Types of Computer PDF

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There are several types of computers that are used for different purposes.

Here are
some of the most common types:

1. Personal computers: Also known as desktop computers, these are designed for personal
use and are used for general computing tasks, such as web browsing, word processing,
and gaming.
2. Laptops: These are portable computers that are designed to be carried around and used
on the go. Laptops have a built-in display, keyboard, and touchpad or pointing stick,
and are often used for business, education, and personal use.
3. Tablets: These are handheld devices that have a touch screen display and are designed
for mobile computing. Tablets are often used for web browsing, email, and media
4. Servers: These are powerful computers that are designed to provide services to other
computers or devices on a network. Servers are often used for hosting websites, storing
and managing data, and providing access to shared resources.
5. Workstations: These are powerful computers that are used for tasks that require high
processing power, such as video editing, 3D modeling, and scientific simulations.
6. Supercomputers: These are extremely powerful computers that are used for complex
scientific and engineering applications, such as weather forecasting, nuclear simulations,
and scientific research.
7. Embedded computers: These are computers that are integrated into other devices or
systems, such as cars, appliances, and industrial machinery. Embedded computers are
used to control and monitor the operation of these devices

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