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Organ sample generator for expected treatment dose construction

and adaptive inverse planning optimization

Xiaobo Nie, Jian Liang, and Di Yan
Department of Radiation Oncology, Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073

(Received 9 February 2012; revised 5 October 2012; accepted for publication 17 October 2012;
published 26 November 2012)
Purpose: To create an organ sample generator (OSG) for expected treatment dose construction and
adaptive inverse planning optimization. The OSG generates random samples of organs of interest
from a distribution obeying the patient specific organ variation probability density function (PDF)
during the course of adaptive radiotherapy.
Methods: Principle component analysis (PCA) and a time-varying least-squares regression (LSR)
method were used on patient specific geometric variations of organs of interest manifested on multiple
daily volumetric images obtained during the treatment course. The construction of the OSG includes
the determination of eigenvectors of the organ variation using PCA, and the determination of the
corresponding coefficients using time-varying LSR. The coefficients can be either random variables
or random functions of the elapsed treatment days depending on the characteristics of organ variation
as a stationary or a nonstationary random process. The LSR method with time-varying weighting
parameters was applied to the precollected daily volumetric images to determine the function form of
the coefficients. Eleven h&n cancer patients with 30 daily cone beam CT images each were included
in the evaluation of the OSG. The evaluation was performed using a total of 18 organs of interest,
including 15 organs at risk and 3 targets.
Results: Geometric variations of organs of interest during h&n cancer radiotherapy can be repre-
sented using the first 3 ∼ 4 eigenvectors. These eigenvectors were variable during treatment, and
need to be updated using new daily images obtained during the treatment course. The OSG generates
random samples of organs of interest from the estimated organ variation PDF of the individual. The
accuracy of the estimated PDF can be improved recursively using extra daily image feedback during
the treatment course. The average deviations in the estimation of the mean and standard deviation of
the organ variation PDF for h&n cancer radiotherapy were less than 2 and 1 mm, respectively, for
most organs after the second week of treatment. After the first three weeks of treatment, the mean
discrepancy of the dose estimation accuracy was within 1% for most of organs, the corresponding
standard deviation was within 2.5% for parotids, the brain stem and the cochleae, and within 1% for
other organs.
Conclusions: A patient specific OSG is feasible and can be used to generate random samples of or-
gans of interest for the expected treatment dose construction and adaptive inverse planning. The accu-
racy of the OSG can be improved continuously and recursively during the adaptive treatment course
using daily volumetric image feedback. © 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

Key words: organ geometric variation, patient specific organ sample generator, expected treatment
dose, adaptive inverse planning optimization

I. INTRODUCTION and online patient surface or diaphragm motion.3, 4 In addi-

tion, if an organ geometric variation can be described us-
Geometric variations of a patient’s anatomy in shape, size, ing a stationary random process with the normal distribution,
and position during the course of radiotherapy have been de- the estimation of the mean and the standard deviation of the
scribed using a random process. This random process can tissue element position will be sufficient1, 5 to describe the
be characterized by a position variation probability density process. However, tumors and certain normal organs, such
function (PDF) of tissue elements in organs of interest.1 The as parotid glands, shrink significantly during the treatment
organ variation/motion PDF can be used to construct ex- course.6 The geometric variation of these organs is therefore
pected treatment dose and perform adaptive inverse planning nonstationary.1 Lung tumor volume shrinkage has been stud-
optimization.2 However, studies on organ variation PDF con- ied and estimated using a locally weighted regression model,7
struction or estimation during the treatment course have been but a general estimation model on tissue element position dis-
very limited. tribution has not been explored.
A few modeling studies on lung tumor motion have been Volumetric images, such as daily helical CTs, onboard
performed using pretreatment 4D computed tomography (CT) cone beam (CB) CTs, as well as MRIs, obtained during the

7329 Med. Phys. 39 (12), December 2012 0094-2405/2012/39(12)/7329/9/$30.00 © 2012 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 7329
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Daily Volumetric Images in the Pre-collected

first τ days of the treatment Patient Image

Determine & Select Eigenvectors Estimate the meean Determine Model Parameters
Vj(τ): Equation (1) Coefficients Cj(t): Equuation (5) L; λ: Equations (6b) and (7)

Determine the coeffficients

Cj(t): Equations (8) and (9)

The Organ
g Samplep Generator: {Random Samples}
Equation (10) O
Organs off IInterest

1. Expected Treatment Dose

2 Ad
2. Adaptive
ti IInverse Pl

F IG . 1. Flowchart for the OSG construction.

treatment course can be used to determine organ geometric model parameters of the coefficient are predetermined using
variation/motion PDF. However, all these measurements share a precollected patient image dataset. Using both the eigenvec-
the same caveat in PDF construction due to the small sample tors and the coefficients, the OSG is formed to generate ran-
size of the measurements. Therefore, using a limited number dom samples of organs of interest during the treatment course
of samples to construct the organ variation/motion PDF is not for the expected treatment dose construction and adaptive in-
only of academic interest, but also benefit in clinical practice verse planning optimization. Figure 1 provides a flowchart
of adaptive radiotherapy. of the OSG construction process which will be discussed in
In this study, principle component analysis (PCA),8 and Secs. II.A.1–II.A.5.
a time-varying least-squares regression (LSR) method9 were
applied to create a recursive organ sample generator (OSG).
The OSG reads daily volumetric images, and generates ran- II.A. Constructing patient specific organ
dom samples of organs of interest from a distribution obeying sample generator
patient specific organ variation PDF. A retrospective study II.A.1. Organ variation eigenvectors from daily images
was performed to evaluate the OSG, using daily CBCT im-
ages obtained during h&n cancer treatment. Utilizing the PCA method to describe organ geometric
variation has been previously introduced by Sohn et al.10 in
a prostate variation study. A similar method and description
II. METHODS AND MATERIALS will be used here.
Let a patient have τ daily volumetric images obtained dur-
Planning and daily treatment volumetric images of each ing the treatment course. Each image includes Ne numbers of
patient, obtained during the treatment course, are used in the tissue elements that are represented by image voxels in or-
construction of the OSG. Position variations of tissue ele- gans of interest. The total number of tissue elements varies by
ments represented by the planning CT image voxels within patient and treatment site, and can be up to 106 . The organs’
the patient’s body are determined by deformable image regis- geometry in the tth daily image can be described by a position
tration of each daily image to the planning image. The center vector defined as
of each image voxel is defined as the tissue element position.
During treatment, the patient specific OSG is constructed ptT = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ] ∈ R m , m = 3Ne ; 1 ≤ t ≤ τ,
in two steps. First, the PCA method is applied to the posi-
tions of all tissue elements in organs of interest manifested on where the components of the vector pt represent all element
all daily images obtained, to date, during the treatment course positions in all organs of interest observed at a time instant
to determine the corresponding eigenvectors. These eigenvec- during the tth treatment day.
tors represent the principle components of the organs’ geo- The organs’ mean position vector calculated using the
metric variation contained in the daily image measurements. daily imaging observations in the first τ treatment days is
In the second step, the time-varying LSR method is applied therefore
to determine the best expansion coefficient for each eigenvec-
tor. The expansion coefficient, in this study, is defined to be a p̄ = pt .
normally distributed random variable or function of time. The τ t=1

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Considering a matrix which consists of the position vari- the actual organ variation PDF for the remaining treatment.
ations from its mean position observed in the τ treatment The coefficients can be either random variables or random
days, P = [p̃1 , p̃2 , . . . , p̃τ ]m×τ and p̃t = pt − p̄, the covari- functions of treatment time depending on whether the organ
ance matrix shall be Cm×m = τ −1 1
P P T . Although the covari- variation process is stationary or nonstationary.1 The meth-
ance matrix is large in size, its number of nonzero eigenval- ods used to determine the coefficients, as well as the corre-
ues nλ is less than the number of variation observations,8 i.e., sponding parameters, will be discussed in Secs. II.A.2–II.A.4.
τ . Each eigenvector obtained from this covariance matrix de- Equation (3) with the optimal selection of eigenvectors and
fines a spatial random variation vector of all tissue element coefficients can be used to generate random organ samples
positions. The eigenvectors, Vj ; j = 1, . . . , nλ , with nonzero from the patient specific organ variation PDF. Therefore, it is
eigenvalues form a complete spatial coordinate base for the named the organ sample generator, OSG.
observed position variations used in the covariance matrix.8
Therefore, the observed variations can be expressed using a
II.A.2. Estimation of the mean coefficients
linear combination of these eigenvectors, such as,
from daily images
pt = p̄ + Cj (t) · Vj , t = 1, 2, . . . , τ, (1) The LSR method9 with time-varying weighting parameters
j =1 was employed to estimate the mean of the coefficients. Let τ
be the last treatment observation day, the loss function in the
where the coefficient Cj (t) is the projection of the position
time-varying LSR can be
vector pt in the direction of eigenvector Vj and nλ ≤ τ − 1.
The eigenvectors were normalized such that
Vj (θ, τ ) = W (t, τ ) · (C̄j (t) − T (t) · (τ ))2 ,
1  T  1 
2 t=1
Vj · Vj = xi · xi = 1,
Ne Ne i=1 j = 1, 2, . . . , nλ . (4)
where {xi |i = 1, . . . , m} are the components of Vj . Therefore, The vector (t) consists of the regressors, and the vector (τ )
once the eigenvectors are determined, the known organ ge- consists of the parameters of the regression.
ometry can be described using the linear combination of the By minimizing the loss function in Eq. (4), we get
nλ eigenvectors and the coefficients, {Vj , Cj |j = 1, . . . , nλ }.
Based on the theory of the PCA,8 the organ geometric vari- 
(τ ) = (τ ) · (t) · W (t, τ ) · C̄ˆ j (t),
ation space spanned by these eigenvectors is identical to the
one formed by all observed organ geometry variations. The
eigenvectors can then be considered to be the new or the prin-  τ −1
ciple axes of the organ spatial variation. The expansion co- 
(τ ) = (t) · W (t, τ ) · T (t) .
efficient of each eigenvector is the coordinate along the axis
defined by the eigenvector in the new spatial reference frame.
The coefficient value along the eigenvector direction is di- Once the optimized parameters are obtained, the mean of the
rectly related to the corresponding eigenvalue of the covari- coefficients can be constructed as
ance matrix8 such that 

τ C̄ˆ j (t) = T (t) · (τ ) = ϕl (t) · θl (τ ), t > τ ;
λj = [Cj (t)]2 , j = 1, . . . , nλ , (2) l=1
τ − 1 t=1
j = 1, 2, . . . , nλ . (5)
where λj is the jth eigenvalue. This implies that if an eigen-
value λj is small, the corresponding coefficient Cj (t) will be In this work, the power function was used for the regressors,
small for all t = 1, . . . , τ . Thus, the corresponding eigenvec- (t), and an exponential weighting function with a forgetting
tor Vj will have less contribution to the organ variation. factor λ was employed for W (t, τ ), such that
Equation (1) can be used to generate extra organ samples ϕl (t) = t l−1 , l = 1, 2, . . . , L,
with different variation patterns by selecting different coeffi-
cients such that
W (t, τ ) = λτ −t
p̂t = p̄ + Ĉj (t) · Vj , t > τ. (3) where L is the largest order of the power function. Therefore,
j =1
the regression function is a polynomial of order L. When the
These organ samples may be used to simulate the potential or- exponential weight functions are used, the solution of LSR
gan variations for the remaining treatment days, that is, for the can be calculated recursively.9 The forgetting factor λ ∈ [0,
treatment day t > τ . To achieve this, however, random organ 1] is used to assign different weights to different treatment
samples, which have the spatial variation distribution obeying days. Together with L, this factor also plays a role in the esti-
the actual patient organ variation PDF, need to be generated. mation of the mean for a nonstationary variation. It equals to
Utilizing the observations of a patient’s organ variation ob- one for the stationary variation. In this study, the two model
tained during the early treatment days, one may provide the parameters, L and λ, used in describing the coefficients were
best estimation of the coefficients in Eq. (3) with respect to predetermined using precollected patient image data.

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II.A.3. Determine L, λ from the precollected patient images

daily image data 1/2
1  τ
The two model parameters for the coefficients can be deter- σ̂j (τ ) = (Cj (t) − C̄ˆ j (t))2 ,
τ − L − 1 t=1
mined using precollected daily patient images by minimizing
the objective function of the deviation between the estimation
and the observation. The estimation deviation of patient k in j = 1, 2, . . . , nλ . (9)
the database is defined as
1 T Ne
Eτ k (L, λ) = δ 2
, (6a) II.A.5. Patient specific organ sample generator
Ne · (T − τ ) t=τ +1 i=1 it
Based on Eq. (3), the OSG constructed after the first τ
where δ it is the difference between the estimated and the ac- treatment days is, therefore,
tual mean positions of the tissue element i on the treatment 

day t. The final treatment day is denoted by T. For a station- p̂(t) = p̄(τ ) + Ĉj (t) · Vj (τ ), t > τ. (10)
ary random process, the actual mean is constant and can be j =1
obtained by averaging all position samples. For a nonstation- Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the patient specific OSG
ary process, the mean varies with time and the form of varia- construction. During the patient’s treatment course, the daily
tion depends on the problem. volumetric images are obtained. At the treatment date τ ,
If the position vectors are expanded on the nf (≤T − 1) the eigenvectors are calculated using Eq. (1), meanwhile the
eigenvectors with nonzero eigenvalue formed by the organ estimated coefficients are determined from Eqs. (8) and (9)
variations obtained from the T treatment days, the estimation based on the mean coefficients estimated using Eq. (5)
deviation in Eq. (6a) can then be calculated using the expan- with the two predetermined model parameters obtained from
sion coefficients as Eqs. (6b) and (7). The OSG as indicated by Eq. (10) is then
⎛ ⎞1/2
formed by substituting the eigenvectors and the coefficients
1 T nf
Eτ k (L, λ) = ⎝ (C̄ˆ j (t) − C̄j (t))2 ⎠ . into Eq. (3). The OSG is used to generate random organ sam-
(T − τ ) t=τ +1 j =1 ples for the remaining treatment days t > τ , and updated re-
cursively once new daily patient images are available.

Here, C̄j (t) is the expansion coefficient of the jth eigenvector II.B. Evaluation
of the actual mean position, and C̄ˆ j (t) is the expansion coeffi-
One planning CT image and T (=30) daily treatment
cient of the jth eigenvector of the estimated mean position in
CBCT images for each of 11 h&n cancer patients, who have
Eq. (5).
been treated using CBCT guided IMRT, were used in the
The average estimation deviation calculated using treat-
evaluation. Eighteen organs of interest were manually con-
ment observations up to the treatment time τ is defined as
toured on each planning CT image. The 15 organs at risk
the root mean square (RMS) of all patients, such as
(OAR) are left and right parotids, mandible, spinal cord, brain
⎛ ⎞1/2 stem, left and right cochleae, inferior, middle and superior
Eτ (L, λ) = ⎝ E 2 (L, λ)⎠ , (7) constrictors, supraglottic and glottis larynx, oral cavity, left
Npat k=1 τ k and right submandible glands (SMG), as shown in Fig. 2.
The three targets are GTV, primary CTV and CTV for elec-
where Npat is the total number of patients. The two parame- tive nodal regions (CTV2). Tissue element position variations
ters, the order of the polynomial L and the forgetting factor λ, in each organ of interest were determined by performing de-
can then be determined by minimizing the average deviation formable image registration between the planning helical CT
of all patients for a given τ . and the daily CBCT images using inhouse developed regis-
tration software.11, 12 The deformable image registration was
performed on each CBCT after excluding the rigid body dis-
II.A.4. Estimated coefficients placement of patient setup.
Once the two model parameters are determined, the best PCA was applied to the position variations of all tissue ele-
estimation of the mean coefficient C̄ˆ j (t) can be obtained us- ments for each patient. The OSG was constructed at the end of
ing the Eq. (5). The final coefficient will be the mean plus a the first week of the treatment, and then updated at the end of
random component, i.e., each following week during the first five weeks of treatment.
For each patient, the OSG updated on the day τ generated the
Ĉj (t) = C̄ˆ j (t) + ξj , j = 1, 2, . . . , nλ , (8) rest of T − τ samples of organs of interest for each statistics
test. The sampling estimation accuracy was evaluated using
where ξ j is a random number drawn from the normal distribu- the average deviation of the sample means and the sample de-
tion with mean = 0 and a standard deviation, σ̂j . The standard viations between the estimate and the actual observation of all
deviation is determined in this study using the observed daily the individuals.

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F IG . 3. First three eigenvectors of the right parotid gland of a patient. It

shows the eigenvectors (arrows) on the mean parotid surface. The first and
third plots are the patient anterior view. The second is the right view.

(EUD) of each organ of interest was then calculated13 with

F IG . 2. Organs at risk in h&n cancer radiotherapy, displayed in order from volume effect factors = 0.5, 0.5, 1, 20, and 4.6 for parotid
the front to back and up to down, are the mandible, the oral cavity, the con- glands, submandible glands, mandible, spinal cord, and brain
strictors, the pharynxes, the parotid and submandible glands, the brain stem,
the cord, and the cochleae.
stem, respectively. For GTV, CTV, and CTV2, the D95 (the
minimum dose to 95% of the volume) was used in the eval-
uation. For the other organs, the minimum dose to 1% of the
The average deviation of the sample means, Emean,τ ,k , for organ volume (D1) was used.
the patient k is defined as
Emean,τ,k = p̂(t) − p(t) · p̂(t) − p(t) , (11) III. RESULTS
where p(t) and p̂(t) are the sample means of the actual ob- Figure 3 shows the first three eigenvectors or main princi-
servation and the estimated tissue element positions, respec- ple components of the spatial variation of a right parotid gland
tively. The bracket  ·  indicates the average over all samples obtained using the PCA method in Sec. II.A.1 on all daily
for t > τ . CBCT images of a patient. The left plot indicates a mainly
The average deviation of the sample standard deviations, inferior-to-superior (IS) position variation, and the middle
Estd,τ ,k , for the patient k is defined as one indicates a mainly post-to-anterior (PA) position variation
viewed from patient right. The plot on the right describes the
patient right-to-left (RL) shift mainly due to the organ shrink-
Estd,τ,k = (ŝp,i − sp,i )2 , (12)
Ne i=1 age. Vector on each tissue element has a different length due
to organ deformation. As shown on the RL eigenvector, the in-
where sp,i and ŝp,i are the sample standard deviations of the ferior portion of the parotid had a quicker shrinkage than the
actual observations and the estimated tissue element posi- superior portion during the treatment course. It implies that
tions, respectively. using PCA to model organ spatial variations may not only
Finally, the total errors for all patients, Emean,τ , Estd,τ , are simplify the description of an organ deformation, but also
calculated as the RMS of all individuals’ deviations. provide a means of studying the dose induced morphologi-
In order to perform an unbiased evaluation, the individual cal changes of the organ during the treatment course. Figure 4
OSG was constructed using the two model parameters, the
order of the polynomial L and the forgetting factor λ, deter-
mined by minimizing the average error in Eq. (7) over the
other ten patients. Additionally, the OSG was further vali-
dated by evaluating the discrepancy of the estimated vs the
actually delivered cumulative dose for each organ of interest.
The cumulative dose of each tissue element in organs of inter-
est was calculated using the actual or estimated position sam-
ples, respectively. In order to calculate daily dose distribution
in an observed organ sample, the actual daily CBCT image
after remapping the voxel intensity from the planning helical
CT image based on the deformable registration was used for
the dose calculation. In order to calculate the dose distribu-
tion in an estimated organ sample, a weighted average image
constructed using the observed images was employed for the
calculation. The weights were equal to those used in the OSG F IG . 4. Eigenvalues of different eigenvectors for all 11 patients. The sum of
to generate the organ sample. The equivalent uniform dose all eigenvalues of one patient is equal to 100%.

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F IG . 6. The actual PDF of the first three coefficients for one patient, and the
corresponding estimations after the first and the third weeks of the treatment.

the same patient are shown. The estimated coefficient distri-

bution at the end of the third week is closer to the actual one
than the one estimated at the end of the first week. Again, the
F IG . 5. The actual and the estimated coefficients of the first three eigenvec- distribution of the third coefficient is asymmetric due to tissue
tors for one patient at the end of second week. shrinkage during the treatment course.
The average deviations for all patients calculated for the
OSG estimation accuracy on the mean and the standard devi-
shows the eigenvalues of all eigenvectors obtained using all ation of the individual PDF are presented in Figs. 7 and 8. The
daily images of the 11 patients. The PCA was performed us- average deviation in the mean for all 18 organs was ≤ 2 mm
ing all tissue elements simultaneously for all 18 organs of in- at the end of the first and the second week of the treatment for
terest. As shown in Eq. (2), the eigenvalue is proportional to most or organs, but slightly > 2 mm for CTV2 and parotids.
the square of the eigenvector coefficient. This indicates that It was then further decreased with extra image feedback dur-
the geometric variations of organs in h&n cancer radiotherapy ing the later treatment. The estimation error of the standard
is dominated by a few (the first three or four) eigenvectors. deviation for all organswas < 1 mm after the second week of
Figure 5 shows an example of the actual (red) and the es- the treatment.
timated (green) coefficients of the first three eigenvectors for The mean and the standard deviation of the dose dis-
one patient at the end of the second week of the treatment. The crepancy between the estimated EUD, D95 or D1 and those
third coefficient, which mainly indicates the organ LR posi- actually delivered are shown in Table I. The planned dose
tion displacement, shows a clear time trend due to primarily had the largest error in estimating the treatment delivered
the patient tissue shrinkage. In Fig. 6, the actual and the esti- dose. It is comparable to the published results.14 The dose in
mated frequency distributions of the first three coefficients for parotids and cochlea was underestimated, and had the largest

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F IG . 7. The patient averaged error (mm) of the mean of the estimated PDF.

deviations when using the planned dose to evaluate the treat- registration method. However, this is only a conjecture and
ment dose. The improvements of dose estimation obtained needs to be proven. The time-varying LSR has been the
using different number of daily images in the OSG are also foundation of most conventional dynamic filter theories. This
shown in the table. method is used to estimate the coefficients of the eigenvectors
in the OSG. The organ variation process in radiation treatment
is most likely dynamic and nonstationary due to the potential
IV. DISCUSSIONS dose response of patient and organs of interest. The complex-
The main purpose of this work is to construct a patient spe- ity of the dynamic variation pattern of each organ of inter-
cific OSG that generates random organ samples from a distri- est may not be described using a fixed function. Therefore,
bution obeying the individual organ variation PDF. The OSG we have selected the generic polynomial form in the LSR fit-
can be used to construct the expected treatment dose and per- ting. In addition, the forgetting factor has also been used in
form adaptive inverse planning optimization during the adap- the LSR fitting to handle the time trend of the organ variation.
tive treatment course. The study demonstrates that utilizing In principle, both the order of the polynomial and the forget-
conventional methods in mathematics and science, the OSG ting factor could be determined for each patient during his/her
can be constructed and updated recursively using treatment own treatment course. However, due to the limited number of
daily volumetric images obtained during the treatment course, daily image samples, the estimation could be unstable. There-
and applied in the clinical practice for adaptive radiotherapy. fore, we chose to use the precollected patient daily image data
In addition, the OSG can also be useful for computer simula- to determine the generic model parameters. Patient specific
tion studies on patient/organ spatial variation, as well as for model parameters could provide additional improvement in
the evaluation of treatment planning and delivery techniques. the estimation, and will be included in our future studies.
PCA (Ref. 8) and time-varying LSR (Ref. 9) are the pri- For all subgroups (10 patients in each subgroup) of the
mary methods used in the construction of the OSG. The 11 h&n patients, the optimized model parameter L, the or-
PCA method can translate a complex problem of a pa- der of the polynomial, was always 0, and the forgetting factor
tient’s anatomical deformation into a relatively simple struc- λ was very close to a constant of 0.72 with the mean and the
ture which includes only few eigenvectors. In addition, standard deviation λ̄ ± σλ = 0.71 ± 0.04, 0.71 ± 0.05, 0.69
eliminating the nonsignificant eigenvectors which have a ± 0.02, 0.75 ± 0.01, 0.74 ± 0.02 for τ = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 week, re-
small contribution to the organ spatial variation may poten- spectively. This implies that the model parameters determined
tially reduce the uncertainty caused by the deformable image using the precollected group of data could be time invariant

F IG . 8. The patient averaged errors (mm) of the standard deviation of the estimated PDF.

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TABLE I. The average error, μ [%], and deviation, σ [%], of the planned and the estimated treatment dose with respect to the actual delivered dose in each
organ of interest.

Plan Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

(%) μ σ μ σ μ σ μ σ μ σ μ σ

GTV − 0.3 0.6 − 0.6 1.1 − 0.3 0.6 − 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1
CTV 0.0 0.6 − 0.4 1.4 − 0.1 0.9 − 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1
CTV2 − 0.1 0.4 − 0.4 1.1 − 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1
Left parotid − 4.5 5.3 − 2.4 4.9 − 2.3 3.5 − 0.9 2.1 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.4
Right parotid − 5.2 4.4 − 1.8 6.1 − 1.7 3.4 0.5 2.4 0.7 1.5 0.3 0.7
Mandible 0.0 2.1 0.3 1.2 0.1 1.4 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2
Cord 0.3 2.3 0.4 1.4 1.0 1.6 0.3 0.5 − 0.0 0.3 − 0.1 0.3
Brain stem 1.5 3.4 − 0.8 1.7 − 0.1 1.7 0.2 1.4 − 0.4 0.9 − 0.2 0.3
Left cochlea − 12.8 13.5 1.3 5.9 0.1 4.2 − 1.5 1.9 − 0.1 2.2 0.3 1.1
Right cochlea − 15.9 16.8 1.6 3.7 0.4 5.4 0.1 2.1 0.4 2.0 0.5 1.3
Inferior constrictor − 1.1 1.0 − 0.6 0.9 − 0.4 0.7 − 0.3 0.5 − 0.1 0.4 − 0.1 0.1
Middle constrictor − 0.4 1.2 − 0.4 0.7 − 0.4 0.6 − 0.2 0.6 − 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1
Superior constrictor 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.2
Supraglottic larynx − 0.0 1.3 − 0.2 0.9 − 0.0 0.7 − 0.2 0.8 − 0.1 0.3 − 0.0 0.1
Glottic larynx − 0.9 1.0 − 0.4 1.0 − 0.3 0.7 − 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 − 0.0 0.1
Oral cavity − 0.0 1.0 − 0.3 0.8 − 0.2 0.6 − 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2
Left SMG − 1.0 1.4 − 0.3 0.7 − 0.3 1.2 − 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1
Right SMG − 0.1 0.6 − 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.7 − 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1

during the entire treatment course. In this case, the mean coef- cally for the parotids and the cochlea. After the first 3 weeks
ficients were estimated most likely using the running average of the treatment, the dose estimation accuracy was within 1%
with different weights from the daily observations. Of course, on the mean discrepancy for most of the organs except for the
these two specific model parameters were obtained from the left cochleae (1.5%). The corresponding standard deviation
group of patients, instead of the patient specific. The patient was within 2% for parotids, the brain stem and the cochleae,
specific model parameters should be ideal, which needs to be and within 1% for all other organs. This convergence is, of
explored in future studies. course, greatly helpful for the adaptive treatment process with
The evaluation results were quite promising. The organ the multiple treatment modification strategy.
samples generated by the OSG showed a variation distri- In summary, the OSG with the patient specific organ
bution, and time trend similar to the actual organ varia- variation PDF is introduced for expected treatment dose
tion. The results also demonstrated that the estimation was construction and adaptive inverse planning optimization. The
continuously improved during the patient treatment course accuracy of the OSG can be improved continuously and re-
with the additional treatment feedback images. The aver- cursively during the treatment course using daily volumetric
age deviation in the estimation of the individual PDF mean image feedback. The OSG was evaluated using daily CBCT
was largely improved (<2 mm) for all organs after the images obtained during h&n cancer treatment. Both the
third week of the treatment. Meanwhile, the estimation er- geometric and dosimetric results demonstrate the feasibility
ror in the individual PDF standard deviation of all organswas of applying the OSG in adaptive radiotherapy process.
<1 mm. This implies that the OSG can produce the random
organ samples with a similar organ variation PDF as the ac-
tual measured one for each individual during the treatment ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
It has been studied1 that the mean and the standard devi- This study is partially supported by the research grant from
ation of an organ variation PDF are the dominating factors Elekta Oncology Systems Co. None of the authors has a direct
in the quantification of the delivered dose in organs of inter- or indirect financial incentive associated with the study and
est. Using the mean and the standard deviation of tissue el- publication of this paper.
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Medical Physics, Vol. 39, No. 12, December 2012

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