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Learning Activity 3 solution

a) £
Total Sales (370 + 666 + 1,199 + 2,158) 4,393
Less: Production costs (222 + 400 + 719 + 1,295) (2,636)
Less: Total depreciation (290 x 4) (1,160)
Total profit 597

Average annual profit (597/4) 149

Average investment: (1,200 + 40)/2 620

ARR = 149/620 x 100% = 24.0%

b) £ £
Initial investment (time 0) (1,200) (1,200)
Net cash inflow (year 1)(370 - 222) 148 (1,052)
Net cash inflow (year 2)(666 - 400) 266 (786)
Net cash inflow (year 3)(1,199 - 719) 480 (306)
Net cash inflow (year 4)(2,158 - 1,295) 863 557
Realisation of assets (time 4) 40 597

If net cash inflows occur evenly through the year then payback will occur in 4 th
month of year 4(306/863). Payback is therefore, 3 years 4 months.

ARR of the project is above the hurdle rate of 18% so the project should be
considered further. The company should not rely solely on non-discounted
techniques for appraising projects as these ignore the time value of money.
Environment factors should also be considered, such as building in an area of
outstanding natural beauty and also the health effects of toxic gases.

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