Shy Girl by Maggie Coyle

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Angela Marie G.

De Juan

11- STEM Phoenix

Shy Girl by Maggie Coyle

I just get anxious sometimes when I’m around large groups of people. Or when I’m just around
people. I don’t know…I just get all self-conscious and feel like everyone’s staring at me. Even
though no one is probably even looking at me. I get this feeling like there’s some large mark
painted on my face. And everyone’s staring at it, wondering what it is, and where it came from,
and I don’t even realize that it’s there. Then I end just having this feeling that there’s something
wrong with me and so I stand and I walk around just being uncomfortable in my own skin. And
because I’m obviously uncomfortable, I think everyone else senses it and doesn’t like me
because of it. And it makes me all the more self-conscious and closed lipped. It’s just a vicious
cycle where I can never win.

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