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Should parents discourage children from choosing some majors which might be very competitive
to find a job in the future?

First of all, if you force yourself to learn something you don’t like, then you can’t be fully devoted
to learn it well and may even feel bored. As a result, it will lower your study efficiency and can’t
prepare you well for future development. On the other hand, as long as we can put our heart into
it and work hard, we can still find a good job when we graduate from school.
Also, the demand of job market definitely changes frequently. You may find a job popular after
you graduate, although it may receive poor recognition by the society when you entered college.
So it’s wise to choose a major you are interested in.

Do you prefer to visit museums alone or with your friends?

Set a schedule for myself according to what I like.


Some people prefer to watch entertaining movies, while others prefer to watch serious movies
with important meaning. Which one do you prefer and why? Please use specific reasons and
examples to support your response.
Entertaining movies
Take your mind off from your work/take my mind off the troubles----The way to fantasize about
my life when I watch movies

Or just get together with someone you love and talk about something else entirely, just to take
your mind off whatever is haunting you, give it a break.

The recent movies are always what youngsters talk about and I don’t want to be out of date
when we are having a casual conversation.

Should post graduates teach some low level courses, or should they be professor’s assistants and
not teach courses?

professional/experienced---slow down---field of study


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the increasing popularity of
technology, parents should control children’s access to social media.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Ordinary background people will be the
best government leader.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should spend time watching news
from other countries.
global citizen
develop critical thinking ability
stock market volatility

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as hard work in
achieving success.

figure out what he can do to improve the next time

try to figure out how she can improve for the next time.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People prefer to pay attention to
negative news rather than positive ones.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should record large lectures and
upload it to the school website (for students to watch)?
1.convenient/efficient--anytime time money

to the students who take the lecture, it is beneficial since they can review it after it. We cannot
keep focused for the whole time during a two-hour lecture and our notes are also often
incomplete. A good revision material in future.
to the students who cannot take the lecture, they can learn about the same things with a few
clicks and a screen. Meet the need.

Should schools spend same amount of time on teaching world history and that of their own

x separated from
There are many empty grounds in the city. Should government construct buildings to create more
jobs or build parks on them?

Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock-climbing and skydiving require a lot of
bravery, while others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with
and explain why.

Well, I’d definitely call these people brave. My understanding of the word “bravery” is that one is
ready to face and endure danger. And these people are doing just that. They are out there
jumping off a cliff, or jumping down from a plane, all of which takes a lot of nerve. Compared to
them, my life as an ordinary office worker would have nothing to do with the word “bravery”.
Everyday I’d get up, commute to my company, and punch the clock. Even if I had the chance to go
skydiving, I’d probably say no. So I’d give them a thumbs up.

Do you think the boss should supervise his employees when they are working, or give his
employees more freedom at work?

If you work in a large company, which way would you prefer to take and why? Some people
prefer to arrange their tasks independently and solve problems on their own. Others prefer to
have someone tell them what to do in a company.

Nowadays, some people have plastic surgery to change their appearance, do you think it a good
idea? Why or why not, please use details and example to explain.

Some people spend their vacation visiting just one place. Others prefer to spend their vacation
visiting several different places and spending a shorter amount of time in each. Which do you
prefer and why.

Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling.
Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?
First, my family members could give me tips regarding my trip
I personally prefer to stay in touch with my family wherever I go.
I feel this way for the following reasons.

safe and sound 安然无恙

Since students now all have laptops, the school decides to cancel the computer lab. Do you think
it is a good idea or not?

Which one do you prefer when you have a disagreement with your friends: speaking directly face
to face and through phone calls or sending an email and a text message?

Some people think historical sites should be open to the general public, but some people think
historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which do you think it better?

A college of high academic level with high tuition and a college of low academic level with low
tuition. Which one will you choose? Why?

Some people like to shop in large department stores or supermarkets to buy all things they need.
Other people prefer to shop in small specialty stores or shops to buy one specific item at a time.
Which do you prefer? Explain why.

I prefer to...
I feel this way for several reasons.
First, specialized store have more knowledgeable staff. For example, last month I needed to buy a
new laptop computer, so I went to a department store to look for a good deal. I asked a clerk
there to recommend one, but he knew even less about computers than me. According to him,
salesman at the store sell so many different things every day that it’s impossible to gain a
comprehensive understanding of any of them.

Second, specialty stores have a wider selection. To be more specific, a store that sells only
cameras doesn’t have to waste shelf space on computers, printers or cellphones. They can fill the
whole shop with cameras, and as a result customers have a whole lot of options to choose from.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is disrespectful for tourists to take
photos of strangers without their permission.


population bottleneck

business and art
urban center

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees should be banned from using
private emails during working time.
coffee break

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be taught to be
independent when they are very young.

I agree with the idea that...

I feel this way for several reasons.
First, doing household tasks teaches children really valuable skills. For example, I was required to
prepare breakfast for my little brother every day before school, so when I grew up and moved
away to attend college, it was really easy to prepare healthy meals for myself. As a result, I have
always been in great shape both physically and mentally.

Second, family members can bond when they share responsibilities. To be more specific, young
people are sometimes shy, but if they spend a lot of time with their parents doing chores, they
might open up a bit. Accordingly, they will be more likely to discuss their feelings.
school infrastructure
mixed attitude

evergreen system

modify the environment


One of your friends usually ride to campus, but he is planning to buy a car recently with the
money earned from part-time jobs. What suggestion would you give him/her?

In work and study, some people prefer to do simple things first, while others give priority to
difficult ones. Which one do you prefer?
stay clear-minded
more efficient


The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you
recommend to add in your dormitory?
1. cafe
2. study room
3. game room
Some students believe that students should choose what courses to study, other students believe
that students' professor should make the decision for students. Which opinion do you support
and why?

Personally speaking, I support the idea that students should choose what courses to study.
Firstly, students should make their own decisions about taking the right courses because it relates
to their majors and future career. For instance, if a professor decides that the student needs to
take math and physics while the student might major in history, it would be a huge waste of time.
Secondly, students are more likely to do well in courses they enjoy studying. For example, I do
very well in psychology because I really enjoy the process of learning this course. My math
grades, on the contrary, are low because I hate the class and therefore make little efforts to study.
If students' professor choose the courses for them, they might not enjoy the courses and end up
having really bad grades.

Besides getting jobs after graduation, what else benefits do you think college students can get
from college education?

Some people sell the gifts their friends gave them or give the gifts to others. Do you think this is a
good idea? Why?

Which of the following program would attract new students?
1. Studying abroad
2. Internship
3. Scholarship

If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking it out in a public place or in
a private place?

I will definitely prefer to talk it out in a private place. First, no matter what the conflict is about, it
is always very personal and not positive or worthy of spreading, so there is no need to talk it out
in a public place. Also, by-standers can hardly help to ameliorate the contradiction due to the lack
understanding of the detailed matter.
Second, if we talk about it in the public, it may bring unnecessary annoyance to others. Once I
was waiting for the bus at the station and intended to review for the following test, but two girls
beside me talked for a long time about their private issues which I had no interest but cannot
avoid hearing that.
Your friend failed a job interview for a company and felt very discouraged. What advice would
you give him to help him increase his job-hunting experience and chance of getting hired in the
following interview.

Advice: To have a interview rehearsal with him/her to find out his problems in the interview.
To find some professional people like HR to give him some interview advice.
1. It can help to find out his problems in the interview in advance, which will help him improve
and increase the chance of getting hired.
2. It’s a good way to encourage him in the rehearsal since almost all the possible questions and
scenarios will be rehearsed. So that he won’t be nervous and will be more confident to pass the

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? All animals should be respected and protected as
humans are treated. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Animals deserve to be treated humanely but not as humans

I think animals and humans should have equal rights. I was in class the other day and my teacher
put on a video about people hurting animals and not treating them with respect. That is too bad,
animals are the creatures that people should love.
Animals, like humans, have feelings and families. We really need to stop thinking about animals
as a food source and start thinking about them fairly. Humans may give the argument that
animals can be vicious and try to kill humans. But there are many more cases where

Which is the best way for colleges to strengthen their relationships with communities?
1. hold free music concert
2. provide library membership
3. offer university level course

The school requires freshmen and sophomores to live on campus. Do you think this is a good

I think it’s a great idea to make Freshmen and sophomores live on campus. First of all, making the
first and second years live on campus is a way to build a sense of community. A school should not
only be a place for students to learn but also a place to make friends and build connections.
Many people are still in contact with their college roommates because they network with these
people to help each other out career-wise. Secondly, when students are adjusting to college life,
the dorms could provide many convenience that apartments cannot provide, such as amenities
and proximity to classrooms. It would make the transition to independent life easier for most first
year students.

Which one of the following lessons will you take?
1. to know some composers
2. to learn some basic instruments
3. to understand history of Rock n’ Roll

When facing difficulties, some people choose to keep their senses of humor, but others may take
problems seriously. Which do you prefer and why?

Nowadays, instead of communicating face to face, people communicate through a video chat app
more often. Talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of communicating through a video
chat app.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A school should no more require
students to do experiments but show students the videos of experiments. Why?Include reasons
and examples to support your response.

Which one do you think is the most helpful for protecting the environment? Explain why? Include
reasons and examples to support your response.
1. the government regulation
2. organizations' efforts
3. individuals' efforts.
impose on a fine
introduce policy

Which teacher’s courses would you like to take? Explain why? Use specific reasons and examples
to explain your choice.
·a teacher who is humorous in class
·a teacher who is serious in class

Task 4
cognitive maps
建议参考 TPO45 Task4“Method of Loci”

In my opinion, individuals' efforts will be the most essential and effective in protecting and
preserving the environment. Government legislations may outlaw certain practices or behaviors,
but they can't compel the public to embrace a more environmentally responsible way of life.
Likewise, large organizations might indeed have more resources and manpower at their disposal,
but there is ultimately a limit as to how much they can accomplish. In fact, only through our
collective efforts, can a meaningful difference be made in our community. If each and every of us
can switch off the lights when we leave home or drive less when we have to get to our
destinations, the small steps will eventually add up, taking us to a cleaner earth.

I would personally prefer the teacher who's more humorous in style and nature. Psychologically
speaking, the element of humor would make the teacher more personable and relatable. And if I
can better relate to the teacher as an individual, I would probably also have an easier time
relating to the contents and messages in his or her lectures. In addition, a humorous and easy-
going teacher would also allow me to feel more comfortable and confident approaching him or
her for assistance outside the class, knowing that I will not be criticized or scorned for asking
even the most basic questions; and I think in this way, my academic performance will improve.

Which place do you prefer to study in:
1. library
2. your room
3. cafe

Do you agree with the following statement:
children can learn valuable things from video games?

Which of the following is the best way to grade students:
1. Long research paper
2. Oral presentation
3. Written exam
are cramming for  突击准备(考试)

If your school has offered 5000 dollars scholarship, should it be given to the students with high
academic performance or those who need financial aid?
better-off families/wealthy families

While choosing a friend, what kinds of characteristics do you like least?
a friend of mine told me that she was struggled with whether to...or...

When travelling to a new place, some people prefer to make plans ahead of time, others do not
make any plans for the trip. Which do you prefer and why?

From my perspective, I prefer to make plans in advance when I decide to travel to a place
because, firstly, I believe that making plans in advance could help me understand the place where
I travel better. For example, last time I went travel to Italy. I make a plan to go to the _____ where
the internationally acclaimed _____ situated. Not only did I search the location of the art gallery
but also I did some research about the history of the sculpture. Therefore, when I was in Italy, it
actually help me to understand David better. Moreover, making plans also can save time during
the trip since I already make a timetable of where to go for each time so I don't need extra time
to decide where to go.

Where do you think the future humanity would live if their living environment on the Earth gets
too bad to live in?
1. on the ocean surface
2. in the coldest polar regions like the Arctic
3. in outer space such as the Moon or the Mars

People in the past liked playing board games and card games with their families, while people
nowadays like playing video games on their computers and smart phones. Which type of games
do you prefer to play and why?

Which of the following places will have the greatest benefit on children:
1. Art and craft shop
2. Technology workshop
3. Athletic program

Do you agree or disagree: People have to know the traditions and customs when they move to a
new place.

The university is going to allow students to open a cafeteria on campus. Describe one advantage
and disadvantage of this decision.

Some people believe that all students should be required to study math in school, while others
think that it’s unnecessary if students’ future jobs are not related to math. What’s your opinion?

Which of the following qualities do you think is most important when choosing a roommate?
1. Cleanliness
2. Friendliness
3. Quietness
Use details and examples to explain your choice.

To educate children, do you think we should praise their good behaviors or should punish their
bad behaviors? Explain why with specific details and examples.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of letting students evaluate their professors at the end
of the semester. Please state your reasons with specific examples and details.

Someone likes to collect old things like newspaper, others throw things away after they use them.
What about you? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
Teachers usually make mistakes in class. Describe one mistake that teachers usually make. Please
include details and examples in your response.

T2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should be completely honest and
open to our close friends. Explain why.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of having fast foods in restaurants on the street?

1st Restaurant with fast food provides people with fast ready-to-eat food which saves young
people a lot of time of buying ingredients and cooking by themselves.
2nd However, fast food is not healthy. So when people have easy access to fast food in restaurants,
they are likely to become overweight.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets.

1st Pet serves as a good companion when child is alone and playing with pet can make child happy
and more active.
2nd Kids with pet are usually more aware of their responsibility and tend to care for others.

Which of the following background do you think would best prepare a person to be a future
government leader?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents can know their students grades
only when they get permission by their children?

I don’t agree with the statement cause this may pose adverse effect on students’ academic
performance. If parents know each grade of their own children, when the grades are good,
parents can encourage children and when the grades are not good, parents can communicate
with their kids or even hire tutors to help them to improve their study, which is beneficial to their
kids. However, having such a rule, sometimes students may conceal their grades, especially bad
grades, then their weakness can’t be fully exposed and fixed, which may lead to more serious
results. Thus, I think parents should have the chance to know children’s grades without any

Which of the following do you think takes more courage?
1. Offer a different point of view other than your friend’s
2. Rebut the teacher in class
3. Admit your mistakes
Please include details and examples in your response.

Among these three choices, in my opinion, admitting your own mistakes take the most courage.
Admitting your mistake to others means that you’re showing vulnerability, lots of people who
have high self-esteem often find themselves very difficult to publicly exhibit their vulnerability
because they’re worried to be perceived as a weak person. Many people nowadays in our society
do not own up to their mistake.

Some universities will ask students to learn courses concerning their major immediately after
they enter college while other schools will ask students to choose a variety of courses before
studying their specialization. Which do you think is better and explain why. (1+2、1+1)
stick to

pay more attention to specialized course/save time

I think college is all about experiencing new things and finding what is the best direction of your
life. Many students, when they graduate from high school and enter college, they have no clue
what they want to do with their life, or what kind of major is the most suitable choice for them.
By taking lots of classes especially introductory classes across different subjects allows them to
get a better sense of what interests them the most, thus at the time when the student choose
their majors, they can make a well-informed decision since they have experienced many other
potential subjects that they would otherwise chose blindly.
Moreover, I like to keep my options open, if I choose my major as soon as I enter the college and
start taking major courses the first day, it will be very hard to switch major if I later find out that
this major isn’t the best option for me, since credits for major courses are rarely transferable
across different principles of study.

Your professor decided to require more group work instead of individual work. Talk about
advantages and disadvantages about this new policy.

When dealing with some disagreements with friends and family members. Some people believe
it is more important to make others agree with their points of view, while others think it is
preferable to let others hold onto their own points.
hold onto their own points

Your community is going to schedule activity to improve the service for the local residents.
1. Fire department
2. Police department
3. Parks and recreation department
Please include details and examples in your response.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not interrupt others when
they are giving opinions.
lose one’s train of thought 思路
group meeting, interrupted by asking questions,annoyed, waste

Your school is going to open some free weekend classes, which course would you like to take?
1. Photography class to improve your photography skills
2. Public speech
3. Business

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Friends who have disagreements could
still maintain their friendship.

Everyone has their own point of view. Not all of us can agree on everything with everyone. You
can disagree with your friend or a great columnist in a widespread newspaper/ magazine. Unless
you both provide solid arguments to back your respective statement, then you can have some
endless dialogues. These dialogue will help you grow, mature and develop communication and
social skills. After all, these debates with your friend - providing that the...
1. Don't make it personal. If you get upset, it can help to remember you're mad at the idea or
concept your parent (or friend, coach, coworker, etc.) is raising, not the person.
2. Listen to the other point of view. Being a good listener is a way of showing that you respect
and understand the other person's perspective.

3.Stay calm. This is the most important thing you can do to keep a conversation on track. Of
course, it's a huge challenge to stay calm and rational when you feel angry or passionate about
something — especially if the person you're talking to gets heated. You may need to be the
mature one who manages the conversation, even if the other person is a parent or someone who
should know better.

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