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Answer the questions below fully.

Write a paragraph that has at least five


1. Think of a common situation that may test the moral courage of young people
like you. If you find yourself in it, how would you handle it and why?

A common situation that may test the moral courage of people my age
is speaking out to their friends or family when they are caught in a wrongful
act. For example, I caught friend A copying the creative content and posting it
online under her name without giving credit and asking for the consent of
friend B. The course of action that I will take is to confront friend A to correct
her doings by asking first for the permission of friend B and apologizing for
being rash. If not, I will inform friend B of the wrongdoing of friend A as it is
her right to know that her content is being used without her consent. This may
lead to various consequences, one of which is that friend A and I’s friendship
will be jeopardized, and he might gossip to others that I was a snitch. In this
situation, my moral courage is tested as I quote J.K Rowling, “It takes great
courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to
your friends”. It is hard to stand up against your friend because of the
possibility of being ostracized, ridiculed, and outcasted, but it is necessary to
uphold your beliefs of what is right. Even if it means you are the only one
standing on the other side.

1. Would you express your opinion on an issue if you know that it differs from the
opinions of most people around you? Why? 
It depends on the situation, if it is in a general situation or a casual situation, then
I would express my opinion on the issue even if it differs from others. I believe
there is another side to a coin; an opinion or perspective of a subject matter is
neither set in stone nor universal. Moreover, when I give my opinion, I am fully
aware and knowledgeable of the topic at hand and can comprehend the gravity
of the situation to draw an opinion. Although if I am not well-versed or am in the
position to state my opinion then I shall keep it to myself because some issues
and discussions may be something I need to consider more holistically.
Additionally, I will consider not expressing my opinion in serious situations that
are too sensitive or personal which I hold no position to comment on. I am not
afraid to go against the grain with the majority because I will fight for what I think
is right which upholds my principles and values as a human being.

II. Analyze the case below.

Mr. Cruz's construction company has recently won a government contract to build a new
road. The law provides that government funds allocated for public works must be used
entirely for the purpose. The government officials behind the projects are not supposed
to receive any amount from the funds. However, two government officials of
considerable influence demand that Mr. Cruz pay them under the table because it is the
standard practice. If he refuses, they would use their power to stop the project, which
can adversely affect the public, as well as his business. However, he is hesitant to
report the officials because doing so might cause him and his business even more
serious problems. What must he do? Why?

M r. Cruz should negotiate with the government officials about giving them a lower amount of
money from the fund so that the project can be continued. Although He cannot abide by his principle of
not submitting to corruption and coercion, He must consider the future consequences. It is a sad truth of
that immoral practices and under-the-table deals in the Philippines are predominant, and neither the
country nor the people can be freed from them immediately. In my perspective, Mr. Cruz should
negotiate a small amount so that his business, family, and the public would only receive minimal adverse
effects from the transaction. If he does so, he can later slowly build on the influence and power in the
community so that the funds can be returned and happening like this could be avoided. Realistically
speaking, in his current position and situation Mr. Cruz is pressured and intimidated by the two
government officials who hold influence and connections which may obscure his report against them
and may further ask for a larger sum of money. To attain restitution or correct Mr. Cruz’s past actions he
formulated a strategic plan and tactical preparation, committing to it for the long run. When the time
comes Mr. Cruz should uphold his principles of not submitting to corruption and coercion by reporting
the two government officials to the Government. Although this might place him in a difficult situation
that may endanger his business and family in which they may receive death threats, reputational
sabotage, and the like. Mr. Cruz must stay strong and assure his family because he knows that by
submitting the report his decision and actions were right and just. Now he can combat the two officials.
He will choose the betterment of the public and adherence to his moral code without being tainted or
influenced by external factors anymore. By standing his ground he is making a change in our society by
taking small steps of renouncing the immoral practices and under-the-table deals predominant in our
country. It takes a spark to light up a fire; with Mr. Cruz's strong will and commitment he has practiced
moral courage. As stated in our discussion before, “A morally courageous person, driving to attain a
good purpose, takes risks with no assurance of success.”.

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