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12 February 2023

Dear Parents,

In class, we studied about Rainforest.

For Term 2 project, the students will create a Rainforest diorama made from
a shoebox.They should include the animals and plants that can be found
within this habitat.

They will do the project in school starting 19th of February until 22nd of
February 2023 (Sunday to Wednesday). On the 23rd of February (Thursday)
they will present their project in the class. They should prepare a short
Powerpoint presentation.

Feel free to assist your child in preparing the materials needed. I can’t wait
to see how creative they are!

There are many sites on the internet that offer ideas of how to make a

LINKS for diorama:

Kindly send the presentation thru my e-mail:

Thank you.

Teacher Irene L. Lanete

Science 3 Teacher

Noted by:

Teacher Elvie G. Dadural

Science Coordinator

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