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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan) PAKET 2
Hari dan Tanggal : Kamis, 16 Maret 2023
Waktu : 120 Menit

1. Isikan identitas Anda dengan benar!
2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya dengan cermat!
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum dikirim / submit!
6. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan!

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban di bawah ini yang paling benar!

Read the following text.

1. From the text, we know that Ranny is Arnita’s ….

A. sister
B. friend
C. cousin
D. sibling

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Read the following text.

2. “…Friendship is like a sheltering tree.”

It means that ….
A. a friend will provide a nice place to live in
B. a tree is a symbol of a possessive friend
C. a true friend will protect one another
D. a real friend should never go away

Read the following text.

Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is an international environment activist. She focuses on the
movement to save the word’s climate. She is known by a movement called Friday for
Greta Thunberg has Asperger’s syndrome or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This
condition makes a person has a slightly different way of social interaction. However, the
person has a good development of language and intelligence. The person with ASD tends
to focus on one thing. Greta is smart. She has broad knowledge of everything related to
climate change. So, she concerns on climate change of the world.
Greta Thunberg always speaks up about the climate change to people all around
the world. She uses the social media to campaign how to save the world from the climate
change. She also moves to hold some demonstrations to complain to the government
about the climate change. Her courage inspires people to save the world. It leads the
Time’s magazine to give her an award of Person of the Year.

3. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text?

A. To introduce Greta Thunberg as an environment activist.
B. To tell the readers the way to save the world’s climate.
C. To explain the syndrome of autism spectrum disorder.
D. To give information about the world’s change climate.

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Read the following text.
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is an international environment activist. She focuses on the
movement to save the word’s climate. She is known by a movement called Friday for
Greta Thunberg has Asperger’s syndrome or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This
condition makes a person has a slightly different way of social interaction. However, the
person has a good development of language and intelligence. The person with ASD tends
to focus on one thing. Greta is smart. She has broad knowledge of everything related to
climate change. So, she concerns on climate change of the world.
Greta Thunberg always speaks up about the climate change to people all around
the world. She uses the social media to campaign how to save the world from the climate
change. She also moves to hold some demonstrations to complain to the government
about the climate change. Her courage inspires people to save the world. It leads the
Time’s magazine to give her an award of Person of the Year.
4. From the text we may know that Greta Thunberg is a … girl.
A. gentle
B. clever
C. honest
D. humble
Read the following text.
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is an international environment activist. She focuses on the
movement to save the word’s climate. She is known by a movement called Friday for
Greta Thunberg has Asperger’s syndrome or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This
condition makes a person has a slightly different way of social interaction. However, the
person has a good development of language and intelligence. The person with ASD tends
to focus on one thing. Greta is smart. She has broad knowledge of everything related to
climate change. So, she concerns on climate change of the world.
Greta Thunberg always speaks up about the climate change to people all around
the world. She uses the social media to campaign how to save the world from the climate
change. She also moves to hold some demonstrations to complain to the government
about the climate change. Her courage inspires people to save the world. It leads the
Time’s magazine to give her an award of Person of the Year.
5. The Time’s magazine gives Thunberg a reward because ….
A. she promotes her condition using social media
B. she has inspired people to save the world’s climate
C. she has complained to the government every Friday
D. she influences people to care about Asperger’s syndrome
Read the following text.
I took a walk along the beach, feeling the sun's warmth on my skin and the sand under
my feet. As I walked, I noticed a beautiful shell on the ground. I picked it up and examined
it, amazed at its unique shape and colors.
As I looked around, I noticed that every shell on the beach was different. They were all
special, just like people. This made me stop and think about my own life.
I had always had trouble in socializing and comparing myself to others. I felt like I was
never good enough, and it had affected how I see myself negatively. But as I held the shell
in my hand, I realized that it was important to be myself.
I didn't need to fit in or seek the approval of others. I just needed to be true to myself
and appreciate my own uniqueness. With this fresh understanding, I felt a sense of peace
and acceptance wash over me. I realized that true happiness came from within, and I didn't
need anyone else's approval to be happy.
From that day on, I have lived my life with confidence and learn the accept the way I
am. I didn't let the opinions of others bother me. From my walk, I had learned a valuable
lesson that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

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6. What is the main topic of the story?
A. A casual trip to the beach.
B. The selfishness of the writer.
C. The uniqueness of seashells.
D. A walk with a valuable lesson.

Read the following text.

I took a walk along the beach, feeling the sun's warmth on my skin and the sand
under my feet. As I walked, I noticed a beautiful shell on the ground. I picked it up and
examined it, amazed at its unique shape and colors.
As I looked around, I noticed that every shell on the beach was different. They were
all special, just like people. This made me stop and think about my own life.
I had always had trouble in socializing and comparing myself to others. I felt like I was
never good enough, and it had affected how I see myself negatively. But as I held the
shell in my hand, I realized that it was important to be myself.
I didn't need to fit in or seek the approval of others. I just needed to be true to myself
and appreciate my own uniqueness. With this fresh understanding, I felt a sense of peace
and acceptance wash over me. I realized that true happiness came from within, and I
didn't need anyone else's approval to be happy.
From that day on, I have lived my life with confidence and learn the accept the way I
am. I didn't let the opinions of others bother me. From my walk, I had learned a valuable
lesson that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

7. How did the writer feel after her trip to the beach?
A. She liked the beach and the warmth of the sun.
B. She felt amazed by seashells on the ground.
C. She was frustrated about people’s opinion.
D. She felt a sense of peace and acceptance.

Read the following text.

I took a walk along the beach, feeling the sun's warmth on my skin and the sand
under my feet. As I walked, I noticed a beautiful shell on the ground. I picked it up and
examined it, amazed at its unique shape and colors.
As I looked around, I noticed that every shell on the beach was different. They were
all special, just like people. This made me stop and think about my own life.
I had always had trouble in socializing and comparing myself to others. I felt like I was
never good enough, and it had affected how I see myself negatively. But as I held the
shell in my hand, I realized that it was important to be myself.
I didn't need to fit in or seek the approval of others. I just needed to be true to myself
and appreciate my own uniqueness. With this fresh understanding, I felt a sense of peace
and acceptance wash over me. I realized that true happiness came from within, and I
didn't need anyone else's approval to be happy.
From that day on, I have lived my life with confidence and learn the accept the way I
am. I didn't let the opinions of others bother me. From my walk, I had learned a valuable
lesson that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

8. “I didn't need to fit in or seek the approval of others.”

Which of the following is closest in meaning to "approval"?
A. Endorsement.
B. Comparison.
C. Acceptance.
D. Confidence.

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Read the following text.
Healthy King Mango Thai
King Mango Thai is a kind of beverage from Thailand.

2 ripe mangoes
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon coconut milk, cooked
250 ml plain milk
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
Some water
Some ice cubes

1. Peel the mango, then divide it into 2 parts, 1 part for topping.
2. Mix milk, cornstarch, sugar and coconut milk. Then boil on the medium heat and stir
until thickened. Set aside to let it cool.
3. Put the mangoes, some water, sugar and ice cubes into a blender. Blend them for 3
minutes till smooth.
4. Pour the mango juice into a glass.
5. Add the cooked coconut milk mixture. Garnish it with the mango pieces on top.

9. What does the text tell us about?

A. A recipe for making King Mango Thai.
B. A guidance on creating a healthy beverage.
C. A procedure on how to serve King Mango Thai.
D. A series of instructions to produce King Mango Thai.

Read the following text.

Healthy King Mango Thai
King Mango Thai is a kind of beverage from Thailand.

2 ripe mangoes
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon coconut milk, cooked
250 ml plain milk
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
Some water
Some ice cubes

1. Peel the mango, then divide it into 2 parts, 1 part for topping.
2. Mix milk, cornstarch, sugar and coconut milk. Then boil on the medium heat and stir
until thickened. Set aside to let it cool.
3. Put the mangoes, some water, sugar and ice cubes into a blender. Blend them for 3
minutes till smooth.
4. Pour the mango juice into a glass.
5. Add the cooked coconut milk mixture. Garnish it with the mango pieces on top.

10. What will probably happen if we blend the ingredients for one minute?
A. The mangoes will be still raw.
B. The mixture will not be sweet.
C. The ice cubes will not melt.
D. The texture will be rough.

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Read the following text.
Healthy King Mango Thai
King Mango Thai is a kind of beverage from Thailand.

2 ripe mangoes
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon coconut milk, cooked
250 ml plain milk
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
Some water
Some ice cubes

1. Peel the mango, then divide it into 2 parts, 1 part for topping.
2. Mix milk, cornstarch, sugar and coconut milk. Then boil on the medium heat and stir
until thickened. Set aside to let it cool.
3. Put the mangoes, some water, sugar and ice cubes into a blender. Blend them for 3
minutes till smooth.
4. Pour the mango juice into a glass.
5. Add the cooked coconut milk mixture. Garnish it with the mango pieces on top.

11. What cooking utensil do you need most in step 2?


B. D.

Read the following text.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a young girl named
Sophia. She was kind and gentle. Yes, she was very shy and often felt lonely. She
wanted to make friends and explore the world. Yet, she was too afraid to have an
adventure beyond the castle walls.
One day, Sophia stumbled upon a small, glittering object hidden in the castle
gardens. She picked it up and held it in her hand. As soon as she did, she felt a
warm, comforting glow spread throughout her body. She looked at the object more
closely. She saw that it was a small, golden key.
Sophia did not know what the key was for. As she walked around the castle,
she discovered that the key could unlock any door, no matter how old or heavy it
was. Sophia was overjoyed. She was so excited that she explored the hidden
corners of the castle. After all, they had been forbidden to her before.
As she explored, she met other people who were also curious and adventurous.
Surprisingly, they became her friends. Together, they discovered secret passages,
hidden rooms, and treasures. Before, these had been hidden for centuries. Sophia
was no longer shy and lonely.
The golden key became Sophia's most worthy possession. That’s why she
carried it with her wherever she went. It was a reminder to her that anything is
possible if you are brave and curious, and that friendship and adventure are always
within reach.

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12. Which statements are true about Sophia?
(1). Sophia was weak, but the magic key made her healthy.
(2). Sophia was lonely, but she met other adventurous friends.
(3). Sophia was poor, but she found a treasure and became rich.
(4). Sophia was shy, but her new friendship made her more confident.
A. (1) and (2).
B. (1) and (3).
C. (2) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).
Read the following text.
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a young girl named
Sophia. She was kind and gentle. Yes, she was very shy and often felt lonely. She
wanted to make friends and explore the world. Yet, she was too afraid to have an
adventure beyond the castle walls.
One day, Sophia stumbled upon a small, glittering object hidden in the castle
gardens. She picked it up and held it in her hand. As soon as she did, she felt a
warm, comforting glow spread throughout her body. She looked at the object more
closely. She saw that it was a small, golden key.
Sophia didn't know what the key was for. As she walked around the castle, she
discovered that the key could unlock any door, no matter how old or heavy it was.
Sophia was overjoyed. She was so excited that she explored the hidden corners of
the castle. After all, they had been forbidden to her before.
As she explored, she met other people who were also curious and adventurous.
Surprisingly, they became her friends. Together, they discovered secret passages,
hidden rooms, and treasures. Before, these had been hidden for centuries. Sophia
was no longer shy and lonely.
The golden key became Sophia's most worthy possession. That’s why she
carried it with her wherever she went. It was a reminder to her that anything is
possible if you are brave and curious, and that friendship and adventure are always
within reach.
13. What are the characteristics of Sophia?
A. Curious and adventurous.
B. Afraid and unconfident.
C. Mean and lonely.
D. Shy and unkind.
Read the following text.
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a young girl named
Sophia. She was kind and gentle. Yes, she was very shy and often felt lonely. She
wanted to make friends and explore the world. Yet, she was too afraid to have an
adventure beyond the castle walls.
One day, Sophia stumbled upon a small, glittering object hidden in the castle
gardens. She picked it up and held it in her hand. As soon as she did, she felt a
warm, comforting glow spread throughout her body. She looked at the object more
closely. She saw that it was a small, golden key.
Sophia didn't know what the key was for. As she walked around the castle, she
discovered that the key could unlock any door, no matter how old or heavy it was.
Sophia was overjoyed. She was so excited that she explored the hidden corners of
the castle. After all, they had been forbidden to her before.
As she explored, she met other people who were also curious and adventurous.
Surprisingly, they became her friends. Together, they discovered secret passages,
hidden rooms, and treasures. Before, these had been hidden for centuries. Sophia
was no longer shy and lonely.
The golden key became Sophia's most worthy possession. That’s why she
carried it with her wherever she went. It was a reminder to her that anything is
possible if you are brave and curious, and that friendship and adventure are always
within reach.

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14. What is the message of the story?
A. Friendship and adventure are hard to find.
B. It is important to be kind and gentle.
C. You should be curious and brave.
D. Magic can solve all problems.

Read the following text.

Damas : Hi, Andrew. I didn’t see you at school yesterday. Is there anything wrong?
Andrew : Hi, Damas. Everything was alright. You know what, I joined the grand final
of the speech contest in province level.
Damas : Great. What about the result?
Andrew : Thank God. I got the first medal.
Damas : Awesome. I am so proud of you, Andrew. I hope it will motivate you to be
more successful in the future.
Andrew : I hope so. Well, the bell is ringing. I have to go back to my classroom. See
you, Damas.
Damas : I’ll go to the laboratory. See you, Andrew.

15. From the dialog we may infer that Damas is Andrew’s ….

A. schoolmate
B. classmate
C. teacher
D. student

Read the following text.

Damas : Hi, Andrew. I didn’t see you at school yesterday. Is there anything wrong?
Andrew : Hi, Damas. Everything was alright. You know what, I joined the grand final
of the speech contest in province level.
Damas : Great. What about the result?
Andrew : Thank God. I got the first medal.
Damas : Awesome. I am so proud of you, Andrew. I hope it will motivate you to be
more successful in the future.
Andrew : I hope so. Well, the bell is ringing. I have to go back to my classroom. See
you, Damas.
Damas : I’ll go to the laboratory. See you, Andrew.

16. When does the dialog probably take place?

A. After the break.
B. During the break.
C. During the class.
D. After school hours.

Read the following text.

The indigenous belief of the Torajan people values both life and death equally.
They believe that death is the end of a person's time on earth and a way for them to join
their ancestors in the afterlife. Torajans do not grieve at funerals. They see death as a
celebration. It brings together the living and the dead in a traditional death ceremony.
There is a specific order of rituals that must be followed. The ceremony is called
Rambu Solo. They must be completed before the dead can be placed in their final
resting place. The body is wrapped in a cloth and placed in a Torajan coffin. It is
covered with a bright red mantle decorated with silver or golden threads and traditional
A miniature version of the traditional Torajan house is built on top of the coffin.
This miniature version is called aTongkonan. Large bamboo poles are placed under the
structure to support it as it is carried. The destination of the structure is the tomb site. It
is often located in a forest, inside a large boulder or stone cave.
During the parade, the family and close relatives carry the coffin on their
shoulders. They are surrounded by a crowd of people. It is important for participants to

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stay bright-spirited during the parade. They believe that a joyful atmosphere will help the
spirit on its journey to the afterlife. The family and relatives may share conversations
and jokes with one another. It brings joy and happiness to the event.

17. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Rambu Solo is held in a lively atmosphere.
B. The coffin has a unique structure made of bamboo.
C. There are a series of rituals in Rambu Solo ceremony.
D. The Torajan people attach equal value to both life and death.

Read the following text.

The indigenous belief of the Torajan people values both life and death equally.
They believe that death is the end of a person's time on earth and a way for them to join
their ancestors in the afterlife. Torajans do not grieve at funerals. They see death as a
celebration. It brings together the living and the dead in a traditional death ceremony.
There is a specific order of rituals that must be followed. The ceremony is called
Rambu Solo. They must be completed before the dead can be placed in their final
resting place. The body is wrapped in a cloth and placed in a Torajan coffin. It is
covered with a bright red mantle decorated with silver or golden threads and traditional
A miniature version of the traditional Torajan house is built on top of the coffin.
This miniature version is called aTongkonan. Large bamboo poles are placed under the
structure to support it as it is carried. The destination of the structure is the tomb site. It
is often located in a forest, inside a large boulder or stone cave.
During the parade, the family and close relatives carry the coffin on their
shoulders. They are surrounded by a crowd of people. It is important for participants to
stay bright-spirited during the parade. They believe that a joyful atmosphere will help the
spirit on its journey to the afterlife. The family and relatives may share conversations
and jokes with one another. It brings joy and happiness to the event.

18. Which of the following descriptions is in line with the text?

A. The body of the dead is covered with a silver or golden mantle.
B. Tongkonan is a specific order of Toraja traditional funeral rituals.
C. The tomb site is often located inside a large boulder or stone cave.
D. Rambu Solo is a miniature version of the traditional Torajan house.

Read the following text.

The indigenous belief of the Torajan people values both life and death equally.
They believe that death is the end of a person's time on earth and a way for them to join
their ancestors in the afterlife. Torajans do not grieve at funerals. They see death as a
celebration. It brings together the living and the dead in a traditional death ceremony.
There is a specific order of rituals that must be followed. The ceremony is called
Rambu Solo. They must be completed before the dead can be placed in their final
resting place. The body is wrapped in a cloth and placed in a Torajan coffin. It is
covered with a bright red mantle decorated with silver or golden threads and traditional
A miniature version of the traditional Torajan house is built on top of the coffin.
This miniature version is called aTongkonan. Large bamboo poles are placed under the
structure to support it as it is carried. The destination of the structure is the tomb site. It
is often located in a forest, inside a large boulder or stone cave.
During the parade, the family and close relatives carry the coffin on their
shoulders. They are surrounded by a crowd of people. It is important for participants to
stay bright-spirited during the parade. They believe that a joyful atmosphere will help the
spirit on its journey to the afterlife. The family and relatives may share conversations
and jokes with one another. It brings joy and happiness to the event.

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19. The coffin parade is happily celebrated because it is believed that ….
A. the dead will not grieve in the afterlife
B. the death marks the end of the celebration
C. the ancestors will be happier to join the dead
D. the dead will have easier journey to the afterlife

Read the following text.

Mummy they called me names
They wouldn't let me play
I'd run home sit and cry almost everyday

Hey Jessica you looking like an Alien

With green skin you don't fit in this playpen
Oh they pulled my hair, they took away my chair
I keep it in and pretend that I didn't care

Hey Jessica, you're so funny,

You've got teeth just like Bugs Bunny
Oh, so you think you know me now?
Have you forgotten how

You would make me feel when you drag my spirit down?

But thank you for the pain,
It made my raise my game,
And I'm still rising, I'm still rising, yeah.

So make your jokes, go for broke,

Blow your smoke, you're not alone.
But who's laughing now?
But who's laughing now?

So raise the bar, hit me hard,

Play your cards, be a star.
But who's laughing now?
But who's laughing now?

20. What role does the song writer play in the lyrics?
A. A woman who got bullied when she was young.
B. A daughter whose mother always defended her.
C. A mother whose daughter gets bullied at school.
D. A girl who is still trying to face her bullies at school.

Read the following text.

Mummy they called me names
They wouldn't let me play
I'd run home sit and cry almost everyday

Hey Jessica you looking like an Alien

With green skin you don't fit in this playpen
Oh they pulled my hair, they took away my chair
I keep it in and pretend that I didn't care

Hey Jessica, you're so funny,

You've got teeth just like Bugs Bunny
Oh, so you think you know me now?
Have you forgotten how

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You would make me feel when you drag my spirit down?
But thank you for the pain,
It made my raise my game,
And I'm still rising, I'm still rising, yeah.

So make your jokes, go for broke,

Blow your smoke, you're not alone.
But who's laughing now?
But who's laughing now?

So raise the bar, hit me hard,

Play your cards, be a star.
But who's laughing now?
But who's laughing now?

21. . “It made my raise my game”

The expression means that the writer ….
A. improved how she handled her problem
B. thought that she would win a game
C. felt that she was played by others
D. gave up on her social problems

Read the following text.

22. Which of the followings are correct based on the texts?

(1). Both texts inform the location of the lost items.
(2). Both texts tell readers what will happen to the lost items.
(3). None of the texts shares any deadline to claim the lost items.
(4). None of the texts tells readers about how to donate lost items.

A. (1) and (2).

B. (1) and (3).
C. (2) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).

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Read the following text.

23. Both texts are written to ….

A. ask all students in the school to check the cafeteria table
B. describe the lost items in the Lost or Found Department
C. tell the students to go to hallway to take their lost items
D. inform the time to claim the lost or found items

Read the following text.

How to create a virtual flipbook with Flipsnack Online

Step 1: Create your own PDF

Adobe is the most recommended to create PDFs. MS Word and PowerPoint
documents can be exported to PDF.
Step 2: Upload your PDF
You can choose to upload a single PDF, or in bulk if needed. To start, simply click the
blue “Upload PDF” button from your Flipsnack dashboard. From here, you can drag
and drop your PDF, or select it from your existing files.
Step 3: Make it interactive
Add videos, GIFs, links, and more, all for the sake of making your flipbook more
engaging and less boring. Our drag-and-drop editing process makes quick work of
any changes you want to make.
Step 4: Publish your work
You have four publishing options. Publish your flipbook publicly or privately in an
Step 5: Share your new flipbook
Beyond your publishing options, you have many ways to share your flipbook. Want to
embed it on your website? Copy the embed code and have your flipbook readily
viewable for all to see on your homepage. Share it through social media, email, or a
direct link. It’s all possible.

24. The text is written to ….

A. explain the steps of modifying an interesting virtual flipbook
B. demonstrate how to create Flipsnack for interactive needs
C. show the steps of uploading PDF file to virtual flipbook
D. tell the way to make virtual flipbook with Flipsnack

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 12
Read the following text.
How to create a virtual flipbook with Flipsnack Online

Step 1: Create your own PDF

Adobe is the most recommended to create PDFs. MS Word and PowerPoint
documents can be exported to PDF.
Step 2: Upload your PDF
You can choose to upload a single PDF, or in bulk if needed. To start, simply click the
blue “Upload PDF” button from your Flipsnack dashboard. From here, you can drag
and drop your PDF, or select it from your existing files.
Step 3: Make it interactive
Add videos, GIFs, links, and more, all for the sake of making your flipbook more
engaging and less boring. Our drag-and-drop editing process makes quick work of
any changes you want to make.
Step 4: Publish your work
You have four publishing options. Publish your flipbook publicly or privately in an
Step 5: Share your new flipbook
Beyond your publishing options, you have many ways to share your flipbook. Want to
embed it on your website? Copy the embed code and have your flipbook readily
viewable for all to see on your homepage. Share it through social media, email, or a
direct link. It’s all possible.

25. What should we do before dragging and dropping the PDF to be uploaded?
A. Choose PDF in bulk.
B. Choose a single PDF.
C. Click the “Upload PDF” button.
D. Select PDF from the existing files.

Read the following text.

How to create a virtual flipbook with Flipsnack Online

Step 1: Create your own PDF

Adobe is the most recommended to create PDFs. MS Word and PowerPoint
documents can be exported to PDF.
Step 2: Upload your PDF
You can choose to upload a single PDF, or in bulk if needed. To start, simply click the
blue “Upload PDF” button from your Flipsnack dashboard. From here, you can drag
and drop your PDF, or select it from your existing files.
Step 3: Make it interactive
Add videos, GIFs, links, and more, all for the sake of making your flipbook more
engaging and less boring. Our drag-and-drop editing process makes quick work of
any changes you want to make.
Step 4: Publish your work
You have four publishing options. Publish your flipbook publicly or privately in an
Step 5: Share your new flipbook
Beyond your publishing options, you have many ways to share your flipbook. Want to
embed it on your website? Copy the embedded code and have your flipbook readily
viewable for all to see on your homepage. Share it through social media, email, or a
direct link. It’s all possible.

26. In order to …, we need to copy the embedded code.

A. share our flipbook through online media
B. download the flipbook from the website
C. publish the homepage of the flipbook
D. prepare our websites to be viewable

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 13
Read the following text.
Melissa : What is that, Rendy?
Rendy : A registration form for an English debate competition. Our debate
coach asked me to.
Melissa : Why don’t you join it?
Rendy : I am not sure about it.
Melissa : Oh, come on! Your English is excellent.
Rendy : Do you think so?
Melissa : Sure. Your English is the best in our class.
Rendy : Well, then…, I will submit this form this noon. Are you going home?
Melissa : Yeah! I’m still waiting for my father.
Rendy : Okay. See you tomorrow.

27. When did the dialogue take place?

A. During the break.
B. During the class.
C. Before school.
D. After school.

Read the following text.

Melissa : What is that, Rendy?
Rendy : A registration form for an English debate competition. Our debate
coach asked me to.
Melissa : Why don’t you join it?
Rendy : I am not sure about it.
Melissa : Oh, come on! Your English is excellent.
Rendy : Do you think so?
Melissa : Sure. Your English is the best in our class.
Rendy : Well, then…, I will submit this form this noon. Are you going home?
Melissa : Yeah! I’m still waiting for my father.
Rendy : Okay. See you tomorrow.

28. “Why don’t you join it?”

The expression means that Melissa ….
A. prohibits Rendy to submit the form
B. asks Rendy to accompany her to go home
C. suggests Rendy to enroll in the competition
D. persuades Rendy to decline the coach’s offer

Read the following text.

The Turtle and The Rabbit

Once upon a time, a turtle and a rabbit decided to have a race to know who was
faster. They agreed on a route and started off the race. Seeing the turtle left far behind,
the rabbit stopped, sat under a tree and soon fell asleep. The turtle worked hard on
overtaking him and soon finished the race.
The rabbit woke up and realized that he had lost the race. He was disappointed,
and realized that he lost the race because he was overconfident and careless. Then he
made turtle agreed to have another race.
This time the rabbit ran without stopping and won the race.
“What about having another race with different route?” said the turtle. “We should
discuss the route.”
“Why not?”
On the day of the race, the rabbit ran at top speed, until he came to a broad river.
He sat there wondering how to reach the finishing line on the other side of the river.

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 14
Meanwhile, the turtle trundled along, got into the river, swam across, and finished the
By this time, they had become good friends. They both realized that the last race
could have run much better, and decided to do the last race again as a team. The rabbit
carried the turtle till the river bank, then the turtle swam across with the rabbit on his
back. On the other side of the river, the rabbit carried the turtle and they reached the
finishing line together. Both the turtle and rabbit felt a greater sense of satisfaction than
they had felt earlier.

29. “What about having another race with different route?

The expression means that the turtle … to have another race with different route.
A. avoided
B. allowed
C. refused
D. offered

Read the following text.

The Turtle and The Rabbit

Once upon a time, a turtle and a rabbit decided to have a race to know who was
faster. They agreed on a route and started off the race. Seeing the turtle left far behind,
the rabbit stopped, sat under a tree and soon fell asleep. The turtle worked hard on
overtaking him and soon finished the race.
The rabbit woke up and realized that he had lost the race. He was disappointed,
and realized that he lost the race because he was overconfident and careless. Then he
made turtle agreed to have another race.
This time the rabbit ran without stopping and won the race.
“What about having another race with different route?” said the turtle. “We should
discuss the route.”
“Why not?”
On the day of the race, the rabbit ran at top speed, until he came to a broad river.
He sat there wondering how to reach the finishing line on the other side of the river.
Meanwhile, the turtle trundled along, got into the river, swam across, and finished the
By this time, they had become good friends. They both realized that the last race
could have run much better, and decided to do the last race again as a team. The rabbit
carried the turtle till the river bank, then the turtle swam across with the rabbit on his
back. On the other side of the river, the rabbit carried the turtle and they reached the
finishing line together. Both the turtle and rabbit felt a greater sense of satisfaction than
they had felt earlier.

30. From the story we can conclude that the turtle was ….
A. slow and lazy
B. persistent and wise
C. humble and cheerful
D. careless and unconfident

Read the following text.

The Turtle and The Rabbit

Once upon a time, a turtle and a rabbit decided to have a race to know who was
faster. They agreed on a route and started off the race. Seeing the turtle left far behind,
the rabbit stopped, sat under a tree and soon fell asleep. The turtle worked hard on
overtaking him and soon finished the race.
The rabbit woke up and realized that he had lost the race. He was disappointed,
and realized that he lost the race because he was overconfident and careless. Then he
made turtle agreed to have another race.
This time the rabbit ran without stopping and won the race.

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 15
“What about having another race with different route?” said the turtle. “We should
discuss the route.”
“Why not?”
On the day of the race, the rabbit ran at top speed, until he came to a broad river.
He sat there wondering how to reach the finishing line on the other side of the river.
Meanwhile, the turtle trundled along, got into the river, swam across, and finished the
By this time, they had become good friends. They both realized that the last race
could have run much better, and decided to do the last race again as a team. The rabbit
carried the turtle till the river bank, then the turtle swam across with the rabbit on his
back. On the other side of the river, the rabbit carried the turtle and they reached the
finishing line together. Both the turtle and rabbit felt a greater sense of satisfaction than
they had felt earlier.

31. The lesson of the story is that ….

A. being in a team will stimulate laziness
B. working together will create better result
C. doing things independently is more effective
D. working in a team will speed up achieving our goal

Read the following text.

The nettle family is full of stinging plants, but none is quite as aggressive as the
Gympie-Gympie. One of six stinging trees is native to Australia and also found in Indonesia.
The Gympie-Gympie is one of the most dangerous plants in the world. The stinging
leaves trigger an intense allergic reaction in its victims, sometimes even
causing anaphylactic shock. The sting can cause intense, pain for months. People have
variously described it as feeling like they are being burned by acid.
The Gympie-Gympie has broad, oval or heart-shaped leaves with saw-tooth edges,
and white or purple-red fruit. The stems and fruit are also covered in the stinging hairs.
Although it is called a tree, the Gympie-Gympie is a soft-wooded shrub that can reach 4-5m.
However, it is also often found as a smaller shrub around 0.1-1m tall.
Stinging nettle is known for its stinging leaves. It is distributed nearly worldwide but is
especially common in Europe, North America, North Africa, and parts of Asia.
The stinging trichomes (plant hairs) of the leaves and stems have bulbous tips. They
break off when brushed against, showing needlelike tubes that pierce the skin. They inject a
mix of acetylcholine, formic acid, histamine, and serotonin. They cause an itchy, burning
rash in humans and other animals that may last up to 12 hours.
Stinging nettle is an herbaceous plant and often grows to about 2 metres in height.
The plant can spread vegetatively with its yellow creeping rhizomes and often forms dense
colonies. The toothed leaves grow oppositely along the stem. Both the stems and leaves are
covered with numerous stinging and non-stinging trichomes.

32. What is likely discussed in the missing paragraph noted with the sign ###?
A. Species.
B. Cultivation.
C. Poisonous effects.
D. Physical characteristics.

Read the following text.

The nettle family is full of stinging plants, but none is quite as aggressive as the
Gympie-Gympie. One of six stinging trees is native to Australia and also found in Indonesia.
The Gympie-Gympie is one of the most dangerous plants in the world. The stinging
leaves trigger an intense allergic reaction in its victims, sometimes even
causing anaphylactic shock. The sting can cause intense, pain for months. People have
variously described it as feeling like they are being burned by acid.

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 16
The Gympie-Gympie has broad, oval or heart-shaped leaves with saw-tooth edges,
and white or purple-red fruit. The stems and fruit are also covered in the stinging hairs.
Although it is called a tree, the Gympie-Gympie is a soft-wooded shrub that can reach 4-5m.
However, it is also often found as a smaller shrub around 0.1-1m tall.
Stinging nettle is known for its stinging leaves. It is distributed nearly worldwide but is
especially common in Europe, North America, North Africa, and parts of Asia.
The stinging trichomes (plant hairs) of the leaves and stems have bulbous tips. They
break off when brushed against, showing needlelike tubes that pierce the skin. They inject a
mix of acetylcholine, formic acid, histamine, and serotonin. They cause an itchy, burning
rash in humans and other animals that may last up to 12 hours.
Stinging nettle is an herbaceous plant and often grows to about 2 metres in height.
The plant can spread vegetatively with its yellow creeping rhizomes and often forms dense
colonies. The toothed leaves grow oppositely along the stem. Both the stems and leaves are
covered with numerous stinging and non-stinging trichomes.

33. Which of the following statements are in line with the texts?
(1). The pain of the Gympie-Gympie’s poison stays longer than stinging nettle’s.
(2). Both stinging nettle and the Gympie-Gympie have toothlike rimmed leaves.
(3). Both stinging nettle’s and the Gympie-Gympie’s fruits are covered with hair.
(4). The Gympie-Gympie can reach much higher than stinging nettle.

A. (1) and (2).

B. (1) and (4).
C. (2) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).

Read the following text.

The nettle family is full of stinging plants, but none is quite as aggressive as the
Gympie-Gympie. One of six stinging trees is native to Australia and also found in Indonesia.
The Gympie-Gympie is one of the most dangerous plants in the world. The stinging
leaves trigger an intense allergic reaction in its victims, sometimes even
causing anaphylactic shock. The sting can cause intense, pain for months. People have
variously described it as feeling like they are being burned by acid.
The Gympie-Gympie has broad, oval or heart-shaped leaves with saw-tooth edges,
and white or purple-red fruit. The stems and fruit are also covered in the stinging hairs.
Although it is called a tree, the Gympie-Gympie is a soft-wooded shrub that can reach 4-5m.
However, it is also often found as a smaller shrub around 0.1-1m tall.
Stinging nettle is known for its stinging leaves. It is distributed nearly worldwide but is
especially common in Europe, North America, North Africa, and parts of Asia.
The stinging trichomes (plant hairs) of the leaves and stems have bulbous tips. They
break off when brushed against, showing needlelike tubes that pierce the skin. They inject a
mix of acetylcholine, formic acid, histamine, and serotonin. They cause an itchy, burning
rash in humans and other animals that may last up to 12 hours.
Stinging nettle is an herbaceous plant and often grows to about 2 metres in height.
The plant can spread vegetatively with its yellow creeping rhizomes and often forms dense
colonies. The toothed leaves grow oppositely along the stem. Both the stems and leaves are
covered with numerous stinging and non-stinging trichomes.

34. The Gympie-Gympie triggers allergic reaction … stinging nettle causes itchy pain on
A. while
B. since
C. although
D. however

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Read the following text.

35. If people don’t make changes in using single – use plastics, the plastic waste in the
sea will ….
A. decrease by more than 150 million tonnes annually
B. increase by at least 9.6 million tonnes in two years
C. be lowered until it reaches 4.8 tonnes every year
D. reach 12.7 tonnes only within two years

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 18
Read the following text.

36. What will likely happen if people ignore the information in the infographic?
(1) The price of fisheries products will be cheaper.
(2) More animals will die from ingesting plastic.
(3) Marine life will be increasingly threatened.
(4) CO2 emissions will significantly decrease.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 19
Read the following text.
Label A

Label B

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 20
37. Which statement is correct based on the labels?
A. Someone on a low-calorie diet will probably prefer product B.
B. Someone with an allergy to chocolate will probably buy product B.
C. Someone will most probably buy product A because they have pets.
D. Someone on a sugar-free diet will probably eat none of the products.

Read the following text.

Label A

Label B

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 21
38. Which statements are correct based on the information from the labels?
(1). If you finish one package of each product in one meal, you are not eating too
(2). If you eat product B for breakfast every day, you need to buy a package a week.
(3). If you eat a pouch of product A every day, you need to buy a package a month.
(4). If you buy one package of each product, you can serve 25 of your friends.

A. (1) and (3).

B. (1) and (2).
C. (2) and (4).
D. (2) and (3).

Read the following text.

39. The writer displays the image for the advertisement to...
A. showcase the relevance of the product
B. highlight the main feature of the service
C. exhibit the sample of the product offered
D. explain the process of contacting the office

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 22
Read the following text.

40. Anyone who .... will be interested in reading the text.

A. wishes to get a bright future in a law firm
B. needs a lawyer’s help for his problem
C. plans to travel with a lawyer by plane
D. wants to work for an attorney at law

Read the following text.

When I was in Grade 7, our school had an educational trip to an orphanage. We
were asked to bring whatever we wanted to donate. My mother gave me some of my old
toys, clothes and sweets.
As we entered the orphanage all the kids gathered in a hall. There were children of
all ages. They strayed at us with eyes full of hope. We were asked to dish the things out
to the children and spent some time with them. They were so excited to receive these old
things. From our conversation, we learned that they had only two to three dresses to
wear, one plate and a bowl for their food. Even the food was always the same and
limited. They didn’t have many varieties of food to eat. They shared toys to play with.
They could not demand for anything. I felt so sorry for these children for they were
missing all those care and love. This made me realized how fortunate I am to receive all
the luxury.
Visiting the orphanage was a life changing experience for me. From that day I
started to appreciate the little things in life. I don’t demand for unimportant things
anymore. I liked helping others. I also started to understand my mother’s advice. With
her help, over time, I learn how to deal with my emotions and situations. These
experiences have shaped my behavior and personality.

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 23
41. The writer viewed the experience as a/an … one.
A. logical
B. peaceful
C. insightful
D. skeptical

Read the following text.

When I was in Grade 7, our school had an educational trip to an orphanage. We
were asked to bring whatever we wanted to donate. My mother gave me some of my old
toys, clothes and sweets.
As we entered the orphanage all the kids gathered in a hall. There were children of
all ages. They strayed at us with eyes full of hope. We were asked to dish the things out
to the children and spent some time with them. They were so excited to receive these old
things. From our conversation, we learned that they had only two to three dresses to
wear, one plate and a bowl for their food. Even the food was always the same and
limited. They didn’t have many varieties of food to eat. They shared toys to play with.
They could not demand for anything. I felt so sorry for these children for they were
missing all those care and love. This made me realized how fortunate I am to receive all
the luxury.
Visiting the orphanage was a life changing experience for me. From that day I
started to appreciate the little things in life. I don’t demand for unimportant things
anymore. I liked helping others. I also started to understand my mother’s advice. With
her help, over time, I learn how to deal with my emotions and situations. These
experiences have shaped my behavior and personality.

42. The writer thought that visiting the orphan home was a life changing experience
because he ….
A. found out that the orphans were luckier than him
B. knew the children received the donation happily
C. gave toys, clothes, and sweets to the children
D. began to appreciate the little things in his life

Read the following text.

When I was in Grade 7, our school had an educational trip to an orphanage. We
were asked to bring whatever we wanted to donate. My mother gave me some of my old
toys, clothes and sweets.
As we entered the orphanage all the kids gathered in a hall. There were children of
all ages. They strayed at us with eyes full of hope. We were asked to dish the things out
to the children and spent some time with them. They were so excited to receive these old
things. From our conversation, we learned that they had only two to three dresses to
wear, one plate and a bowl for their food. Even the food was always the same and
limited. They didn’t have many varieties of food to eat. They shared toys to play with.
They could not demand for anything. I felt so sorry for these children for they were
missing all those care and love. This made me realized how fortunate I am to receive all
the luxury.
Visiting the orphanage was a life changing experience for me. From that day I
started to appreciate the little things in life. I don’t demand for unimportant things
anymore. I liked helping others. I also started to understand my mother’s advice. With
her help, over time, I learn how to deal with my emotions and situations. These
experiences have shaped my behavior and personality.

43. “We were asked to dish the things out to the children ….”
The word “dish the things out” in the sentence means to … the things to children.
A. distribute
B. display
C. donate
D. bring

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Read the following text.
Zaanse Schans is a charming village located in the Netherlands. It is just a short
distance from the city of Amsterdam. It is famous for its collection of beautifully
preserved windmills and its collection of traditional Dutch houses.
The houses have been carefully preserved as a living museum. Visitors can take a
guided tour of the windmills. They can learn about their history. They can also learn how
they were used to grind grains and perform other tasks. The windmills in Zaanse Schans
are a beautiful sight to behold. They have tall white bodies and iconic sails. These sails
move slowly in the wind.
Beside the windmills, the village of Zaanse Schans is home to a number of
workshops. Visitors can watch craftsmen at work. They create traditional Dutch products
such as wooden clogs, cheese, and other handmade goods. There are also several
museums and exhibitions. They showcase the history and culture of the Netherlands.
Zaanse Schans is also a beautiful place to relax. Visitors can enjoy the countryside
there. The village is surrounded by lush green fields, winding waterways, and charming
Overall, Zaanse Schans is a must-see destination. It is especially interesting for
anyone interested in Dutch history and culture. Visitors can step back in time. They can
experience a slice of traditional Dutch life.

44. The second paragraph mainly talks about … in Zaanse Schans.

A. the windmills
B. the museum
C. the sails
D. the tour

Read the following text.

Zaanse Schans is a charming village located in the Netherlands. It is just a short
distance from the city of Amsterdam. It is famous for its collection of beautifully
preserved windmills and its collection of traditional Dutch houses.
The houses have been carefully preserved as a living museum. Visitors can take a
guided tour of the windmills. They can learn about their history. They can also learn how
they were used to grind grains and perform other tasks. The windmills in Zaanse Schans
are a beautiful sight to behold. They have tall white bodies and iconic sails. These sails
move slowly in the wind.
Beside the windmills, the village of Zaanse Schans is home to a number of
workshops. Visitors can watch craftsmen at work. They create traditional Dutch products
such as wooden clogs, cheese, and other handmade goods. There are also several
museums and exhibitions. They showcase the history and culture of the Netherlands.
Zaanse Schans is also a beautiful place to relax. Visitors can enjoy the countryside
there. The village is surrounded by lush green fields, winding waterways, and charming
Overall, Zaanse Schans is a must-see destination. It is especially interesting for
anyone interested in Dutch history and culture. Visitors can step back in time. They can
experience a slice of traditional Dutch life.

45. “… Zaanse Schans has old traditional houses, visitors can also learn Dutch history
A. Although
B. When
C. While
D. Since

Read the following text.

Zaanse Schans is a charming village located in the Netherlands. It is just a short
distance from the city of Amsterdam. It is famous for its collection of beautifully
preserved windmills and its collection of traditional Dutch houses.
The houses have been carefully preserved as a living museum. Visitors can take a

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 25
guided tour of the windmills. They can learn about their history. They can also learn how
they were used to grind grains and perform other tasks. The windmills in Zaanse Schans
are a beautiful sight to behold. They have tall white bodies and iconic sails. These sails
move slowly in the wind.
Beside the windmills, the village of Zaanse Schans is home to a number of
workshops. Visitors can watch craftsmen at work. They create traditional Dutch products
such as wooden clogs, cheese, and other handmade goods. There are also several
museums and exhibitions. They showcase the history and culture of the Netherlands.
Zaanse Schans is also a beautiful place to relax. Visitors can enjoy the countryside
there. The village is surrounded by lush green fields, winding waterways, and charming
Overall, Zaanse Schans is a must-see destination. It is especially interesting for
anyone interested in Dutch history and culture. Visitors can step back in time. They can
experience a slice of traditional Dutch life.

46. Who will likely be interested in reading the text?

A. Historic buildings officers.
B. Museum conservators.
C. Potential tourists.
D. History students.

Read the following text.

Linus : Hey, what kind of car do you have?
Andro : I have a Toyoto Prius. It's really fuel-efficient and has a lot of advanced
safety features.
Linus : That sounds nice. I have an Esla Model S. It also has a lot of advanced
safety features and is really faster than most other cars.
Andro : Yeah, the Esla is a really impressive car too. I like that it has a longer range
and better acceleration than the Prius.
Linus : I agree, the longer range and better acceleration are definitely a plus. And
the Esla has a more high-tech interior too.
Andro : That's true, the interior of the Prius can be a bit simpler. But the Prius has a
better reputation for reliability and lower maintenance costs.
Linus : Oh, I didn't know that. That's definitely useful. Overall, I think both cars are
great and have their own strengths.
Andro : Definitely. It just depends on what you want in a car.

47. What are Linus and Andro talking about?

A. The different types of cars.
B. The features of the Toyoto Prius.
C. The strengths of two models of cars.
D. The specifications of the Esla Model S.

Read the following text.

Linus : Hey, what kind of car do you have?
Andro : I have a Toyoto Prius. It's really fuel-efficient and has a lot of advanced
safety features.
Linus : That sounds nice. I have an Esla Model S. It also has a lot of advanced
safety features and is really faster than most other cars.
Andro : Yeah, the Esla is a really impressive car too. I like that it has a longer range
and better acceleration than the Prius.
Linus : I agree, the longer range and better acceleration are definitely a plus. And
the Esla has a more high-tech interior too.
Andro : That's true, the interior of the Prius can be a bit simpler. But the Prius has a
better reputation for reliability and lower maintenance costs.
Linus : Oh, I didn't know that. That's definitely useful. Overall, I think both cars are
great and have their own strengths.
Andro : Definitely. It just depends on what you want in a car.

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 26
48. “It also has a lot of advanced safety features and is really faster than most other
The word "advanced" in the dialog is similar in meaning to ....
A. unique
B. classic
C. modern
D. updated

Read the following text.

49. What would happen if the readers do not pay attention to the caution?
(1). They could get rid of numerous respiratory disorders.
(2). They would expose to asbestos at any risky moment.
(3). They could deal with asbestos at the workplace safely.
(4). They would inhale asbestos dust without any protection.

The correct statements are ….

A. (1) and (2).
B. (2) and (3).
C. (2) and (4).
D. (3) and (4).

Read the following text.

50. What happened in 1949 in the history of basketball?

A. Dr. Naismith invented basketball games.
B. The national basketball association was formed.
C. Basketball included at the Berlin Olympic Games.
D. The women’s national basketball association was formed.

ppad_smp_mts_diy_bahasa_inggris_pkt 2 27

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