Lettre Type Resiliation Credit

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Onur Genç
Bilbao, España Plaza de San Nicolás,
4 48005 Bilbao (Vizcaya)
N°: CIF A-48265169

Mr. Mohamed Abdelazim Ahmed

UAE, Ajman

Madrid, November 9, 2022

SUBJECT: Certified commitment for the release of prepaid credit card (VISA) of the loan of 30855 Euros:
Mr. Onur Genç

Dear customer Mr. Mohamed Abdelazim Mohamed Ahmed,

By this written letter, I inform you that in accordance with the contractual conditions and the code of
economic law relating to this loan and insurance contract established within the framework of your
request for a loan of 30,000 USD for a repayment period of 48 months with the lender Mr. Luis Miguel
Jurado Barrero, I, Mr. Onur Genç, General Manager of BBVA Bank, I undertake to release your prepaid
credit card (VISA) to you with the funds of your loan application to following conditions:
Following numerous complications that have been faced with your official procedure since
its opening on August 29, 2022, I confirm that you have made numerous payments including a total sum
of 7300 United Arab Emirates Dirhams without still receiving your loan until today. As of today, I require
you to make a final payment of 470 United Arab Emirates Dirhams for the release of your VISA BBVA
prepaid credit card. I guarantee that the payment of 470 United Arab Emirates Dirhams will be the last
payment you will have to make to receive your credit card with the funds for your loan application. You
will receive your card 24 hours after payment of the 470 United Arab Emirates Dirhams. I undertake to
immediately return the exact total sum of 7770 United Arab Emirates Dirhams if you make the payment
of 470 United Arab Emirates Dirhams and another problem arises or if my bank or the lender requires an
additional payment after that of 470 United Arab Emirates Dirhams. I make this commitment to assert
the rights between the two parties.

Credit card information (VISA):

N° VISA Card: 4940 1971 0316 6483
Expiration date: 10/25

Please Dear customer Mr. Mohamed Abdelazim Ahmed, accept the expression of my best feelings.

Mr. Onur Genç :

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. CIF A-48265169 Plaza San Nicolás 4, 48005 Bilbao BBVA está inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Vizcaya, Tomo 2.083, Folio 1,
Hoja BI-17-A, inscripción primera Para cualquier consulta, el usuario puede ponerse en contacto con BBVA a través de la dirección de email:
consultasgenerales@bbva.com. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. 2022
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. CIF A-48265169 Plaza San Nicolás 4, 48005 Bilbao BBVA está inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Vizcaya, Tomo 2.083, Folio 1,
Hoja BI-17-A, inscripción primera Para cualquier consulta, el usuario puede ponerse en contacto con BBVA a través de la dirección de email:
consultasgenerales@bbva.com. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. 2022

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