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Each student needs to make a list/ inventory of the top five to 10 products they use each day at home.
The class plays the game “Scavenger Hunt." 

A. Please make a list of your top 5 to 10 products you use every day. 
1. Make a 1-week inventory usage.
2. The goal of this activity is to show that you can make informed decisions by realizing your
own consumption patterns and the wastes that you create each day that contributes to our
environmental problems.

10 products I use every day:

1. Birch Tree Fortified Milk (Can)
2. Nestle Milo (Can)
3. Golden Oats Instant Oatmeal (400g)
4. Brazilian Hair Treatment (Bottled)
5. Sunsilk Natural Shampoo (Bottled)
6. Dove Soap (Carton Box)
7. Dr. Wong Soap (Carton Box)
8. Ariel Sunrise Fresh Power Gel (Bottled)
9. Smart Anti-Bacterial Dishwashing Paste (Bottled)
10. Wooden Cotton Buds

B. Discuss by answering the following key points: 

3. What does your list/inventory tell you about the top 5 to 10 products that you use each day at
Since I live alone in Davao, this list shows the goods I use or buy daily. My purchase
reflects my attention to waste consumption because I only select goods that come in bottles or
another non-sachet packaging.

4. How do you feel? Are you saddened or overwhelmed by the result?

Since I was taught by the 3R method throughout my childhood, the fact that my
inventory caused less waste and that I could recycle the bottles or carton boxes I used made
me feel at ease.

5. How would you manage to tell your parents about the result and suggest alternatives?
I can openly explain that because the things I buy do not come in sachet packing,
they don't generate a lot of waste. If there is an alternative to bottled containers, I can tell
them I will buy eco-friendly shampoo and soap.

6. Is there a need to change consumption patterns? 

Since my consumption habits generate little waste and are sustainable over the long term, I
don't think they need to change. These items I use daily come in a container—since I use
them alone, they can last for about a month.

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