Epilepsia - 2003 - Combs Cantrell - Case Reports of Women With Epilepsy

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Epilepsia, 44(Suppl.

3):41–44, 2003
Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

C International League Against Epilepsy

Case Reports of Women with Epilepsy

∗ Deborah T. Combs-Cantrell and †Mark S. Yerby

∗ North Texas Epilepsy Center, and Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Baylor Hospital, Irving, Texas; and †North Pacific Epilepsy Research,
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Women with epilepsy are faced with many unique is- day. She reported no side effects, seizures, or other related
sues regarding their reproductive health. Pregnancies in events.
women with epilepsy are considered high risk because of Findings of computed tomography of the brain and mul-
the increased risk for seizures, maternal complications, tiple electroencephalograms (EEGs) were reported as nor-
and adverse outcomes in the newborn. Infants of women mal. The patient’s menstrual cycles were normal. At age
with epilepsy have a two- to threefold increase in the rate 30, she suffered a miscarriage at 13 weeks of gestation
of fetal malformations. Investigators have hypothesized while taking PHT. She had a 3.5-year-old son. During the
that the increased risks are secondary to genetic predis- pregnancy, she remained seizure free. There was no ma-
position, exposure of the fetus to seizures, and in utero ternal or paternal history of birth defects. She was taking
exposure to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). However, the rel- an oral contraceptive and had no other medical conditions.
ative contribution of each factor is undetermined. She wished to conceive in the future. She was referred by
Two similar cases of women with epilepsy involving her gynecologist because of the increased risk for NTDs
pregnancy and the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) are associated with VPA.
presented. Although the cases are similar, they illustrate Findings of neurological and general physical examina-
the diverse challenges faced in the care of women with tions were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of
epilepsy and their unborn children. the brain, routine sleep-deprived EEG, 72-h ambulatory
EEG, complete blood count, and comprehensive chem-
CASE REPORT 1 istry panel yielded normal results. The peak VPA level
was 98 mg/dl and the trough level was 76 mg/dl. The pa-
A 36-year-old right-handed woman presented with a tient was given folic acid 1 mg per day, calcium citrate
history of seizures that began at age 16. She was the prod- 400 mg three times per day, selenium 30 µg per day, and
uct of a normal pregnancy, birth, and delivery. She had zinc 30 mg per day.
normal developmental milestones. She denied any history She was admitted for closed-circuit TV–EEG monitor-
of febrile seizures, central nervous system infections, head ing. VPA was discontinued at the time of admission. The
injury, status epilepticus, or skin lesions and reported no interictal EEG was abnormal because of the presence of
family history of seizures. 4.5-Hz polyspike-and-wave formations in a generalized
Her seizures were described as generalized tonic-clonic. distribution. Three myoclonic seizures and two atypical
She had been seizure free for 2 years. Originally, she re- absence seizures were recorded. She was given the di-
ceived phenobarbital. The tonic-clonic seizures were con- agnosis of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Before discharge,
trolled, but she began to have episodes of nonresponsive she was given intravenous VPA, oral VPA, and lamotrigine
staring. Her medication was changed to phenytoin (PHT). (LTG). She was eventually converted to LTG monother-
PHT controlled both the staring episodes and the tonic- apy in the outpatient setting. She remained seizure free
clonic seizures, but severe gum hypertrophy occurred. She without side effects while taking LTG 250 mg per day.
was changed to carbamazepine, but the episodes of star- The LTG trough level was 6 mg/dl.
ing became more frequent and she developed involuntary After 6 months of LTG monotherapy, the patient be-
jerking of her upper extremities. For the past 2 years, she came pregnant. At 9 weeks of gestation, she began to
had received 500 mg of valproate (VPA) three times per have myoclonic jerks, and her trough LTG level was 3.5
µg/dl. LTG was increased to 300 mg per day with trough
levels of 5.8 µg/dl, and she remained seizure free. The
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. D. T. Combs- alpha-fetoprotein level and findings of level II ultrasonog-
Cantrell at Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, North Texas Neuroscience Center,
440 West Interstate 635, Plaza Two, Suite 225, Irving, TX 75063, U.S.A.
raphy were normal. At 39 weeks of gestation, a healthy
E-mail: debbiec@ntnc.net male infant was born by spontaneous vaginal delivery. The

15281167, 2003, s3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1528-1157.44.s3.1.x, Wiley Online Library on [06/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

infant was breastfed without complications. Three weeks successful pregnancies and healthy children. AED selec-
postpartum, the patient complained of frequent “dizzi- tion in women with epilepsy of reproductive age should
ness” after the administration of LTG, and her trough LTG be based on efficacy, tolerability, drug interactions, and
levels were 8.8 µg/dl. The dose of LTG was decreased to teratogenicity. Available data should be used to formulate
250 mg/day. She has remained seizure free and without clinical care plans for women with epilepsy that are unique
side effects since that time. and specific to each individual.

A 37-year-old right-handed woman presented with a
These cases have important lessons for us. Fundamen-
history of seizures that began at age 14. She was the prod-
tal understanding of the pathophysiology, epidemiology,
uct of a normal pregnancy, birth, and delivery. She had
and genetics of NTDs, as well as comorbid conditions,
normal developmental milestones. She denied any history
allows for the planning of specific interventions and risk
of febrile seizures, central nervous system infections, head
reduction. However, patients should be treated individ-
injury, skin lesions, or status epilepticus. Her maternal
ually, considering that the number of variables (such as
grandmother and brother had seizure disorders. The de-
race, age, gender, weight, and body mass index) is large.
scription of her seizures was consistent with myoclonic,
In these two cases, both patients are women with juve-
generalized tonic-clonic, and absence seizures. Findings
nile myoclonic epilepsy. However, they are quite different
of general physical and neurological examinations and an
MRI scan of the brain were normal. Routine EEG was
The first woman had myoclonic, generalized tonic-
abnormal because of 4-Hz polyspike-and-wave forma-
clonic, and absence seizures. Her diagnosis was con-
tions. The patient was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic
firmed by EEG, which demonstrated generalized 4.5-Hz
polyspike-and-wave discharges. All of these seizure types
Originally, when her seizures began at age 14, she was
responded well to LTG. This permitted her physician to
given VPA sprinkles 250 mg three times per day, folic
reduce the potential risk for NTDs by using LTG as an
acid 1 mg per day, zinc 30 mg per day, selenium 30 µg
alternative to VPA. The other patient was historically
per day, and calcium 400 mg twice per day. VPA peak
and clinically similar in terms of seizure types. She also
levels were 80 µg/dl and a trough level was 68 µg/dl.
had “classic” generalized 4.0-Hz polyspike-and-wave dis-
She remained seizure free and without side effects for
charges. Unlike the first woman, she did not respond to
>12 years. Menstrual cycles were normal. She was tak-
LTG and in fact had a significant worsening of her my-
ing an oral contraceptive and had no other medical con-
oclonus. Exacerbations of myoclonic seizures have been
ditions. She had suffered two spontaneous miscarriages
described with LTG (1,2). It was therefore appropriate for
within the first 8 weeks of gestation. There was no ma-
her to be returned to her original VPA regimen to have her
ternal history of defects, but her husband had spina bifida
seizures controlled.
occulta. She wished to change her AED regimen before
Congenital malformations are unfortunate pregnancy
outcomes. Modern technology permits us to diagnose
She made the informed decision to change to LTG
the vast majority relatively early in gestation. It is esti-
monotherapy. Crossover to LTG monotherapy was suc-
mated that anatomic ultrasonography is >95% accurate at
cessful. However, despite increasing dosages of LTG,
16 weeks of gestational age. This may still leave parents
she had frequent myoclonic seizures. Alternative AEDs
with the uncomfortable decision of whether to terminate
were discussed, but she asked to return to her previ-
a pregnancy. This is always a difficult choice, one that
ous regimen of VPA. She was converted to her origi-
we would like our patients to be able to avoid. Although
nal VPA regimen and, in addition, was given folic acid
the risk for NTDs is only 1–2% with VPA exposure, it
4 mg per day, zinc 30 mg per day, selenium 80 µg
is clear that alternative AEDs with the broad spectrum
per day, and calcium 400 mg three times per day. She
and clinical efficacy of VPA but without this risk are
had three pregnancies with normal-term infants born by
spontaneous vaginal delivery. Each child was breastfed
Several newer AEDs, including LTG, levetiracetam,
successfully. She has remained seizure free without side
topiramate, and zonisamide, appear to be effective in a
variety of epilepsy types, although their impact on my-
oclonus and absence has yet to be clearly established.
Our experience with their safety in pregnancy is unfortu-
These cases highlight that, despite the increased risks of nately limited; however, the data are greatest for LTG. The
pregnancy in women with epilepsy, with appropriate clin- International Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry has iden-
ical management >90% of women with epilepsy can have tified 334 first-trimester pregnancy outcomes in women

Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 3, 2003

15281167, 2003, s3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1528-1157.44.s3.1.x, Wiley Online Library on [06/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

exposed to LTG monotherapy or polytherapy. The malfor- 3. Preconceptional supplementation has been recom-
mation rates when LTG is used as monotherapy, as poly- mended by the Centers for Disease Control for
therapy without VPA, and as polytherapy with VPA are all women of childbearing age. The recommended
1.8, 4.3, and 10.0%, respectively (3). These results suggest dosage is 0.4 mg/day. This should be encouraged
that LTG is relatively safe, but with low-frequency out- for women with epilepsy.
comes such as NTDs, even these sample sizes have modest
power. In general, there is an inherent potential for sample Postconception guidelines
bias in registries, and this registry cannot be considered 1. The patient, her family, and the obstetrician should
a random sample of women taking LTG. Nevertheless, it be educated about the risks of AED use during
is a very positive thing that we have this information for pregnancy.
LTG: data for the other medications are extremely limited, 2. The patient should ideally have AED concentra-
so much so that no estimate of the risk of those agents in tions monitored monthly. The measurement of un-
pregnancy can be made. bound levels may be necessary to adequately mon-
Another useful observation from these case reports is itor the patient.
the demonstration of the sharp decline in plasma concen- 3. The patient should continue folate supplementa-
tration that occurs in pregnancy. While this phenomenon tion during pregnancy. Supplemental vitamin K
has been well documented for most “older” AEDs, it is (10 mg/day) should be given during the last 2 weeks
useful to remember that newer agents are not immune to of pregnancy. The patient and fetus should be mon-
increased clearance and decreased plasma levels. Careful itored for evidence of malformations and growth
monitoring is required to ensure that the drug levels re- retardation, ideally with ultrasound.
main in the therapeutic range and that the patient is thus 4. AEDs should be changed only if it is necessary to
protected from seizures. do so to improve seizure control.
Folic acid supplementation is clearly appropriate for all
Postdelivery guidelines
women. However, its protective effect is not absolute, and
1. AED concentrations should be monitored through
thus careful planning and pregnancy management are still
the eighth postpartum week.
critical if outcomes are to be optimized.
2. The patient should be counseled on how to deal
The American Academy of Neurology has developed
with seizures while managing child care. Breast-
guidelines (4) to assist clinicians in treating patients: these
feeding can generally be performed safely in term
guidelines have great utility but require flexibility. The
American Academy of Neurology’s Guidelines for preg-
nant women with epilepsy are summarized below. These cases illustrate the importance of precise diag-
nosis, without which one has no foundation on which to
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR MANAGEMENT develop a treatment plan. Second, they illustrate that even
OF PREGNANT WOMEN WITH EPILEPSY when patients appear similar clinically (both had juvenile
myoclonic epilepsy), they may still be divergent in their
In view of the risks of epilepsy and pregnancy for response to AEDs. We report outcomes in terms of relative
mother and fetus, the fact that no single AED is safer risk. Relative risk is just that, relative. There is no study to
than any other for use in pregnancy (with the exception of date with enough statistical power to give clear and accu-
trimethadione), and the fact that both seizures and AEDs rate rates for individual AED exposure. This, coupled with
have the potential for harm, the following guidelines are the variables of race, occupation, geography, and pharma-
recommended: cogenetics, makes individual case prediction extremely
Preconception guidelines We can lower but not eliminate risks. One must be will-
1. Women of childbearing age should be counseled ing to modify one’s approach to meet the needs of in-
early and educated about the risks of pregnancy dividual patients. The large body of collective medical
and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Included in the information allows us to generalize about patients and
educational counseling of the patient should be in- their conditions, but we care for them as individuals, one
formation regarding the increased risk of seizures at a time.
during pregnancy, as well as the increased risk of
adverse pregnancy outcomes.
2. The importance of monotherapy should be empha- REFERENCES
sized with the patient and attempts to switch to
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Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 3, 2003

15281167, 2003, s3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1528-1157.44.s3.1.x, Wiley Online Library on [06/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

2. Carrazana EJ, Wheeler SD. Exacerbation of juvenile myoclonic outcomes in women using lamotrigine. Epilepsia 2002;43:1161–7.
epilepsy with lamotrigine. Neurology 2001;56:1424–5. 4. The Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of
3. Tennis P, Eldridge RR, International Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry Neurology. Practice parameter: management issues for women with
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Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 3, 2003

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