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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte
Marine Transportation Department

Industrial Revolution 5.0 and its Effect/Impacts to the Philippines

(Brief Overview of the previous Industrial Revolution (1st to 3rd), Opportunities and
Challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and 5.0, Effects and Impacts of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and 5.0)

A Written Presentation Presented to

Ms. Elvenne Manila-Bate
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
For the Course GEC 3 (The Contemporary World)

Submitted by:
Balais, Kane Vincent
Caingay, Justine
Garcia, John Reynan
Villa, Robert Luis

May 2 & 4, 2023

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................1
II. THESIS STATEMENT.......................................................................................................................2
III. DISCUSSION...................................................................................................................................2
 THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION......................................................4
 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 1.0........................................................5
 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 2.0......................................................16
 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 3.0......................................................22
 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0......................................................29
 OPPORTUNITIES OF INDUSTRIAL 4.0...........................................38
 CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL 4.0................................................39
 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 5.0......................................................40
 OPPORTUNITIES OF INDUSTRY 5.0...............................................42
 CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRY 5.0....................................................43
 EFFECTS AND IMPACT OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 AND 5.0.............................44
 EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY 4.0.............................................................44
 IMPACT OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0.................................45
 EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 5.0...............................55
 IMPACT OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 5.0.................................56
 PANDEMIC: RATIONALIZATION OF THE NEXT REVOLUTION......................................59
 IR 5.0 is a Mind Set..............................................................................61
IV. ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................................62
V. CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................64
VI. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................65
Framework of Presentation:

I. Caingay, Justine
Topic/s: Industrial Revolution
Subtopics: a.) What is Industrial Revolution
b.) Overview of each of the stages of Industrial
Revolution (IR 1.0 to IR 3.0)

Time Allocation: 30 Minutes

II. Garcia, John Reynan

Topic/s: Industrial Revolution
Subtopics: a.) What is Industrial Revolution 4.0 and 5.0
b.) Opportunities and Challenges of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and 5.0

Time Allocation: 45 Minutes

III. Villa, Robert Luis and Balais, Kane Vincent

Topic/s: Industrial Revolution
Subtopics: a.) Effects and Impacts of Industrial Revolution
4.0 and 5.0
b.) Pandemic: Rationalization of the Revolution

Time Allocation: 45 Minutes



In this day and age, we are constantly surrounded by all manner of machinery and
technology which we take for granted. If you were to take the time to list every machine in your
household, I think you would be surprised by the number you end up with. There was a time
when humans did not have the luxury of machines to do work for them. In fact, as recently as
300 years ago, humans were the main source of energy for most work to be done; literally
manpower. Unfortunately, this form of energy was not very efficient. Humans only had limited
energy, based on their age, gender, health and the food they ate. The weather also played a big
role in whether a person could carry out work or not. Processes, such as, farming, could only be
done as fast a person could plant and harvest them. People later realized that animals were
able to do some heavy manual labour faster and for much longer than humans could. While this
was a vast improvement on regular manpower, it was not a perfect solution, as there were
certain tasks which animals simply could not do. Animals were strong, they were great for
preparing soil for planting, but their size and weight meant that they were not at all suitable for
tasks such as harvesting what has been planted. A lot of the work, made easier by domesticated
animals, still required humans to complete the process. Around this time, humans also had
access to windmills and waterwheels which captured energy from the surroundings to aid in
some forms of work. These early, rudimentary, machines were used to grind wheat into flour,
saw wood or pump water. Certainly, these machines made some tasks much easier, but alas,
this was still an imperfect solution to mankind’s energy dilemma. Windmills required a vast
open space to be able to catch the wind and work efficiently. Waterwheels, on the other hand,
required a body of water such a river with a strong enough current to turn the waterwheel.
Humanity needed a new, more powerful and reliable source of energy which they would be
able to utilize and revolutionize the way work was done. This new, more powerful source of
energy was thought to be just wishful thinking or a fairy tale until the mid-18th century; when
the industrial revolution began.


The Industrial Revolution marked a significant turning point in human history,

transforming the way goods were produced and creating new opportunities for economic
growth and societal change. This has brought about many positive changes, including the rise of
mass production and increased access to goods and services, it also had significant negative
consequences, including widespread pollution, exploitation of workers, and the displacement of
traditional industries. Analyzing the social, economic, and technological aspects of this era
provides insight into how industrialization shaped society and established the foundation for
modern systems and structures.



What is Industrial Revolution? Primarily, the term Industrial Revolution refers to the
process of change in modern history from a farming and handicraft economy to one dominated
by industry and machine manufacturing. The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant
technological, economic, and social transformation that began in the late 18th century in
Britain and quickly spread throughout the world. It marked a profound shift in the way goods
were produced and distributed, leading to the rise of factories, mass production, and a new era
of economic growth. Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods were produced by hand in
small-scale, home-based workshops or through the traditional methods of agriculture, which
limited production and restricted economic growth. However, with the introduction of new
inventions and technologies such as the steam engine, the spinning jenny, and the power loom,
the production of goods could be done on a large scale, more efficiently and quickly than ever

before. One of the key factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution was the availability
of resources, such as coal, iron, and water power. Britain was a prime location for these
resources, which enabled the growth of factories and the production of goods on an
unprecedented scale. The development of the steam engine was another critical development,
as it allowed factories to be built away from water sources and powered machines that could
do the work of many people.

While each of these industrial revolutions has been marked by significant technological
advancements, they have also had profound social and economic implications. The First
Industrial Revolution led to the growth of urban centers and the rise of the working class, while
the Second Industrial Revolution saw the emergence of large corporations and the growth of
consumerism. The Third Industrial Revolution has brought about the democratization of
information and the rise of the gig economy, leading to both opportunities and challenges for
workers and businesses. The Industrial Revolution has been a pivotal period in human history,
leading to significant advancements in technology, social change, and economic growth. From
Industrial Revolution 1.0 to Industrial Revolution 3.0, each period has brought about significant
changes in the way we live and work, transforming our societies and leading to new
opportunities and challenges. The ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the
integration of physical and digital technologies, promises to bring about further advancements
and changes in the way we live and work in the years to come.

The Industrial Revolution marked a significant turning point in human history,

revolutionizing the way goods were produced and leading to profound social and economic
changes. As we delve deeper into this topic, it becomes evident that the Industrial Revolution
was not a single, uniform event, but rather a series of stages characterized by distinct
technological innovations and social developments. In the following section, we will examine
the three stages of the Industrial Revolution and explore how they transformed societies and
economies around the world.


The Industrial Revolution refers to a period of time where massive economic,

technological, social, and cultural change occurred. This change affected humanity to such an
extent that historians are now comparing its impact to that of when early humans switched
from hunter-gathering to farming, in other words, the start of a new chapter in the story of
humanity. To put it simply, a mainly agriculture-based world economy using manual human and
animal labour was transformed into a world economy fueled by industry and manufacturing by
machines. Historians tend to disagree on the exact date of the start of the industrial revolution,
but the general consensus is it began around the mid-18th century and lasted all the way to the
early 20th century with the developments beginning in Great Britain and then spreading
throughout Europe to the rest of the world. Upon further research by historians, most agree
that the industrial revolution should be split into two separate events, the first industrial
revolution, which took place between the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century, and the
second industrial revolution, which took place from the late-19th century to the early-20th
century. There were a few reasons for historians to make this distinction between the two
industrial revolutions. One of the reasons was the slowdown of important inventions which
occurred roughly between 1840 and 1870. Another reason for the separate designations is the
difference in focus of these revolutions. While the first industrial revolution mainly focused on
textile manufacturing, agriculture and the innovation of the steam engine, the second industrial
revolution, concentrated instead on the production of steel, the invention of the automobile,
and advancements in electricity generation and transfer. Unbeknownst to many people, the
industrial revolution did not end at the start of World War 1. There was a third industrial
revolution in the 70’s and 80’s of the 20th century which focused on partial automation using
memory-programmable controls and computers. Following the third industrial revolution, there
was a another. In fact, we are living in that same industrial revolution at this very moment; the
fourth industrial revolution. While both these modern-day industrial revolutions are important,
the first two set the foundation for modern society today as we know it.


The Industrial Revolution 1.0 also known as the era of mechanization was a turning
point in human history that fundamentally changed the way people lived, worked, and
interacted with each other. It marked a shift from a predominantly agrarian and manual labor-
based economy to one based on machine-based manufacturing, fueled by technological
innovations that transformed the way goods were produced and consumed. The Industrial
Revolution 1.0 was characterized by a series of technological advancements that began in the
mid-18th century and lasted until the early 19th century. The development of machines such as
the spinning jenny, water frame, and power loom revolutionized the textile industry and paved
the way for increased productivity and efficiency. This led to the mass production of textiles,
reducing costs and increasing availability, and setting the stage for further technological
advancements in other industries. The Industrial Revolution 1.0 was not just a technological
revolution, but also a social and economic one. The factory system, which emerged during this
period, transformed the way goods were produced, moving from decentralized cottage
industries to centralized factories where workers were organized into a hierarchical structure.
This resulted in the growth of urban centers and the development of new social classes, such as
the middle class, who emerged as a result of the economic opportunities created by the
Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution 1.0 also had a profound impact on
transportation, communication, and energy production. The steam engine, invented by James
Watt in 1775, revolutionized transportation and industry by providing a reliable source of
power for machines. This allowed factories to be built away from water sources and facilitated
the development of railways and steamships, enabling goods and people to be transported
faster and more efficiently than ever before.

First Revolution of Industry (Water, Steam & Coal — The Industrial Revolution that
started it all). Date ranges from 1750–1840, Notable revolution: The standard production
process moves from Hand to Machine.

Textile Manufacturing

Throughout the 18th century, when the industrial revolution was taking place, several
inventors and visionaries such as John Kay, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright, Eli Whitney,
and Edmund Cartwright developed machines and techniques that would not only improve but
revolutionize the productivity of the textile industry. The “Flying Shuttle” was invented by John
Kay in 1733 to improve the process of hand-weaving looms. This invention greatly accelerated
the weaving process was able to reduce labour needs by 50 percent as it only required one
operator to handle the machinery as opposed to two which were needed previously.

Figure 1.1.1 “Flying Shuttle” (K. Beck, 2020)

Three decades later, in 1764, a new spinning machine, called the “Spinning Jenny”,
which was loosely based on the “Flying Shuttle”, was invented by a poor and illiterate spinning
weaver, named James Hargreaves. His invention had one of the greatest impacts on the textile
industry and forever changed the how textiles and fabrics would be manufactured. The
“Spinning Jenny” had multiple spinning frames which allowed workers to work with eight or
more spools of thread at a time. This new spinning machine was vastly more superior and
efficient than all of its predecessors, which could only handle a single spool of thread at any
given moment. The “Spinning Jenny” greatly increased the yield of cloth production and
brought down the price of yarn. The “Spinning Jenny” was further improved upon less than half
a dozen years later in 1769, by a man named Richard Arkwright, the former employer of a
certain John Kay. Arkwright’s spinning machine was based on Kay’s “Flying Shuttle”, the main
difference being the spinning frame was powered by a water wheel as opposed to a single

person. This 8 meant the water frame was far more powerful than the “Spinning Jenny” and
was capable of spinning 128 threads at a time. Not only was the water frame faster and more
powerful than the “Spinning Jenny”, it also produced a yarn that was stronger and harder.

Figure 1.1.2 “Spinning Jenny” (A. Tikkanen, 2019)

Another decade later, in 1779, a man named Samuel Crompton invented what he called
the “Spinning Mule”. This oddly named machine combined the ideas of both James Hargreaves
and Richard Arkwright who invented the “Spinning Jenny” and water frame respectively. This
new contraption gave spinners greater control over the weaving process and it could also hold
multiple spindles which significantly increased the production yield of yarn. The machine
carried up to 1,320 spindles and could be 46 m long. It could also move forward and back a
distance of 1.5 m four times a minute and operated for over 56 hours a week. The sheer
capacity of the “Spinning Mule” meant it quickly bested both Arkwright’s and Hargreaves’s

Figure 1.1.3 “Spinning Mule” (Encyclopædia

Britannica, 2020)

Following the invention of the steam engine by James Watt, a man named Edmund
Cartwright invented the first power loom, in 1785. A power loom was a spinning machine which

was powered by a steam engine. It replaced all the previous looms which were hand powered
and water powered. This machine had one of the biggest impacts not only on textile
production, but the entire industrial revolution, as it freed up many labourers from the textile
industry which enabled these workers to venture into different budding industries during the

Figure 1.1.4 “Power Loom” (E. Beck, 2019)

Improvements were later made by Samuel Horrocks and Richard Roberts. The textile
industry was also to benefit from other developments of the period such as the steam engine
and iron production. With Cartwright’s loom, the spinning mule, and Watt’s steam engine
together with the growing iron industry, the pieces were in place to build a fully-mechanized
textile industry. There were no new major inventions, from this point onwards, but there was
continuous improvement in technology as mill-owners strove to reduce cost and improve
quality. Improvements were made in every conceivable part of the process. The steam engines
were improved, wooden turning shafts were replaced with wrought iron ones which greatly
reduced the problem of line-shafting. Ever improving, the first loom with a cast-iron frame, a
semi-automatic power loom, and, a self-acting mule were introduced which essentially meant
that the textile manufacturing process had become industrialized.

Steam Power

One of the most important, if not the most important invention of the industrial
revolution was the development of the stationary steam engine. At the start of the revolution,
most of the industrial power was supplied by water and wind. It was estimated that steam
power only contributed to about 10,000 horsepower at the start of the 19th century. However,

a little over a decade later, in 1815, steam power had grown over twentyfold and was
contributing over 200,000 horsepower to the industry. While the steam engine is most closely
associated to the industrial revolution, in actuality, the first successful piston steam engine was
invented more than a century prior to the start of the industrial revolution by Thomas
Newcomen around 1712.

These early Newcomen steam engines were scattered around Britain to drain flooded,
unworkable 11 mines and to power municipal water pumps. There were a few issues with these
almost prehistoric steam engines; they were enormous, required a significant amount of capital
to build and were terribly inefficient, by modern standards that is. It was estimated that
Newcomen’s steam engines produced a whopping 5 horsepower, roughly the same power as a
modern-day lawn mower. However, these machines also had a few positive traits such as
reliability and ease of maintenance. These two traits a lone were more than enough to ensure
that Newcomen engines remained to be used in coalfields and mines for over a century after its
conception. These engines were so popular at the time that a few made their way to other
European countries such as Hungary, Germany, Austria and Sweden. Some improvements were
made to the Newcome engine in the 1770s by engineer John Smeaton, four decades after the
death of its inventor and by the 19th century, over 1450 engines had been built. In 1778,
Scotsman James Watt, perfected his version of the steam engine with the financial backing
from his business partner, Englishman Matthew Boulton. Watt’s steam engine was radically
different from his predecessors with many changes made to the fundamental design and
operation of the machine.

The changes made by Watt translated into huge boosts in efficiency, Boulton and Watt's
engines used only a quarter of the coal needed per horsepower-hour and was also significantly
smaller than Newcomen's inefficient behemoth. By 1783 the Watt steam engine had evolved
into a double-acting rotative type, meaning it could be directly attached to the rotary
machinery of a factory or mill and produced between 5 to 10 horsepower. In 1795, Watt and
Boulton opened a foundry to manufacture these engines. Before the 19th century, most steam
engines were built as part of a building or structure, but as time progressed, different patterns
of steam engines emerged. Some of these engines could be moved, but were not fully portable

yet. This remained true until Cornish engineer Richard Trevithick and the American Oliver Evans
came up with a design for a higher-pressure non-condensing steam engine which exhausted
against the atmosphere. The high pressure made it possible for the development of an engine
and boiler that was compact enough to be used on rail locomotives and steam boats. 12 The
progress of steam engines was further aided and improved by the development of machine
tools, such as the lathe, planer, miller and shaping machines which were powered by the very
same machines they were advancing. These new machines enabled metal parts for the
construction of steam engines to be produced easily and with a level of accuracy which was
previously impossible. In turn, the new precision cut parts made it possible for larger and more
powerful steam engines to be built.

Figure 1.2.1 “Newcomen’s steam engine” (The

Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2022)

Figure 1.2.2 “James Watt’s steam engine” (C. Roser,


Iron Production

Without coal and iron, the industrial revolution simply could not have developed. Coal
was essential for steam engines to work, and to produce iron. At the very start of the 18th
century iron makers found a new way to extract pure iron out of iron ore using coke, which was
purer than coal and burned much hotter, which was able melt the ore more easily. For the
amount of heat given off, coal required much less labour and time to mine. Traditional charcoal
required trees to be cut down and then the wood be converted into charcoal. It quickly became
the preferred source of fuel as coal was much more abundant than wood which was swiftly
being used up and becoming scarce. England’s coal mines were booming during the Industrial
Revolution. Miners dug deeper and deeper into the earth’s crust to find as much coal as they
could and in the 19th century England became the world’s largest coal producing country; not
something to be particularly proud of today.

A majority of the coal was mined in the Midlands, around Sheffield, Birmingham and
Coventry. The burning of coal produced a lot of black smoke and darkened the skies which
resulted in these areas being given the nickname, Black Country. As a result of the switch from
charcoal to coal, the production of iron increased dramatically and by the early 1800s enough
iron was produced to make the goods that were required, like machine frames, water pipes,
rails for the industrial necessities and cast-iron cookware for the general public’s needs. Cast
iron began being used as structural material for bridges and buildings because its cost had gone
down significantly and it had also become more widely available. A bridge, known as the Iron
Bridge, built in 1778 using iron produced by Abraham Darby III, is a famous example of early
iron structures. Later on, most cast iron was converted to wrought iron. Until the large-scale
production of cast iron, Europe relied on the bloomery for most of its wrought iron. A finery
forge was used to convert cast iron into wrought iron. A process known as potting and stamping
was developed to improve the refining of cast iron, but this was superseded by Henry Cort's
puddling process. Puddling was not the first iron refining 10 process developed by Henry Cort.
In 1783 he developed the rolling process and subsequently the puddling process in 1784. This
new method of refining iron produced a structural grade iron at a relatively low cost. In 1818,

Baldwyn Rogers improved on the puddling and two and a half decades later, in 1838, John Hall
further improved on the process which greatly reduced losses during iron production.

This improved process patented by John Hall was called wet puddling and it resulted in
the reduction of losses of iron during production from almost 50% to around 8%. After 1800,
puddling became widely used. Up to that time, considerable amounts of iron had to be
imported from Sweden and Russia by British iron manufacturers to meet the growing need of
iron domestically. Imports began to decline in 1785, due to the increased British iron
production, and by the 1790s Britain eliminated all imports and became a net exporter of bar
iron. The readily available supply of cheaper iron and steel aided in the growth of a number of
industries. Those making nails, hinges, wire and other hardware items were able to produce
more of these items faster and at a lower cost. The development of machine tools allowed iron
to be worked better and more efficiently which, in turn, caused it to be used ever increasingly in
the rapidly growing machinery and engine industries throughout Britain and later, the rest of
the world.

Figure 1.3.1 “Puddling Furnace” (H.R. Schubert,



One of the main causes of the industrial revolution is attributed to the improved
agricultural productivity, brought about by the British agricultural revolution. This revolution of
the agricultural variety freed up many workers, who would otherwise spend their entire lives
working on a farm, to work in other developing sectors of the economy.

In 1701, an English lawyer named Jethro Tull invented and, later, improved upon the
seed drill. His invention was a mechanical seeder which was able to distribute seeds evenly
across large plots of land and on top of that, planted seeds at the correct depth. Usually, this
task would have to be carried out by multiple workers over the period of several days, but
thanks to Tull’s invention, only a fraction of the time and manpower was required. However,
the machine’s cost and reliability issues prevented it from becoming a commercial success.
Another crucial innovation for the time was the invention of the threshing machine by Scottish
engineer, Andrew Meikle in 1784. The threshing machine took the place of traditional hand
threshing with a flail. Hand threshing was a laborious and time-consuming task which
accounted for a quarter of all agricultural labour. The Rotherham plough came about half a
century prior to the threshing machine. The plough was invented by Joseph Foljambe and was
the first commercially successful iron plough. It was based on an earlier Dutch design with a few
improvements and was made if mostly iron. The plough was easy for blacksmiths to make and
was also cheap. Its popularity spread as it made its way to Scotland, America and France.

Again, the introduction to machine tools and metal working techniques during the
industrial revolution eventually resulted in the mass production of agricultural equipment
which further progressed the agricultural side of the revolution.

Figure 1.4.1 “Jethro Tull’s Seed Drill” (G. E. Fussell,


Figure 1.4.2 “Andrew Meikle’s Threshing Machine”
(T. Editors of Encyclopaedia, 2023)


In the early days of the industrial revolution, transporting goods was not a very pleasant
affair. The inland transportation of goods was made possible through navigable rivers and small
roads. Heavier items which could not necessarily be transported on land needed to be ferried
by coastal vessels, via the sea. Coal was brought to rivers for further shipment using
wagonways, which were in essence, horse-pulled trains on simple tracks. All of the motive
power on land, at the time, was supplied by animals and sails provided the nautical motive
power. At the end of the 18th century, the first horse railways were introduced and later, at the
start of the 19th century, steam locomotives were brought into the fold. Sailing techniques also
improved substantially throughout the time period of the industrial revolution, which resulted
in sailing speeds increasing by over 50% on average. Several British rivers were improved for
the transportation of goods before and during the industrial revolution. Obstructions were
removed, curves were straightened, navigation locks were built and rivers were also widened
and deepened. By the mid-18th century, Britain had over 1,000 miles (1,600 km) of navigable
rivers and streams. For the first time, it was possible to transport bulk materials efficiently and
economically thanks to the construction of canals and waterways. Horses were able to pull
barges with loads dozens of times larger than that of traditional cart drawn loads. This is
because most of the load was supported by the barge and the buoyancy of the water as
opposed to the cart and horse itself; the horse only needed to provide the pulling power. At the
time of the industrial revolution, much of the roads which existed in continental Europe and in
the United Kingdom were in a terrible state and some were even dangerous to use. France,
however, was the exception to this as they were known to have an excellent system of roads
throughout the country. A large portion of the original British roads were poorly maintained by
the thousands of local parishes that were in charge of them. Turnpike trusts were set up to

maintain roads and to charge toll in the 1720s. by the mid-18th century, almost every main
road in England 14 and Wales was under the responsibility of turnpike trusts which greatly
improved the standard of these roads and they were also better maintained. John Metcalf,
Thomas Telford and most notably, John McAdam were responsible for the new engineered
roads. The first ‘macadamised’ road was built in Bristol in 1816 and is considered to be the
foundation of modern road building. As time went on, more and more roads radiated out from
London which enabled the Royal mail to reach all parts of the country. It also meant that goods
could be transported by horse-pulled carts and the rice could travel by stagecoaches. The lower
and middle classed were able to travel by paying to ride on carrier carts and other goods
transporters. Railroads became a success because of the reduced friction compared to regular
wagons and carts. In 1805, at Croydon, England, this concept was demonstrated to a few
businessmen using an iron plate covered in a wooden tramway.

At the turn of the 19th century, railways were made practical and inexpensive by the
widespread introduction of puddled iron and the rolling mill which was used for making rails.
The development of the high-pressure steam engine also made steam locomotives a possibility.
Following the Rainhill Trials in 1829, which demonstrated Robert Stephenson’s successful
locomotive design, more and more railways were rapidly introduced. However, the
construction of major railways connecting large cities did not become popular until the very
end of the industrial revolution. Many of the workers who built these railway lines decided to
remain in the cities which provided additional workers for the new factories.

Figure 5.1 “CLERMONT” (T. Editors of Encyclopaedia, 2023)

Robert Fulton's first steamboat, later called the Clermont, makes its first voyage, from
New York, New York, to Albany, New York, on the Hudson River, in 1807.

Figure 1.5.2 “Stephenson’s Rocket” (G. Landow,



The Second Industrial Revolution also known as the era of mass production was a
significant period of industrialization that occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It
was characterized by a wave of technological advancements that led to the growth and
expansion of industries such as steel, oil, and electricity. The Second Industrial Revolution was a
global phenomenon, with significant impacts on Europe, North America, and Japan.

The First Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century and continued
through the mid-19th century, laid the foundation for the Second Industrial Revolution. The
First Industrial Revolution saw the mechanization of textile production, the invention of the
steam engine, and the expansion of the coal and iron industries. These innovations transformed
the way goods were produced and transported, and they spurred significant economic growth
and societal change. The Second Industrial Revolution built upon the advancements of the First
Industrial Revolution, but it introduced new and even more transformative technologies. The

period was marked by the development of new forms of power, including electricity and the
internal combustion engine. These new sources of power made possible the development of
entirely new industries, such as the automobile and the airplane. The Second Industrial
Revolution also saw the rise of new forms of production and management. Mass production, a
system of manufacturing that relied on standardized parts and assembly line production, was
developed during this time. This new approach to manufacturing dramatically increased the
efficiency and speed of production, making it possible to produce goods in unprecedented
quantities. The Second Industrial Revolution had far-reaching effects on society and the
economy. It led to the growth of urbanization as people migrated from rural areas to cities to
work in the new factories and industries. The period saw the rise of new economic systems,
including capitalism and socialism, as well as the development of new forms of labor and labor
organization. The Second Industrial Revolution also had significant environmental impacts. The
widespread use of fossil fuels led to air and water pollution, deforestation, and other forms of
environmental degradation. The period also saw the depletion of natural resources, such as
coal and oil, which would have significant long-term consequences.

Overall, the Second Industrial Revolution was a period of immense change and
transformation. It brought about new technologies, new forms of production and management,
and new economic systems. It also had significant impacts on society and the environment,
shaping the world we live in today.

(Building on the Foundations of the 18th Century)

Date range: 1850–1914
Notable revolution: The increased automation of production machines, and the introduction of
steel into the common market.

Electrification and Telecommunication

In this IR, electricity is one of the main sources to advance this era of revolution. Before
electricity was discovered, most industries are operated by using steam machines. Scientist

Michael Faraday had first discovered electric current using a magnet by introducing movement
into a wire coil (Electricity, n.d.). In the year 1808, Humphrey Davy had found a lighting
potential based on the scientific discoveries by Dane Hans Oersted, Joseph Henry, and Michael
Faraday on the invention of electric motor and dynamo in the years 1821 and 1831,

Figure 2.1.1 “Faraday’s electromagnetic induction

experiment, 1882” (R.C. Khes, 2019)

The first incandescent light bulb was invented by Sir Joseph Swan in 1881. He supplied
over 1200 of these Swan incandescent lamps to the Savoy Theatre in London making it the first
public building in the world to be lit entirely by electricity. With the electrification of the Savoy
Theatre, the proverbial stage was set for the electrification of the industry as well as homes.

Figure 2.1.2 “Swan’s Lightbulb” (J.

Cannon, 2002)

Electricity application was applied to communication using the telegraph. It was

documented that the first transcontinental telegram was transmitted from California to

Washington on 24th October 1961. This invention had become revolutionary to construct an
urgent telegraph line due to the Civil War. Before that, a post mail from Pony Express was the
source of communication to defer messages through letter from Sacramento to Missouri within
ten days. The invention of the telegraph had eventually led to another communication
invention known as the telephone. This invention was led by Alexander Graham Bell in the year
1876. It was reported that Bell had owned a telephone company with 5,000 shares that was
issued by both his family members and partners. The usage of electricity was said to expand
swiftly in the 1870s. During the Berlin exhibition, a miniature electric railway was displayed in
1879. Meanwhile, electric blankets and hotplates were exhibited in one of Vienna's exhibitions
four years later. Besides that, the modern light bulb was invented by both Joseph Swan and
Thomas A. Edison from England and United States, respectively, in the 1880s (Hughes, 1983).


One of the most impactful innovations of the second industrial revolution was the
invention of the automobile in 1886 by a German inventor named, Karl Benz. If that name
sounds somewhat familiar, it is because that very first three-wheeled automobile spawned one
of the biggest and most successful car vehicle manufacturers in the world today, Mercedes
Benz. Benz’s automobile was unlike anything the world had seen before, it had wire wheels
instead of wooden ones, a four-stroke engine of his own design, an advanced coil ignition and
evaporative cooling as opposed to a radiator. This automobile was not just a motorized
stagecoach or horse carriage, it was designed to generate its own power and be entirely self-
contained. He began selling his vehicle in 1888, which made it the first commercially available
automobile in history. Less than a decade later, in 1896, Henry Ford built his own car, making
him one of the pioneers of the automobile industry. He later founded Ford Motor Company, in
1903 and the company is still around to this day manufacturing cars. Conventional
manufacturing techniques at the time were time consuming and expensive which prevented
Ford from realizing his vision of building a car that was affordable for the average worker. 17
The solution that Ford and his company came up with completely changed the way products
were manufactured in factories forever. His new factory had machine tools with specialized

machines to carry out specific tasks which were all arranged systematically in a sequence. This
later came to be known as the assembly line and the whole process was dubbed mass
production. For the first time in the history of mankind, a large complex product which
consisted of thousands of parts was produced on an unprecedented scale of hundreds of
thousands annually. Mass production brought with it staggering savings which reduced the
price of a Ford Model T from $780 in 1910 to just $360 in 1916.

Figure 2.2.1 “Benz Patent-Motor-wagon” (R.

Agarley, 2021)

Henry Ford built his first car in 1896 and worked as a pioneer in the industry. With
his emphasis on vertical integration of parts and assembly-line manufacturing, Henry Ford was
its king. At its peak, the Ford Motor Company factory in Michigan employed 40,000 workers
under one big roof.

Figure 2.2.2 “Ford Model T” (A. Pandey, 2021)

Ford Motor developed a completely redesigned factory with machine tools and special
purpose machines that were systematically positioned in the work sequence. All unnecessary
human motion were eliminated by placing all work and tools within easy reach, and where
practical on conveyors, forming the assembly line, the complete process is called mass

production. This was the first time in history when a large, complex product consisting of 5000
parts had been produced on a scale of hundreds of thousands per year. The savings from mass
production methods allowed the Model T price to decline from $780 in 1910 to $360 in 1916. In
1924, 2 million T-Fords were produced and retailed $290 each.

Figure 2.2.3 “Workers on the first moving assembly

line put together magnetos and flywheels for 1913
Ford autos in Michigan.” (R. Agarley, 2021)

Social and economic impact

Economically, the Second Industrial Revolution made the West a major producer of the
world’s goods. Mass production allowed goods to be sold cheaply. People became employees
rather than craftsmen — these employees were often treated as interchangeable parts of the
machine. Business owners became very rich and they raised money by issuing stocks. People
learned that they could increase their wealth by buying and selling stocks. Industrialization
increased material wealth, restructured society, and created important new schools of
philosophy. The social impact of industrialization was profound. For the first time since the
Neolithic Revolution, people worked outside of the local environment of their homes. They
arose every morning and traveled to their place of employment. Led to the rapid growth of
population in industrial centers. The shift away from agriculture toward industry had occurred
in Britain. The figure had fallen to under 10% and the vast majority of the British population was
urbanized. The tremendous productivity growth, transportation networks, industrial
production, and agricultural output lowered the prices of almost all goods. Crop failures no

longer resulted in starvation in areas connected to large markets through transport
infrastructure. Businesses competed intensely with each other and corporations battled to gain
control of industries. Countless companies failed and larger corporations, which eventually
ruled the marketplace, bought others up. This led to periods that were called depressions that
occurred as the world economy grew. For those who were able to capitalize on these
technological advancements, the Second Industrial Revolution was highly profitable.

During the Depression of 1873, the soon-to-be industry giant, Andrew

Carnegie established a steel company that controlled every business phase from raw materials
to transportation, manufacturing, and distribution. By the 1890s, Carnegie dominated the steel
industry and had accumulated a fortune worth million. His steel factories were the most
technologically advanced in the world. Like Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller also accumulated
enormous amounts of wealth, although his money came through domination of the oil
industry. For many, the shift from rural to factory life was grueling — especially for children.


The Third Industrial Revolution (IR3) began in the 1950s and reached its peak in the
world wide web era of the late 1990s, and it continues at present, 2021. The IR3 is considered
as the movement from mechanical and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics,
such as green buildings, electric cars, and distributed manufacturing. It is based on energy
transition and digital technologies, and the internet, and called “The Digital Revolution”. Recent
world has been moving from information society to knowledge society and also to ubiquitous
knowledge society. The IR3 emerges from the corporate industry’s opportunity that brings on
by nanotechnology, intelligent systems, 3D printing and robotics for industrial production and
domestic services. In the center of IR3 there are two technologies; the microelectronics and the
internet. In the IR3, the combination of digital manufacturing and personal manufacturing
began that enhanced the smoothness in the global economy and built upon a foundation of
increased energy efficiency. Modern computer, lean production, internet, and biotechnology
were invented in the 1970s. In the IR3, great inventions were semiconductors, mainframe

computer, microprocessors, MOS transistors, worldwide web, internet (an ultra-fast 5G
communication internet, a renewable energy internet, and a driverless mobility internet),
renewable electricity, e-commerce around 1995, and later developed Smartphone. The IR3
develops from the corporate industry’s opportunity to benefit from the forthcoming trends.

The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, is a term coined by
American economist Jeremy Rifkin to describe the convergence of several key technologies in
the late 20th century that transformed the global economy. The Third Industrial Revolution is
marked by the widespread adoption of digital technologies, including the internet, mobile
devices, and cloud computing. It has fundamentally changed the way we communicate, work,
and live, and it is continuing to drive innovation and growth in the 21st century. The Third
Industrial Revolution is often seen as a continuation of the second Industrial Revolution, which
began in the late 19th century and was marked by advancements in electricity, transportation,
and communication. However, the Third Industrial Revolution is distinguished by the
development of digital technologies that have enabled new levels of connectivity,
communication, and data sharing. These technologies have revolutionized the way businesses
operate, from supply chain management to customer service.

The first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century, with the
mechanization of the textile industry. Tasks previously done laboriously by hand in hundreds of
weavers' cottages were brought together in a single cotton mill, and the factory was born. The
second industrial revolution came in the early 20th century, when Henry Ford mastered the
moving assembly line and ushered in the age of mass production. The first two industrial
revolutions made people richer and more urban. Now a third revolution is under way.
Manufacturing is going digital. As this week's special report argues, this could change not just
business, but much else besides. A number of remarkable technologies are converging: clever
software, novel materials, more dexterous robots, new processes and a whole range of web-
based services. The factory of the past was based on cranking out zillions of identical products:
Ford famously said that car buyers could have any color they liked, as long as it was black. But
the cost of producing much smaller batches of a wider variety, with each product tailored
precisely to each customer's whims, is falling. The factory of the future will focus on mass

customization—and may look more like those weavers' cottages than Ford's assembly line.
Towards a third dimension the old way of making things involved taking lots of parts and
screwing or welding them together.

Figure 3.1.1 “The digitization of manufacturing” (B.

Ryder, 2012)

Zero Marginal Cost

The third industrial revolution, with its digital technologies and the internet,
revolutionized the way we live and work. But now, we are witnessing the dawn of a new era -
the zero marginal cost society. With the emergence of the internet of things, renewable energy,
and 3D printing, the cost of producing and distributing goods and services is approaching zero.
This will transform our economy and society once again, enabling us to create, share and
consume goods and services in a more sustainable and efficient way. The shift towards this new
era will require us to rethink our economic models and societal structures, but if we can make
this transition successfully, we will be able to create a more equitable, sustainable, and
prosperous world for all.

Zero marginal cost describes a situation where an additional unit can be produced
without any increase in the total cost of production. Producing another unit of a good can have
zero marginal costs when that good is non-rivalrous, meaning that it is possible for one person
to consume the good without diminishing the ability of others to simultaneously consume it as
well. The term “zero marginal costs” is commonly used to refer to cases where the marginal

cost of producing the good is actually not quite zero but is so close to it that units of the good
can often be treated as if they were. For example, if a passenger train still has seats open,
adding passengers to those seats will very slightly increase the amount of fuel the train will
consume in order to reach its destination, because their presence means more mass that the
engine must move. The mass of an additional person, however, is so small compared to that of
the train that this cost is so small as to be irrelevant. Goods that can be sold and distributed via
the Internet, such as computer software or electronic books, still require bandwidth and
electricity for each copy, but the marginal cost of any individual copy is negligible. Another, let's
say you wanted to share your ideas through a newspaper. Not only would you have to worry
about the initial cost of setting up shop, but you'd also have to spend money on every single
copy you made and distributed. Nowadays, after the initial cost of accessing the Internet, you
can produce unlimited copies of your ideas, and get them out to millions of people, without any
further spending.

Information Technology (IT) innovations, such as the internet, social media, mobile
phones and apps, cloud computing, big data, e-commerce, etc. advanced the world in
production, services, and business processes. Latest inventions, such as smartdust, quantum
computing, brain-computer interfaces, autonomous vehicles, and 3D printing have made the
life more comfortable. Economic development, development of transportation, development of
3D printing, robotics technologies, fab lab, etc. are remarkable advances in IR3.

Economic Development

For more equitable and sustainable future, and survival of the life cycle in this green
world we need a new economic structure. There is an enormous economic development in IR3,
such as international trade has extended, economic institutions have widened, entrepreneurial
activities have increased, the living standards of people has increased, and life expectancy has
increased in every nation. During IR3 a new global economy is established based on computers,
the internet, telecommunications, and entertainment. Smart digital infrastructure is giving rise
to a radical new sharing economy. The IR3 will spawn the new businesses and employment
opportunities of a sustainable 21st century. Big Data and analytics are used to develop
algorithms that increase productivity and reduce the production cost and services. The per
capita GDP of developed countries has increased from $11,782 in 1960 to $44,514 in 2015. The
corresponding figures of Sub-Saharan African countries are $1,935 and $3,466 respectively; and
the corresponding figures of other developing non-African countries of the world are $1,698
and $11,015 respectively.

Development of Transportation

The invention of the Boeing 707 in 1958 had increased speed in airplane. Transportation
and communication costs have reduced in IR3. Addition of jet engine significantly reduced the
cost of both air travel and shipment of cargo. During IR3, the cost of air passenger transport has
declined sharply. About 524 million people traveled from one country to another in 1995, but
that figure expanded to 1.3 billion in 2017. Ocean shipping costs declined by more than 50%
during 1974-2016 and air transport cost has reduced 78% during 1970-2019. The transportation
and communication costs have reduced significantly during IR3, more production happened
with lower costs. Advanced technologies and successful business practices are applied in
economic activities. As a result, producers gained higher income, consequently became higher
economic growth globally.

Development of 3D Printing

3D printing or additive manufacturing has been defined as the “Process of joining

materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to
subtractive manufacturing methodologies.” The 3D printing production process is organized
completely differently from the manufacturing process of the IR1 and IR2 [10]. American
inventor Charles (Chuck) W. Hull (12 May 1939- ) is typically credited with the invention of the
3D printer via his Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA), patented in 1984. It can print shoes,
clothes, car parts, toys, guns, artificial human body, and more. Recently, it can produce artificial
heart pump, cornea, PGA rocket engine, jewelry collections, etc. It makes the prototyping

process 10 times faster and 5 times cheaper than the normal R&D processes. Every nation
producer can use 3D printers to create their prototypes in a matter of hours, instead of wasting
months of time and potentially millions of dollars in R&D. It is used in a wide variety of
manufacturing, such as aerospace (e.g., turbine blades, fuel nozzles, structural members, etc.), medicine
(e.g., implants, instruments, prostheses, etc.), defense (e.g., field replacement parts, inventory
reduction, etc.), custom manufacturing (e.g., razor handles, sneaker soles, etc.), prototyping (e.g.,
structural electronics, fit/function validation, etc.), art (e.g., jewelry, costume design, footwear), hobbies
(e.g., geometric designs, figurines, toys, etc.), and education (e.g., conceptual modeling, problem-
solving, career readiness, etc.).

Robotics Technologies

The term “robot” refers to forced labor. A robot is an electromechanical machine that
has intelligent to do stipulate action guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry. It
can perform tasks by moving into the real world. Numerous high-technology and artificial
intelligence, such as information-, nano-, bio-technologies, are used to develop robots. The
word “robot” comes from the 1920s by Czech poet, Karel Capek, in a tragic play, Rossum’s
Universal Robots. The first industrial robot was developed in 1937 in the form of a small crane.
The reality of industrial robots came in the 1960s when Joseph F. Engelberger, the “Father of
Robotics”, introduced the Programmable Universal Manipulator Arm (PUMA) robot, weighed
two tons, as a freely programmable, universal, and handling device. According to the
International Federation of Robotics (IFR), “Robot is an actuated mechanism programmable in
two or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform
intended tasks”. A robot with a cooperative behavior with the human when it is used; recently
the fine term “cobot” has been given. The word “Robotics” is an interdisciplinary branch of
engineering and all branches of science. It is considered as the design, construction,
implementation and operation of robots. Recently, this branch has been spreading by the use
of artificial intelligence devices in the manufacturing units. Isaac Asimov coined and popularized

the term robotics through many science-fiction novels and short stories. He invented the three
laws of robotics as; i) a robot may not harm a human, ii) it must obey the orders given by
human beings where such orders would conflict with the First Law, and ii) it must protect its
own existence as long as it does not conflict with the operation of First or Second Law. The
development of global robotics strategy and artificial intelligence (AI) has taken special
attention to human welfare, health, and safety issues. Technological improvements in robotics
and automation dramatically change in boost productivity and efficiency. Man-made robots
have recently been trialed in supermarkets, schools, hospitals and some other activities in
Japan, Germany, the USA, and China. It is skills-biased and labor-saving. A robot sale was
growing by 43% in both the USA and the EU in 2011. Robots can be used in the works that are
dangerous, dirty, and/or dull (3D) for a human to perform, such as nuclear power plant, bomb
disposal, risky space and undersea activities, toilet washing, municipal waste cleaning, etc.
These can be used to collect information that is beyond 5 human senses, such as ability to see
in the dark, detect tiny amounts of invisible radiation, measure movement that is too small or
fast for the human eye to see.

Figure 3.2.1 “Industrial Automation” (J.P. Thomas,


The Third Industrial Revolution is a transformative period in human history, marked by

the widespread adoption of digital technologies. It is continuing to drive innovation and growth
in the 21st century, and it is fundamentally changing the way we communicate, work, and live.
While there are certainly challenges that come with this new era of digitalization, the benefits

are clear, and we can look forward to a future of increased connectivity, communication, and



The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the era of smart machines, storage systems and
production facilities that can autonomously exchange information, trigger actions and control
each other without human intervention.

Four design principles characterize Industry 4.0:

• Interoperability – integration of industrial machines, tools via IoT and supporting machine-to-
machine communication;
• Information Transparency – computer system can generate virtual copies of real-world
• Technical Assistance – computerized machines with AI to support human workers efficiency
and effectiveness;
• Decentralization – implementation of technical systems that can act and execute tasks on
their own.

Industry 4.0 is the future of global manufacturing. It is the era of automation, of the
digitalized factory and digitalized products – the fourth phase of industrial revolution, or
Industry 4.0. Nevertheless, the academics field is still unable to define the approach as the
industry 4.0 is the basic term referring to the fourth industrial revolution. This causes difficulty
to distinguish its components.

There are 9 technologies of industry 4.0 as shown in Figure 2. An Overview of Industrial

Revolution and Technology of Industrial 4.0.

4.1 Cyber-Physical System (CPS)

A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a type of engineered system that integrates physical

processes with computing and communication technologies. CPSs are made up of
interconnected components that collect data from the physical environment, process that data

using computational algorithms, and then act on the physical environment through physical

Industry 4.0 can be act as a Cyber-Physical System study where the advance logic and
speed of development in communication and calculation form the Cyber-Physical System and
Industry 4.0. Each manufacturing system of CPS has sensors installed in the entire physical
aspects in order to connect the physical things with virtual models. Due to Cyber-Physical
System to be more common in society and occurs during interaction with humans, it must be
ensured that CPS behave stably and has a certain bearing when utilized with artificial
intelligence (AI). NCPS is also the foundation to create the Internet of Things (IoT) which can be
combined to become the Internet of Services (IoS). Hence, businesses will find it easier to
establish global networks which joins the warehousing systems, machinery and production
facilities of CPS in the future.

4.2 Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical

and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs)
and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-
to-computer interaction.

Industry 4.0 is the new expression for the combination of the present Internet of Things
(IoT) technology and the manufacturing industry. Industry 4.0 was initiated as a result of the
combination of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS) in the
manufacturing process. IoT can bring advanced connectivity of systems, services, physical
objects, enables object-to-object communication and data sharing. IoT can be achieved through
the control and automation of aspects like heating, lighting, machining and remote monitoring
in various industries. Example: Smart appliances enable users to connect, control, and monitor
their appliances allowing them to save time, energy, and money. They can schedule run times
to fit personal schedules, take advantage of cheaper off-peak energy, or maximize solar power
utilization to save time, money, and the environment.

Smart Appliances includes:

 Thermostats.

 Security cameras.

 Clothes washers and dryers.

 Dishwashers.

 Automatic vacuums.

 Ovens and microwaves.

 Coffee makers.

 Televisions.

4.3 Internet of Services (IoS)

Internet of Services (IoS) everything that is needed to use software applications is

available as a service on the Internet, including the software itself, the tools to develop the
software, and the platform (servers, storage and communication) to run the software.

Internet of Services plays as important components in the automotive industry.

Activities are affecting through data transfers in the information technology to make daily
mobility safer, easier and pleasant. IoS play as service vendors to provide services through the
internet according to the types of digitalization services. These things are available and on
demand around business concept, partners and any setup for services. The suppliers provide
the services into additional value services as communication among consumers can be received
and accessed by them through various channels.

 World Wide Web

 File Transfer
 Electronic Mails (Emails)
 VoIP
 Web Services (Cloud Storage, etc.)

 E-commerce (Shoppe, Lazada, Amazon, Alibaba, etc.)
 Instant Messaging (Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.)
 Video Conference (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc.)

During the pandemic, consumers have moved dramatically toward online channels, and
companies and industries have responded in turn. The survey results confirm the rapid shift
toward interacting with customers through digital channels. Perhaps more surprising is the
speedup in creating digital or digitally enhanced offerings. Across regions, the results suggest a
seven-year increase, on average, in the rate at which companies are developing these products
and services.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the world in ways unimaginable. As we look back on
the past two years and the harsh repercussions of the pandemic that continue until today, it is
apparent that one of the most impacted sectors was education. Neither the world nor
educational institutions were prepared to embrace the shift to online platforms brought on at
lightning speed.

Online Platforms utilized by different schools during pandemic:

 Zoom
 Google Meet
 Google Classroom
 Microsoft Teams
 Minecraft Education

4.4 Big Data and Analytics

Big data analytics describes the process of uncovering trends, patterns, and correlations
in large amounts of raw data to help make data-informed decisions.
In Industry 4.0, big data analytics is useful for predictive manufacturing and is an
important direction for industrial technology development through the rapid development of
the Internet. This tends to huge number of information produced and obtained daily where
current processing and analysis is unable to cope using traditional methods. So, big data has

become a hot topic recently in Industry 4.0. Most of other applications would be able to gain
additional values when existing techniques become more mature to handle big data. Big data is
the utilization of digital technology to conduct analysis. According to Forrester’s definition, “Big
Data” can be divided into four dimensions which are volume, variety, value and velocity.

Big data is a collection of data from many different sources and is often describe by five
characteristics: volume, value, variety, velocity, and veracity.

Big Data and Analytics involves:

 Amazon Prime
 Spotify
 Banks

4.5 Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world and
computer-generated content. The content can span multiple sensory modalities, including
visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.

Augmented Reality has open to be considered as one of the most promising businesses
that technological companies should heavily invest in. This component can bring huge support
for maintenance works in business due to reduced time needed for maintenance works and
reduction of potential errors in maintenance works. It can predict with high accuracy and allows
the frequency of maintenance to be kept at low numbers by utilizing predictive maintenance to
prevent any unplanned reactive maintenance. This will reduce costs associated with doing too

much preventive maintenance. Augmented reality (AR) differs from virtual reality (VR) in the
sense that in AR part of the surrounding environment is 'real' and AR is just adding layers of
virtual objects to the real environment. On the other hand, in VR the surrounding environment
is completely virtual and computer generated.

Augmented Reality includes:

 TikTok (Filters)

 Instagram (Filters)
 Snapchat
 Pokémon Go

4.6 Autonomous Robots

An autonomous robot is a robot that acts without recourse to human control.

Present robots have higher flexibility, advanced functions and are easier to control in
multitudes of fields. In the coming future, robots will interact with each other and collaborate
actively with humans under the guidance of handlers. These robots will be cheaper and more
sophisticated in order to achieve better abilities compared to those currently used in the
manufacturing field.

Autonomous robots have the ability to gain information about their environments, and
work for an extended period of time without human intervention. Examples of these robots
range from autonomous helicopters to robot vacuum cleaners. These self-reliant robots can
move themselves throughout the operation without human assistance, and are able to avoid
situations that are harmful to themselves or people and property. Autonomous robots are also
likely to adapt to changing surroundings.

Theses Includes:

 Autonomous Drones
 Roomba
 Medical Delivery Robots
 Robotics

4.7 Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

3D printing or additive manufacturing is the construction of a three-dimensional object

from a CAD model or a digital 3D model.
Industry 4.0 is encouraging the utilization of advanced data technologies and smart
production systems. Hence, additive manufacturing is one of the important tools to embrace

Industry 4.0. The implementation of smart manufacturing skills for the purpose of integrating
information technologies plays an important role in the competitiveness of the economy. The
advancement of internet technology has encouraged the transition to Industry 4.0. The
tendency of looking for new materials available using 3D printing is increasing. Certain required
characteristics of a material can be achieved by metallic constituents and smart materials. In
fact, the implementation of Industry 4.0 hugely depends on the capabilities of additive
manufacturing. The term “additive manufacturing” references technologies that grow three-
dimensional objects one superfine layer at a time. Each successive layer bonds to the preceding
layer of melted or partially melted material. Objects are digitally defined by computer-aided-
design (CAD) software that is used to create. stl files that essentially "slice" the object into ultra-
thin layers. This information guides the path of a nozzle or print head as it precisely deposits
material upon the preceding layer. Or, a laser or electron beam selectively melts or partially
melts in a bed of powdered material. As materials cool or are cured, they fuse together to form
a three-dimensional object.

Example: Wilsons’ Airless Basketball Prototype

Sports equipment unveiled its bouncy. 3D - printed airless basketball prototype with

hundreds of hexagonal holes during the first round of the AT&T Slam Dunk Contest on February
18th, 2023.

4.8 Cloud Computing (CM)

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially

data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the
Cloud computing is a relatively new logic system that provides a huge space of storage
for the user. A small amount of money allows enterprises or individuals to access these
resources. In all time, the performance of technologies keeps on improving, however, the
functionality of machine data will continue to be stored into the cloud storage system, allowing
production systems to be more data-driven. Industry limitations can be reduced since most
data sharing will occur across sites for production-related undertakings in the industrial

revolution. Cloud computing is slowly considering by many companies during their data systems
build. Even if software was traditionally not kept in clouds, the number of applications being
developed in clouds is gradually increasing.

Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers,

storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the
cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.

This involves:

 Google Docs, Microsoft 365. Users can access Google Docs and Microsoft 365 through the
internet. ...

 Email,

 Calendar,

 Skype,

 WhatsApp. 

4.9 Simulation

Simulation modelling is a way of running a real or virtual process or a system to find out
or guess the output of the modelled system or process. Simulations are completed by using real
time data to represent the real world in a simulation model, which include humans, products
and machines. Therefore, operators are able to optimize the machine settings in a virtual
simulated situation before implementing in the physical world. This decreases machine setup
times and improves quality. Innovative revolutions in the simulation modelling paradigm enable
modelling of manufacturing systems and other systems through the virtual factory concept.
Furthermore, advanced artificial intelligence (cognitive) on process control, including
autonomous adjustments to the operation systems (self- organization) can also be done
through simulations.

Some of the benefits that you can anticipate from simulation in Industry 4.0 include:

 Revealing manufacturing bottlenecks and opportunities that can deliver more
 Revealing opportunities to save costs, including direct and indirect labor
 Exploring the performance prediction of value streams or production facilities
 Enhances process quality through the emulation of realistic processes

Example: Trial Maneuver (ARPA simulation)

Trial Maneuver is one of the Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) features implemented in ATD
system and is used in navigation for collision avoidance. Trial Maneuver simulates the effect of
an own ship maneuver on all tracked targets with or without time delay.


1. Increased efficiency and productivity: Industry 4.0 technologies such as artificial
intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and automation can help streamline
operations, optimize production processes, and reduce waste, leading to improved
efficiency and productivity.
2. Enhanced customer experience: Industry 4.0 technologies can help companies collect
and analyze data about their customers, enabling them to offer personalized
experiences, tailored products, and services that meet specific needs and preferences.
3. New business models and revenue streams: Industry 4.0 technologies can create new
business models and revenue streams, such as subscription-based models, usage-based
pricing, and pay-per-use models. For example, a car manufacturer could offer a car-
sharing service based on usage-based pricing.
4. Better supply chain management: Industry 4.0 technologies can provide real-time
visibility and traceability of goods, allowing companies to optimize their supply chain,
reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

5. Improved sustainability: Industry 4.0 technologies can help companies reduce their
environmental footprint by optimizing resource use, reducing waste, and improving
energy efficiency.
6. Increased innovation: Industry 4.0 technologies can spur innovation by providing
companies with new ways to develop, design, and produce products. For example, 3D
printing can enable rapid prototyping and customization of products, while AI can assist
with design and engineering.


1. Skills gap: The rapid pace of technological change means that there is a significant skills
gap, with many workers lacking the necessary skills and knowledge to work with
Industry 4.0 technologies. This presents a challenge for companies looking to adopt new
technologies and transform their operations.
2. Cybersecurity: The increased use of connected devices and data sharing creates new
cybersecurity risks, such as data breaches and hacking. Companies need to invest in
cybersecurity measures to protect their data and operations.
3. Privacy concerns: The collection and use of personal data by Industry 4.0 technologies
raises privacy concerns, especially as companies gather more data on individuals.
Companies need to be transparent about their data practices and ensure that they
comply with privacy regulations.
4. Cost: Implementing Industry 4.0 technologies can be expensive, especially for small and
medium-sized enterprises. Companies need to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of
adopting new technologies.
5. Social implications: Industry 4.0 has the potential to significantly impact the workforce,
with automation potentially displacing jobs. Companies and governments need to
consider the social implications of adopting new technologies and develop strategies to
support workers through the transition.
6. Regulatory challenges: The rapid pace of technological change can make it difficult for
regulators to keep pace with the development of new technologies. Companies need to
work closely with regulators to ensure that they comply with relevant regulations and


Industry 5.0 is focused on humans and artificial intelligence working together. It is also
focused on bringing personalization back into the product market.

The newest industrial revolution wants to continue mass-production, as the global

population increases. However, with the industry 5.0 technologies, it will see a large difference
in manufacturing environments. Humans and machines work alongside each other to create
more streamlined, efficient approach to production of goods and services, form car
manufacturing to medical manufacturing.

What Will Be Different with Industry 5.0?

But what does a customized and personalized experience look like? And how else will
the new revolution be different from its predecessors? 

As Industry 5.0 takes shape, you can count on 3 things:

 A focus on humanity
 Personalization
 A change in manufacturing

How Does Industry 5.0 Bring Back Focus on Humanity? 

One of the greatest advantages of Industry 5.0 is bringing the focus back to humanity,
while still leveraging the use and power of technology. Technology and artificial intelligence are
expected to continue providing both top-of-the-line data analytics and assisting in the
manufacturing processes.

For example, Innopharma Technology's:

SmartX advanced process automation software allows humans and technology to work

alongside one another for a more efficient and productive pharmaceutical process
development. The end result creates a streamlined drug manufacturing process that gives the
public the medicines they need. 

However, humans are expected to be in the seat of design responsibility. As humans will
be designing products and services for other humans, it offers the opportunity for higher-value

How Will It Affect Personalization? 

With humans taking on roles of design responsibility, they can tap into the market and
determine what consumers are looking for. Not only that, they can come up with creative
solutions to produce more personalized and customized products and services. 

This is exactly what the market has been reaching for at the tail-end of Industry 4.0. 

 What Will It Mean for Manufacturing? 

Production line collaboration between humans and machines will create an industrial
revolution that’s not only great for the market, but should also affect the environment, as well. 

Many factory floors will have the ability to use Industry 5.0 manufacturing technologies
to reduce costs, as well as waste for materials and management. 

That also ties directly back to focusing on humanity, as the newest revolution will be less
about technology advancements and more about the social impact businesses and corporations
have on the globe. 

How Innopharma Technology Is Playing a Role in Industry 5.0

While it’s considered to be the way of the future, Industrial Revolution 5.0 is closer than
you may think. Many businesses and corporations are already stepping foot into industry 5.0
technologies and using them to create products consumers are looking for.

And Innopharma Technology is assisting those companies in doing so. From our Direct
Imaging Particle Analyzer to our Advanced Process Automation software, we’re aiding
companies like yours with a human-centered, value-focused Industry 5.0 approach.


The good news is that regardless the challenges, there are more opportunities to encourage
companies to implement Industry 5.0. Let’s see what they are:

 Increased overview of the maintenance plan. It refers to predictive maintenance, as

opposed to preventive maintenance applied so far. Smart sensors, IoT devices and
customized software help to monitor and predict possible failures in due time. Only
those machines likely to break down will be stopped for adjustments.
 Sustainability. Industry 5.0 manufacturing promises to use resources wisely, adjusting
to the current need. The collaboration between the human and machine leads to
flexible business models. In consequence, waste and overproduction can be reduced up
to elimination. Local production and new jobs will also make local economies
 Human efficiency & productivity. Ironically, advanced technologies bring people back to
the center of production. A collaborative robot can now perform repetitive, even
dangerous tasks while people focus on creativity and solutions. Such skills lead
to increased productivity, especially when people feel motivated by their work and the
end result.
 Environmental control inside the factory. Smart, connected sensors and customized
software give real-time and predictive overviews of climate, humidity, temperature,
energy consumption. This is especially helpful in farms that depend so much on the

weather. Knowing what to expect and where to intervene can prevent severe losses and
improve production.
 Forecasting line production efficiency. Smart, connected machines together with
customized software, machine learning and industrial automation can forecast
production efficiency based on the current activity. This is what renders flexibility:
processes can be adjusted according to parameters to avoid losses.


With all the amazement around industry 5.0, it is easy to overlook its potential challenges.
We identified three main concerns, but time will tell which ones will truly be:

 People may need to develop completely new skills. Working alongside robots sounds
fantastic, but human workers will have to learn how to collaborate with a smart
machine, a robot manufacturer. Beyond the soft skills required, technical skills will also
be an issue. Programming the industrial robot or managing it translates into new jobs,
like Chief Robotics Officer.
 The adoption of new technology has always taken time and effort. How will the
manufacturing industry implement it all? What is industry 5.0 technologies? Customized
software connecting factories, real-time data, collaborative robotics, 3D
printing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT), Cloud are only a few to name.
 Furthermore, these technologies need investment. A UR Cobot doesn’t come cheap.
Training people for the new jobs also bring costs. Some companies may find it difficult to
upgrade their production lines for Industry 5.0. Even if money is not a problem, the
rhythm of change could be. Those who cannot afford it or are too slow in adopting I 5.0
may be left behind.

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) describes Industry 5.0 as “…
focused on combining human beings' creativity and craftsmanship with the speed,
productivity and consistency of robots” (EESC, 2018).

AND 5.0


Effects of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 The industrial revolution 4.0 is a phenomenon whose
effects are ultimately difficult to predict. Its principal devices (inventions) are usually in state
nascent, while their wide Indus-trial application may occur over the next several years, if in the
so-called meantime there will be no catastrophic phenomena that would prevent its
development. We should moreover assume that new, previously unknown inventions may
appear that will change our perceptions about the shape of future production and services. An
imaginable and achievable holistic effect is an intelligent factory and an intelligent supply chain.
The factory of the future is defined as a flexible system that self-improves performance in a
wider net-work, regulates itself, and learns in new conditions, in real time or close to real time,
and autonomously launches entire production processes (Burke, Mussomeli, & Laaper, 2017,
pp. 5-8). Here are some examples of the effects:
 Efficiency - Less people and more automation drive the decision-making process more
rapidly and keep efficiency high. Automation also tends to keep quality high and keep
low manual production issues.
 Agility - With a focus on high standardization and small lots, Industry 4.0 generates a
high flexibility within the manufacturing process.

 Innovation - Since Industry 4.0 production lines are made to accommodate high mix and
low volumes, they are ideally suited to new product introduction and experimentation
in design.
 Customer experience - The responsiveness and deep information availability of
customer requirements and existing issues can give customers suited products and
services, sometimes in real time.
 Cost reduction - After initial investments in the transformation, the costs will drop.
Fewer quality problems lead to less material waste, lower personnel, and operating
 Revenues - Better quality, lower costs, and the ability to serve customers well, Industry
4.0 puts manufacturers on a path to be a preferred supplier to current customers. It also
opens ways to serve larger markets, offer customized and thus higher-margin products
and service to all customers.


a) The impact of industry 4.0 on the industrial sector

The industry sector will be the first to feel the effects of Industry 4.0. This new industrial
paradigm will usher in a vision of manufacturing that is decentralized and digitalized, with
production elements that can autonomously govern themselves, trigger operations, and adapt
to changes in their surroundings. Furthermore, the developing paradigm recommends fully
integrating products and processes, altering industrial vision from mass production to mass
customization, resulting in increased complexity. Consequently, advanced technologies and the
building of smart factories will have a significant impact on production processes and
operations, providing for greater operational flexibility, and more efficient utilization of
resources. Industry 4.0 will have a considerable effect on the production systems, supply
chains, and industrial activities. This new paradigm is changing the current industrial landscape
in three ways: production digitization, automation, and integrating the manufacturing site to a

larger supply chain. Industry 4.0, in this sense, entails complete network integration and real-
time data sharing. Productivity growth is at the core of each industrial revolution. The 4th
industrial revolution, on the other hand, will influence the entire supply chain, from product
creation and manufacturing to outbound logistics, in addition to enhancing productivity.

ROJKO, et al. (2020) used the vector autoregression model forecast for data from the
manufacturing sector in the United States over the period (2008−2018) and concluded that, the
share of manufacturing output and employment has declined, and that the manufacturing
sector has reached a turning point, after which robotization can increase employment and labor
productivity of workers while also stimulating further growth of their education levels. They
concluded that the shift to Industry 4.0 has a significant impact on the growing demand for new
knowledge and skills in order to boost productivity. As a result, anticipated growths of assessed
manufacturing indicators imply that the negative effects of robotization in the recent past were
only transient, as the industry 4.0 age has begun. Nonetheless, further policies are needed to
enable long-term industry development.

b) The impact of industry 4.0 on products and services

This new industrial paradigm has a significant impact on products and services. Rapid
changes in the economic landscape and dynamic market demands have resulted in an increased
demand for the development of more complicated and intelligent products in recent years.
Products will become increasingly modular and configurable, allowing for mass customization
to match individual consumer needs. As a result, Industry 4.0 is defined by the emergence of
new products and services as embedded systems that can become attentive and interactive, be
managed, and tracked in real-time, optimize the entire value chain, and provide pertinent
information about their status throughout their lifecycle.

c) The impact of industry 4.0 on business models and market

In the previous few years, company models and markets have swiftly altered, and new
inventive business models will emerge. In the context of Industry 4.0, the introduction of new
disruptive technologies has altered the way products and services are sold and delivered,
disrupting established enterprises, and introducing new business prospects and models. As a
result, value chains are becoming more responsive, as Industry 4.0 encourages integration
between manufacturers and customers, allowing for closer customer connections and business
model adaptation to market demands. The rising digitalization of industrial production,
combined with system integration and complexity, will result in the establishment of
increasingly sophisticated and digital market models, boosting competitiveness by removing
barriers between information and physical structures.

d) The impact of industry 4.0 on the work environment

Because of technological advancements, the workplace environment is changing fast,
and Industrial revolution 4.0 is redefining jobs and key competencies. The most significant
transition is the human-machine connection, which includes employee contact and a set of new
collaborative work approaches. The number of robots and intelligent technologies is growing,
the real and virtual environments are merging, implying the existing work environment is
undergoing a considerable transition.

The rising importance of human-machine interfaces will encourage interaction between

production elements as well as the necessary communication between smart machines, smart
products, and employees, which will be aided by CPS’ vision of IoT and iOS. As a result,
ergonomic concerns should be considered in the context of Industry 4.0, and future systems
should emphasize the relevance of workers. Job profiles, as well as work management,
organization, and planning will be affected by the integration of Industry 4.0 in industrial
systems and the rising deployment of new technologies [12]. In this scenario, the major task is

to avoid technological unemployment by reframing present jobs and taking steps to adapt the
workforce to the new jobs that will be generated.

e) The impact of industry 4.0 on skills development

One of the most significant fundamental factors for a successful acceptance and
implementation of the Industrial 4.0 framework is skill development, which will lead to
demographic and societal changes. New competencies will be required in the future work
vision, and it will be vital to provide opportunities for the acquisition of these abilities through
high-quality training. This new industrial paradigm will have a significant impact on the labor
market and professional roles, and it will be critical to ensure that more jobs are generated
than are lost.

Interdisciplinary thinking will be vital, and outstanding abilities in social and

technological domains will be desired. The new required competency sectors must be included
in schooling. As a result of Industry 4.0’s rising automation of jobs, workers must be prepared
to take on new responsibilities. The same can be said for engineering education, which has a lot
of promise in terms of training future professionals and informing them about new technical
trends and opportunities, as well as managers who need to adapt their management strategies
to meet changing market demands. Furthermore, in order to address Industry 4.0, more
qualified personnel will be required in technological sectors.

In summary, Industry 4.0 has enormous potential in many areas, and its implementation
will have an impact across the entire value chain, improving production and engineering
processes, improving product and service quality, optimizing customer-organization
relationships, bringing new business opportunities and economic benefits, changing
educational requirements, and transforming the current work environment.

f) The impact of industry 4.0 on the economy

An economy can be inspired by the introduction of new models and emerging
technological improvements. Digitization involves the convergence between physical and
virtual worlds and will have a widespread impact in every economic sector. This will be the
primary driving force behind innovation, which will be crucial to productivity and costs of
production, which is reflected in the competitiveness (companies, sectors, and nations).

Industry 4.0 also, can transform existing relationships in the manufacturing process,
allowing the manufacturing sector to join the information age by allowing communication at all
stages of the manufacturing process. Some academics anticipate that Industry 4.0 would lead
to new economic forms in industry, agriculture, and services. The majority of businesses expect
a two-year payback on their Industry 4.0 investments, which leads to a considerable rise in
investment in this area is likely, it’s reflected in economic growth.

On the other hand, some experts believe that Industry 4.0 will result in increased
inequality due to its threat of disrupting labor markets. It is argued that the continuous growth
in automation, robots, and computers will take the jobs of workers in many industries with the
most worrying factor being the increased danger of the disappearance of low-skill/low-pay jobs
which will cause a lot of challenges for the poor, which will lead to a rise in social tensions. The
most concerning fact in Industry 4.0 is that it is not only the transfer of labor from one sector of
the economy to another but also the availability of technology that will replace human capital,
in other words, taking people’s jobs. The technological revolution will also have an impact on
topics such as material or ideological changes brought about by the introduction of new
gadgets or systems, all of which will have an impact on redefining humanity’s culture.

In general, digitization and interconnection of industrial processes lead to potentials in

all three dimensions of sustainability. However, achieving long-term benefits of sustainability is
accompanied by several challenges respectively, especially in the implementation phase of
Industry 4.0.

Referring to the economic perspective of Industry 4.0, transparency and interconnection
of processes enable process optimization, resulting in increased efficiency, flexibility, quality,
and customization. Industry 4.0 allows load balancing between smart manufacturing
technologies, innovative value propositions, and increasing demand orientation. All these are
enabling smart products, which boost a company’s competitiveness. In the same regard,
increasing process openness in intra- and inter-firm logistics can also be accomplished, lowering
logistics costs. On the other hand, such procedures, as well as the adoption of Industry 4.0 in
general, represent risks in terms of high investments and uncertain profitability. Furthermore,
manufacturers consider the transition to Industry 4.0 of their current business models to be
difficult. Furthermore, Industry 4.0 necessitates the standardization of processes both within
and between businesses. Due to their low degree of process standardization, more flexible but
less automated manufacturing equipment, and resource limits, among other things, both
undertakings, i.e., business model change and standardization, can become particularly
problematic for SMEs.

Regarding the ecological dimension of sustainability, Industry 4.0 offers a number of

advantages: transparency in demand and process enables for an intelligent task and process
scheduling, resulting in lower energy use [38]. Furthermore, direct data linkage from product
consumption back to design can improve manufacturing design, resulting in improved product
lifecycle management, including recycling, as a result, Industry 4.0 aids in the identification and
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, waste reduction and resource consumption
can be improved. Reduced transportation operations and superfluous material flows can also
be realized in logistics. Furthermore, data openness across the entire supply chain can reduce
the frequency of incorrect deliveries, wasteful waiting time, and damaged items. Decentralized
production close to the point of consumption minimizes both logistics costs and environmental
concerns. Similarly, emerging manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing can
aid in the reduction of waste in manufacturing and logistics processes, such as replacement

Regarding the social dimension of Industry 4.0, several benefits for employees are
named, such as improved human learning through intelligent assistance systems as well as
human-machine interfaces that lead to increased employee satisfaction in industrial
workplaces. However, current literature cannot provide a unified perspective on whether
Industry 4.0 will cause an increase or decrease in employee numbers in the industry. In this
regard, concrete numbers named differ to a large extent. In general, a further replacement of
simple tasks is expected, whereas tasks such as monitoring, collaboration, and training will still
be required. Hereby, new job profiles with novel requirements for training and education are
expected to emerge, mostly referring to the decreasing importance of manual labor in contrast
to IT skills. On the other hand, tasks that include planning and monitoring, as well as decision-
making, could fall to autonomous systems, therefore, possibly replacing jobs in this area.

Regarding the social dimension of Industry 4.0, Several benefits for employees are
mentioned, such as improved human learning through intelligent support systems and human-
machine interfaces that lead to increased employee satisfaction in industrial environments.
However, the present research cannot agree on whether Industry 4.0 would result in an
increase or decrease in the number of employees in the industry. In general, easy jobs will be
replaced further, while monitoring, collaboration, and training will continue to be required. It is
possible that occupations in this field will be replaced. As a result, implementing Industry 4.0 in
an organization necessitates deliberate transformation activities, sometimes known as “digital
transformation.” It necessitates new attitudes for dealing with digital transformation difficulties
as well as a unified approach for staff qualification and acceptance.

g) The impact of industry 4.0 on value chains and supply chains (SC)
The fourth industrial revolution has a significant impact on supply chain interactions,
which is mainly due to the exponential growth of sensible data and the widespread of
digitalized processes. To understand the impact of the adoption and exploitation of Industry 4.0

technologies on the value chains and supply chains (SC). Based on the review, the effect of
Industry 4.0 implementation on the supply chains (SC) are identified as follows:

Agility and Customization. Industry 4.0 implementation enables real-time planning and control,
permitting organizations to be flexible and agile in responding to rapidly changing conditions;
for example, by faster reacting to changes in demand, supply, and prices, companies can reduce
planning cycles and frozen periods. Future events and trends, such as consumer behavior,
delivery time, and industrial output, can be predicted using business analytics techniques. Real-
time delivery routing and tracking also allow logistics operations to be more flexible, efficient,
and agile.

Accuracy and Efficiency. Industry 4.0 technologies provide better decision-making by providing
real-time, consistent, and accurate data. As a result, next-generation performance management
systems will improve end-to-end visibility across the value chain. The data includes everything
from key top-level performance metrics like customer service and order fulfillment to detailed
process data like a truck position in the logistics network. The automation of physical tasks,
planning, control, and information exchange processes improves supply chain (SC) efficiency.
Automated technologies are used by a large number of businesses, particularly in their logistics
operations. Companies choose cross-company transportation optimization to optimize truck
utilization and boost transport flexibility by cooperating and sharing facilities. The entire SC
network design is constantly optimized to ensure that it is a perfect fit for business needs.

h) The impact on government

As the physical, digital, and biological worlds continue to converge, new technologies
and platforms will increasingly enable citizens to engage with governments, voice their
opinions, coordinate their efforts, and even circumvent the supervision of public authorities.
Simultaneously, governments will gain new technological powers to increase their control over
populations, based on pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital
infrastructure. On the whole, however, governments will increasingly face pressure to change

their current approach to public engagement and policymaking, as their central role of
conducting policy diminishes owing to new sources of competition and the redistribution and
decentralization of power that new technologies make possible.

Ultimately, the ability of government systems and public authorities to adapt will
determine their survival. If they prove capable of embracing a world of disruptive change,
subjecting their structures to the levels of transparency and efficiency that will enable them to
maintain their competitive edge, they will endure. If they cannot evolve, they will face
increasing trouble.

This will be particularly true in the realm of regulation. Current systems of public policy
and decision-making evolved alongside the Second Industrial Revolution, when decision-makers
had time to study a specific issue and develop the necessary response or appropriate regulatory
framework. The whole process was designed to be linear and mechanistic, following a strict
“top down” approach.

But such an approach is no longer feasible. Given the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s
rapid pace of change and broad impacts, legislators and regulators are being challenged to an
unprecedented degree and for the most part are proving unable to cope.

How, then, can they preserve the interest of the consumers and the public at large while
continuing to support innovation and technological development? By embracing “agile”
governance, just as the private sector has increasingly adopted agile responses to software
development and business operations more generally. This means regulators must continuously
adapt to a new, fast-changing environment, reinventing themselves so they can truly
understand what it is they are regulating. To do so, governments and regulatory agencies will
need to collaborate closely with business and civil society.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will also profoundly impact the nature of national and
international security, affecting both the probability and the nature of conflict. The history of
warfare and international security is the history of technological innovation, and today is no
exception. Modern conflicts involving states are increasingly “hybrid” in nature, combining
traditional battlefield techniques with elements previously associated with nonstate actors. The
distinction between war and peace, combatant and noncombatant, and even violence and
nonviolence (think cyberwarfare) are becoming uncomfortably blurry.

As this process takes place and new technologies such as autonomous or biological
weapons become easier to use, individuals and small groups will increasingly join states in
being capable of causing mass harm. This new vulnerability will lead to new fears. But at the
same time, advances in technology will create the potential to reduce the scale or impact of
violence, through the development of new modes of protection, for example, or greater
precision in targeting.

i) The impact on people

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who
we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our
notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and
how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships. It is
already changing our health and leading to a “quantified” self, and sooner than we think it may
lead to human augmentation. The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.

We are the late adopter of technology, but sometimes we wonder whether the
inexorable integration of technology in our lives could diminish some of our quintessential
human capacities, such as compassion and cooperation. Our relationship with our smartphones
is a case in point. Constant connection may deprive us of one of life’s most important assets:
the time to pause, reflect, and engage in meaningful conversation.

One of the greatest individual challenges posed by new information technologies is
privacy. We instinctively understand why it is so essential, yet the tracking and sharing of
information about us is a crucial part of the new connectivity. Debates about fundamental
issues such as the impact on our inner lives of the loss of control over our data will only
intensify in the years ahead. Similarly, the revolutions occurring in biotechnology and AI, which
are redefining what it means to be human by pushing back the current thresholds of life span,
health, cognition, and capabilities, will compel us to redefine our moral and ethical boundaries.


a) Increase the maintenance plan
Predictive maintenance is required for the smart sensors, IoT, customized software as it
requires proper monitoring and maintaining of the failures in the smart devices. The machines
will probably break down, and a maintenance plan will stop it.

b) Sustainability
Industry 5.0 promises to use the resources adjusted to the current requirements of the
manufacturing industry. Collaboration among humans and machines leads to supple business
models. Waste along with overproduction is to be reduced to eliminate it. Along with new
efforts, local production makes economics sustainable. With industry 5.0, corporate
technologies are changing the trend. It leads to the emergence of sustainable policies, like
minimal generation of waste and management that can make the companies as effective.
Industry 5.0 is created to be applicable through purposefully concentrating on creative research
as well as setting knowledge at the frontline of the evolution. It is considered as being marked
by a determination that is more than just manufacturing goods for profit. The fundamental
principles of Industry 5.0 are: sustainability, human-centricity, and resilience.

c) The efficiency of humans and productivity
Advanced technologies bring people back to the production center. Collaborative robots
perform repetitive and dangerous jobs while people focus on creativity and efficient business
solutions. These skills are led to an increase in business productivity, where people feel
motivated to do the work and receive the results. A human-centered methodology highlights
human demands over the manufacture procedure. Producers must recognize what technology
can do for the people and focus on how technology can adjust to the requirements of the
worker instead of the other way. It is essential that technology tackle autonomy and privacy

d) Environmental control
Smart and connected sensors and customized software provide a real-time predictive
overview of the climate, temperature, consumption of energy, and others. It is helpful for
business firms to prevent losses and improve production. For maintaining the sustainability of
the manufacturing process, it must improve iterative procedures that repurpose, recycle, and
recover assets. Environmental influence has to be decreased. Sustainable manufacturers can
utilize the developed technologies, for example, artificial intelligence to boost personalization,
which minimizes waste and optimizes source-productivity.

e) Forecast line production efficiency.

Smart and connected machines, machine learning, industrial automation forecast the
efficiency of the production based on the existing activity. It increases business efficiency,
where the processes are to be adjusted based on the parameters to avoid losses.
Manufacturers need to improve a higher level of resilience in production to enhance and
defend their industrial production against disturbances and disasters such as covid-19.

f) Creativity

Technological innovations do not allow for a degree of personalization that can meet
with the demands of the customers. Personnel is part of industry 5.0, which can leverage the
potential of technology. It finds ways to provide new ideas that can lead to product
development with personalization in mind.


a) Smart hospital
Industry 5.0 is aimed to create a smart hospital with real-time capability. The technology
can provide remote monitoring systems within healthcare. It plays a key in making life better
for the doctors. In the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors can use this smart healthcare technology to
focus on infected patients and provide efficient data regarding better treatment. It also helps
the students as well as medical students for needed medical training through the outbreak of
COVID-19. Machine learning (ML) is applied to medical imaging, natural language processing,
plus genetic data. It is focused on the diagnosis of the diseases, detection, plus prediction of the

Abdelmageed and Zayed mentioned that industry 5.0 allows manufacturing of the
personalized smart implant properly as per the change in requirements of the customers. The
medical professional is moving towards artificial intelligence technology to measure various
problems like glucose levels. It helps implement mass personalization by producing implants
per the patent match, which are the initial needs for orthopedics. Even there is a change in the
traditional method manufacturing of the implants of patients, and it is also capable of
upgrading various medical devices plus tools. The technologies are used in revolution as it is
helpful to perform the surgery in a precise manner. It is helpful for medical students to provide
better education, learning, and research and expansion procedures. In orthopedics, industry 5.0
requires high-quality implants with an extended life that is personalized. It helps solve various
challenges like over-production, wring selection of the tool and lack of transparency.

b) Manufacturing industry

Industry 5.0 is considered a new production model where it is focused on interaction
among humans as well as machines. Industry 5.0 is involved in leveraging collaboration among
increasing accurate machinery plus the innovative potential of human beings. In order to make
manufacturing sustainable, it develops processes that repurpose and recycle the resources.
There is also required to reduce the environmental impacts in the manufacturing industry.
Additive manufacturing is required to increase personalization to optimize resource efficiency
and waste. Industry 5.0 is revolutionizing the manufacturing systems across the globe by taking
away repetitive tasks from human workers. Brown and Wobst illustrated that intelligent robots
and systems are penetrating supply chains and manufacturing shop floors to an unparalleled
stage. Smart manufacturing allows designers to protect design files of manufacturing items by
storing them in the cloud with robust access control and usage of the manufacturing resources
across various places. Figure 2 pictorially illustrates a number of potential applications within
industry 5.0.

Ghobakhloo et al. defined that the designers are permitted to place the manufacturing
plants close to raw material and the areas with low manufacturing costs. Control of machines in
the plant and operations of the manufacturing lifecycle is to be handled by cloud
manufacturing. The service-oriented model helps manufacturing integrate production abilities
with the services to provide the clients with proper solutions. Through business innovations,
adding service factors to the production process aims to improve production efficiency, value-
added, and the market share for the manufacturing business. The cloud-based platform
controls the manufacturing services, and it is used in a cost-optimized way. Cloud
manufacturing is networked as well as a distributed system for the production resources.

c) Supply chain management

Nguyen et al. determined that supply chain 5.0 highlights the importance of
collaboration among smarter machines like COBOTS and humans. Industry 5.0 is aimed to cater
to hyper-personalization moreover hyper-customization requirements of the customers, which
require combination of human originality plus the competence of the machines. Robots are

required for the supply chain management in standardized procedures in high production
volumes, added this to each product, and it is a challenge where the robots are required proper
guidance. Babamiri, Bahari and Salimi mentioned that the human touch is not required to
customize and personalized products. Still, it also ensures seamless end-to-end processes of the
supply chain, such as selecting the raw materials to comprehend its personalization and
customization needs for the individual consumers. Industry 5.0 seeks to take automated and
intelligent digital ecosystems and pair them with the human touch [65, 66]. There is leveraging
of human elements in such a process that it helps customize the end-user experiences and
optimize workflows.

Human intelligence is worked with the empowered way with cognitive computing along
with intelligent automation abilities to enable hyper-personalization. The technologies like
machine learning, robotic automation, and others are helping the employees increase business
proficiency and deliver high value to the customers faster. From delivering the raw materials,
transactions, transportation, the ERP system manages the supply chain for the business
organization. The next generation of supply chain solutions is making and deploying the
technology to empower the digital supply chain. It means bringing customization to the supply
chain, improving the customers’ satisfaction and the management of the business efficiency
and market margins. There is the reduction of the risks related to supply chain and wastages
based on the existing information of the business. Concluded that there is the improvement of
the supply chain integration for the strategic partnerships and enabled the supply chains to
spend time on the experimentation plus less on the fighting forces on matters for the project

My first CEO taught me to “never miss taking advantage of a good crisis.” The COVID-19
pandemic is such a crisis. The immediacy of change forced us to make the current shift where
people must INTEGRATE with technology. Enter the next revolution.

 IR 5.0 is now upon us and we are not turning back. There is no more “New Normal” …
it’s just normal. By the time we get out of the current state, if we went back to what we once
knew as normal, it will be 2-years in the past. Who wants to go backward? We must look
forward. This means that we need to adapt.

 Here are some of the changes that IR 5.0 brings:

Individuals: We must become smarter…faster. Individuals must learn how to learn – more
quickly. Qualities such as resilience, flexibility, adaptability, and leadership have become
premium competencies. The ability to solve problems, think critically, and communicate
effectively are in short supply. In a hyper-fast world of change, careers shift instantly and
knowledge has a half-life of 2-years or less. We must continuously learn and learn faster so we
can apply that learning, grow, and advance more quickly.

Specific to IR 5.0, this means learning how to use technology even faster. We have the
tools all around us, but do we truly optimize them? For example, as individuals, we must
recognize the cell phone as a tool and not just a selfie-taker or social media access point. We
must continuously learn – not from formal schooling (although important), but just in time
sources like video, feeds, streams, podcasts, etc. for content. New software and tech exist to
help us do our job better, cheaper, and faster. It’s time to learn to add greater value, get more
done in less time, and have a much larger impact.

Education: Both K12 and higher education MUST stop teaching to standardized tests and start
teaching to relevant content that will help students succeed in the workplace. Like individuals,
schools must learn faster and adapt more quickly. This model is completely opposite from the

current approach. Schools must connect with local businesses to understand their needs,
recognize economic trends, and continuously modify their curriculum to maintain relevance.

  This also means stepping away from traditional study and testing. Real-time learning is
hands-on and experiential. Exposing students to real-world experiences through workshops,
simulations, and partnerships with businesses can help prepare them. Using case studies,
project-based learning, and real-world situations to teach using live skills training methods may
add greater value than the stock curriculum. Integrating students with tablets, computers,
augmented reality, simulators, and other tech will give them the real experience they can apply

 Businesses: IR 5.0 requires continuous change – but change for a purpose. A chief change
agent is required to monitor the marketplace and conditions among customers, stakeholders,
and internal resources. Executives must continuously pivot strategies to work towards plans.
Companies must have structures in place to communicate with employees to bring them along
with the changes. Without a vision for change, the underlying support to pivot quickly, and the
ability to communicate and lead the change among employees, organizations will struggle to
implement change when needed.

 IR 5.0 calls for taking these solutions to the next level. Take welding - we looked at using
welding simulators for training. We recently heard of the use of remote-control welding where
a skilled pipe welder can work from home operating a robotic welder in India. Two helpers can
set the pipe in India while the expert welder is in the U.S. completing the expert task. No travel,
no exposure to COVID, same job. After an hour, he switches to another job in Africa. Not only is
it more efficient per job, but the welder is able to perform more work for more projects.

 IR 5.0 is a Mind Set

With each shift, someone may say, “isn’t this just like the last one?” Yes…and no. We
include elements of the previous revolutions. Then we take it to the next level. Creating
seamless integration between human and machine takes a cultural shift. It requires moving
from a concern of whether the machine will replace workers to one of understanding how the

machine will augment and enhance the workers’ output. It’s a shift from scarcity and efficiency
to resource optimization.

 The choice is available for companies to make. They can change now or wait to be change – but
the time to change is at hand. It’s much easier to change when you can plan it out and lead it
yourself. That’s what IR 5.0 is all about…taking charge of the change, making it happen, and
getting ahead in the game.


Industrial Revolution 1.0:

The first phase of the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the mid-18th
century, was characterized by the mechanization of the textile industry. The invention of the
flying shuttle, spinning jenny, and water frame allowed for the mass production of textiles.
Additionally, the use of steam power, which was first introduced by James Watt in the 1760s,
revolutionized the production of goods. The steam engine allowed factories to be built
anywhere, without the need for a water source, and powered the first locomotives and
steamships. The shift from a predominantly agrarian society to an industrial one brought about
significant social changes. The growth of factories and the migration of people from rural areas

to cities led to the rise of urbanization. This, in turn, created new economic opportunities, but
also led to overcrowding, pollution, and poor working conditions.

Industrial Revolution 2.0:

The second phase of the Industrial Revolution occurred in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries and was characterized by the introduction of mass production techniques, assembly
lines, and the widespread use of electricity. The development of the internal combustion
engine led to the invention of the automobile, which revolutionized transportation and
transformed the way people lived and worked. The second Industrial Revolution brought about
significant changes in society, including the rise of consumerism, the expansion of the middle
class, and the growth of mass communication.

Industrial Revolution 3.0:

The third phase of the Industrial Revolution began in the late 20th century and was
marked by the introduction of computerization and automation. The development of the
microprocessor in the 1970s and the widespread adoption of the internet in the 1990s
transformed the way goods were produced, distributed, and consumed. This phase is also
referred to as the digital revolution. The third Industrial Revolution has led to the creation of
new industries, such as the tech sector, and has transformed traditional industries, such as
finance and healthcare. It has also led to the rise of new social and economic challenges, such
as income inequality and job displacement.

Industrial Revolution 4.0:

The fourth phase of the Industrial Revolution is still ongoing and is characterized by the
integration of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced robotics. This
phase has seen the development of autonomous vehicles, drones, and smart cities. The fourth
Industrial Revolution is expected to lead to significant changes in the way work is done and the
skills required for success in the workforce. It is also expected to impact the nature of work
itself, with an increased emphasis on creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.

Industrial Revolution 5.0:

The fifth phase of the Industrial Revolution is a concept that is still in development and
is often referred to as the age of sustainable development. This phase focuses on the use of
technology to address social and environmental challenges, such as climate change, poverty,
and inequality. The fifth Industrial Revolution emphasizes the importance of collaboration
between governments, businesses, and individuals to create a sustainable future. This phase is
expected to bring about significant changes in the way we live, work, and interact with each


The Industrial Revolution was a time of great change and innovation that took place
between the 18th and 19th centuries, transforming the way society functioned and how goods
were produced. It was a period characterized by a transition from manual labor to machine-
based manufacturing, which led to an increase in productivity and efficiency, new inventions,
and economic growth as well as technological advancement and social change, leading to
improvements in productivity, living standards, and economic growth. While the Industrial
Revolution had its benefits, it also had significant negative consequences that affected various
aspects of society.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, most goods were produced by hand, using traditional
methods that had been passed down through generations. However, with the introduction of
new machines and technologies, this traditional way of producing goods was replaced by a
more efficient and automated system of production. Each period has brought new technologies
and ways of doing things, transforming industries and shaping the future of society. Industrial
Revolution 4.0 is still ongoing and is expected to continue to shape the future of industry and
society, with Industrial Revolution 5.0 predicted to bring even more advanced technologies and

The Industrial Revolution has had a profound impact on society, transforming the way
people live and work. It has led to improvements in productivity, living standards, and economic
growth. However, it has also had its negative consequences, including the displacement of
workers, environmental degradation, and social inequality.


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