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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Volume 2022, Article ID 3282127, 28 pages

Review Article
Comparative Analysis of Automated Text Summarization
Techniques: The Case of Ethiopian Languages

Wubetu Barud Demilie

Department of Information Technology, Wachemo University, Hossana, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Wubetu Barud Demilie; wubetubarud@gmail.com

Received 16 July 2022; Revised 12 August 2022; Accepted 31 August 2022; Published 13 September 2022

Academic Editor: Danfeng Hong

Copyright © 2022 Wubetu Barud Demilie. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Nowadays, there is an abundance of information available from both online and offline sources. For a single topic, we can get
more than hundreds of sources containing a wealth of information. The ability to extract or generate a summary of popular
content allows users to quickly search for content and obtain preliminary data in the shortest amount of time. Manually
extracting useful information from them is a difficult task. Automatic text summarization (ATS) systems are being developed
to address this issue. Text summarization is the process of extracting useful information from large documents and
compressing it into a summary while retaining all the relevant contents. This review paper provides a broad overview of ATS
research works in various Ethiopian languages such as Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Tigrinya using different text summarization
approaches. The work has identified the novel and recommended state-of-the-art techniques and methods for future
researchers in the area and provides knowledge and useful support to new researchers in this field by providing a concise
overview of the various feature extraction methods and classification techniques required for different types of ATS approaches
applied to the Ethiopian languages. Finally, different recommendations for future researchers have been forwarded.

1. Introduction Accordingly, websites, user reviews, news, blogs, social

media networks, and other digital resources are enormous
Extracting important information from texts quickly and sources of textual data. Additionally, the numerous archives
accurately has become a desirable task given the enormous of news stories, novels, books, legal documents, biomedical
amounts of digital text data generated every day. One solution records, scientific papers, etc. include a richness of textual
to this issue is ATS. It is a strategy for making a document material. The amount of text in archives and on the Internet
shorter while retaining important words and sentences with- is constantly increasing. Users spend a lot of time searching
out diluting its meaning or information [1–3]. It is a technique for the information they need as a result. Even the linguistic
for creating an insightful summary with the aid of technology element of search results is beyond their ability to read and
or computer-based tools. Even though, the earliest computer understand. The generated texts contain a lot of redundant
programs for summarizing text were developed in the 1950s or insignificant content. Condensing and summarizing the
[4, 5]. Accordingly, one of the most challenging areas of natu- text resources becomes urgent and significantly more crucial
ral language processing (NLP) is ATS. Because a text’s syntac- as a result. Manual text summarization is a time- and
tic and semantic structure makes it extremely difficult for resource-intensive task and is expensive.
machines to understand a text’s meaning in its entirety. Both Accordingly, the promising study field of ATS is being
humans and machines are capable of performing text summa- given a lot of attention from academics to various industries.
rization tasks accordingly. Summaries produced by computers Different text summarization approaches have been put
frequently differ from those produced by humans [6]. A sum- forth for decades, including graph-based (GB) [7–10], deep
marization system can be used to generate up-to-date data, learning (DL) [11–24], and machine learning (ML) [25,
run queries, or inform users about a certain topic. 26], and an analysis work has been done using graph and
2 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

network, statistical, deep and machine learning, query, The rest of the paper is organized into different but
semantic, and sentence weighting based [27–29]. However, interrelated subsections. The paper begins by discussing
ATS is still one of the most challenging problems because the structure of automated text summarization (SATS) in
of the complexity of input text(s) or document(s) [30]. In Structure of Automated Text Summarization (SATS), ATS
several disciplines, state-of-the-art prediction outcomes are techniques/approaches in ATS Techniques/Approaches,
currently developed using DL and ML approaches, which ATS algorithms in the ATS Algorithms, related works in
have become potent tools of NLP including self-driving cars, Related Works, performance evaluation of ATS in Perfor-
news aggregation, fraud news detection, virtual assistants, mance Evaluation of ATS, results and discussions in Results
entertainment, visual recognition, healthcare, personaliza- and Discussions, and conclusion and recommendation in
tion, identifying developmental delays in children, coloring Conclusion and Recommendation.
black-and-white images, adding sound to silent movies, cre-
ating automatic handwriting, playing games automatically,
translating image languages, restoring pixels, providing 2. Structure of Automated Text
photo descriptions, demographic and election predictions, Summarization (SATS)
DL, and automatic machine translation [31–34].
Accordingly, an overview is required to better grasp The fundamental structure of ATS is divided into various
what has been done in ATS including the implemented components, including an input layer with two distinct types
research works and approaches too. This review paper fills of documents: single and multiple documents. A single doc-
this gap by concentrating on general ATS tasks and attempt- ument summarizing (SDS) method chooses the key phrases
ing to shed light on some of the issues that naturally occur from the source text while taking the summary’s word count
when using the current ATS approaches for Ethiopian lan- into account [35, 36]. In contrast, many documents are
guages. For this review work, the author compares the picked as input for a multiple document summarization
implemented ATS approaches including all the evaluation (MDS), which results in a summary [37–39]. Preprocessing,
metrics that have been indicated quantitatively by the feature extraction, application of a summary generating
researchers. technique, or methods to summarize the source material
This review paper will have the following contributions: are typically the stages that an ATS goes through. The
monolithic structure of the document is used in a single doc-
(i) The analysis results provide an in-depth clarifica- ument summary system; however, it is less important in
tion of the topics/trends for ATS research multiple document summarization systems. The primary
problem with MDS is from the data’s collection from a large
(ii) Provides a detailed reference to the datasets, pre- number of sources, some of which may include more redun-
processing, and features that were used dant information than is generally found in a single docu-
(iii) Describes the techniques and methods that were ment. An illustration of the structure and steps of an ATS
frequently used by researchers as a means of com- is presented in Figure 1.
parison and method development As indicated in Figure 1, the image depicts the steps in
which the input (single or multidocument) is preprocessed
(iv) The work identifies novel and recommended state- before feature extraction. The following section discusses
of-the-art techniques and methods for future the preconditions before conducting a document summary.
researchers in the field
(v) As indicated in the related work, future researchers 2.1. Preprocessing. Sentence segmentation, punctuation mark
can easily identify all the works that have been removal, stop-word filtering, stemming (reducing common
implemented for the Ethiopian and foreign root words), and other critical techniques are used to pre-
languages process incoming text documents during the preprocessing
phase. Before summary, the raw source document is cleaned
(vi) The researcher has examined the working mecha- up and converted to a more palatable data format. To clear
nisms and applications of ATS in various domains the loud and unfiltered text, several preprocessing steps are
(vii) The analysis and comparison may aid in develop- taken. The methods listed below are some of the preprocess-
ing a better awareness of the advantages to readers ing techniques most frequently used for different languages
of reading computer-generated summaries of accordingly [26, 28, 40]:
research articles and papers accordingly
(1) Parts of speech tagging (POST): it is a method of
(viii) This work may also aid in understanding the limi- categorizing or classifying text words into different
tations of the same, which arise primarily from the speech categories, such as nouns, verbs, adverbs,
difficulties encountered in the realization of and adjectives
computer-generated summaries
(2) Stop word removal: stop words are eliminated
(ix) At the end of this review paper, several recommen- either before or after textual analysis, depending
dations for opportunities and challenges related to on the context. They should be identified and
ATS have been forwarded removed from plain text
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3


Input Preprocessing

Single Multiple
document document

Feature extraction

Algorithms or Summarization
Targeted summary
methods approaches

Figure 1: The structure of an ATS system.

(3) Stemming: it strips a group of words designated as for the complete summary process. In the feature extraction
primary or root forms of their inflections and deriv- phase, specific features are applied to each sentence, and the
ative forms. Text stemming changes words to take best-scoring sentences are chosen for the summary. Finding
into account various word forms by utilizing lin- topic expressions, important data features, or attributes from
guistic techniques like affixation (i.e., prefixes, the source documents is a process known as feature extraction.
infixes, and suffixes) Extraction of features and text representation method are the
two steps that the ATS takes to find the key sentences in the
(4) Named entity recognition (NER): words in the
text. For creating sentences for text summary, it is the extrac-
input text that identify an item by name (such as
tion of features and text representation techniques that are
a person’s name, a place’s name, and a company’s
most frequently utilized. It consists the following [28, 40].
name, etc.) are detected
(5) Tokenization: by breaking up text flows into tokens 2.2.1. Features. The initial step in the feature extraction pro-
which can be words, phrases, symbols, or other cess is gathering the necessary features. To extract a crucial
meaningful units, it examines the words in a sentence from a document, the phrases must be represented
document as vectors or scored. Following are the most common char-
(6) Capitalization: it is necessary to change every letter acteristics used to determine a sentence’s score and how
in a document to lowercase letters (but, it depends closely it resembles a summary:
on the nature of languages) because different capi-
talizations in different papers can be problematic. (1) Term frequency (TF): the relevance of terms in a sin-
This technique then unifies all text and document gle document is assessed using the TF metric. It is fre-
words into a single feature quently used to express a word’s weight because it is
one of the most fundamental ATS features
(7) Slang and abbreviation: the preprocessing stage
deals with two distinct kinds of text anomalies: (2) Term frequency-inverse sentence frequency
slang and abbreviations (TFISF): the term frequency-inverse sentence fre-
quency among the sentences in all documents is
(8) Noise removal: punctuation and special characters measured by the most relevant feature extraction
are among the many additional characters found method based on the text summarization survey.
in most textual material This technique is used to construct the weights,
which appear to be reasonable indicators for mean-
(9) Spelling correction: the preprocessing procedure ingful sentences
includes an optional step for spelling correction.
Texts and documents frequently contain typos, (3) Position feature: the first and last sentences are typ-
especially online media text collections (social ically seen to have more information about the
media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook) work. This increases the likelihood that researchers
will be mentioned in the summary. The position
(10) Lemmatization: it is the process of replacing a can be denoted by binary values 0 and 1 accord-
word’s suffix with a new one or removing a word’s ingly. The binary or regressive score for the feature
suffix to achieve the core word form (lemma) could be any value between 0 and 1
2.2. Feature Extraction. By choosing various elements from the (4) Length feature: the length of a sentence can reveal if
original text, sentences must be extracted, which is essential it is suitable for summarization. But, it might not be
4 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

wise to judge a sentence’s importance based solely is straightforward to construct. A collection of text
on how long it is. Very long and comparatively N-grams are made up of unigrams, bigrams, tri-
short sentences are typically excluded from the grams, quadgrams, and other N-grams. The N-
summary because of their size with other sentences gram has various drawbacks, such as the fact that
in the source the model is more accurate the higher the N value.
These results, however, undergo a great deal of pro-
(5) Sentence with sentence similarity: summarization cessing, necessitating a lot of RAM processing capac-
may be aided by the questioning sentences’ similar- ity. As the model is predicated on the chance of
ity to other sentences in the text. There are several concepts occurring together, N-grams are also a
approaches to carrying out this feature extraction sparse representation of languages. In the training
process corpus, any absent word is given a chance of zero
(6) Title feature (TiF): sentences containing terms from
(2) Bag of words (BoW): the BoW model is the simplest
the headline may suggest the document’s theme
type of numerical text representation. A bag of
and are more likely to be included in the summary
words vector can be used to express a phrase, such
(7) Phrasal information (PI): when summarizing, the as a term itself. It is a condensed and streamlined
ratio of terms is always useful. Adjective phrases, version of a sentence’s main idea in a written docu-
noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and verbal ment. The technique is applied to CV, NLP, Bayesian
phrases are all included in the phrase collection spam filters, document categorization, and ML-
based information retrieval
(8) Title similarity (TS): if a sentence shares the most
words with the title, it is given a passing grade. (3) Term frequency-inverse document frequency
The overall number of words and the number of (TFIDF: the IDF determines the importance of a
words in each sentence that appears in the title word, whereas the term frequency (TF) determines
can both be determined using the word count how frequently a term appears in a text. The IDF
value is required because simply computing the TF
(9) Sentence position (SP): this function establishes the
is insufficient for understanding the meaning of
placement of a sentence within the text. The place-
words. The combination of TF and IDF is known
ment of the sentences in the text whether they are
as the term frequency-inverse document frequency
the first sentences of a paragraph or not determines
(TF-IDF). However, TF-IDF has several drawbacks,
their significance
including the fact that it directly calculates text sim-
(10) Thematic word (TW): this attribute is linked to ilarity in the word-count space, which can be slow
terms that are domain-specific and commonly with large vocabularies. Furthermore, it is assumed
appear in texts that are most likely pertinent to that the counts of different terms provide indepen-
the subject matter of the document. The amount dent evidence of similarities
of theme words in the phrase is compared to the
(4) Word embedding: one kind of feature learning is
maximum sum of thematic keywords in the sen-
word embedding. A lexicon maps every word or
tence to determine the score
phrase to an N-dimensional vector of absolute
(11) Numerical data (ND): in general, it is important to values. To turn N-grams into understandable inputs
make a statement that includes numerical facts. for ML systems, several word embedding techniques
This is most often located in a document’s sum- have been developed. Three of the most popular DL
mary. By dividing the numerical information in a techniques for word embedding are examined in this
sentence by its length, the score is determined study: Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText [40]
(i) Word2Vec: a method for making embedding is
2.2.2. Text Representation. The input documents are repre- called Word2Vec. Two methods to get it (both
sented more accurately by using the text representation using NN) are skip-gram and a common bag
models. Text representation techniques in NLP entail turn- of words (CBOW). The CBOW technique
ing words into numbers so that computers can understand makes an effort to predict the word that will
and decode linguistic patterns. These methods typically cre- go with each word by using its context as an
ate a link between the selected phrase and the document’s input. Instead of anticipating the current word
context word. The following are some examples of well- based on context, skip-gram seeks to maximize
liked text presentation techniques [28, 40]: the classification of a word based on another
word in the exact phrase
(1) N-gram: the N-gram method is perfect for opera-
tions involving multiple languages, because it does (ii) Global vectors for word representation (GloVe):
not require any linguistic preparation. A group of another effective method of word embedding
words or characters with N components is known that has been used for text categorization is
as an N-gram. The text can be represented by a vec- GloVe. The Word2Vec procedure is comparable
tor, which is typical of a decent size, and this model to this approach. With the help of a vast corpus
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5

Sentence 1
Extractive Summary
Sentence 2 based Sentence 2
Sentence 3 summarizer Sentence 4
Sentence 4

Figure 2: Extractive-based ATS.

and the surrounding words, each word is repre- (3) Selecting: select the highest-scoring sentences to
sented by a high-dimensional vector form the summary. Two ML approaches are used
in extractive text summarization: supervised and
(iii) FastText: the morphology of words is disre- unsupervised ML
garded by several alternative word-embedding
representations (i) Supervised ML methods: in supervised ML
approaches, the initial step is to train the system
to recognize summarized and nonsummarized
3. ATS Techniques/Approaches texts to learn how to classify documents. These
approaches’ ML and NN algorithms need a
Choosing an effective approach is the first and most impor- labeled dataset for training that contains both
tant step in the summarizing strategy. Some techniques summarized and nonsummarized texts
involve picking out the most important phrases and sen-
(ii) Unsupervised ML methods: the summarizing
tences from the texts, while others call for compressing
process can be carried out using unsupervised
and paraphrasing a single statement. In general, ATS is a dif-
ML techniques without any assistance, such as
ficult and time-consuming process that frequently produces
the user selecting the document’s introductory
subpar results to computers’ inadequate comprehension of
human language. For summary texts, researchers have tried
to extract them within improved performances and stan- To take user input and operate automatically, these
dardized classifications. Depending on the number of input methods just need sophisticated algorithms like GB, con-
documents, there are many ways to text summarization, cept-based, fuzzy logic, and latent semantics. Accordingly,
such as single or multiple, objectively generic, domain-spe- for large amounts of data, these methods are advantageous.
cific, query-based, and performance-wise. Accordingly, The extractive-based ATS can be depicted in Figure 2.
performance-wise analysis is classified into the following
main classes [26, 28, 40].
3.2. Abstractive Text Summarization. Abstractive-based ATS
3.1. Extractive Text Summarization. Extractive-based ATS means producing a brief interpretation of the original text
involves selecting a set of sentences or phrases in the text [14, 41, 43]. In this method, sentences of the summary
based on the scores they earn according to a given criterion may not necessarily be written in the same way as in the
and copying them into the summary without any change original text. The summarized sentences may or may not
[41, 42]. Figure 2 illustrates the working principles of extrac- exist in the original text. Figure 3 illustrates the working
tive summarization. The goal of the extractive-based ATS is principles of abstractive-based ATS.
to locate keywords and sentences within a text source and The development and automation of the conventional
use them to efficiently produce a summary. To do this, approach to text summarization are known as abstractive-
important sentences from the original text must be chosen. based ATS. The abstractive process paraphrases a text’s
A subset of the words from the original document is created major passages and main concepts to identify them. The fol-
by using these key sentences to duplicate the text’s funda- lowing are some typical steps that make up the abstractive
mental components word for word. Three separate responsi- summarization process [40]:
bilities make up this foundation [40]:
(1) Using a vocabulary set different from the source to
(1) Splitting: splitting the original document into sen- analyze the text documents’ primary contents
tences and then producing a draft version of the text (2) Using NLP models to summarize the pertinent
that emphasizes the tasks information that fits the semantics and contains all
(2) Assigning: depending on how well they perform after the key points of the original document. Two differ-
the production of the representation, each sentence ent types of abstractive summarization methods exist
is given a score that indicates its value. Scores for topic a structure-based method and a semantic-based one
representations are based on the topic words in the (i) Structure-based methods: by using abstract or
text. Conversely, indicator representation scores are cognitive algorithms, the structure-based
determined by the sentence’s characteristics approach continuously filters the most
6 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Sentence 1 Abstractive
Sentence 2 Summary
Sentence 3 new sentences
Sentence 4

Figure 3: Abstractive-based ATS.

important information from documents. The retrieved concepts are calculated, and the sentences
most popular algorithms are those for rule- are scored based on importance. The constraints of
based, template-based, and tree-based ontologies both this method and fuzzy logic are the same, but
fuzzy logic is superior since it can handle ambiguous
(ii) Semantic-based methods: sing NLP on the full circumstances better
manuscript, the semantic-based approach aims
to improve the sentences. Accordingly, by using (3) Latent semantic analysis (LSA) method: an algebraic
some techniques, this methodology can quickly statistical method called LSA can be used to uncover
locate the noun and verb phrases. The sentences’ hidden semantic components. The LSA is
abstractive-based ATS can be depicted in an unsupervised learning method that extracts
Figure 3 knowledge and related terms from input texts. The
benefit of this strategy is that it may be used without
any external training or template to identify compa-
4. ATS Algorithms rable terms that appear in different phrases. How-
ever, the LSA approach has some limitations, such
Text summarization can be defined more precisely in terms as not examining word order, syntactic relations, or
of algorithms or methodologies. To produce a more accurate morphologies. Furthermore, it does not rely on out-
version of the summary text, numerous techniques and side information or sources other than the informa-
methodologies are used. The supervised, unsupervised, tion found in the input document
structured, semantic, extractive, abstractive, GB, and DL-
based ATS methods and algorithms can be described as fol- Finally, this method is not comparable due to flaws such
lows [26, 28, 40, 41]. as performance degradation when using inhomogeneous
datasets. Additionally, the semantic summary of texts bene-
4.1. Unsupervised Learning Methods. Unsupervised extrac- fits greatly from the use of this strategy.
tive text summarization, which is more like standard ATS,
4.2. Supervised Learning Methods. Sentence-level classifiers
selects key sentences from documents. This algorithm
that learn to differentiate between summarized and nonsum-
chooses sentences without using labeled summaries during
marized sentences are known as supervised learning
the training of either a text or dataset. Those techniques
methods. Summaries written by humans and collections of
are also efficient because they do not need user input or
documents can both learn the traits of the sentences they
human overviews to identify the document’s key compo-
contain. In addition, it has substantial limitations in produc-
nents. Furthermore, unsupervised methods are effective
ing context summaries manually and requires more labeled
because they do not require user feedback or human over-
training samples for classification [28, 40].
views to determine the document’s essential features. Unsu-
pervised text summarization is more efficient than
(1) ML method: the ML method is used to classify the
supervised text summarization and is better suited to long
sentences as summary or nonsummary classes using
text summaries. The following are some unsupervised tech-
training data. When extractive summaries are
niques or methods for summarizing texts or documents:
needed for numerous document copies, several tech-
niques are used. Notably, each document’s sentence
(1) Fuzzy logic (FL): the choice of fuzzy rules and mem-
is depicted in this case as vectors. The ML methods
bership functions is often part of the design process
are mostly applied to a set of training datasets that
for a fuzzy logic method. A fuzzifier, inference
contain trainable texts. In the training phase, a vari-
engine, defuzzifier, and knowledge base are its four
ety of training manuals are fed into input documents
constituent parts. The most crucial passage from
and categorized according to the sentence weight.
the source text or context is also chosen using a fuzzy
Although a straightforward regression model fre-
logic method. However, for the fuzzy logic method
quently outperforms classifiers, it still needs a large
to produce better outcomes, redundancy elimination
amount of training data whether an NN model has
must be used
multiple layers that depend only on the data which
(2) Concept-based method: the concept-based method is the only layer in the Ml models. Because of this,
takes concepts from the source content and reduces NN models are improving in usability and user
repetition by using similarity measurements. These appeal on ATS. Other common preprocessing
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7

information retrieval procedures, like stop-word (1) Tree-based method: to produce an abstractive sum-
removal, case folding, and stemming, are also mary, the tree-based method first identifies sentences
included in the ML methods that share common knowledge and facts before com-
bining them. Tree linearization, which derives from
(2) NN method: a three-layered feedforward network is several dependency trees, is the name of this struc-
used in a NN approach to learning the features of ture that resembles a tree. Dependency trees serve
words during model training. The phase of feature as a visual representation of a document’s source
matching is important, and some phases identify text. A syntactic tree is used by the tree-based
the relationship between the qualities. The steps to approach to analyze various documents and locate
define meaningful sentences are to eliminate infre- common information. These techniques likewise
quent features, combine frequent elements, and then result in fewer repetitive summaries, but they are
rank the phrases. As the network learns from its unable to identify sentence relationships in isolation
training data, the NN approach is also utilized to from context. As a result, it ignores important tex-
train according to the human’s preferences or needs. tual sentences. The method’s constant emphasis on
As a more complex variant of ML, NN algorithms syntax rather than semantics is another drawback.
outperform ML algorithms when there are more This approach stands out in structure-based meth-
layers and hidden layers added. Hence, the RankNet odologies despite these problems because of its flu-
approach, which was created in, likewise uses neural ency in summarizing
nets to automatically classify the pertinent sentences
in the text. It uses a two-layer backpropagation NN (2) Template-based method: by identifying similarities
that was trained using the RankNet technique with a template space, the topic or content is
extracted into possible phrases and speakers in the
(3) Conditional random field (CRF) method: the CRFs template-based methods. When a document needs
are ML-based statistical modeling techniques that a predetermined guideline or a custom template for
offer a consistent prediction. To extract the appro- the summary, the template-based method is
priate features, CRF employs nonnegative matrix employed. This process creates detailed summaries
factorization (NMF) techniques. The document’s that are coherent and depending on the option; the
introduction sentence is then defined using the content’s speakers and phrases are chosen. The
appropriate components. By providing a more accu- problem with this strategy is that there is not much
rate representation of sentences and sections, CRF’s variability in the summaries because the templates
key advantage is distinguishing appropriate features. for summaries are always predefined. Consequently,
This technique has a major flaw in that it is domain- in contrast to the tree-based technique, it is unable to
specific, necessitating the use of an external domain- provide fluent summaries
specific framework throughout the training phase.
Without initially establishing a time-consuming (3) Rule-based method: through investigating, the rule-
domain foundation, this methodology can be univer- based technique uncovers information and assess-
sally applied to any text. As a result, algorithms ments of key ideas in source documents. For exam-
based on ML and NN are still preferable. These tech- ple, what are the topics under interrogation and
niques rely on optimization, statistical analysis, topic questioning? Answering these questions seeks to
selection, sentence centrality, or clustering. Because generate an abstractive summary, such as “What is
the optimization method requires a lot of processing the time-being of the story or topic?” and “What
and is expensive, researchers used a genetic algo- are the names of the people on the table, according
rithm to determine the best weights. It is necessary to certain rules?”. When input documents need to
to specify the necessary number of iterations be represented as classes and lists of aspects, rule-
based approaches are employed instead of query-
To generate abstractive summaries, language genera- based ones. The creation of the regulations requires
tion and compression strategies are required. Abstractive the use of this procedure, which takes time. This
text summarization is also divided into two categories to method is less effective than the other ways stated
produce better abstractive summaries: structured and before in this paragraph due to the manually written
semantic [40]. rules
(4) Ontology-based method: a knowledge-based strategy
4.3. Structure-Based Methods. The original document calls called ontology serves as a formal name and charac-
for newly created sentences to summarize in the abstractive terization of the many entity kinds inside a given
summary. The structure-based method interprets phrases domain. This technique uses a foundation of infor-
from source materials according to a predetermined frame- mation to enhance the effectiveness of summariza-
work without distorting their original meaning. Structure- tion. When a document has a knowledge structure
based methods, such as templates, tree-based, ontology- or is regularly built around the same topic,
based, and rule-based structures, mostly rely on predefined ontology-based methods excel. To provide coherent
forms and spatial reasoning schemas [28, 40]. summaries, this strategy concentrates on documents
8 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

that are specifically connected to a given area. This technique. To extract the most pertinent sentences
approach takes time, just like the rule-based from a single text, the graphical technique is used.
approach does Based on global information that is iteratively col-
lected from the entire network, GB ranking algo-
4.4. Semantic-Based Methods. With a strong emphasis on rithms estimate the significance of a vertex in the
noun and verb phrase identification, semantic-based graph. Text summarization is accomplished
approaches translate the linguistics of a document’s contents through the use of the GB method. The GB
into a natural language generation (NLG) system. Less methods include the following submethods [28, 40]
redundant and grammatically correct sentences can be cre-
(2) LexRank: based on the idea of eigenvector centrality
ated using these techniques. These methods have the draw-
in a graph representation of sentences for NLP, it is
back of occasionally ignoring important information or
a probabilistic GB technique for determining sen-
data, even though it is grammatically correct. This method
tence significance. The adjacency matrix in a sen-
includes the following [40]:
tence graph representation is a connectivity
(1) Multimodal semantic method: to comprehend both matrix based on intrasentence cosine similarity
visual and word concepts from a document, the (3) Hyperlink-induced topic search (HITS): the
multimodal-based method is applied. To communi- authority and hub values are determined by a link
cate text and images/pictures in multimodal mate- analysis algorithm called hyperlink-induced topic
rials, the multimodal semantic model collects ideas search. The computation is only run on this set of
and creates relationships between them. Knowledge results once the results of the search query are
representation based on objects is the basis of a returned. An authority value is the sum of the
semantic model based on nodes and connections. scaled authority values of the pages it points to,
Nodes represent concepts, whereas connections and a hub value is the total of those scaled values
show the links between concepts. The information
density measure is used to assess an expression’s (4) PageRank: the PageRank algorithm ranks the
completeness, relationships with other expressions, search results by evaluating the importance or qual-
and repeats. Finally, ideas that summarize the ity of inbound connections to a set of specific pages.
selected concepts are created Based on the significance of the page from which it
comes, PageRank links have more weight
(2) Semantic GB method: the semantic GB approach
condenses a document by creating a rich semantic (5) TextRank: it is an unsupervised technique for auto-
graph (RSG) for the original document and then matically extracting a document’s most crucial key-
condensing the resulting semantic graph. This word phrases. It calculates the degree of similarities
method’s strength is its ability to produce succinct, between two sentences based on the content of
coherent, and grammatically sound sentences using each. This overlap is calculated by dividing the total
smaller networks. By giving weights to the nodes number of common lexical tokens by the length of
and edges of phrases, the semantic-graph-based each phrase
model primarily extracts semantic information. (6) Positional power function: this ranking technique
Because of this, this approach generally performs determines a vertex’s score as a function that takes
well, but it does necessitate a semantic representa- into account both the quantity and quality of its
tion of the text ancestors
(3) Information item method: instead of creating an (7) Undirected graph: recursive GB ranking techniques
abstract from the words in the text file, the informa- can also be applied with undirected graphs, where a
tion item-based method summarizes a text file based vertex’s out-degree is equal to its in-degree. For
on its abstract. In this method, a summary is created weakly linked networks with an equal number of
using an abstract representation of the source infor- edges and vertices, undirected graphs show slower
mation. An information item is a minor part of a convergence curves
source document. The approach then extracts infor-
mation from a text that should have a logical flow of (8) Weighted graphs: graphs constructed from natural
information. An approach that is based on informa- language texts may contain several or insufficient
tion items yields summaries that are shorter and less links between the units (vertices) collected from
repetitive the text. It could be advantageous to express and
include the “strength” of the relationship between
4.5. Extractive + Abstractive two vertices in the model since weight is applied
to the matching edge that connects the two vertices.
(1) GB method: both extractive and abstractive text The edge weights are taken into account while
summarizations can be done using the GB method. determining the score assigned to a graph vertex.
This method uses a graph to rank the necessary It is important to note that a similar technique
sentences or terms and is an unsupervised learning can be used to integrate vertex weights
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 9

outcome of the sigmoid function. The memory

(9) GB attention mechanism: the importance score in gate regulates the impact of known information
the graph model is based on the relationships on unknowable information. The amount of
between all other phrases. The rank scores of the fresh data sent to the following LSTM unit is
original sentences are computed using a combina- managed by the output gate. The LSTM has
tion of traditional attention and graph ranking the potential to generate a succinct abstractive
algorithms in this mechanism, leading to a range summary
of significance ratings for the actual phrases while
decoding different states (d) Gated recurrent unit (GRU): it is a condensed
version of an LSTM that just has two gates: an
(10) DL algorithm: information-driven ATS can become update gate and a reset gate with no explicit
more effective, available, and user-friendly with the memory. The previously concealed state infor-
aid of DL models. Because they try to mimic how mation is erased as soon as all reset gate com-
the human brain works, these models are quite ponents get close to zero. The candidate’s
promising for ATS. Because of how well its archi- hidden state is only influenced by the input
tecture fits with the complex structure of the lan- vector. In this case, the update gate functions
guage, deep neural networks are frequently used as a forget gate. Although LSTM has a memory
in NLP problems. For instance, each layer can unit that provides more control, the GRU’s
tackle a specific task before transferring the output computation time is steadily getting slower
to the next. The DL algorithm includes the follow- (e) Restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM): the NN
ing subcomponents [28, 40]: with random probability distributions is known
(a) Graph convolutional network (GCN): it is a as a random probability distributed neural net-
method for performing semisupervised learn- work (RBM). The network is composed of hid-
ing on graph-structured data. It is based on an den layers of hidden neurons and a visible layer
efficient CNN variant that operates directly on of visible neurons (input nodes) (hidden
graphs. As a result, it integrates a label sam- nodes). Each hidden node has a bidirectional
pling model and GCN into an unsupervised connection to each input node. The bias node
learning framework to uncover underlying is linked to each concealed node. The input
community structures by fusing topology and nodes are not linked in the visible layer
attribute information, inspired by GCN’s mes-
sage pass mechanism and the local self- (f) NB classification: the most important keywords
organizing property of community structure are taken out of the text using the NB classifica-
[44, 45] tion approach. The NB strategy uses ML to
extract the keyword from the input by calculat-
(b) RNN encoder-decoder: the RNN encoder- ing the differentiating keyword features in a
decoder design employs the sequence-to- text. The accuracy of summarization is
sequence paradigm. The NN’s input sequence increased by combining the NB, score, and
is transformed into an identical series of letters, timestamp ideas
words, or phrases using the sequence-to-
(g) Query based (QB): the frequency counts of
sequence model [43, 46]. Examples of NLP
words or phrases used in QB text summariza-
applications include text summarization and
tion are used to determine how frequently each
machine translation. The difficulty with this
sentence appears in a particular document.
RNN sequence-to-sequence is that it necessi-
Search phrases containing sentences obtained
tates a large dataset. The training of datasets
higher scores than sentences that only con-
takes a long period. Because of this, the DL
tained a single search term. Focused on QB
techniques described in the following subcom-
methods for text summarization, the sentences
ponents work better
with the highest scores are then extracted,
(c) Long short-term memory (LSTM): input/read, along with their structural contexts, for the out-
memory/update, forget, and output gates make put summary
up the LSTM architecture’s repeating unit. The (h) Generic summarization: the generic summaries
chain structure and an RNN have a lot in com- highlight the key ideas in a document
mon. The initialization of the input gate’s vec-
tor is random. In later phases, the output of (i) Q-network (QN): to approximate the ideal
the prior step serves as the input for the current action-value function, which gauges the
step. A single layer NN with a sigmoid activa- action’s long-term benefits for the agent, QN
tion function makes up the forget gate. is utilized. The model may produce a Q value
Whether or not the information from the prior based on a candidate sentence and a partial
state should be remembered depends on the summary (current state) (action). When the
10 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

agent selects the candidate sentence to be a part include the GPT2 and some more recent ones
of the summary, the output Q value shows the like TransformerXL and XLNet [51]. Every
predicted value. In addition to these well- time a token is created and added to a sentence
known models, several pretrained language sequence, the notion behind autoregression is
models, like BERT, GPT-2, TransformerXL, that the new line becomes the model’s follow-
and XLnet, have become more proficient at a ing step’s input [40]. The detailed and extended
variety of NLP tasks, including sentiment anal- classification of ATS algorithms has been
ysis, question answering, named entity recogni- depicted in Figure 4, and the limitation of these
tion, textual similarity, and paraphrasing [47, algorithms has been presented in Table 1
48]. These language models are customized
with diverse task-specific goals after being per-
tained to enormous volumes of text data. These 4.6. Motivation and Application of ATS. This study attempts
models are extremely beneficial because they to expedite knowledge about ATS by providing an overview
have an unsupervised purpose of masked lan- of all the research works that have been done for Ethiopian
guage modeling and next-sentence prediction. languages by using different approaches and/or algorithms.
Pertained language models are often encoders Additionally, it enables the development of new resources,
for sentence and paragraph level classification databases, tools, and procedures to satisfy the demands of
tasks as well as problems with natural language the commercial and research sectors. The development of
comprehension. The following are some com- NLPs made ATS useful for sentiment analysis and normal
ponents of QN [40] text document summaries. Additionally, ATS encourages a
flexible approach to study in a variety of domains, including
(j) Bidirectional encoder representations from AI, NLP, cognitive science, and psychology. The ATS covers
transformers (BERT): the BERT pretrained cutting-edge studies and potential future possibilities in this
model is a straightforward and effective one. fascinating field using a variety of information sources. The
To pretrain deep bidirectional representations application, which is discussed in the following section, is a
from the unlabeled text, BERT is designed to crucial component of ATS research works. Applications for
change both left and right contexts on all levels information retrieval, information extraction, question-
[49]. Additionally, BERT only has one output answering, text mining, and analytics have recently been
layer that offers cutting-edge models for a vari- widely used by ATS. With a variety of applications, such as
ety of tasks, including language inference and news summaries, email summaries, and domain-specific
question-answering. During fine-tuning, it does summaries, the ATS further enhances the search engine’s
not need any significant task-specific architec- functionality. Here are some examples of ATS domain appli-
ture changes. When learning the contextual cations [28]:
relationships between words in a text, BERT
uses a transformer mechanism. Additionally, (1) Books or novel summarization (BNS): as brief texts
it has two independent tools: a decoder that are not suited for summarizing, ATS is typically used
makes predictions and an encoder that inter- to summarize long documents like books, literature,
prets text input. The transformer encoder reads or novels. Short writings are difficult to put into con-
the complete sequence of words at once, in text, while large documents sometimes make for bet-
contrast to directional models that read the text ter summaries [40, 52]
input sequentially (left-to-right or right-to-left).
As a result, it is thought to be bidirectional or, (2) Social posts or tweet summarization (SPOTS): on
more precisely, nondirectional in some circum- social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter,
stances. This ability to effectively include both millions of messages and postings are created each
perspectives substantially helps BERT provide day. The ATS can be used, sum up, as an important
the best results text in a useful way [40, 53]

(k) GPT2: compared to the existing language (3) Sentiment analysis (SA): SA is the study of people’s
models, the OpenAI GPT-2 has demonstrated opinions, attitudes, and assessments of facts and cir-
a remarkable capacity to provide coherent and cumstances. The SA uses fuzzy logic to categorize
reliable summaries [50]. The GPT-2 is feelings and the majority of product review opinions
extremely similar to the decoder-only trans- as “positive” or “negative.” For example, market ana-
former and is not an original design. It is a lysts may summarize the opinions of hundreds of
large, transformer-based language model that people using ATS, which is quite beneficial [40, 54]
was developed using the enormous Webtext
dataset. The key distinction between GPT-2 (4) News summarization (NS): the ATS assists in pro-
and BERT is that the former uses transformer viding news summaries from numerous websites,
decoder blocks, while the latter employs trans- including CNN and other well-known news portals.
former encoder blocks. Autoregressive models The headline of the piece is sometimes the key focal
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11

ATS systems

Extractive Abstractive

Structured Semantic
Unsupervised Supervised
based based

Fuzzy Machine Graph Tree Multimodal

logic learning based based
based Information
Concept Template
based Neural based Semantic
analysis Conditional
fields Ontology

Figure 4: An extended classification of ATS systems.

point that ATS draws from the newspaper story [40, ally, rather than being available in general texts, the
55] key aspects of a scientific document are typically
indicated in tables and figures. A technological sur-
(5) Email summarization (ES): email conversations are vey of scientific documents is created using a multi-
typically not syntactically well-formed domains and ple document ATS framework, which incorporates
are unstructured, making them difficult to summa- two approaches. To determine the content of the
rize. The ATS often uses linguistic techniques and original and related referenced research works, first,
ML algorithms to extract noun phrases from email follow and collect the citations and then utilize sum-
communications and produce a summary of them marizing techniques [40, 60]
[40, 56, 57]
(6) Legal document summarization (LDS): to describe a 5. Related Works
judicial judgment document, ATS looks up pertinent
The first proposed idea of ATS was in 1958, in the sense of
precedent using legal questions and rhetorical tech-
figuring out how words are distributed inside sentences
niques. Keywords, important phrase matching, and
and identifying the document’s keywords [61]. Since then,
case-based analysis are just a few techniques used
numerous summarizing techniques have been created using
in a hybrid approach [40, 58]
various methodologies and for different objectives.
(7) Biomedical document summarization (BDS): the According to [2], deep neural sequence-to-sequence
ATS uses a GB summarization approach in conjunc- models, reinforcement learning (RL) approaches, and trans-
tion with genetic clustering and connectivity data. fer learning (TL) approaches, including pretrained language
While connection statistics show the relative impor- models, have been identified as cutting-edge technologies
tance of the study, genetic clustering reveals the that demonstrate cutting-edge performance and accuracy
many themes in a biological document [40, 41, 59] in abstractive ATS (PTLMs). The GB transformer architec-
ture and PTLMs have had a significant impact on NLP
(8) Summarization of scientific papers (SSP): scientific applications. Furthermore, the incorporation of recent
texts are well-organized texts that include the opin- mechanisms, such as the knowledge-enhanced mechanism,
ions of many researchers on a single topic. Addition- improved the results significantly. This study provides a
12 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Table 1: Limitations of ATS algorithms.

Algorithm Limitations
(i) To improve the summarization quality, a redundancy elimination technique must be used
Fuzzy logic
in the postprocessing stage.
Unsupervised (ii) To reduce redundancy, which could impair the quality of the summary, similarity
measurements must be used.
Latent semantic (iii) It took a long time to create the LSA-generated summary.
(i) For training and optimizing the sentence selection to create an effective summary, a huge
Machine learning
quantity of data is required.
(ii) In the training and application phases, it moves fairly slowly. Additionally needs human
Supervised Neural network
interference for training data.
(iii) Linguistic aspects are not taken into account in CRF. Additionally, a domain-specific
Conditional random fields
external corpus is needed.
(i) It fails to recognize the relationship between sentences as a result of ignoring the context
Tree based and important phrases in the text. It continuously emphasizes syntax rather than
semantics, which is another problem.
(ii) This strategy results in a lack of variability in the summaries because the templates are
Template based
Structure based (iii) The process of creating the regulations is time-consuming. The fact that the rules had to
be manually drafted and presented is another difficulty.
(iv) It takes a long time to prepare an appropriate ontology, and it cannot be applied to other
(v) The framework is currently examined manually by people; hence, an automatic
Multimodal semantic
evaluation is necessary.
(i) Difficulty in constructing grammatical, coherent sentences from the text. Due to faulty
Information item
parses, summaries also have very poor linguistic quality.
Semantic based Semantic graph (ii) This technique is only effective for abstract summarizing one document.
Deep learning (iii) Building large amounts of training data manually requires human effort.
Graph-based (iv) It disregards the significance of words and the issue with dangling anaphora.

thorough examination of recent research advances in the 83%, recall of 84%, and 83% f-score for 50% extraction rate,
field of abstractive text summarization for works published and finally, precision of 83%, recall of 91%, and 87% of f-
in the last six years. Past and present issues are described, score for 65% extraction rate, respectively. The system pro-
as are proposed solutions. Furthermore, abstractive ATS duces a summary in about 55 seconds, 108 seconds, and
datasets and evaluation metrics are highlighted. Finally, the 119 seconds for extraction rates of 25%, 50%, and 65%,
paper compares the best models and discusses future respectively. The system summary’s average performance
research directions. for Rouge-1 was 79% and for Rouge-2 was 66%, which was
According to [3], ATS is in high demand to address the comparable to the reference summary. When compared to
ever-growing volume of text data available online to find rel- other available tools, the overall summary yields promising
evant information more quickly. In this study, the ATS results with a reasonable compression rate and efficiency.
methodology was proposed for the Hindi language using The work [62] has employed a surface-level technique
the real coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) over the Kaggle that relies on features, cue phrase, title words, header (first
dataset’s health corpus. The methodology was divided into sentence of the document), words in the header, the first
five phases: preprocessing, feature extraction, processing, sentence in the paragraph, and extremely common terms,
sentence ranking, and summary generation. Extensive test- which are statistical, to produce summaries. The absence of
ing on various feature sets was carried out, in which distin- a stemmer, which alters the frequency of words in a text,
guishing features, namely, sentence similarity and named was made by the authors. However, their summarization
entity features, are combined with others to compute the system’s performance was enhanced by using a comprehen-
evaluation metrics. The experiments have been carried out sive list of common words. The work [63] has made an effort
on various combinations of eight features. They have been to create a text summarizing system that produces excerpts
distinguished by sentence similarity and named entity fea- from a single court decision. Three steps were used in their
tures, which were combined with others to compute the task. First, the text or legal judgment was divided into five
evaluation metrics. The top 14 feature combinations are ana- sections according to five preestablished themes: introduc-
lyzed at three different extraction rates: 25%, 50%, and 65%. tion, justification, fact, judicial analysis, and conclusion.
The researchers have scored precision of 79%, recall of 78%, The significance of sentences was then assessed using statis-
and 78% f-score for 25% extraction rate and precision of tical indicators such as cue phrases and sentence position.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 13

The next step was to construct metasummaries for each necessitates extensive training corpora, and is hence very
theme with a 20% extraction rate, which were then resource-intensive. The [69]’s technique becomes ineffective
concatenated to make a single summary. In the work of when the body of text to be summarized grows since it
[64], it has been built to summarize news articles in the rejects sentences that, despite being appropriate for a sum-
Amharic language that has been shared on Facebook and mary, do not earn latent space or dimension. Afan Oromo
Twitter. The clustered group of protest posters in experi- language automatic news text summarizer based on sentence
ment one had the greatest f score of 87.07% for extraction selection function has been created [71]. This work aims on
rate at 30%. The greatest f-score in the second trial was constructing an efficient extractive Afan Oromo language
84% for extraction rate at 30% in drought post groups. The automatic news text summarizer, using systematic integra-
greatest f-score was 91.37% for the extraction rate at 30% tion of features like sentence position, keyword frequency,
in the third experiment’s sports post groups, and it is cue phrase, sentence length handler, the incidence of num-
93.52% in the fourth experiment’s summary post text extrac- bers, and events like time, date, and month in sentences.
tion rate at 30%. Abbreviations, synonyms, stop words, suffixes, numbers,
The work of [65] was modifying the open text summa- and names (time, date, and month) gathered from both sec-
rizer (OTS) open-source program to produce and evaluate ondary and primary sources were among the data that help
extracts from Amharic language news texts. The relative the system’s development. Seven experimental scenarios
value of a phrase in a text is determined by their work using have been used to test the system, and both subjective and
the frequency of terms. They used two experimental setups objective judgments have been produced. The subjective
because their work focuses on evaluating how well the tool evaluation focuses on evaluation of the structure of the sum-
performs: experiment 1, which employs the original Porter mary like referential integrity and nonredundancy, coher-
stemmer, and experiment 2, which uses a stemmer that ence, and informativeness of the summary. The objective
was adapted from the work of [66]. The performance of evaluation employs criteria like precision, recall, and f-
OTS in summarizing Amharic language text was encourag- score. Subjective evaluation yields the following results:
ing after a series of tests on each arrangement, with experi- 68% coherence, 75% referential integrity, and 88% informa-
ment 2 outperforming experiment 1. Authors of [67] have tiveness. Different methods and tests have been used as a
built an algorithm that can summarize a document by their result of the added features, producing an f-score of
performance both objectively and subjectively in Afan 87.47%. In the QB automatic summarizer for Afan Oromo
Oromo language. The performance of the summarizers was language text [72], 40 news articles from the corpus were
tested based on subjective as well as objective evaluation used. The best summary was created manually by three lan-
methodologies. In this study, weights were assigned to the guage specialists from the language division of the Oromia
sentences that would be retrieved for the summary using Culture and Tourism Bureau. The intrinsic evaluation tech-
term frequency and sentence position algorithms with nique was utilized for evolution purposes. Both objective and
language-specific lexicons. subjective evaluations were involved. The subjective evalua-
The work [68] has looked into how to extract informa- tion assesses the linguistic quality, such as informativeness
tion from Amharic language news articles using the Naive and coherence, using the scores on five scale measures by
Bayes (NB) classifier. Training and testing were the two human evaluators. The objective evaluation assesses the per-
steps used in this research. They have considered elements formance of the system using standard information retrieval
including title words, cue words, sentence positioning, and (IR) evaluation metrics (precision, recall, and f-score). The
the inclusion of thematic words to gauge the likelihood results of the assessments showed that the proposed system
that a given sentence would appear in a summary. Even reported an f-score of 82%, 78%, and 82% at summary
though their method was domain-specific and required a extraction rates of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively, and
sizable training corpus, the results indicated that it was a when the vector space model (VSM) was employed com-
promising one. bined with position algorithms. Additionally, when both
The work [69] has proposed a latent semantic analysis approaches were employed together, the suggested system’s
(LSA) for automatic Amharic language text summarization. informativeness and coherence both recorded their best per-
TopicLSA and LSAGraph were the two methodologies that formance summaries of 59%, 77%, and 91% average scores
were combined in their work. Each text was represented as on five scale measures. An Afan Oromo language news text
a graph with terms acting as nodes and edges representing summary has been developed by using the sentence scoring
the semantic connections between phrases. To compute the method (SSM) [73]. Nine experimental circumstances were
relevance score of words, the GB techniques were run onto used to evaluate the proposed method both subjectively
the graph iteratively till they converge. Additionally, sen- and objectively. The summary’s structure was subjectively
tences that did not directly connect to the issue were pun- evaluated for referential clarity, informativeness, grammati-
ished and excluded from the summary. cal correctness, and coherence. They also looked for any
Statistical methods fail to capture the key topics of a doc- redundancies. The performance of the proposed system at
ument because their techniques are unaware of the relation- 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rate grammatical correctness
ships between textual units in the document [62, 63, 65]. As was 90%, 90%, and 92%, respectively, concerning redun-
a result, key sentences that reflect the document’s essential dancy at 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rate performance
notions may be omitted from the summary. The [70]’s work of the summarizer system was 72%, 82%, and 84%, respec-
was domain-specific, was difficult to adapt to any language, tively, and 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rate performs
14 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

66%, 74%, and 86% in concerning referential clarity. Coher- 42.20% of recall, and 46.80% f-score by using the acquired
ency of the summary evaluation performed at 20%, 30%, and data. However, when compared to the prior works using
40% extraction rate 62%, 66%, and 72%, respectively. The the identical data used in their work, the summarizer’s over-
performances of the system regarding the informativeness all performance outperformed by 64.80% of precision,
at 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rates was 74%, 78%, and 62.60% of recall, and 5.80% f-score. The Tigrinya language
86% respectivelly. The recall, precision, and f-score were ATS has been developed by [77]. They have employed 30
the three criteria used in the system’s objective evaluations, news pieces for experimentation, which were gathered from
which it completed with a score of 86.1%. The work [74] the websites of the Aiga forum and Dimtsi Weyane Tigray.
uses morphological analysis, and integrated development of The summaries produced by the system were then compared
a QB document summarization for Afan Oromo language to manual summaries created by human reviewers as part of
has been developed. Due to its concerns of thoughtful, intel- the summarizing system’s evaluation. According to the
lectual, and creative behavior throughout problem-solving experiments, the system recorded 46%, 46%, and 46% for
and the generation of knowledge, this work adheres to the recall, precision, and f-score for the feature of phrase fre-
design science analysis technique. The developed QB frame- quency, respectively. In the case of title word, the registered
work has used the term weight methodology of TF-IDF. For recall, precision, and f-score values were 46%, 50%, and 48%,
morphological analysis, development tools like HornMor- respectively. The experimental findings demonstrate how
pho were used, whereas NLP toolkits were used for text pro- the suggested approach improves the summarizer. Overall,
cessing. The extraction rate of 10%, 20%, and 30% had all according to the experiment’s findings, title words outper-
been tested by the system. For objective evaluation, the formed term frequencies in both subjective and objective
results were assessed using recall, precision, and f-score; in evaluations. Another work [78] has developed WordNet-
contrast, language consultants assessed subjective analysis. based topic-based Tigrigna text summarization. Since news
In light of this, the evaluation revealed that the suggested reports typically place crucial information at the beginning
method achieved f-scores of 90%, 91%, and 93% at summary of the document rather than the end, the researchers con-
extraction rates of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. When ducted an experiment with news articles and included the
both approaches were combined, the proposed system’s first sentence of the document in the summary. The pro-
informativeness and coherence also showed their best per- posed approach yields the best result, 50.14% precision/
formance summary, with average scores of 51.67%, 56.67%, recall of the original text, according to their evaluation of it
and 54.17% on five scale measures. This was achieved at at a 25% extraction rate summary. Additionally, they have
extraction rates of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. In compared their system to other summary techniques created
[75], the Afan Oromo language news text summarizer has for other languages, and their method greatly raises the qual-
been developed. The performance of the summarizer was ity of the summation. Authors of [79] have created OTS-
tested based on subjective as well as objective evaluation based automated Amharic language multiple document
methodologies. The findings of the objective evaluation news text synthesis. The Ethiopian news reporters, Addis
show that the three summarizers, method 1, method 2, and Admass, Addis Zena, and the Walta Information Center
method 3, registered f-score values of 34%, 47%, and 81%. served as the study’s data sources (WIC). Thirty tests were
Their tests showed that method 3 performed 47% and 34% carried out utilizing 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rates on
better than the two summarizers (method 1 and method a total of 35 Amharic language single text news. The single
2). Furthermore, according to the subjective evaluation text news was then divided into ten multiple document text
results, the three summarizers’ (method 1, method 2, and news. In the work, sentence extraction-based summarization
method 3) performances in terms of informativeness, lin- for news articles written in Amharic for several documents
guistic quality, coherence, and structure are 34.37%, 37%, was introduced. The study looked at the optimal extraction
and 62.5%; 59.37%, 60%, and 65%; and 21.87%, 28.12%, rate for text summary of numerous documents in Amharic
and 75% for methods 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The outcomes language. Additionally, they demonstrated how the OTS
were consistent across subjective and objective evaluations. can be modified and utilized to summarize news stories writ-
Method 3 of the summarizer, which combines the word fre- ten in several Amharic language documents. The Amharic
quency and enhanced position approaches, performs better language rules that were employed for text summarization
than previous summarizers, with method 2 coming in sec- and their influence on the summarizer were also explored.
ond. Afan Oromo language text summary using word The performance of the modified OTS was tested using
embedding has been developed by [76]. Three experimental intrinsic evaluation methodologies. Both subjective and
scenarios have been used to evaluate the proposed system, objective evaluation strategies were drawn from the intrinsic
and both subjective and objective judgments have been evaluation techniques. According to a subjective evaluation
made. The subjective evaluation was focused on evaluating method, the performance of the summary generated at a
the summary’s structure, including its informativeness, 20% extraction rate was 60.00%, followed by scores of
coherence, referential clarity, lack of repetition, and gram- 76.00% for the summary created at a 30% extraction rate
mar. They have employed metrics including precision, recall, and 82.00% for the final summary created at a 40% extrac-
and f-score in the objective evaluation. The outcome of sub- tion rate. The summarizer performed an average of 52.14%
jective evaluation is 83.33% informativeness, 78.8% referen- f-score at 20% extraction rate, 56.31% f-score at 30% extrac-
tial integrity and grammar, and 76.66% structure and tion rate, and 57.58% f-score at 40% extraction rate, accord-
coherence. This work also achieved 52.70% of precision, ing to the objective evaluation approach. In general, the
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 15

objective and subjective evaluation metrics from the summa- with a comprehensive survey of DL-based abstractive ATS.
rizer have yielded positive results for the researchers. Since They begin by providing an overview of abstractive ATS
the proposed method, an extractive-based text summarizer, and DL techniques. Then, they summarized several typical
lacks coherence, other advanced systems, such as abstractive ATS frameworks. Following that, they compared
abstractive-based summarizers, adding extra statistical fea- several popular datasets that were commonly used for train-
tures, using complete corpora, and trying various methods ing, validation, and testing. They have examined the perfor-
like anaphora resolution, lexical chains, and discourse struc- mance of several common abstractive ATS systems on
ture, have been recommended. common datasets. Finally, they have outlined some future
According to [80], as a research topic, the researchers research trends and highlighted some open challenges in
have chosen the Afan Oromo text summarization in DL. the abstractive ATS tasks. They have argued that these inves-
The study’s primary goal was to design a system and imple- tigations will provide new insights into DL-based abstractive
ment extractive and abstractive Afan Oromo proclamation ATS for researchers.
text summarization to develop effective and efficient sum- According to [83], ATS systems benefit users in a variety
marization types, as well as to assess the extent of the algo- of ways, including reducing summary reading time, making
rithms’ fitness. Here, 583 articles from 27 Afan Oromo research selection easier, increasing effectiveness, and per-
proclamations were used as input data. As a result, for text sonalized summaries that can be useful in question answer-
summarization of the dataset, abstractive text summariza- ing systems that provide individualized information. Thus,
tion models (sequence-to-sequence decoder with attention) the proposed model was aimed at developing abstractive
and extractive text summarization models (TextRank) were summaries of documents that assist users in understanding
developed. To evaluate the text summaries produced, vari- the gist by analyzing the content using approaches such as
ous comparison measures (Rouge-1 and Rouge-2 percent- NLP and DL. Text summarization methods can achieve
age, count vectorizer, TF-IDF vectorizer, and soft-cosine abstractive summarization of multiple documents. Seq-to-
similarity) were used. In this case, the results of the Rouge- Seq and (Bi-LSTM) encoder and decoder with attention
1 and Rouge-2 measurement percentage indexes were higher mechanism, pointer-generated network (PGN), and cover-
for abstractive summarization than for extractive summari- age mechanism (CM) algorithms were used. The disadvan-
zation. According to the researchers’ point of view, aside tages of Bi-LSTM, such as replacing one word with another
from the algorithms and models used in both summariza- and having redundant words, were addressed using PGN
tion methods, they are appropriate for Afan Oromo procla- and CM. The proposed model summarizes multiple docu-
mation text summarizations. ments and provides a relevant and precise abstractive
According to [81], ATS can be done in two ways: extrac- summary.
tive and abstractive, or both at the same time. They focused According to [84], in the last few years, significant prog-
on abstractive summarization in this study because it pro- ress in the field of ATS has been made due to the develop-
duces more human-like summarization results. They devel- ment of NLP, data collection, and analysis opportunities.
oped a Turkish news summarization benchmark dataset While many researchers continue to focus on improving
for the study by crawling the news title, short news, news extractive summarization, many have shifted their focus to
content, and keywords from various news agency web por- abstractive techniques, with several breakthroughs in this
tals over the last 5 years. The dataset has been made freely area recently. Despite all the research in the field of ATS,
available to researchers. The DL network was trained using current summarizers are far from perfect, and many prob-
the prepared dataset’s news headlines and short news con- lems remain unsolved. RNN encoder-decoder structures,
tents, and the network was expected to create the news head- for example, which are currently considered cutting-edge,
line as the short news summary. The precision, sensitivity, still fail to encode long documents. Many current summa-
and f-scores of Rouge-1, Rouge-2, and Rouge-L were used rizers still rely on identifying frequent word sequences with
to compare the performance of this study. The study’s per- no semantic processing, which is especially noticeable in
formance values were presented for each sentence as well query-focused or guided summarization, which requires
as by averaging the results from 50 randomly selected sen- “understanding” of the documents. Advances in this area
tences. Rouge-1, Rouge-2, and Rouge-L have f-scores of could eventually lead to highly personalized, interactive
43.17%, 21.94%, and 43.34%, respectively. The approach’s summaries that are tailored to the specific needs of the user.
performance results indicate that it is promising for Turkish Furthermore, the field is severely lacking in high-quality
text summarization studies, and the prepared dataset has summarization datasets, particularly in domains other than
added values to the study. science and in languages other than English, which slows
According to [82], the goal of ATS is to extract the and complicates future progress. Finally, there is a need to
essence of the original text and generate a concise and read- improve methods for evaluating ATS systems using com-
able summary automatically. Recently, DL-based abstractive monly used metrics. The Rouge is far from perfect in many
ATS models have been developed to better balance and ways, and as more advanced, focused summaries emerge, the
develop these two aspects. Currently, almost all state-of- need for more consistent evaluation methods will become
the-art models for ATS tasks are based on DL architecture. essential.
However, in the field of DL-based abstractive ATS, a com- According to [44], because of their ability to capture
prehensive literature survey is still lacking. Accordingly, spatial-spectral feature representations, convolutional neural
their research paper fills that gap by providing researchers networks (CNNs) are gaining popularity in hyperspectral
16 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

(HS) image classification. Nonetheless, their ability to model efficient algorithm based on an alternative optimization
relationships between samples is limited. Graph convolu- strategy (AOS) and alternating direction method of multi-
tional networks (GCNs) have recently been proposed and pliers is designed to solve the proposed models (ADMM).
successfully applied in irregular (or nongrid) data represen- Extensive experiments on simulated and real hyperspectral
tation and analysis, overcoming the limitations of grid sam- datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed
pling. They thoroughly investigate CNNs and GCNs approach over competing approaches for the blind HU task.
(qualitatively and quantitatively) in terms of HS image clas- According to [86], because of recent advances in DL and
sification in this article. Traditional GCNs typically have a the availability of large-scale corpora, ATS has achieved
high computational cost due to the construction of the adja- impressive performance. The key points in ATS have been
cency matrix on all of the data, especially in large-scale estimating information salience and producing coherent
remote sensing (RS) problems. To that end, they created a results. Several DL-based approaches have recently been
new minibatch GCN (referred to as miniGCN hereafter), developed to better consider these two aspects. However, a
which allows them to train large-scale GCNs in a minibatch comprehensive literature review for DL-based ATS
fashion. More importantly, their miniGCN can infer from approaches is still lacking. The purpose of the paper was
sample data without retraining networks and improve classi- to provide a comprehensive review of significant DL-based
fication performance. Furthermore, because CNN’s and approaches that have been proposed in the study concern-
GCNs can extract different types of HS features, fusing them ing the concept of generic ATS tasks, as well as a walk-
is an obvious way to overcome the performance bottleneck through of their evolution. The researchers began by
of a single model. Because miniGCNs can perform batch- providing an overview of ATS and DL. Comparisons of
wise network training (allowing the combination of CNNs datasets, which were commonly used for model training,
and GCNs), they investigated three fusion strategies to mea- validation, and evaluation, were also provided. They have
sure the obtained performance gain: additive fusion, ele- then summarized SDS approaches. Following that, an over-
mentwise multiplicative fusion, and concatenation fusion. view of MDS approaches was provided. They also examined
Extensive experiments on three HS datasets show the advan- the performance of popular ATS models on common data-
tages of miniGCNs over GCNs, as well as the superiority of sets. For various ATS tasks, various popular approaches can
the tested fusion strategies over single CNN or GCN models be used. Finally, they have suggested potential research
[44]. Finally, they recommended future researchers investi- directions in this rapidly expanding field. The researchers
gate the possible combination of different deep networks hoped that this exploration would provide new insights into
and our miniGCNs, as well as develop more advanced fusion future DL-based ATS research.
modules, such as weighted fusion, to fully exploit the rich According to [87], the task of generating a summary,
spectral information contained in HS images. whether extractive or abstractive, has been studied in the
According to [85], as a critical technique for the exploi- paper using various approaches, including statistical, graph,
tation of hyperspectral data, blind hyperspectral unmixing and DL-based approaches. In comparison to traditional
(HU) aims to decompose mixed pixels into a collection of approaches, the DL has shown promising results, and with
constituent materials weighted by the corresponding frac- the advancement of different neural architectures such as
tional abundances. Nonnegative matrix factorization- the attention network (also known as the transformer), there
(NMF-) based methods have become increasingly popular are potential areas of improvement for the summarization
for this task in recent years, with promising results. Among task. The implementation of the transformer architecture
these methods, two types of abundance properties, namely, and its encoder model “BERT” resulted in improved perfor-
sparseness and structural smoothness, have been investi- mance in downstream NLP tasks. The BERT is a bidirec-
gated and shown to be important for blind HU. All of the tional encoder representation modeled as a stack of
previous methods, however, ignore another important encoders from a transformer. BERT comes in a variety of
insightful property of natural hyperspectral images (HSI), sizes, including BERT-base with 12 encoders and BERT-
nonlocal smoothness, which means that similar patches in larger with 24 encoders, but they focused on the BERT-
a larger region of an HSI share the same smoothness struc- base for this study. The objective of the paper was to conduct
ture. Based on previous efforts on other tasks, such a prior a study on the performance of variants of BERT-based
structure reflects intrinsic configurations underlying an models on text summarization using a series of experiments
HSI and is thus expected to significantly improve the perfor- and to propose “SqueezeBERTSum,” a trained summariza-
mance of the investigated HU problem. They first consid- tion model fine-tuned with the SqueezeBERT encoder vari-
ered such a prior in HSI by encoding it as the nonlocal ant, which achieved competitive Rouge scores while
total variation (NLTV) regularizer in this paper. Further- retaining the BERTSum baseline model performance by
more, by thoroughly investigating the intrinsic structure of 98% while requiring 49% fewer trainable parameters.
HSI, they generalized NLTV to nonlocal HSI TV (NLHTV), As described in the related works, future researchers
making the model more suitable for the bind HU task. They should have to use the novel and recommended state-of-
proposed novel blind HU models named NLTV/NLHTV the-art techniques to develop such an ATS system for differ-
and log-sum regularized NMF (NLTV-LSRNMF/NLHTV- ent languages accordingly, because the performance of every
LSRNMF) by incorporating these two regularizers, along ATS system depends on the techniques and extraction rates
with a nonconvex log-sum form regularizer characterizing too. Table 2 shows the summary of ATS works for the Ethi-
the sparseness of abundance maps, to the NMF model. An opian languages.
Table 2: Summary of the related work.

Author(s) The objective of the study Used methodology Performance Recommendations/remarks

(i) The proposed approach yields the best result, (i) They have advised future researchers to think
To develop a topic-based Tigrigna which is 50.14% precision/recall of the original about creating a standard Tigrigna corpus that
Topic-based and
[78] language text summarizer using topic- text, according to their evaluation of the can inspire, reduce corpus collection time, and be
based and WordNet. proposed algorithm at a 25% extraction rate used by researchers to assess the performance of
summarization. their system.
(i) In the trial, the system recorded recall, precision,
and f-score values of 46%, 46%, and 46%,
(i) They have advised using corpora, a standardized
To explore and develop an automatic text respectively, for the feature of word frequency.
linguistic resource for Tigrinya text
[77] summarizer for Tigrinya language news OTS (ii) Recall, precision, and f-score values for the title
summarization that is essential for producing
articles. word were 46%, 50%, and 48%, respectively,
strong performance evaluations.
demonstrating the summarizer’s improvement
using this technique.
(i) The results of the subjective evaluation were as
follows: informativeness scores of 83.33%,
(i) As it is a crucial component of continuing
referential integrity, and grammar score of
To develop an automatic single document development and evaluation of the performances
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

78.8%, and structure and coherence score of

[76] Afan Oromo language text Word embedding of the summarizers, they have advised the
summarization. compilation of the corpus, including the
(ii) Using the information we acquired, this work
also achieved 52.70% precision, 42.20% recall,
and 46.80% f-score.
(i) The objective evaluation’s result indicates that
the three summarizers methods 1 and 2 and
method 3 registered f-measure values of 34%,
47%, and 81%, respectively.
(ii) This means that method 3 outperformed
methods 1 and 2 by 47% and 34%.
(iii) Additionally, according to the subjective
evaluation results, the three summarizers’
(method 1, method 2, and method 3) (i) They have proposed a balanced well-prepared
To build up a single document automatic
performances in terms of informativeness, corpus which is an essential aspect of further
[75] summarizer for Afan Oromo language OTS
linguistic quality, coherence, and structure were evaluation of the performances of the
news text.
34.37%, 37%, and 62.5%; 59.37%, 60%, and summarizers.
65%; and 21.87%, 28.12%, and 75%,
(iv) The outcomes are consistent across subjective
and objective evaluations. Other summarizers
are outperformed by summarizer method 3,
which combines term frequency and enhanced
position approaches. Method 2 is next in
Table 2: Continued.

Author(s) The objective of the study Used methodology Performance Recommendations/remarks

(i) The evaluations showed that the proposed
system registered f-score of 90%, 91%, and 93%
at a summary extraction rate of 10%, 20%, and
30%, respectively. (i) To create paragraphs that have a semantically
To develop document summarization for QB framework has (ii) When both methods were used together, the accurate and descriptive flow of thoughts on the
[74] the Afan Oromo language based on the used the TF-IDF term proposed system’s informativeness and system’s summarized results, they have
query entered by the user(s). weight methodology coherence registered their best performance recommended that more analysis work on
summary of 51.67%, 56.67%, and 54.17% semantics analysis of the structure be done.
average scores on five scale measures at an
extraction rate of 10%, 20%, and 30%,
To design an algorithm that can
Frequency and
summarize a document by its (i) The researchers did not provide quantifiable (i) Future gabs were not predicted by the
[67] sentence position
performance both objectively and performance data for the system. researchers.
subjectively in Afan Oromo language.
(i) Instead of manually preparing the corpus of
independently posted news items on
(i) The clustered group of protest posters in summarization for other local languages, use
experiment one had the greatest f-score score of the suggested algorithm to summarize the
87.07% for extraction rate at 30%. recognizing the news item posted texts
(ii) The greatest f-score in the second trial is 84% automatically grouped on social media post
To develop Amharic language text for extraction rate at 30% in drought post news.
[64] summarization for news items posted on K-means algorithm groups. (ii) Applying for the tasks of multiple documents
social media (Facebook and Twitter). (iii) For the sports post groups in the third uploaded Amharic language texts and
experiment, the highest f-score is 91.37%, and sequential update summarizing tasks were the
for the summary post texts in the fourth trial, recommended prospective future work to
the greatest f-score is 93.52% for extraction rate research social media posts.
at 30%. (iii) Use the dictionary file and additional Amharic
language lexicon rules to manage the over and
under stemming of Amharic language terms.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Table 2: Continued.

Author(s) The objective of the study Used methodology Performance Recommendations/remarks

(i) Nine experimental circumstances were used to
test the system both subjectively and
(ii) The summary’s structure was subjectively
evaluated for referential clarity,
informativeness, grammatical correctness, and
(iii) They also looked for any redundancies. So, at
20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rate
grammatical correctness is 90%, 90%, and 92%,
respectively, concerning redundancy at 20%,
30%, and 40% extraction rate performance of (i) For additional research, they recommended
the summarizer system was 72%, 82%, and developing or creating a well-organized, standard
To design and develop an SDS for Afan Sentence scoring
[73] 84%, respectively. Afan Oromo language text corpus, as well as
Oromo language news text. method
(iv) Additionally, referential clarity scores at 20%, making a persuasive performance evaluation that
30%, and 40% extraction rates are 66%, 74%, will increase the performance of the systems.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

and 86%, respectively.

(v) Coherency of the summary evaluation done at
extraction rates of 20%, 30%, and 40%,
respectively, was 62%, 66%, and 72%.
(vi) Furthermore, the performance of the automatic
summary was 74%, 78%, and 86% in terms of
informativeness at extraction rates of 20%,
30%, and 40%.
(vii) The system performed at a rate of 86.1% when
the three metrics recall, precision, and f-score
were computed using that objective evaluation.
(i) The evaluations’ results demonstrated that,
when VSM is combined with the position
technique, the suggested system reported f-
scores of 82%, 782%, and 82% at rates of
To explore the possibility of developing a (i) They recommended that to develop a conclusive
summary extraction of 10%, 20%, and 30%,
query-based, single document, extractive QB (VSM and the performance evaluation for additional research, a
[72] respectively.
summarization system for Afan Oromo position method) consistent and well-prepared Afan Oromo
(ii) Additionally, when both approaches were
language news text. language text corpus was needed.
employed together, the suggested system’s
informativeness and coherence both recorded
their best performance summaries of 59%, 77%,
and 91% average scores on five scale measures.
Table 2: Continued.

Author(s) The objective of the study Used methodology Performance Recommendations/remarks

(i) The subjective evaluation focuses on the
summary’s structure, including referential
integrity, lack of repetition, coherence, and
To investigate the way of designing and OTS C# version open (i) The creation of the Afan Oromo language text
developing Afan Oromo language news source has been summarizer and future evaluation of the
[71] (ii) Metrics like precision, recall, and f-score are
text summarization based on sentence selected as a tool to summarizer’s performance needs the use of a
used in the objective evaluation for evaluation.
selection functions. develop the system standard and well-prepared corpus.
(iii) The evaluation’s subjective findings are 68%
coherence, 75% referential integrity, and 88%
(i) On the 264 documents from the DUC2002
(i) To enhance the functionality of the system, they
To develop an efficient language document set, the suggested approach yields an
[89] GB recommended future researchers employ various
independent text summarization. average recall-oriented understudy for (ROUG)-
threshold values, such as tf∗idf.
1 result of 52.38%.
(i) As more of the retained dimensions are used,
(i) They suggested that language preprocessing
LSAGraph performs better even without the
exercises be used to prepare the corpus for
To develop automatic Amharic language LSA: using TopicLSA document genre component.
[69] upcoming summary research.
text summarization. and LSAGraph (ii) In other words, when more than 90% of the
(ii) Additionally, they suggested that the strategy be
dimensions are kept, it achieves an f-score that is
used with other languages.
comparable to that of its non-LSA counterparts.
(i) For summaries of 20%, 25%, and 30% extraction (i) Future studies ought to look into the best word
rates, they have assessed the proposed weighting strategies for probabilistic topic
To develop TB Amharic language text
[90] PLSA algorithms’ precision/recall. models.
(ii) The best outcomes were 45.51% at 20%, 48.49% (ii) Additionally, they suggested that the size of the
at 25%, and 52.01% at 30%. dataset be taken into account.
(i) Except for the location feature, which results in a
precision of 75%, recall of 74.90%, and (i) They suggested that study in the field of ATS
To investigate the application of ML and
classification accuracy of 86.03% in predicting would be made easier by the availability of
[68] technique (NB) for automatic text ML (including NB)
the summary sentences, the individual features standard Amharic language corpora for text
that were taken into account in predicting the summarization.
classes tended to predict the nonsummary class.
(i) The experiment was carried out on both systems
by producing 90% summaries for each news
article at extraction rates of 10%, 20%, and 30%. (i) They recommended that a comprehensive list of
(ii) Accordingly, the first experiment’s highest score Amharic language lexicons be created and made
To develop Amharic language single text
OTS (TF and was 75.65% at a 30% extraction rate for middle- accessible.
[65] summarizer using open text
sentence length) sized articles and a 66.23% corpus average score (ii) For the Amharic language, a uniform list of stop
was achieved, while experiment two’s highest words, synonyms, abbreviations, and compound
score was 72.83% at a 30% extraction rate for terms should be created.
large-size news articles and a 72.37% corpus
average score.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Table 2: Continued.

Author(s) The objective of the study Used methodology Performance Recommendations/remarks

To investigate the applications of domain- (i) Precision, recall, and f-measure, three often used (i) They suggested that in addition to text
based approaches to an automatic evaluation metrics, have been computed. documents, a text summary model be created for
[91] NLP parser
Amharic language text document (ii) But, they did not indicate the exact quantitative all document kinds, including graphs, photos,
summarization using an NLP parser. value for all the metrics. pictures, videos, and other formats.
(i) On a set of 100 test phrases, BELU = 33:11%, (ii) A recommendation for using DL models that
To develop Amharic language abstractive
[92] Novel DL ROUG − 1f = 20:51%, ROUG − 2f = 8:59%, and can be applied to various NLP jobs serves as
text summarization.
ROUG − Lf = 14:76%. their conclusion.
(i) They recommended that one of the key goals of
(i) The link evaluation methods and sentence their future work should be to identify a way to
To develop GB automatic Amharic
centrality measurements have been combined in handle different circumstances.
[88] language text GB
twelve studies to provide system summaries with (ii) Additionally, they have recommended future
compression rates of 10%, 20%, and 30%. researchers use standardized corpora to test
their performances.
(i) They employed compression rates of 20% and
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

(ii) The average precision at 20% was 33.9%,

whereas the average precision at 10% is 39%,
To develop a prototype for an Amharic indicating that the system performs more (i) They recommended that the system’s
Extrinsic evaluation
[63] language text summarizer using extractive accurately at 10% than at 20%. effectiveness will depend on the availability of
techniques for legal judgments. (iii) The average precision of the random summary corpora and linguistic preparation.
at 10% was 27% and that of the system
summary is 39% which shows that the system
summary can extract more relevant sentences
than the random summary.
(i) After weights were adjusted, the evaluation of
the system produced 70.4% precision and 58%
Developed by recall while reducing the size of the news to (i) To enhance the performance of the system, they
To develop a system that prepares a
integrating selected 38.5%. recommended that adding more investigative
[62] summary of news text by extracting the
statistical and NLP (ii) The weights of the diagnostic units in the model units for NLP, such as nouns and adjectives will
sentences with vital substances with them.
approaches were changed using four news items in 124 increase the performance of such systems.
iterations, influencing six of the eight diagnostic
units utilized in the extraction method.
(ii) They recommended that the morphology and
grammar principles employed in the language
(i) Since they have employed a subjective evaluation
To develop an abstractive text be viewed as general rules to apply them to more
[93] UNL of summary sentences, the evaluation’s outcomes
summarizer for Amharic language. complex sentences and that an ML approach be
are encouraging.
taken into consideration for activities relating to
the universal networking language.

Table 2: Continued.

Author(s) The objective of the study Used methodology Performance Recommendations/remarks

(i) Since the proposed method, an extractive-based
(i) At a 20% extraction rate, the measure and the text summarizer, lacks coherence, other
To explore the capability of the OTS for summarizer perform with an average f-measure advanced systems, such as abstractive-based
[79] Amharic multiple document news text OTS of 52.14%, a 56.31% f-score at a 30% extraction summarizers, adding extra statistical features,
summarization. rate, and a 57.58% f-score at a 40% extraction using complete corpora, and trying various
rate. methods like anaphora resolution, lexical chains,
and discourse structure, have been advised.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 23

The table summarizes that the DL approaches are cur- determining the efficiencies, qualities, and performances. It is
rently referred by researchers over ML approaches due to also one of the evaluation methods used in this study to
their efficiency in learning from large-scale corpora in unla- determine the efficiency of the summarizers. Precision, recall,
beled text. and f-score were utilized to assess summarization perfor-
mances, which are among the most regularly used metrics
6. Performance Evaluation of ATS for this purpose. Equations (1), (2), (3), and (4) define these
The goal of ATS is to help users condense all important
information that needs to be summarized. Although many (1) Precision metric: the precision metric determines
summarization techniques can be used to create summaries whether or not the percentage of sentences selected
from texts and documents, these techniques are still limited by humans and computers is correct. The formula
to extracting specific parts of the original text and shows how to calculate the precision metric by divid-
concatenating them into a shorter text, abstraction, or broad ing the total number of sentences between two sum-
paraphrasing of the original material. The ultimate goal of maries by the number of sentences in the system
any ATS system should be to be able to summarize texts as summary.
close to a human-generated summary as possible.
However, existing ATS systems face significant chal- j Sumr ∩ Sums j
lenges to achieve this goal. Some common difficulties Precision ðPÞ = ð1Þ
jSums j
include lag, “anaphora” problems, and “cataphora” prob-
lems. The evaluation of text summarization is a challenging
task. This task is difficult for machines to identify important (2) Recall metric: the recall metric determines how
key phrases or contents that add value to the summary. Plac- many sentences are selected by humans by the sys-
ing key phrases has changed the meaning of the summary tem. The number of sentences in both the reference
depending on the context, and it is difficult to find this rele- and system summaries is divided to arrive at the fol-
vant information. As a result, for reliable and effective eval- lowing equation.
uation, automatic evaluation measures are required.
Following a review of previously researched papers on text
jSumr ∩ Sums j
summarization topics, several methods for summarization Recall ðRÞ = ð2Þ
measurement are determined. The following are the evalua- jSumr j
tion measurement metrics for the ATS domain [40].

6.1. Extrinsic Evaluation. The quality of an ATS-generated (3) f-score metric: this metric combines recall and preci-
summary is determined by how it influences other activities sion metrics. An F-score metric is the arithmetic
such as text categorization, information retrieval, and ques- mean of precision and recall.
tion answering. In summarizing, it is considered good if it
aids the previously mentioned other activities. Extrinsic eval- 2 ∗ ðR ∗ PÞ
f − score = ð3Þ
uation can be approached in a variety of ways. The relevance R+P
assessment determines whether or not the text is relevant to
the topic, and reading comprehension determines whether
or not the text can answer multiple-choice assessments. (4) BLEU: the bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU)
evaluation metrics assess machine translation system
6.2. Intrinsic Evaluation. The intrinsic evaluation deter- output quality in terms of reference translation. The
mines the summary’s quality based on the comparability main task of this metric is to count the number of N-
of machine-generated and human-generated summaries. gram matches found independently between the sys-
A good summary is judged on two important criteria: tem and the reference translations.
quality and information. Human experts may be required !
to assess machine-generated summaries using a variety of   Y
out length 1
quality measures. Readability, nonredundancy, structure, BLEU = min 1, precisioni
reference length i=1
and coherence are some quality metrics, and some others
include referential clarity, conciseness and focus, and content ð4Þ
coverage, among others. Precision, recall, and the f-score are
all useful measures for intrinsically evaluating summaries.
Researchers must plan for the possibility of comparing (5) Rouge metric: recall-oriented understudy for gisting
human-generated and automatically generated summaries. evaluation (ROUGE) is a set of ATS and machine
With the previously mentioned evaluation metrics, it is also translation evaluations. It compares an automatically
possible that the two summaries produce different evaluation generated summary or translation to a predefined set
results despite being equally good. Among the several of summaries, such as human-generated summaries.
approaches used to assess the performance of text summari- Rouge is made up of five different measurements:
zation systems, objective evaluation plays a significant part in Rouge-n, Rouge-l, Rouge-w, Rouge-s, and Rouge-su
24 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing


20 30 40

SSM [73]
OTS [79]

Figure 5: Comparison of similar extraction rates (20%, 30%, and 40%) (in objective evaluation).











10 20 30

OTS [65] OTS [77]

QB with VSM [72] GB [92]
QB [74]

Figure 6: Comparison of similar extraction rates (10%, 20%, and 30%) (in objective evaluation).

7. Results and Discussions rizations of the texts were evaluated by comparing the system-
generated summary with the reference summary, and the
In the ATS, the task of generating a summary, whether extrac- summarizations’ performance was quantified using precision,
tive or abstractive, has been studied using various approaches, recall, and f-score. As the extraction rate increases, so does the
including statistical ML and DL-based approaches. As a result, average f-score result for each extractive summary. In the
DL approaches have outperformed traditional approaches, study results of [65, 69, 79] concerning text summarization,
and with the advancement of different neural architectures evidence for improved performance due to the increased
such as the attention network (also known as the transformer), extraction rates.
there are potential areas of improvement for the summariza- As shown in Figure 7, it can be observed the ATS sys-
tion tasks. As shown in Figures 5 and 6, the objective summa- tems of SSM [73] and OTS [79] which was proposed by
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 25

This result indicates that the performance of the system will

depend on the extraction rates accordingly. As part of this
review work, the performances of 90%, 91%, and 93% were
achieved by using the QB [74] approach and with an extrac-
tion rate of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. Finally, the
20% implementation of the transformer architecture and its
31% encoder model “BERT” resulted in improved performance
in downstream NLP tasks. Using DL approaches as recom-
mended, which achieved competitive Rouge scores while
retaining the “BERTSum” baseline model performance of
98% while using 49% fewer trainable parameters, ATS sys-
tem performance can be improved [87]. Similarly, the
34% researchers have evaluated their ATS works by considering
subjective evaluation criteria such as coherence, referential
integrity, informativeness, and grammatical correctness.
Accordingly, it is better to consider the objective evaluations
to improve the performance of the ATS for Ethiopian
20% languages.
8. Conclusion and Recommendation
Figure 7: Distribution of implemented approaches with extraction
rates (20%, 30%, and 40%) (in objective evaluation). ATS systems have emerged as a technology to address this
urgent and pressing problem due to the difficulties of man-
ual text summarizing the enormous amount of textual con-
tent on the Internet or in various archives. The machines
still struggle to comprehend and recognize the text’s “most
important” contents (i.e., the importance of a text varies
with its type, application domain, and user preference).
Although text summarizing is an old issue, academics are
10% still becoming interested in it. However, overall text summa-
21% rizing performance is only average, and the summaries pro-
duced are not always accurate. Researchers are therefore
30% working to enhance current text-summarizing techniques.
44% It is also a top priority to create summaries that are resilient
and of higher quality using unique summarization tech-
niques. To perform better, ATS should be made more intel-
ligent by fusing it with other integrated systems. To
35% summarize and reduce the volume of text, ATS is a promi-
nent area of research that is widely applied and integrated
into various applications. In this work, the researcher pro-
vides a review of the broad ATS domains in several phases,
including the fundamental theories with prior research
backgrounds, dataset inspections, feature extraction archi-
tectures, significant text summarization algorithms, perfor-
10% mance measurement matrices, and difficulties of current
20% architectures. Additionally, the work discusses the current
30% drawbacks and difficulties associated with ATS algorithms
and methodologies, which should serve as motivation for
Figure 8: Distribution of implemented approaches with extraction
rates (10%, 20%, and 30%) (in objective evaluation). future work. This work also provides a thorough analysis
and overview of the various ATS components for the Ethio-
pian languages.
using 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rates. Accordingly, by As it can be observed from the evaluation results of ATS
using 20%, 30%, and 40% extraction rates, the performance research works, the performance can be improved by using
will be 31%, 34%, and 35%, respectively. Similarly, in the recommended techniques and extraction rates accord-
Figure 8, it can be observed the ATS systems of OTS [65], ingly. In the topic of ATS research, future research work
QB with VSM [72], QB [74], OTS [77], and GB [88], which should have to consider the following:
were proposed by using 10%, 20%, and 30% extraction rates.
Accordingly, by using 10%, 20%, and 30% extraction rates, (i) Solving feature-related problems, such as selecting
the performance will be 21%, 35%, and 44%, respectively. features, discovering new features, optimizing
26 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

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