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Dear classmates,

I hope this letter finds you all in good health and high spirits. I wanted to take a moment to share
with you how I have been learning English and hear your advice on any struggles you may be facing.

To start, I try to make English a part of my daily routine. I listen to English podcasts, watch English
shows, and even read English books. It’s important to immerse yourself in the language to improve
your skills. I also like to plan and organise my learning process by setting goals for each week and
tracking my progress.

Regarding the learning materials in Moodle and the Pearson platform, I find them both very useful. I
go through the monthly materials on Moodle and work on the exercises and assignments on the
Pearson platform. However, I do struggle with keeping up with the deadlines at times.

I try to participate in online lessons as much as possible, but it’s not always feasible due to my
schedule. However, when I do participate, I find it helpful to ask questions and engage in discussions
with my classmates and teacher.

Some learning strategies that have helped me so far include practising speaking with native
speakers, watching English movies with subtitles, and keeping a vocabulary journal.

That said, I still struggle with grammar and writing in English. I would appreciate any advice or tips
you may have on these topics.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Best regards,


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