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Whenlvolcanoesferurt Major hazards of volcanic eruptions, which can endanger people and property for hundreds of miles: Ash fall ‘Ash clouds + Ash clouds can extend over = Colulnns site large area; falling ash can ‘and expand collapse buildings, damage. rapidly, forming Crops, electronics, ash clouds ‘+ Serious hazard to planes + Fluorine'in ashy particles can poison ‘grazing animals Landslides sagen “Teggoredwnen santos, ora | fainter ecrtetuahes cada glass, mi rocks, snow orto to broek kg: = hanot tree changes area’ eran 28mm] across) tse, forming an Lahars or onten si mudfiows + Large rock * Can Hip up wees, tear houses; boulders! rb) usu toupee ele oc aael fattwithin path with mud; 2 mi, (3.2 km) Se othe : deedlest hazards == s “= Motton rock: destroys Volcanic gases ~ ‘everything in ts path + Most are steam; sulfur dioxide Gn. ~~, High-speed avalanches react with water vapor to cause acic ‘of very Not ash (pyroclastic, fain, wich harms vagetation ezo1auer ows) tend to follow valleys + Carbon dioxide trapped in low areas Serpe US Geoepcasevey ean burrs everything in path can kil people, animals uu Volcanic bombs eo Secondary cones Cuca Ce

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