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Jasmine Aiko T.



Reading and Writing Skills

Module 5

What I know:

1. Annotating
2. Previewing
3. Re-reading
4. Analyzing
5. Responding


1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. C

What’s In:

1. D
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. C

What’s New:

1. Short
2. His son
3. Nine
4. He’s bald
5. Nineteen

What’s more:

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

Independent Assessment 1

1. Previewing
2. Analyzing
3. Summarizing
4. Re-reading
5. Annotating

Independent Activity 2

1. Y
2. Y
3. Y
4. N
5. N

1. The author is not against nor in favor of the implementation of Child Car Seat Law because she/he stated that
now is not the time to implement the Child Car Seat Law, but it doesn’t mean that she/he is against of it. She
just want us, the public, to know that there is a proper time to implement the Child Car Seat Law and at this time
of the pandemic when so many families are striving so hard to survive loss of income due to closures of so many
businesses and offices, let us not add to the economic woes of families.
2. I think the target of the article is the senators, the Department of Transportation and the Land Transportation
Office because they are the ones who holds the implementation of the Child Car Seat Law.
3. The current situation when the article was written is COVID-19 pandemic. Our current situation where many
families are striving so hard to survive loss of income due to closures of so many businesses and offices
prompted the author to write the text.

Independent Assessment 2

Cyberbullying is a new form of bullying with distinct differences in form, personality, and response. A substantial number
of students are victims of cyberbullying, which leads to a wider realization that cyberbullies is becoming a serious
problem. This study explores student beliefs and their behaviors associated with cyberbullied.

Independent Activity 3

1. The writer encourage to write because Facebook has become complete distractions for students and some of
them are already addicted to it.
2. I think the writer maybe a researcher and he wants to know the harmful effects of Facebook.
3. The main purpose of the author is for people to be aware of the harmful effects of Facebook, especially for
those people who are addicted.
4. Yes, because Facebook may be perceived as in intriguing and enjoyable website, but the addictions that
sometimes arise from overuse correlate to bad effects.
5. Yes, I think the pieces of evidence presented are sufficient and valid to support the claims because the writer got
others impression/opinions, and he also stated some results according to the new research about Facebook.

Independent Assessment 3

1. I agree with what the president said. Vaccine tissues will not produce harm to humans. Despite the dispute
between the Philippines and China, I believe that will not affect the Philippines' desire to purchase a vaccine
against COVID-19. The president said that the Chinese are smart and would not venture into producing vaccines
if it is not safe, sure and secure.
2. I am against canceling the purchase of the Sinovac vaccine because now that the case of Covid-19 is on the rise,
we need more vaccines.
3. I really hope that many Filipinos will be vaccinated, especially those who are vulnerable to the virus. Through
this, the economy, the face-to-face classes and the former way of life of the people will gradually return.

What I have learned:

1. In this module, I learned that critical reading is an academic skill. It is a careful, thorough, thoughtful, and active
reading strategy.
2. Out of all the critical reading strategies discussed, I believe that the most useful for me is analyzing because
breaking the text down into its parts to find out how they relate to one another are very important to find the
answer or responding to them. Without analyzing, you can’t understand and answer the text.
3. I can apply what I have learned in this module by reading a text to make as much meaning as you can from it.
And by doing so, I can make logical responses to it. By understanding the context, the meaning, and the message
of the text, I can make good arguments in agreement or disagreement to it.


1. T
2. Critical reading – Logical thinking
3. Reasoning – Critical Reading
4. Summarizing – Analyzing
5. T
6. Responding – Summarizing
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. Analyzing – Previewing
11. T
12. T
13. T
14. Annotating – Re-reading
15. T

Additional Activities:

Analyzing means looking at the parts of something to detect patterns. In looking at these patterns, our critical thinking
skills will be engaged in analyzing the argument the author is making.  A student who has excellent critical reading skills
is able to evaluate a piece of writing as he or she reads. Also, a critical reader asks questions about the validity of facts in
a written piece. Analyzing texts is crucial for students to learn so that they are able to understand the text that they are
reading. Teaching students how to organize and create a critical edition will not only teach them how to analyze a text,
but it will also help students find relevance in the text that they are reading.

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