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Research and Evaluation (describes how will the event’s success be monitored prior, during, and after the
event; describes any visitor research intended to undertake)

Prior the Event

 First send a reminder by email to registered guests with the information they need to know,
including directions, rules, date of the event, hours that event end etc. Enable participants to
reach and navigate yours as easily as possible. Second send an e-mail to persons not registered
yet. This email will also need to provide relevant daily details, but “what’s in for them “should be
the focus. Share why people should be here and who will be there. Include social evidence and a
list of speakers on your event can be the ultimate way for people to register on the fence. Also
send custom invitation to the most important persons. Whether costumer, contributor, donors
of prospect, customize the monitoring to help you to appoint extra special people.
 Keep track on the number of attendees registered for the webinar if it reach the desired target
capacity and make sure that the registration is convenient for them to fill up when they register
to avoid difficulties.
During the Event
 Having strong internet connection will prevent the virtual event from getting failed in order to
monitor its progress and that the attendees will clearly understand what the speaker is saying
during the discussion since the event requires internet connection to get interact and
communicate with the audiences across channel.
 Do an investigation during the virtual seminar and calculate how many attendees had attended.
There are some who’d registered but can’t finally make up on the D-Day. The event committee
must evaluate either in video recording and take notes base on what they will observe or take
down notes directly on the D-Day and the attendees’ behavior. Aside from that, the event
committee should check the quality of virtual seminar such as the internet connection, the
quality of the slides or video, the sound volume of speakers, and so on. Evaluating during the
event will measure if it reach the event’s expectations especially to the attendees.
 Making the webinar lively and educationally fun to keep the audiences from getting bored
during the event and having a good atmosphere within the event will satisfy the audience
experience as it contributes to the desired goals of the event’s success.
After the Event
 Create a post-event online survey at the end of the event session provided with an easy and
relevant questions that could benefit the event’s success. This is a common way to monitor how
effective the event was through data collection or answers given by the attendees if they enjoy
the virtual seminar or not and write their feedback on the comment box. The event team will be
able to know what are the strength and weaknesses based on how the event has executed. It
can also serve as a guide to give the event organization an idea for the upcoming event.
 When the webinar has ended, kindly ask the participants to take screenshot (remind them
during the webinar) of themselves during the seminar and post it on any social media sites or
ask them to go on the event organization’s account post of what they have learned or their
feedback about the said event with the use of hashtags, which include the name of the event in
order to keep them track. This will help the event team know what are the attendees’ insight
about the event if it gives them a great impact or knowledge, to know if the event has been a
successful as well as to take notes all the posts or feedbacks for future use.

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