Integrating OSH Into The Business PDF

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By Joe Wolfsberger and Gregory G. Zigulis
Defining how an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) can support a
firm’s strategic goals is a powerful way to gain critical leadership support. OSH can support other
disciplines within an organization by leveraging performance to become a key business partner.

Joe For many years, those in the OSH profession with other disciplines (e.g., quality, research and
have called for OSH to be integrated into the busi- development, operations) within an organization
Joe Wolfsberger, CSP, ness. What does this actually mean and how can to their mutual benefit.
CIH, is a principal at it be practically applied? On Aug. 22, 2019, ANSI
Sustainability Systems approved the revised ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019, ANSI/ASSP Z10 & Operational Excellence
Solutions and a senior Occupational Health and Safety Management Organizations benefit by integrating their OSH
advisor at FDRSafety. Systems. The latest version of ANSI/ASSP Z10 in- requirements and goals into existing business pro-
He has held vice cludes specific requirements for integrating OSH cesses to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts,
president roles at into the operation of the business as well as exam- conflicting priorities and redundant documentation
Ingersoll Rand, Eaton ples in the notes to help with the process. As part practices. The ANSI/ASSP Z10 approach to OSH
and Baxter, industrial complements total quality management (e.g., ISO
of the 2019 revision, an implementation guide was
hygiene positions 9000, Quality Management Systems) or continual
with Monsanto and developed to assist with implementing the standard.
OSHA, and academic The next revised implementation guide includes a improvement process methodologies (e.g., lean six
posts at Southern chapter on integrating OSH into the business. This sigma and 5S) and environmental management sys-
Illinois University and article explores some elements of the business inte- tems (e.g., ISO 14001, Environmental Management
University of Central gration chapter. Systems). ANSI/ASSP Z10 also served a primary
Missouri. He serves as To integrate OSH into business operations, the guidance document for ANSI/ASSP/ISO 45001-2018,
a member of the ANSI/ value of people and their safety and health must Occupational Health and Safety Management
ASSP Z10.0, ANSI/ be communicated to business leaders. Generally, Systems—Requirements With Guidance for Use.
ASSP Z244.1 and ANSI most business leaders, including top management Occupational exposures remain a key component
B11.0 committees. of risk management that requires organizations to
(e.g., board of directors, C-suite, operations direc-
Wolfsberger is a
tors), managers, supervisors and foremen, believe consider the big picture of external and internal is-
professional member
of ASSP’s Western and will say that OSH is a high priority but may sues that impact operations as well as the effects on
Carolina Chapter. question the value of including it in operational participating workers. This supports the integration
processes, thinking it is an extra or add-on to of safety and health into operational and quality
Greg Zigulis those processes. It is critical that safety profession- management processes and practices.
Greg Zigulis, CSP, als demonstrate the value of OSH integration to Business management systems routinely grapple
CIH, is a consultant with the complex environment of strategic plan-
business leaders, referred to as top management
with more than 37
in ANSI/ASSP Z10. It is important to go beyond ning, operational requirements, financial pressures,
years’ experience. He
serves as a member the argument of cost avoidance related to incident regulatory issues, human resources challenges, pub-
of ASSP’s Standards reduction and to focus on ways to improve produc- lic relations considerations, business information
Development tion, manage innovation and create a culture that systems and other external pressures. Recognizing
Committee, the ANSI/ attracts, retains and promotes top talent while also that workplace safety and health directly influences
ASSP Z10 Committee satisfying the expectations of stakeholders and of- each of these key business considerations is a driver
on Occupational fering a competitive advantage. In short, help busi- for integrating ANSI/ASSP Z10 OHSMS practices
Health and Safety ness leaders see the value to corporate performance into your organization’s established business man-
Management Systems by providing a safe and healthy workplace for em- agement practices.
and the U.S. TAG to A cross-functional approach to integrating
ployees and recognizing the benefits that OSH can
ANSI for ISO TC 283.
Zigulis serves as a
add to the bottom line. safety and health principles into existing business
member of ASSP’s OHSMSs closely follow the principles of opera- systems is fundamental to the implementation of
Advisory Group, is a tional excellence. The plan-do-check-act concept is an organization-wide management system. New
professional mem- a fundamental element of both. When integrating OSH programs or proposed process changes may
ber of the Society’s OSH into operations, build on the similarities to be perceived, at face value, as having a conflicting,
Greater Detroit jump-start the process. Look for elements of oper- negative impact on business success metrics. It
Chapter and a member ational excellence that are common to those used is important to recognize this potential view and
of its Consultants in OHSMS and determine whether the same tools overcome it by seeking to understand and account
Practice Specialty. can be used. for how the business operates from the perspective
This article describes successful real-world of key stakeholders. This understanding allows
examples of how OHSMS elements have been in- OSH to be supportive of the business philosophy
tegrated into operations, providing a useful road that a well-run operation on all levels is an effective
map for the OSH professional. This includes ex- one in the short term and an increasingly success-
amples of where OSH has successfully integrated ful one in the long term.


Management & the Value of OSH mission. The sponsor will be a spokesperson to
For management to have confidence that ap- peers and within executive forums to drive sup-
proaching OSH systematically is worth the orga- port for OSH integration across the organization.
nizational effort, safety professionals must have a Once a sponsor has been identified, a reasonable
genuine interest and healthy curiosity in how the next step is partnering to develop a mid-manager
financially motivated and goal-driven side of the level cross-functional team that represents various
business functions. OSH professionals should know areas of the organization. Mid-level managers are
and speak the language of the business, which even closer to operational activity and can more readily
for a nonprofit organization usually comes in the identify the strategies that will be successful for
form of financial data or key productivity and oper- deployment and those that will be problematic. The
ational performance indicators. Engaging in listen- team may include departments such as engineering,
ing tours could prove valuable to other stakeholders procurement, quality, legal, finance, communica-
by highlighting OSH professionals’ genuine interest tions, operations and training. Further, the role of
in contributing to or understanding their responsi- cross-functional team members is to aid deployment
bilities and goals. of system elements within their respective opera-
The more you know about the typical day in the tions, departments or functions.
life of key stakeholders, the greater your opportuni- Connecting to the mission is critical to being
ty to integrate OSH into the core of business opera- considered relevant and to sustaining the pres-
tions. Stakeholder listening tours can be organized ence of the integrated management system long
formally or informally. They often focus on answers term. To connect to the organization’s mission, the
to key questions, such as: cross-functional team should align on a simple,
•At the end of each day, period or cycle, what understandable message that represents the group,
does/will success look like? aligns with the business mission and is easily digest-
•What are your concerns that may be a barrier to ed by all levels of the organization.
achieving this success? Engaging middle management through
•What operational challenges are you experiencing? awareness-related communications and education
•What are your annual and monthly goals? will be crucial for deploying concepts to the larger
•How can I help you achieve your goals with my management groups. Use the training and commu-
background and organizational knowledge? nications cross-functional team members to engage
The term “align within” means to identify an learning solutions that will assist in conveying the
existing program, platform or area of the business integration concepts in a way that will help leaders
that is central to the organization’s mission. These teach and engage others.
business elements are well known and touch every
aspect of operations that best aligns with the ele- Engaging the Workforce
ments of an OHSMS. As noted, the ANSI/ASSP Z10 Engaging workers to allow them to accept
model complements a quality management system ownership of OSH includes educating employ-
but also adds the element of systems thinking, ees on their role and how OSH connects to the
which recognizes that changes in one area of the business mission, their day-to-day lives and work
business can yield a positive (desired) or negative
(undesired) impact in other areas of the business.
Therefore, taking the opportunity to align with To connect to the organization’s mission, the
an existing quality management system program
could accelerate the integration of an OHSMS and
cross-functional team should align on a simple,
provide valuable learnings about positive and neg- understandable message that represents the
ative impacts during an integration. Some learn-
ings from other systems may include the need to group, aligns with the business mission and is
identify internal executive sponsorship, establish
a cross-functional team, define how the OHSMS
easily digested by all levels of the organization.
connects to the business mission, engage middle
management, empower frontline employees and
provide recognition.

Engaging Management
When working with senior management, it is

critical to identify a sponsor who is a natural fit and

shares an elevated passion about the importance
of equally driving OSH integration together with
productivity measures across the organization.
An ideal, engaged sponsor will drive the message
that the goal of OSH integration is to complement
the operations of the business by protecting the
human resources necessary to achieve the business APRIL 2023 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 31


activities. Also, incorporating a feedback loop to internal functional departments. What are some of
understand and identify best practices, what is the ways to leverage performance to create value for
working well and areas of opportunity will help the organization?
sustain the program if critical feedback elements Something that could be used as both a tool for
are addressed in a timely manner and progress is planning as well as for communication of value to
routinely communicated. To further aid program organization is the relatively new standard, ANSI/
credibility, employing a “stop the line” concept ASSP Z16.1-2022, Safety and Health Metrics and
when unacceptable risk results from critical safety Performance Measures. The standard discusses not
criteria not being met will demonstrate operational only lagging and leading indicators, but also im-
management commitment to OSH integration. pact metrics, defined as “measures that reflect the
Organizations should establish a process that al- organizational impact of safety and health-related
lows employees to notify management and stop programs, policies and activities,” and as measures
work when OSH conditions warrant it. that “can represent financial, productivity, reputa-
Visible recognition for the right execution and tional, quality or employee morale impacts, among
behaviors at various levels within the organization others” (ANSI/ASSP, 2022, p. 10). The standard
will continue to drive commitment and help the discusses the need for a balanced approach be-
program to be sustainable. Recognition should be tween risk management metrics and OHSMS met-
relevant and timely. For the front line, recognition rics. It essentially discusses an integrated approach
should also include recognizing employees for ex- to setting organizational metrics and evaluation of
ercising the stop-the-line concept at a critical mo- these metrics, consistent with the focus of this ar-
ment. Communicating a situation more broadly as ticle. It also provides detailed appendices with sup-
a positive example will further demonstrate the im- porting information and examples of metric types.
portance of OSH integration, which focuses on pro- Use of the approach described in the ANSI/ASSP
tecting the people resource necessary to achieve the Z16.1 standard can help organizations to better
business mission. For stop-the-line to work, plant understand links between OSH-related processes
management must visibly demonstrate its support and the impact and value of those processes upon
emphatically and frequently. the business.
Sustainability and corporate social responsibil-
Selling OSH Business Integration to Management ity (CSR) have gained visibility in board rooms
The concept of integrating OSH into the business and the C-suite of many companies. This visibility
is often discussed and, in concept, readily accept- provides an opportunity to demonstrate the value
ed by OSH professionals and management. Often, of OSH. Since sustainability is in part about con-
this is where it starts and ends because it is not well serving resources and, as is often said, employees
defined or expressed in terms of the benefits to the are an organization’s most valuable resource,
organization. Historically, safety and health has their safety and health are critical elements of a
been seen as a support function to operations rather successful, sustainable workplace organization.
than being an integrated part of overall business This is an area where OSH creates value and can
processes. If OSH is truly to be integrated into the do much more than just support CSR (Figure 1).
business, its value, including the impact and de- Successful OHSMS performance, communicated
pendencies of an organization’s workers and their well, supports the business and human resources
safety, health and well-being, must be defined. Time department objectives by attracting and retaining
spent in understanding what’s in it for the company top talent. OHSMS performance can also be lev-
and its stakeholders is critical to gaining the support eraged to secure customers who want to purchase
of top management. from like-minded companies and attract socially
Historically, the major justification for OSH and responsible investors. OHSMS performance excel-
OHSMS, at least in some organizations, has been the lence is a critical part of enterprise risk manage-
esoteric benefit of protecting lives and the cost sav- ment programs because a major safety incident
ings from reducing incidents. These benefits tend to can damage an organization’s reputation with cus-
be cost avoidance related rather than direct financial tomers, workers, suppliers, investors, communities
contribution to overall profit and loss calculations. and governments, on par with quality, environ-
To garner support from top management, the peo- mental or financial incidents. Business continuity,
ple implementing the OHSMS will need to identify specifically with supply chains, is critical to any
ways to leverage the value of employees to the com- organization and integrating OSH into the pro-
pany. This is supported by on-site safety and health curement and supplier qualification process can
performance to create a competitive advantage for help to ensure that supplier operations are not
the organization, building on the success of safety, disrupted by safety and health incidents and cause
health and environmental management system disruption to the supply of necessary raw materials
performance outcomes. The persons responsible for and other products or services. Another example
installing the OHSMS must see beyond the property is integrating the OHSMS process with research
line and identify ways to support the objectives of and development processes. This increases the
the organization and its internal and external stake- likelihood that potential issues are identified
holders, such as investors, communities and other and mitigated in the design phase of developing



products or services, the stage where changes are OSH raw data. The team went one step further,
much easier with less financial impact than after working with the procurement department to em-
product or service rollout. bed the questionnaire into the company’s supplier
qualification process. The company’s supply chain
Real-World Examples auditors for the qualification process were then
So, how do you convince business leadership that trained to evaluate the supplier’s OHSMS and pro-
integrating OSH into organizational processes (in- vide feedback to the company’s OSH department. If
cluding operations) adds value? What follows are requested, the OSH department provided suppliers
some real-world examples of how OSH partnered with information and assistance on OHSMS to help
with other internal functional departments to im- them improve their OHSMS.
prove overall business performance by creating val-
ue and adding to the organization’s bottom line. Example 2: OHSMS as a Marketing Advantage
Many customers want to do business with com-
Example 1: Win-Win in the Supply Chain panies that share their values and utilize CSR
As part of the requirements for a management performance in making purchasing choices. Some
system certification, a company was required to companies include their OSH performance as part
address OSH issues in its supply chain. To address of their marketing efforts to enhance sales and in-
the OSH issues, the company developed a long crease profitability. Embedding OSH into the mar-
checklist of questions related to OSH as well as the keting and sales efforts of a company can provide a
environmental impacts, which was then sent to competitive advantage. While not usually the sole
suppliers. This approach met with minimal success. determining criteria for securing a contract, good
In discussions with the company’s enterprise risk safety and health performance can provide the tip-
management team and supply chain organization, a ping factor to secure the sale. One example is when a
common goal was identified to reduce the chance of company’s sales and marketing department received
supply process interruptions that could result in raw a call from an existing customer (major retailer)
material shortages. An OSH issue at a supplier was with a request to provide a presentation on the com-
just one scenario that could result in a disruption pany’s OSH efforts. This was a requirement for all
within the supply chain and needed to be addressed. the retailer’s suppliers. After the presentation, the
Working with supply chain management, the OSH retailer not only approved the supplier to continue
team developed a questionnaire designed to assess its North American contract, but also expanded the
the supplier’s OHSMS rather than simply requesting contract to cover its worldwide operations. This was APRIL 2023 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY PSJ 33


to ergonomics that results in productivity improve-

ments as well as reducing risks.

Example 5: OHSMS & Company Reputation

CSR has become important to not only em-
ployees but also communities, nongovernmental
organizations, customers and investors. OSH has
become an integral part of the CSR movement.
Many companies are producing annual sustain-
ability reports that include their OSH perfor-
mance. Outstanding CSR performance can lead to
awards and recognition from outside groups that
attract the attention of senior management and
increase their level of support.
Many people want to work for companies that
As you begin the journey to implement an reflect their personal CSR values. In conjunction
with human resources, some companies leverage
OHSMS, it is critical to gain the support of the their CSR reputation to attract and retain top talent
business. Understanding what is important to and include OSH performance as part of their cam-
pus recruiting efforts. Companies are also educating
the organization can help to align the desired employees on their OSH values, providing assurance
that their workplace is safe for employees and the
OSH outcomes with those of the business. community, leading to improved retention.
because the retailer felt the two companies shared Conclusion
the same values around CSR. As you begin the journey to implement an
OHSMS, it is critical to gain the support of the
Example 3: Using OHSMS business. Understanding what is important to the
to Reduce Enterprise Risks organization can help to align the desired OSH
Some companies have integrated OSH into their outcomes with those of the business. Knowing the
enterprise risk management process. In one case, it language of business can facilitate OSH getting a
was determined that an incident related to safety or seat at the table when decisions are made and pri-
the environment can have a negative impact on not orities are set. Finding opportunities that support
only employees and the community, but also rep- the strategic direction of the organization will
utation and profitability. The company leveraged allow OSH to become a critical business partner.
its inclusion in the enterprise risk management Identifying areas where there are common business
process to help create a pandemic plan. Using its tools will strengthen the relationships between
knowledge of PPE, sanitizing techniques and expo- OSH and other disciplines within the business and
sure control, the company was able to not only pro- expand the ownership for OSH throughout the en-
tect its employees and the community, but also to tire organization. PSJ
work with operations to continue to manufacture
needed products during the COVID-19 outbreak. References
This collaboration provided the dual benefit of ANSI/ASSP. (2022). Safety and health metrics and per-
safety and profitability. formance measures (ANSI/ASSP Z16.1-2022).
ASSP. (2002, June 8). The return on investment for
Example 4: OHSMS & Operational Excellence safety, health and environmental (SH&E) management pro-
A powerful tool in operational excellence is the grams [White paper].
Bennett, J.T. & Taubitz, M.A. (2013, June 24). ANSI Z10:
Kaizen event (sometimes called rapid improvement A model for business management systems integration.
event). The Kaizen method is used for process im- ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition,
provement and improving productivity by taking Las Vegas, NV.
small steps that will lead to major results. Kaizen International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
events are most often used as part of an overall lean (2015a). Environmental management systems—Require-
manufacturing strategy. Lean manufacturing is an ments with guidance for use (ISO 14001:2015).
important process that helps a facility eliminate ISO. (2015b). Quality management systems (ISO
waste and operate more efficiently. Companies have 9001:2015).

used several approaches to integrating OSH into ISO. (2018). Occupational health and safety manage-
these events including assigning an OSH profession- ment systems—Requirements with guidance for use (ISO
al to be the “eyes on safety” as part of every event. Zigulis, G. (2017, May). So you’re a systems type, eh? Pro-
Others have established a requirement for each fessional Safety, 62(5), 62-63.
event to include safety and health improvements.
Through this integration, productivity is improved Cite this article
while at-risk safety conditions and behaviors are Wolfsberger, J. & Zigulis, G. (2023, April). Integrating
reduced. Often, the safety improvement is related OSH into the business. Professional Safety, 68(4), 30-34.


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