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Ramirez 1

Bolivar G. Ramirez Resto

Valiangelic Zayas
American Literature 10-2
20 April 2023
The day has come!

Welcome everyone! Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m thrilled to be here today, and I hope you’re all

deeply happy, for you’re in the process of witnessing history. I send a huge “Thank you” to the people

who fought for this, dead or alive, the people who donated to our cause and anyone involved in this

movement whatsoever. At today’s date, April 18, 2023, success has come to our hands in the form of an

event, an event which I, as a Puerto Rican, have been waiting for so long. I’m delighted to announce to all

of you, my dear people, that we’ve acquired the right to vote for the presidency of the United States of

America! As you all can understand, this is a celebration day for the Puerto Rican people and a milestone

for us which will live through the Puerto Rican history. Thanks again to the staff and our team for making

the arrangements to take us to this awesome place to give this fundamental announcement! I encourage

all of you to make the most out of this opportunity by voting in this up-and-coming election. We already

accomplished the hard part, now we must go and make a difference. My name is Bolivar Ramirez and it’s

been a pleasure to be your host today, now go and put Puerto Rico’s name up above!

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