Kong: Cepacol; Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride, below.
ATC — D08AJ02; R02AA17. Cetocomp; Hung.: Halset; Irl.: Merocets; Ital.: Bat; Borocaina Gola;
ATC Vet — QD08AJ02; QR02AA17. Bronchenolo†; Cetilsan; Citromed Soap; Exil; Farin Gola; Golacetin; Gola-
fair; Honeygola; Neo Cepacol Pastiglie; Neo Coricidin Gola†; Neo Form- Chlorhexidine Gluconate (BANM, USAN, rINNM)
itrol; Periogard Plus; Ragaden; Stomygen; Mex.: Trociletas; Norw.: Pyrisept; Chlorheksidino digliukonato tirpalas; Chlorhexidin-diglukonát;
NZ: Cepacol; Lemsip Throat Lozenges; Pol.: Halset; Menthosept; Port.:
CH3 Chlorhexidine Digluconate; Chlorhexidine, digluconate de;
Septus; S.Afr.: Cepacol; Universal Throat Lollies; Singapore: Cepacol;
H3C N+ CH3 Spain: Angifonil†; Thai.: Cepacol; Orasept; Turk.: Aseptol; Penipastil; UK: Chlorhexidine, Gluconate de; Chlorhexidini digluconas; Chlo-
Listermint; Merocets; USA: Cepacol Mouthwash; Cepacol Throat; Choice
DM Gentle Care; Scope; Venez.: Cepacol; Tablibut†. rhexidini Digluconatis Solutio; Chlorhexidini Gluconas; Chloro-
H 3C heksydyny diglukonianu roztwór; Gluconato de clorhexidina;
Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Desenfriol Caramelos†; Ernex Duo; Oral-B En-
juague Bucal†; Periodil; Solumerin; Austral.: Cepacaine; Cepacol Anaes- Klooriheksidiinidiglukonaattiliuos; Klorheksidin Glukonat; Klor-
(cetrimonium) thetic; Cepacol Antibacterial; Cepacol Cough & Sore Throat; Difflam Anti- hexidindiglukonatlösning; Klórhexidin-diglükonát-oldat. 1,1′-Hex-
inflammatory Lozenges with Cough Suppressant; Difflam Lozenges; Difflam
Mouth Gel; Duro-Tuss Cough Lozenges; Gentlees; Seda-Gel†; Austria: amethylenebis[5-(4-chlorophenyl)biguanide] digluconate.
NOTE. The name cetrimonium bromide was formerly applied to Coldistan; Dentinox; Gurfix; Paididont; Tetesept; Braz.: Cepacaina; Cepacol
cetrimide (see above). Menta; Cetildrops†; Dentalivio†; Fenotricin†; Lima C; Limao Bravo com Vi-
Хлоргексидина Глюконат
Pharmacopoeias. In USNF. tamina C†; Limao Bravo†; Malvona†; Neopiridin; Pondicilina; Proplax†; Psiu; C 22 H 30 Cl 2 N 10,2C 6 H 12 O 7 = 897.8.
Sanilin; Canad.: Cepacol Extra Strength; Cepacol with Fluoride; Green An- C AS — 18472-51-0.
USNF 26 (Cetrimonium Bromide). A white to creamy white, tiseptic Mouthwash & Gargle; Kank-A; Oral Plan†; Oral-B Anti-Bacterial
voluminous, free-flowing powder, with a characteristic faint with Fluoride; Throat Lozenges; Chile: Halita; Kank-Eze; Oralfresh Menta; ATC — A01AB03; B05C A02; D08AC02; D09AA12;
odour. Freely soluble in water and in alcohol; practically insolu- Pancrit; Perio-Aid c Cloruro de Cetilpiridinio; Vitis Encias Colutorio; Vitis R02AA05; S01AX09; S02AA09; S03AA04.
Encias Pasta; Cz.: Brand- und Wundgel†; Calgel; Neoseptolete; Panlid; ATC Vet — QA01AB03; QB05C A02; QD08AC02;
ble in ether. Stas†; Tetesept Angidin†; Fin.: Bafucin; Fr.: Alodont; Broncorinol maux de
gorge†; Lysopaine; Parogencyl prevention gencives; Ger.: Bioget†; Brand- QD09AA12; QR02AA05; QS01AX09; QS02AA09;
und Wund-Gel Eu Rho†; Broncho-Tyrosolvetten†; Dolo-Dobendan; Em- QS03AA04.
Cetrimonium Chloride (BAN) medical†; Frubienzym; Frubizin Forte†; Nordathricin N†; Trachiform†; Ty-
Cetrimonio, cloruro de. Hexadecyltrimethylammonium chlo- rosolvetten-C†; Tyrosolvetten†; Tyrosur; Wick Sulagil; Hong Kong: Denti- Pharmacopoeias. Chin., Eur. (see p.vii), and US include a so-
nox Teething Gel; Difflam Anti-inflammatory Lozenges; Difflam Mouth Gel; lution which contains 19 to 21% of chlorhexidine gluconate.
Pharynx; Setronges†; Hung.: Mebucain; Tyrosur; Indon.: Sentril; Irl.: Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Chlorhexidine Digluconate Solution; Chlorhexidini
C 19 H 42ClN = 320.0. Anbesol; Merocaine; Israel: Cepadont; Kank-A; Ital.: Delta 80; Delta 80 Digluconatis Solutio; Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution BP 2008).
C AS — 112-02-7. Plus; Farmagola†; Ginvapast; Gola Action; Neo-Stomygen; Oral-B Colluto-
An aqueous solution which contains not less than 190 g/litre and
rio per la Protezione di Denti e Gengive; Orosanyl†; Ridiodent; Rikospray;
Profile Stomygen; Malaysia: Cetylpyridinium B; Dentinox Teething Gel; Difflam not more than 210 g/litre of chlorhexidine gluconate. An almost
Cetrimonium bromide is a quaternary ammonium antiseptic with Anti-inflammatory Lozenges (with Antibacterial); Difflam Anti-Inflammato- colourless or pale-yellowish liquid. Miscible with water, with not
actions and uses similar to those of other cationic surfactants (see ry Lozenges (with cough suppressant); Difflam Mouth Gel; Orregel; Phar- more than 5 parts of alcohol, and with not more than 3 parts of
ynx; Setronges†; Mex.: Cepacaina; Mentalgina; Trociletas B; Neth.: Agre-
Cetrimide, p.1634). Cetrimonium chloride and cetrimonium Gola; Norw.: Aselli; NZ: Cepacaine; Cepacol Anaesthetic; Cepacol Cough acetone. A 5% v/v dilution in water has a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. Protect
tosilate are also used. Discs; Difflam Cough; Difflam Mouth Gel; Duro-Tuss Lozenges; Philipp.: from light.
Xylorinse; Pol.: Calgel; Lidodent; Septolete Plus; Tetesept; Undofen; Port.: USP 31 (Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution). An aqueous solu-
Preparations Anbegele†; Biofluor Ortodoncia†; Biofluor Sensitive†; Dropcina; Mebocai-
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) na; Rus.: Calgel (Калгель); Septolete Plus (Септолете Плюс); S.Afr.: tion which contains not less than 19% and not more than 21% of
Braz.: Tiracaspa†; Ital.: Golaval†; Senol; Sterilene; Switz.: Aknex Cleaning; Anbesol; Andolex-C; Cepacaine; Cepacol; Cepacol Cough Discs; Cetoxol; chlorhexidine gluconate. An almost colourless or pale yellow,
Turisan. Colphen; Endcol Lozenges; Medi-Kain†; Medi-Keel A; Prodol; Vagarsol; clear liquid. Miscible with water and with glacial acetic acid;
Vicks Acta Plus; Vicks Cough Syrup; Singapore: Dentinox Teething Gel; miscible with five times its volume of dehydrated alcohol and
Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Bagociletas sin Anestesia†; Bagoderm; Eryteal; Difflam Anti-inflammatory Anti-Bacterial Lozenges; Difflam Mouth Gel;
Klorane Bebe Eryteal; Salvicutan†; Austria: Xylestesin; Belg.: Cetavlex; Duro-Tuss Cough Lozenges; Pharynx; Soragel; Spain: Alcohocel; Alcohol with three times its volume of acetone; further addition of dehy-
HAC; Hacdil-S; Braz.: Amigdalol; Drapolene; Leucocida†; Fr.: Eryteal†; Cetil†; Alcohol Cetilpi Cuve†; Babysiton; Farmalcohol; Pastillas Antisep drated alcohol or of acetone yields a white turbidity. A 5% v/v di-
Nostril; Ger.: Lemocin; Xylestesin Pumpspray†; Indon.: Lemocin; Israel: Garg L; Pastillas Antisep Garg M; Silidermil†; Vicks Formula 44†; Swed.:
Lemocin; Ital.: Golamixin; Xylonor; Mex.: Dermatolona; Pol.: Cetriscabin; lution in water has a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. Store in airtight containers.
Bafucin; Switz.: Alodont†; Angina MCC; Anginazol; Desaquick forte†; Fla- Protect from light.
Spain: Diformiltricina; Hongosan; Xylonor; Switz.: Desitur†; Lemocin; vangin†; Hextriletten; Hextrimint; Lidazon; Mebucaine; Nasex†; Neo-Angin
Septivon N; Turexan Capilla; Xylestesin†; Xylonor; Venez.: Kertyol. Lido; Otothricinol; Pharmacard Family Maux de gorge†; Wulnasin; Thai.:
Sentril; Sore Mouth Gel; Turk.: Calgel; Nesgarin; UAE: B-Cool; New B- Incompatibility. The incompatibilities of chlorhexidine salts
Cool; UK: Adult Meltus for Chesty Coughs & Catarrh; Allens Dry Tickly are discussed under Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride, below.
Cough; Anbesol; Calgel; Dentinox Teething Gel; Kilkof; Listermint with Flu-
Cetylpyridinium Chloride (BAN, rINN) oride; Macleans Mouthguard; Meltus Expectorant; Meltus Junior Expecto- Stability. The stability of chlorhexidine salts is discussed under
rant; Merocaine; Merocets Plus; Rinstead; Rinstead Teething Gel†; Wood- Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride, below.
Cetilpiridinio chloridas; Cetilpiridinium-klorid; Cetylpyridinii chlo- wards Teething Gel; USA: Cepacol Anesthetic; Cepacol Maximum Strength
ridum; Cetylpyridinii Chloridum Monohydricum; Cétylpyridin- Sore Throat; Cepacol Regular Strength; Cylex; MouthKote O/R; MouthKo- Sterilisation. Dilutions of commercial concentrated solutions
te P/R†; Orajel Mouth Aid; Venez.: Borogin; Calgel†; Cepacol-BE; Isospray; may be sterilised by autoclaving.
ium, chlorure de; Cetylpyridinium-chlorid monohydrát; Cetylpy- Lafarcaina; Solunovar Compuesto.
ridiniumklorid; Cloruro de cetilpiridinio; Setilpiridinyum Klorür;
Setyylipyridiniumkloridi. 1-Hexadecylpyridinium chloride mono- Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride (BANM, USAN, rINNM)
hydrate. AY-5312; Chlorheksidino dihidrochloridas; Chlorhexidin-dihy-
Цетилпиридиния Хлорид Chlorhexidine (BAN, rINN) drochlorid; Chlorhexidine, Chlorhydrate de; Chlorhexidine,
C 21 H 38ClN,H 2 O = 358.0. Chlorhexidinum; Clorhexidina; Klooriheksidiini; Klorheksidin; dichlorhydrate de; Chlorhexidine Dihydrochloride; Chlorhexidini
C AS — 7773-52-6 (cetylpyridinium); 123-03-5 (anhy- Klorhexidin. dihydrochloridum; Chlorhexidini Hydrochloridum; Hidrocloruro
drous cetylpyridinium chloride); 6004-24-6 (cetylpyridin- de clorhexidina; Klooriheksidiinidihydrokloridi; Klorheksidin Hid-
ium chloride, monohydrate). Хлоргексидин
C AS — 55-56-1. roklorür; Klórhexidin-dihidroklorid; Klorhexidindihydroklorid.
ATC — B05C A01; D08AJ03; D09AA07; R02AA06.
ATC Vet — QB05C A01; QD08AJ03; QD09AA07; ATC — A01AB03; B05C A02; D08AC02; D09AA12; 1,1′-Hexamethylenebis[5-(4-chlorophenyl)biguanide] dihydro-
QR02AA06. R02AA05; S01AX09; S02AA09; S03AA04. chloride.
ATC Vet — QA01AB03; QB05C A02; QD08AC02; Хлоргексидина Гидрохлорид
QD09AA12; QR02AA05; QS01AX09; QS02AA09; C 22 H 30 Cl 2 N 10,2HCl = 578.4.
QS03AA04. C AS — 3697-42-5.
N (CH2)14CH3 − ATC — A01AB03; B05C A02; D08AC02; D09AA12;
Cl R02AA05; S01AX09; S02AA09; S03AA04.
N N N N N N ATC Vet — QA01AB03; QB05C A02; QD08AC02;
(CH ) QD09AA12; QR02AA05; QS01AX09; QS02AA09;
Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii) and US. Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii), Int., and Jpn.
Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Cetylpyridinium Chloride). A white or almost Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Chlorhexidine Dihydrochloride; Chlorhexidine Hy-
white powder, slightly soapy to the touch. Soluble in water, froth- Chlorhexidine Acetate (BANM, rINNM) drochloride BP 2008). A white or almost white, crystalline pow-
ing copiously when shaken; soluble in alcohol. der. Sparingly soluble in water and in propylene glycol; very
USP 31 (Cetylpyridinium Chloride). A white powder with a Acetato de clorhexidina; Chlorheksidino diacetatas; Chlorhexi-
din-diacetát; Chlorhexidine, Acétate de; Chlorhexidine Diace- slightly soluble in alcohol.
slight characteristic odour. Soluble 1 in 4.5 of water and of chlo-
roform, and 1 in 2.5 of alcohol; slightly soluble in ether and in tate; Chlorhexidine, diacétate de; Chlorhexidini Acetas; Chlo- Incompatibility. Chlorhexidine salts are incompatible with
benzene. rhexidini diacetas; Chloroheksydyny octan; Klooriheksidiinidia- soaps and other anionic materials. Activity may be reduced in the
setaatti; Klorhexidindiacetat; Klórhexidin-diacetát. 1,1′-Hexame- presence of suspending agents such as alginates and tragacanth,
Incompatibility. Cetylpyridinium chloride is incompatible thylenebis[5-(4-chlorophenyl)biguanide] diacetate. insoluble powders such as kaolin, and insoluble compounds of
with soaps and other anionic surfactants. calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Chlorhexidine acetate is incom-
Хлоргексидина Ацетат
Profile C 22 H 30 Cl 2 N 10 ,2C 2H 4 O 2 = 625.6. patible with potassium iodide. At a concentration of 0.05%, chlo-
Cetylpyridinium chloride is a quaternary pyridinium antiseptic C AS — 56-95-1. rhexidine salts are incompatible with borates, bicarbonates, car-
with actions and uses similar to those of other cationic sur- ATC — A01AB03; B05C A02; D08AC02; D09AA12; bonates, chlorides, citrates, nitrates, phosphates, and sulfates,
factants (see Cetrimide, p.1634). It is used chiefly as lozenges or R02AA05; S01AX09; S02AA09; S03AA04. forming salts of low solubility which may precipitate out of so-
solutions for the treatment of minor infections of the mouth and ATC Vet — QA01AB03; QB05C A02; QD08AC02; lution. At dilutions of 0.01% or more, these salts are generally
throat. It is also used topically for the treatment of skin and eye QD09AA12; QR02AA05; QS01AX09; QS02AA09; soluble. Insoluble salts may form in hard water. Chlorhexidine
infections. QS03AA04. salts are inactivated by cork.
The symbol † denotes a preparation no longer actively marketed The symbol ⊗ denotes a substance whose use may be restricted in certain sports (see p.vii)

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