Aramaic Rosary Prayers

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Refund and Exchange Lishana Kaldaya, Fellihi, and Fallani.  It is spoken by about 110,000 people in
Policies Iraq.  Worldwide, this langage is spoken by about 206,000 people in Turkey,
Syria, Sweden, Australia, Belgium, Lebanon, Germany, Canada and the USA.
subpages: See also The Work of God's Children page for the
Crucifixes &
illustrated version of prayers in this language.
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How to Pray the Rosary

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Abwûn d'bwaschmâja / Our Father / Pater Noster

Abwûn d'bwaschmâja
Nethkâdasch schmach
Têtê malkuthach
Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha
Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna
Waschboklân chaubên (wachtahên) aikâna daf chnân schvoken l'chaijabên
Wela tachlân l'nesjuna ela patzân min bischa Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila
wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.

Another version of
Abwoon d'bwashmaya / Our Father / Pater Noster
Abwoon d'bwashmaya,
Nethqadash shmakh,
Teytey malkuthakh.
Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna d'bwashmaya aph b'arha.
Hawvlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.
Washboqlan khaubayn (wakhtahayn)
aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.
Wela tahlan l'nesyuna.
Ela patzan min bisha.
Metol dilakhie malkutha wahayla wateshbukhta l'ahlam almin.

Abwun d'bashmayâ / Our Father / Pater

Aramaic as found in the Syriac Peshitta:
Abwun d'bashmayâ
Our Father in heaven,
Neth qadâsh shmâkh
Hallowed be Your name,
Tithe malkuthâkh
Your kingdom come,
Nehwe tsevyânâkh
Your will be done,
Aykanâ d'bashmayâ
As it is in heaven,
Âf bar`â
Also on the earth.
Hav lan lakhmâ d'sûnqânan yaumânâ
Give us today our daily bread.
u'Shvâq lan khaubayn
Forgive us our debts
Aykanâ d'âf khnan
Also as we
Shvaqan l'khayâveyn
forgive our debtors.
u'Lâ te`lan l'nisyûnâ
And lead us from temptation,
Elâ patsân men bîshâ
But deliver us from evil.

Metul d'dhilâkh hî malkûthâ

For Yours is the kingdom,
u'Khaylâ u'theshbukhtâ
The power, and the glory,
`Âlam `âlmeyn
Now and forever.

Another version of

‫ ַאָּבא‬/ Our Father / Pater Noster

‫ִיְת ַק ַּדׁש ְׁש ָמ ְך‬
‫ֵּתיֵתי ַמְלכּוָת ְך‬
‫ַל ֲח ַמָנא ִּדי ִמְס ְּת ָיא‬
‫ַהב ַלָנא יֹוַמא ְד ָנה‬
‫ּוְׁש ֹבק ַלָנא חֹוַביָנא‬
‫ְּכִדי ְׁש ַב ְק ָנא ְלַחָּיַביָנא‬
‫ְוָלא ַּת ֲע ִלָּנא ְלִנְסיֹוָנא‬

Another version of
  ‫ ַאָּבא‬/ Our Father / Pater Noster

‫ִיְת ַק ַּדׁש ְׁש ָמ ְך‬
‫ֵּתיֵתי ַמְלכּוָת ְך‬
‫ַל ֲח ָמן ְּד ִמְס ְּת ָיא‬
‫ַהב ָלן יֹוַמא ֵדן‬
‫ּוְׁש ֹבק ָלן חֹוֵביָנן‬
‫ְּכִדי ְׁש ַב ְק ָנן ְלַחָּיֵביָנן‬
‫ְוָלא ַּת ֲע ִלָּנן ְלִנְסיֹון‬

Another version of
Abwoon / Our Father / Pater Noster
Abun d'bashmayo
Neth kadash ishmoch
Tithe malkuthog
Nehwe sebjonog
Aykano d'bashmayo
Of bar'o
Hab lan laghmo d'sunkonan yawmono
Washboek lan ghauwbayn
Aykano dof ghnan
Shbakan lghayobain
Oelo ta'el lan lnesjoeno
Elo fason lan men biesho
Metul diloch ie malkoetho
Oe ghaylo teshbughto
Hoel 'olam 'olmien
Another version of
Abbun / Our Father / Pater Noster
[Talmidic Jewish Aramaic]

Abbun d'bishmayya
Our Father, who is in Heaven

 yitqadesh shmakh
Sanctified be your Name!

titey malkhutakh
May Your kingdom come;

tihey re`utakh
May Your will be done,

heykhma debishmayya
Just as it is in Heaven,

keyn af be’ar`a
So also upon the earth.
lachman deme’ar`a
Our Bread, which is from the earth,

hab lan yoma deyn umachra

Give us day by day.

ushbaq lan chobayn

And forgive us our sins,

heykhma de’af shebaqnan lechayyabayn

Just as we should forgive our debtors.

we’al ta`eylan lenisayuna

And do not bring us to trial,

ela atseylan min bisha

Rather deliver us from evil.


Another version of Abwun / Our

Father / Pater Noster

Abwun dvashmaya (Our Father who is in

abwun = our Father
d-va-shmaya = of whom/which - in -


Nethqadash shmakh (May your name be

nethqadash = will be holy
shmakh = your name
Note: The imperfect or "future" tense

can be used in some cases as an adjuration, i.e. "May so-and-so


Tethe malkuthakh (May your kingdom

tethe = it will come
malkuthakh = your kingdom
Nehweh tsevyanakh (May your will be

nehweh = it will be
tsevyanakh = "your will" or "your

Note: This literally means closest to

"Your Will will be" which is awkward in English.

Aykana dvashmaya (As it is in heaven)

aykana = like, as
d-va-shmaya = of whom/which - in -


Af bar`a (Also [be] on the earth)

af = also
b-ar`a = in/on - the earth

Hav lan lakhma (Give us bread)

hav = give
lan = to us
lakhma = bread

Dsoonqanan yomana (Every day)

d-soonqanan = of which (is) - constant

yomana = daily or "every day"

Ushvuq lan khaubeyn (And forgive our

u-shvuq = and allow/forgive
lan = unto us
khaybeyn = our sins/debts/shortcommings

Aykana d'af khnan(Also as we)

aykana = like
d-af = in the same manner - also
khnan = we

Shvaqan lkhaiveyn (Have forgiven

shvaqan = we've forgiven
l-khaiveyn = unto -

sinners/debtors/the guilty, etc.

U'la te`lan lnisyouna (And don't lead

us into danger.)
u-la = and - not
te`lan = lead us
l-nisyouna = unto - danger/temptation

Ela patsan men bisha (But deliver us

from evil)
ela = but
patsan = deliver us
men = from
bisha = evil

Metul d'dheelakh hee malkootha

(Because the Kingdom is yours.)

metul = because
d-dheelakh = of which - "yours" (it's

a grammatical construct signifying ownership)

hee = is
malkootha = kingdom

Ukhaila utheshbookhtha (And the power,

and the glory)

u-khaila = and - power
u-theshbooktha = and- glory

`Alam l`almeen (Forever; To eternity)

`alam = forever
l-`almeen = unto - the ages (idiom.


Ameyn (Amen) ameyn = "truly" or "it is

truth!" traditional ending to prayer or an oath (e.g. "ameyn

amarna lakh" = "Truly, truly, I'm telling you!")

Another version of
A Woon / Our Father / Pater Noster

a woon =    Our Father

d'wash-maya = who [is] in the heavens
nith-ka-dash =  holy be 
shmakh =    Your name.
tay thay =   Let come
mal coo-thakh = Your kingdom.
neway =       Let be 
sev-ya-nakh = Your desire [or will].
ai-ken na =    even as in 
d'wash-maya = heavens
op barah =    so on earth
hawlan =     give us
lakh-ma =   bread
d'soon-ka-nan = that we need 
yaw mana =    day to day
wash wok-lan = forgive us 
kho-bain =      our offenses
ai-ken na =     even as 
dap-kha nan = we also have
sh-wak-en =   forgiven 
el kha-ya-uen = our offenders
oo-la =         let not
ta-lan =       us enter
el nis-yona = into temptation 
el la =         but
pa-san =     part us 
men bee-sha = from evil [error]
mit-thol =     because 
d'lakh  =      yours 
hee =           are
mal-cootha = dominion 
oo-khayla =  and authority
oo-tish-bokh ta = and glory [songs]
el al-am =         from ages 
al-meen =      through ages
a-men =       sealed in trust, faith and truth.
Another version of
Avoonan dbishmaya / Our Father / Pater Noster
Avoonan dbishmaya
Yetqadash shmakh
Titeh malkoutakh
Yehee sevyonakh
Heykama dbishmaya af bar-aa

Hablan lahma
dsoonqanan yaomana
Washvooq lan hoveynan
Heykama daf hnan
Shbaqnan Ihayoveynan
Wla t-eelan linissyoona
Ella passyanmin beeshta

Mittol dilakh-hee malkoota

w-heyla w-teshboohta
I-aalam aalmin Amin.

Another version of
Aboon Dibashmayo / Our Father / Pater Noster
Aboon Dibashmayo
Nitkadash shmokh
Titeh Malkoto
Nehweh sibyono
aykano dibashmayo
of waryo hablan
lahmo dssin konan
yawmono wa shbooklan
hawbayen wahto hayen
aykano dof hnan
shbakn l hayo bayen
lo ta lan le nisyoono
eno fasolan
min bisho metool
dilokhey malkoto
haylo tish bohto
olam olmeen ameen.

Another version of
ABUNA / Our Father / Pater Noster

Another version of
Avvon d-bish-maiya / Our Father / Pater Noster
 Avvon d-bish-maiya, nith-qaddash shim-mukh.
Tih-teh mal-chootukh. Nih-weh çiw-yanukh:
ei-chana d'bish-maiya: ap b'ar-ah.
Haw lan lakh-ma d'soonqa-nan yoo-mana.
O'shwooq lan kho-bein:
ei-chana d'ap kh'nan shwiq-qan l'khaya-ween.
Oo'la te-ellan l'niss-yoona:
il-la paç-çan min beesha.
Mid-til de-di-lukh hai mal-choota
oo khai-la oo tush-bookh-ta
l'alam al-mein.

Another version of
Avoon de-bish-ma'ia / Our Father / Pater Noster
Avoon de-bish-ma'ia
Nit ka-dash shim-mooch
Tih-tih mal-kootoo
Neh weh sev-ya-nooch
Ai-chana de-bish-ma'ia
Ap bar-a
Hah lan lach-ma de soonka-nan yo-mana
Oshock-lan cho-bén:
ai-chana de-ap chnan shvakkan le-cha-ya-wén
Ola ta-elan le nishoona:
Il la passan min biesha
Mit-til de-di-looch hai mal-koota
oo-chela oo tish-bóch-ta
Le-alam al-mien
[Written in English phonetic spelling. The letters é and ó are pronounced like long sounds (ay and
ow), A is pronounced as AH and CH is pronounced like a Spanish J.]

Another version of
Aboon dbashmayo / Our Father  / Pater Noster (Syriac)
 Aboon dbashmayo,
Our Father Who art in Heaven

Nethcadash shmokh,
hallowed be Thy name.

teethe malkoothokh,
Thy Kingdom come,

nehwe sebyonokh,
Thy will be done;

aykano Dbashmayo off bar'o.

as in Heaven, so on earth.

Hab lan lahmo dsoonconan yawmono,

Give us our needful bread this day.

washbook lan howbain wahtohainabwoon d'bwashmayo

And forgive us our debts
(offenses and sins),

aykano doff hnan shbakn il hayobain

as we also have forgiven our debtors (debtors in sin).

lo thaalan il nessyoono elo fasson men beesho

And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Another version of
Abwoon d'bwashmaya / Our Father / Pater Noster
Abwoon d'bwashmaya,
Nethqadash shmakh,
Teytey malkuthakh.
Nehwey tzevyanach
 aykanna d'bwashmaya aph b'arha.
Hawvlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.
Washboqlan khaubayn (wakhtahayn)
aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.
Wela tahlan l'nesyuna.
Ela patzan min bisha.

Another version of
АВун дБишмэйя / Our Father / Pater Noster
АВун дБишмэйя
ниткаддаш ш’мaХ
тэ’тэ малькутаХ
ниhвэ СеВйанаХ
айканна дБишмэйя
аП бар’а
hаВ лан лахма
д’сунканан йавмана
вашВок лан хавбэйн
айканна дэ-аП хнан
ш’Вакин л’хайаВэйн
в-ла та’элан л’нисйона
илла ПаССан мин биша
миттиль дэдилаХ hи
малькута ухайла
л’алам алльмин.

Another version of
Aboun Dbashmayo / Our Father / Pater Noster
Aboun dbashmayo
nétqadash shmokh
tithé malkoutokh.
Nehwé sebyonokh
aykano dbashmayo.
Of baro hablan lahmo dsounqonan yawmono
washbouq lan hawbayn wahtohayn,
aykano dof hnan shbaqn hayobayn.
Wlo talan nésyouno,
élo fason men bisho.

Another version of
Aboon Dabashmaya / Our Father / Pater Noster
aboon dabashmaya
    nethkadash shamak
    tetha malkoothak
    newe tzevyanak
    aykan dabashmaya af bara
    hav lan lakma dsoonkanan yamanawashbook lan
    kavine aykana daf hanan shabookan lhayavine
    oolow talahn lanesyana
    ela fatsan men beesha

Abwûn d'bwaschmâja / Our Father / Pater Noster

[Aramaic (original form)]
Our Father

Who art in heaven

Nethkâdasch schmach
Hallowed be Thy name

Têtê malkuthach.
Thy kingdom come.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.

Let Thy will be done in heaven and on earth.
Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us bread for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive the guilt of others.

daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên.

Let us not be led into temptation

Wela tachlân l'nesjuna

but deliver us from that which

ela patzân min bischa.

keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.

For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever.


Shlom lekh Maryam / Hail Mary / Ave Maria

Shlom lekh Maryam, Malyat taybouto,
Moran amekh.Mbarakhto at bneshe wambarakhou
firo dabkharsekh  Moran Yeshou Mshiho.
O Mort Maryam eméh dalloho
étkashaf lofayn nan hatoyé
hosho wabshoto dmawtan. Amin.
Shlom lekh bthoolto Mariam / Hail Mary / Ave Maria
(Syriac Pronunciation)
Shlom lekh bthoolto Mariam
Hail, O  Virgin Mary,

Maliath taibootho
full of grace,

moran a'amekh
the Lord is with thee:

mbarakhto at bneshey
blessed art thou among women,

wambarakhoo feero dabkharsekh yeshue

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

O qadeeshto Mariam
Holy Mary,

yoldath aloho
Mother of God,

saloy hlofain hatoyeh

pray for us sinners,
‫‪hosho wabsho'ath mawtan.‬‬
‫‪now and at the hour of our death.‬‬


‫‪/‬‬ ‫‪The Nicene Creed / Credo‬‬


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‫ܗܘ ܕܡܛܠܬܢ ܒܢ̈ܝܢܫܐ ܘܡܛܠ ܦܘܪܩܢܢ‬

‫ܢܚܬ ܡܢ ܫܡܝܐ‬

‫ܘܐܬܓܫܡ ܡܢ ܪܘܚܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ‬

‫ܘܡܢ ܡܪܝܡ ܒܬܘܠܬܐ ܝܠܕܬ ܐܠܗܐ‬

‫ܘܗܘܐ ܒܪܢܫܐ‬

‫ܘܐܨܛܠܒ ܚܠܦܝܢ ܒܝ̈ܘܡܝ ܦܝܢܛܝܘܣ‬


‫ܘܚܫ ܘܡܝܬ ܘܐܬܩܒܪ‬

‫ܘܩܡ ܠܬܠܬܐ ܝ̈ܘܡܝܢ ܐܝܟ ܕܨܒܐ‬

‫ܘܣܠܩ ܠܫܡܝܐ ܘܝܬܒ ܡܢ ܝܡܝܢܐ ܕܐܒܘܗܝ‬

‫ܘܬܘܒ ̇ܐܬܐ ܒܫܘܒܚܐ ܪܒܐ‬

‫ܠܡܕܢ ܠܚ̈ܝܐ ܘܠܡ̈ܝܬܐ‬

‫‪.‬ܗܘ ܕܠܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܫܘܠܡܐ ܠܐ ܐܝܬ‬

‫ܘܒܚܕ ܪܘܚܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ‬

‫‪.‬ܕܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܡܪܝܐ ܡܚܝܢܐ ܕܟܠ‬

‫ܗܘ ܕܡܢ ܐܒܐ ܢܦܩ‬

‫‪.‬ܘܥܡ ܐܒܐ ܘܥܡ ܒܪܐ ܡܣܬܓܕ ܘܡܫܬܒܚ‬

‫ܗܘ ܕܡܠܠ ܒܢܒ̈ܝܐ ܘܒܫܠ̈ܝܚܐ‬

‫ܘܒܚܕܐ ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ‬


‫ܘܡܘܕܝܢܢ ܕܚܕܐ ܗܝ ܡܥܡܘܕܝܬܐ ܠܫܘܒܩܢܐ‬


‫ܘܡܣܟܝܢܢ ܠܩܝܡܬܐ ܕܡ̈ܝܬܐ‬

‫ܘܠܚ̈ܝܐ ܚ̈ܕܬܐ ܕܒܥܠܡܐ ܕܥܬܝܕ‪ .‬ܐܡܝ‬

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