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Interview Consumer Behavior

Lauren Krimm
For this interview, I decided to interview my dad who is 51 years old. Most of the older

adults in my life do not drink soda/ soft drinks on a regular basis. So, I knew going into this

that my numbers on consumption would be low. When asked about consumption changes

over the last 10 years, he told me that 10 years ago he drank about 2 sodas per week. Since

then, it has dropped to one soda per week (on average). There wasn`t anything really that

changed his mind about consumption. He just moved from two to one soda per week. Seeing

a drop isn`t a huge shocker. An article published by the IBIS World, stated that the over

consumption of soft drinks in the U.S. has dropped every year since the 1990`s. It goes on to

say that the estimated annualized decline is about 0.3% over the last 5 years (IBISWorld -

Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics, 2023).

IBISWorld - Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics. (2023, January 6).



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