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Philosophy of Teaching 1

Philosophy of Teaching

Savannah B. Patton

University of Arkansas

Growing up in a family of teachers, I have had a constant reminder of how important

teachers are. A reminder of how difficult the job is but how truly rewarding it is. I believe the

beauty of teaching is found in the students. Creating a safe space for my students is my utmost

priority as a teacher. My mom, a wonderful teacher, has truly inspired me to be a teacher that

advocates for each student. No matter where they come from or what they’ve been through, my

mom makes each student feel secure and safe. She has created an atmosphere of acceptance and

love for her students, and it shows because of how many of her former students come to visit her

on a daily basis. My motivation and inspiration for teaching comes from my past teachers and

teachers that surround me. I had so many teachers that touched my life and helped shape who I

am today. I hope to be a teacher that cares for students but also challenges them to be better

people everyday.

I believe the most important aspect of teaching is the students. I have noticed how much

more engaged and interested students are in class after I started building professional

relationships with them. When they know you care about them, they will care for you and your

class. Furthermore, I believe that teachers should follow Maslow’s Hierarchy when it comes to

our students. Many students face challenges outside of school, so inside the classroom we need

to meet our students' basic needs before we try to reach their learning abilities. I recently had a

student absent from school for a long time because his younger brother passed away. When he

came back to school, I tried to make the classroom feel like a safe space for him, rather than

immediately get started on the work he had missed when he was gone. Along with creating a safe

space for my students, I believe an important part of teaching is using choices and student

interest in the learning activities. The students seem more engaged when they get to choose their

projects and use their own creativity.

One of my goals as a teacher is to challenge the students into becoming better people.

Along with teaching students the content, I also like to work on soft-skills with the students. I do

learning activities that focus on communication skills, listening skills, empathy, and more. I want

my students to thrive in whatever their future looks like so I believe it’s important to help them

build on their life skills. Also, another goal I have as a teacher is to build my students

self-confidence. One of the most impactful lessons was in my Leadership class when students

talked about their insecurities and threw them in the trash. The next day each student had a paper

taped to their back and all the students wrote compliments to each other. The students lit up

writing compliments to each other as well as reading what the students wrote about them.

Sometimes as adults, we forget how hard it truly is to be a young teenager. I believe it’s

important we remind our students that they are not alone in their struggles and that they are so

loved by others.

Some personal goals I have are getting my National Board Certification. As a teacher, I

always want to be growing and bettering myself. I believe the national board’s process allows for

lots of reflection and growth as a teacher. Furthermore, I have always thought about furthering

my education and getting a master’s degree in counseling. Becoming a behavioral specialist has

always interested me but I believe it would be very hard to leave the classroom. As a teacher, I

want to be very involved in government policies. I feel very passionate about Family and

Consumer Science and FCCLA. I want to take leadership roles in these areas to help the

development of them both. I’m not sure what those leadership roles look like yet, but I am

excited to find ways in which I can help the growth of Education and Family and Consumer


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