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This assignment is made to fulfill the assignment of Qualitative Research Methodology

Lecturer: Dr. Fathor Rasyid, M.Pd

Arranged by:
Muhammad Ali Shohibul Hikam (932216119)


A. Background of the Study

Language is one of the most important communication tools to give information
from people to another. Knowing
a Language is vital since through language individuals are able to procure the information
that they required and shared data as well. As stated by Watkins (2005:77) “one primary
use of language is to establish and maintain the social relationship”… “Language is also
use to share or pass on information” therefore knowing language is most important in
order to build relationship beetwen people to share all of information as well. There are
two typess of language namely spoken and written language. Spoken language is
speaking ability which enables the speaker to transfer the information directly and
spontaneously, while by written language people share information through writings or
One of most popular language in the world is english. Majority of people in the
world used english to communicate to one and another, spoken or written. English is an
important language which utilized in numerous zones such as in web, books, and
products. Therefore, English is exceptionally vital to be
learned particularly the talked dialect. Spoken language is one of critical aptitude in
English since through talking learners might be opportunity to hone language structure,
to create verbal familiarity, exactness and utilized sophisticated features
of dialect into discourse. In Indonesia, English is instructed from basic level to university,
but the reality that in Indonesia English is instructed as outside dialect which meant that
the region of the dialect is constrained.As stated by Setiyadi (2006:22) “In Indonesia,
English is learnt only at schools and people do not speak the language in the society.
English is really a foreign language for language learners in Indonesia”. It is inversely
than the country which teaches English as the second language such as Malaysia. “In
Malaysia, English was gained in the society where the people spoke the language; in
Malaysia English was a second language”.
Speaking is an intuitively handle of building meaning that involves creating and
getting and preparing data or expressing one‟s contemplations and sentiments in spoken
language. Brown (2001) stated that when someone can speak a language it means that
someone can carry on a coversation reasonably competenly. In addition, Brown stated
that the benchmark of succesful securing of languaget is nearly always the demonstation
of an capacity to achieve down to earth objective through an interactive talk with the
other dialect speakers. Interaction takes a big portion for the learners in preparing their
According to Nunan (1991:39) as cited in Alfiyanaini (2017), stated that speaking
is deemed to be the most important skill that must be mastered well in learning a new
language.ststed that speaking is regarded to be the foremost vital expertise that must
be aced well in learning a modern language. For most individuals mastering
speaking aptitudes is the single most critical angle of learning a foreign language,
and victory is measured in terms of the capacity to carry on a conversation in
that dialect. Subsequently, the understudies are anticipated to mastering talking ability.
The later educational programs, Educational modules 2013, students are anticipated to be
able to specific either transactional or interpersonal communication in a lifestyle setting,
for example expressing and reacting to sensitivity. This implies that the curriculum
objective of instructing talking is to empower understudies to get it and use
the dialect suitably in understanding with the fitting situation;
for occasion, communicating and reacting to sensitivity.
However, speaking a remote dialect isn't a simple expertise to be mastered by
learners. Learners consider speaking as the foremost troublesome skill since it
needs incredible strength as well as arrangement to speak well within the new language.
For most individuals, learning talking got to be the foremost difficulty when they learn
a remote dialect. They have to learn a many stragies to reciceve and understanding the
lesson as well.
Strategy is the important thing in teaching and learning process. Strategy is an by
and large arrange for the efficient introduction of language fabric, no portion of
which negates, and all of which is based upon, the chosen approach (Richard and
Rodgers, 2001). So, stragies is a way in teaching and learning process. The using Strategy
is very needed to help a teacher during learning procces and support the student
understanding material. Teaching strategy is assumed as the way of achieving something
in teaching process. It is appropriated with the strategy that teacher used, teacher are able
to achieve the objective of the teaching plan.
Teaching strategy there are many have been introduced to teacher english in
indonesia. These strategy can help teacher in leraning and teaching process also support
them to be teaching productive. Therefore, a teacher must must learn to know strategies.
Because, it will be apply in classroom.
According to Ahmad and Aziz (2009) in Andjema concurs that students generally
have a poor grasp of a language and part of the problem lies with the conventional
teaching Strategy employed. So, Many teachers used the strategy in the classroom with
preceptions and oponions in indonesia. In a classroom setting a instructor ought to be
well prepared with diverse strategy of teaching English.
According to Anggini, W., & Mulyadi, M. (2020). That the teacher's social
strategy is very important because it can make students accustomed to speak English in
daily life. Students are not only speak English during English lesson, but they can also
speak English whenever needed. It’s mean if the teacher know a teaching strategis, they
could find reason and involve problem in the classroom.
The researcher hopes this research will contribute the knowledge on the teaching
strategies in speaking skill. The researcher intends to bring illustration of what the
strategies that use by students in speaking English. So, the researcher interested in
conducting the research entitle ”AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEACHER

B. The Identification of the Problem
The research will be conducted to Knowing the teaching stragies that used by
teachers in EGYPT Islamic Boading & Course Pare, Kediri. The researcher focuses on
the statagies that used by the teachers in speaking English.
C. Research Questions

Based on the problems stated in the background. The research questions are
formulated as follows:
1. What are the english teacher strategies in teaching english speaking skill use at
EGYPT Islamic BIoarding & course ?

2. How is the satisfaction english teacher strategies in teaching english speaking

skill use at EGYPT Islamic BIoarding & course with stragies that used
before ?

D. Objective of the Study

1. To find out the english teacher strategies in teaching english speaking skill
use at EGYPT Islamic BIoarding & course.

2. To find out the the satisfaction english teacher strategies in teaching english
speaking skill use at EGYPT Islamic BIoarding & course.

E. Significance of the Study

This research gave the readers information about Many teaching stragies and to
analyze the teachers’ strategy in speaking skill at Egypt Islamisc boarding & course.
Apply the theory of teachers setragy theacher will support the reader to increase
knowledge. hopefully has some benefits for the researcher and all the teachers, especially
at EGYPT Islamic boarding & course Pare, Kediri. Moreover, in this research the
teacher’s can apply their teaching strategies during learning process in the classroom

F. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research are focus on describing the teaching strategies in
speaking skill that used by the teacher in teaching English and the students perception
towards the strategy that used by the teacher experienced in teaching and learning process
at EGYPT Islamaic Boarding & course..


This chapter presents the description of the study. It includes definition of speaking,
the important of speaking, the definition of teaching, definition of strategy, the important of

teaching strategy, the definition and relevant study.

A. Speaking Skill
1. Definition of Speaking
2. Speaking Problem
3. The important of speaking
B. Teaching & and strategy
1. Definition of teaching
2. The important of teaching strategy
3. Kind of teaching
4. Definition of strategy



This chapter presents the research design, the place and time of the study, the
population and sample, the research instrument, the technique of data collecting and the
technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design
This inquire about was related to educating technique and the students’ perception
towards the strategy in educating English. In this way, the researcher needed to
do graphic inquire about to be specific, the inquire about made the descriptive data
such composed words or verbal from individuals and the behavior that observed. So that,
the investigate plan in this inquire about was graphic qualitative strategy.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population
The population of this research are teachers and students in Egypt Islamic
boarding & course.
2. Sample
The Sample of this research are 4 teachers and student Egypt Islamic Boarding
& course, 10 students are the third grade of senior high school, 5 students are second
grade of senior high school, 5 are a second semester of collage. Therefore, the total
population of this research are 30 student.

C. Research Instrument

Instruments is a tool of research to get the data in order to make the researcher easier
in analyzing the data. In this research, the researcher uses questionnaire and interview as
instrument to measure the students’ ability. A questionnaire is a set of questions or items
intended to collect information about respondents' attitudes, experiences, or opinions.
While in qualitative research, an interview is a dialogue in which questions are posed to
extract information. The interviewer is usually a hired or professional researcher who
asks the interviewee questions in an alternating succession of usually brief questions and

D. Data Collection
To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaire and interview as data
collection method. The procedures are:
1. Distributing the questionnaire to 30 students of Egypt Islamic Boarding & course and
4 teachers.
2. Instructing students teachers to complete the questioner.
3. Gathering the questioner's responses
4. Conducting an interview
5. Compiling all of the information gathered from the questioner and the interview.

The questionnaire for student consists of statements that were distributed

through Google Form. The researcher uses Likert Scale starting from Strongly Agree,
Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree.
the interview for the teachers, there are 3 questions. First question is what
kind of teaching stragy that you use during teacging precess ? Second, what makes you
fell suitable with that strategy? Third, what is benefit of using of your strategy stratagi?

E. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a process whereby scholars systematically examine and arrange data in
order to better their comprehension of the data and to enable them to share what they
learnt to others.1 This research's data analysis is as follows:

1. Using the students' responses to the questionnaire with G-Form, and ask to
answer the questionary

2. Sorting and categorizing the students' responses to the questionnaire.

3. Sorting and categorizing the teachers to the interview.
4. Summarize the findings of the student’s questionnaire and teacher’s interview
regarding the students' strategies in learning to speak and their strategies for
speaking skill.

5. Drawing conclusions based on the discoveries of the examination

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