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TOPIC: Échecs Island

Government and Economy

Bolívar G. Ramírez Resto

Miss. Cruz - History

In this PowerPoint, I will be

presenting my country, how I

govern it, the type of economy we

use and its interesting history.

History of Échecs

The Échecs Island origins go back to the 1600s, when it began

being noticed by French and English maps, but it wasn’t until 1656
that French explorers, knowing that the US has not conquer it yet
and didn’t knew its value, bought it for 700,000 euros due to its
location. At the beginning it was called the Verte Island, which
means green in French. It was called this way due to its abundant
nature, but more because of its green waters. This phenomenon is
caused by a type of algae that is abundant in the island.
The actual name came after a Soviet invasion against Échecs, but
it was a big failure in the side of the Soviets who were not even
close to harming it. So, the French people decided to call it
Échecs, which means failure in French.
History of Échecs
As you can imagine, its main attractives is its water corridors in
form of a chess king that the actual residents conserve and
being the place were a fantastic game called Chaturanga was
created. And after some adaptations on its rules was called
chess in the English language. Today is one of the most
beautiful islands in the entire world and sanctuary of many
species (mostly birds and butterflies) in danger of extinction.
Also, its is bigger than Puerto Rico but it has a lot less habitants
(800,000 to be exact) but in terms of diversity, we are very big,
for example, we speak four main languages. (French, English,
Russian and Naequilaá) Naequilaá is an ancient dialect
exclusive of this island.
Échecs Island (Caribbean Ocean)

Échecs Island
Type of Government

The Échecs Island has a Monarchy

that wants to hear the people and

defend its rights no matter their


The reason I chose a Monarchy is that

I think that with the right leader and

counselors it can be a prosperous

Type of Economy

The Échecs Island has a socialist economic

system, its goal is to make people have the

same opportunities not matter its gender,

sexuality, beliefs, race or economic situation.

I chose socialist economy because not a lot of

people know that it can be a good economic

system because they think of communism, but

its not the same thing.

"I, Bolívar G. Ramírez Resto, invite you to…

Pictures or photos taken of:

NASA Visible Earth
Beautiful World Travel Guide
Encyclopedia Britannica

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