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Question 1
The school usually ..…. at six o'clock each day, but on Monday, it stayed open later.

Select one:

a. has closed

b. close

c. is closing

d. closes

Question 2
I bought this car in July, so now I …… it for six months.

Select one:

a. have had

b. had

c. am having

d. have

Question 3
I …… TV when the telephone rang.

Select one:

a. watched

b. was watching

c. are watching

d. have watched

Question 4
What …… at work?

Select one:

a. must you to do

b. do you have to do

c. have you to do

d. do you

Question 5
He …… bought a new car. He doesn’t have any money.

Select one:
a. should have

b. might have

c. can’t have

d. must have

Question 6
This one is better …… that one.

Select one:

a. than

b. as

c. like

d. so

Question 7
I’m not short. I’m just …… tall as Hans.

Select one:

a. than

b. so

c. like

d. as

Question 8
Is there … supermarket near here?

Select one:

a. a

b. an

c. -

d. the

Question 9
I heard there’s … sports shop in town. Let’s see what they have.

Select one:

a. the

b. -

c. a
d. an

Choose the correct answer; only one answer is

The passive
Question 10
Mark was …… to hospital in an ambulance.

Select one:

a. taking

b. took

c. taken

d. take

Question 11
We _____ the sights of the city.

Select one:

a. were showed

b. have showing

c. will shown

d. were shown

Question 12
If it _____ nice tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.

Select one:

a. would be

b. is

c. will

d. will be

Question 13
If you had left me a note, I _____ where you were.

Select one:

a. would have known

b. had been known

c. would be known
d. had known

Choose the correct word (form)

Question 14
What’s the name of Dave’s driving___________?

Select one:

a. instruction

b. instruct

c. instructor

d. instructive

Question 15
We thought of driving to Berlin, but in the end we___________.

Select one:

a. flying

b. flew

c. flight

d. flown

Choose the correct word.

Question 16
Listen to the birds_____________in the trees.

Select one:

a. howling

b. barking

c. creaking

d. singing

Question 17
Brian is a___________at Oxford University.

Select one:

a. schoolboy

b. pupil

c. student

d. learner
Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word.
Question 18
By a stroke of fortune he got a small part in a television play.

Select one:

a. fame

b. success

c. luck

d. failure

Question 19
The questions were so elementary that he easily passed the test.

Select one:

a. complicated

b. valuable

c. easy

d. empty

Read the text and the questions below. For each

questions mark correct latter: A,B,C or D.
Lake Vine
My favorite place for water sports is Lake vine, but it has only existed since
1975 when the valley was filled with water to provide electricity. Under the
water is the village Venture. Last week I talked to Pat smothers, who runs a
shop on the edge of the lake and looks after the huge car park. She gets up
early to travel to her shop to sell newspapers and food and doesn’t finish work
till late because of the car park. She said drowning the village was the best
thing that ever happened as it brought, a lot of business to the area, and the
number of visitors from all over the country continues to increase, especially
as there is a new road which means it is easier to get to. When I asked people
enjoying the water sports, they said they never thought about the drowned
houses and streets. When I spoke to some people sitting in the café
overlooking the lake, I was surprised to find they still get angry about what
happened .They used to live in Venture and were moved to other places in the
area, among them thirty children who are now middle-aged, but they still miss
the village. They say that nobody asked them what they wanted-they were
told one day that everything was decided. They were separated from their
friends and had to get buses to new schools instead of walking there together
.It is a shame that these people lost their homes, and I hope something similar
never happens again in the future. I would miss the water sports if they
weren’t there, however, and I must say that hadn’t ever thought about what
was under the water until last week.
Question 20

What is the writer trying to do?

Select one:

a. explain why people like living by Lake Vine

b. describe what people think about the drowned village

c. persuade people to take up water sport on Lake Vine

d. discuss what might happen to Lake Vine in the future

Question 21

What do we learn about Pat Smothers?

Select one:

a. She earns her living near Lake Vine

b. She used to live in Venture.

c. She often visits the area on holiday.

d. She lives beside the lake.

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