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Total Covered Area : 402.39 Sq. Feet Approx.

Value assessed for the purpose of Stamp
Duty for 100% share as per Collectors rate

(Rs.4500/- x 402.39 Sq. Feet) : Rs.18,10,755-00

Consideration : Rs.40,00,000-00
The Stamp duty payable on consideration : Rs.2,00,000-00
amount being higher.
Stamp duty paid : Rs.2,00,000-00

The amount of Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only ) as stamp duty has been paid
Central Bank of India & E-Stamp paper bearing certificate to this effect has been issued No.IN-
CH 42129956664253 V dated 02.05.2023.

This Sale Deed is made at Chandigarh, this _______ day of

__________, 2023, between:-

1. Smt. Kamlesh Sharma W/o Sh. S.P.Sharma (Aadhar No.899880701277/PAN

No.AMQPS3256E) resident of House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh ( hereinafter
referred to as the Vendor, which term shall where the context so admits include her heirs,
assignees, executors, successors, legal representatives & administrators) of this one part;



2. Sh. Khima Nand S/o Sh. Sada Nand (Aadhar No.480671738015/PAN No.BNAPK0869F)
resident of House No.2039, Sector 27-C, Chandigarh (hereinafter referred to as the
Vendee, which term shall where the context so admits include his heirs, assignees,
executors, successors, legal representatives and administrators) of the other part of this

Whereas the said Vendor is the sole, absolute & undisputed

owner of 100% share of free hold, built up Industrial House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B,
Chandigarh, having covered area of 402.39 SQ. feet AH which was Transferred in her
name vide Transfer letter No.710582 dated 22.5.2007 by the Estate Officer, UT,
Chandigarh on free hold basis.

AND WHEREAS the site underneath is fully paid-up, and

its Deed of Conveyance has already been executed with the Government through
the Estate Officer, U.T., Chandigarh on the requisite stamp papers on 22.02.2007
and the same was registered with the Sub Registrar, UT, Chandigarh at Sr.No.102
Book No.1, Vol. No.160 dated 05.04.2007.

And whereas the above said industrial house was allotted

built up which was allotted by the Chandigarh Administration through Estate
Officer, U.T., Chandigarh.

And whereas the said Vendor has agreed with the said
Vendee for the absolute sale of her 100% share of free hold, built up Industrial
House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh, having covered area of 402.39 SQ.
feet AH for total consideration of Rs.40,00,000/- (Rupees Forty lakhs only) out
of which Rs.7,00,000/- (Rupees Seven lakhs only) through Cheque No.940689
dated 26.02.2023 earnest money/Biana have already been paid by the Vendee to
the Vendor and the balance has been paid by the Vendee to the Vendor as per
detailed given below:-

1.Rs.33,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty three lakhs only) through Bank Transfer/ RTGS
bearing UTR ________________________________ dated _______ from SBI,
Sector 17, Chandigarh


as full and final consideration money on account of sale of property under sale
before the Sub Registrar, UT, Chandigarh at time of registration of Sale Deed.

AND whereas the said built up Industrial house/property under sale

is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. sale, gift, will, mortgage, claims,
demands, charges, lien, attachments, agreements & litigation etc. till to-date.

And whereas the Vendee shall abide by the conditions of Allotment

letter/Lease Deed/ Deed of Conveyance.

And whereas the said Vendor has agreed with the said Vendee for
the absolute sale of her 100% share of free hold, built up Industrial House
No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh, having covered area of 402.39 SQ. feet
AH, fully described above, by her own independent decision and free Will
conscious and desire, without any influenced & any force pressure and coercion
from any one TO THE PRESENT VENDEE has also agreed to purchase 100%
share of the above property from the said Vendor for consideration of Rs.


(Rupees Forty lakhs only) as full and final payment which has already been paid
by the Vendee to the Vendor as per detail given above.
The said Vendor hereby acknowledge the receipt of above detailed
full and final payment of consideration from the Vendee.

Now, therefore, this deed of sale, witnessneth that in pursuance of

the above said agreement & in consideration of Rs.40,00,000/- (Rupees Forty
lakhs only) which has already been paid by the Vendee to the Vendor as per detail
give above. The said Vendor do hereby sell, transfer, convey, assign, her 100%
share of free hold, built up Industrial House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh,
having covered area of 402.39 SQ. feet AH, with all rights, titles, interest,
easements, appurtenances, UNTO THE SAID VENDEE, FOR ALL TIMES TO


1. That the said Vendor has already given the actual, physical and vacant possession
of 100% share of the built up house to the Vendee.

2. That the said Vendor has delivered to the said Vendee the documents in original
pertaining to the said property under sale, including documents of title.

3. That the Industrial house was allotted built up as such there is no Sewerage
Connection /OC stands issued.

4. That the property under sale is free from all sorts of encumbrances that is sale,
gift, Will, mortgage, exchange, claims, demand of Estate Office, Chandigarh or
any other institution, decrees, charges, & litigation etc. till to-date and in case of
anything is found as such, then the said Vendor shall be liable to clear the same or
shall compensate the said Vendee for such loss & damages suffered in this behalf.


5. That the said Vendee shall hereinafter peacefully hold, use & enjoy the said
property as his own property, without any hindrance, claims, demands,
whatsoever by or from the said Vendor or any other person/ institution whosoever
through him.

6. That all expenses on this Sale Deed i.e. cost of the stamp duty & registration
charges etc. have been borne by the said Vendee.
7. That the said Vendor has assured the said Vendee that there is no defect in the
title of the said Vendor to the said property & in case the said Vendee is deprived
of the possession of the said property or any share thereof on account of any
defect in the title of the said Vendor to the said property, then the said Vendor and
her estates shall be liable to compensate the said Vendee for such loss or damages
arising there from.

8. That the said Vendor have completed all formalities as essential under the
Transfer of Property Act and the rules framed there under from time to time.

9. That the said property i.e.100% share of the said built up Industrial house is not
subject to any kinds of previous agreement/stipulation/conditions/contract of
sale/transfer with anybody else till to-date & if any such things shall be found
later, then that shall be exclusively the liability of the said Vendor & that shall
have no effect, in any manner on the transfer of rights/ ownership, in the name of
the present Vendee, in respect of the said property i.e.100% share.
10. That the said Vendor hereby agree & undertake to execute & sign all kinds of
papers & documents regarding the transfer of ownership of the said property only,
in favour of the said Vendee (if such necessity arises at any later stage), on the
request & cost of the said Vendor, without any hesitation, demand and delay.

11. That the said Vendor shall pay if anything is found due against the said 100%
share of Industrial house till to-date.

12. That the said Vendee have now become the absolute owner of the said 100%
share of free hold, built up Industrial House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh,
having covered area of 402.39 SQ. feet AH under sale, in full proprietary rights
& the said Vendee is now entitled to apply to the Estate Officer, Chandigarh
Administration, U.T., Chandigarh & get the ownership of the said 100% share of
house under transferred in his (Vendee’s) name in the records of the Estate
Officer, U.T., Chandigarh.

13. That the Vendor do hereby, agree & undertake to save harmless & keep
indemnified the said Vendee against all costs of claims, demands, charges that
may arise due to any defect in the title of the deed or otherwise.

14. That the said 100% share of the said built up Industrial house has been sold in
accordance with the provisions of the Capital of Punjab (Development &
Regulation) Act, 1952 & the rules framed thereunder.

In witness whereof both the parties have set their hands on this Deed at
Chandigarh on the day, month & year mentioned above in the presence of witnesses,
Witness No.1. Vendor: _____________________
Mrs. Kamlesh Sharma

Witness No.2. Vendee: _____________________

Sh. Khima Nand

I, Kamlesh Sharma W/o Sh. S.P.Sharma resident of House No.1244/1, Sector 30-
B, Chandigarh, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1. That I am the sole, genuine and absolute owner of the property i.e. 100% share of free
hold, built up Industrial House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh, having covered
area of 402.39 SQ. feet AH No proceeding/litigation with regard to my title
/ownership qua the above site/building/property or otherwise is pending before any
revenue authority or the Court of Law.
2. That the allotment of above mentioned site/building neither stands cancelled/resumed
nor are any such proceedings pending before any revenue authority or the Court of
3. That there are neither any building violations at the above mentioned site/building nor
the site is under any misuse. There is no notice/proceedings pending on account of
misuse/building violations of the above site/building.
4. That there are no dues/amount of any kind payable by me to the any of the
authorities/Chandigarh Administration. I undertake to pay, if any dues, pertaining to
the period of my ownership, are found payable at any point of time.
5. That the Industrial house was allotted built up as there is no Sewerage Connection
/OC stands issued.
6. That I undertake to indemnify the Estate Office, Chandigarh against any claim, suit,
legal proceedings, damages, initiated against the Estate Officer or any other authority
of the Chandigarh Administration and also to make good the loss/damages caused to
them, by any person(s), for taking action/passing orders based on my this affidavit.

Place:- Chandigarh Deponent.

Verified that the contents mentioned above are correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed by me. In case of any concealment or
misrepresentation legal action may be taken against me under Section 182 IPC, Section 415 read
with Section 417 and 420 as the case may be.
Place: Chandigarh Deponent


I, Khima Nand S/o Sh. Sada Nand resident of House No.2039, Sector 27-C,
Chandigarh, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1. That by all possible means, I have made myself satisfied and aware that Smt. Kamlesh
Sharma W/o Sh. S.P.Sharma resident of House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh is the
sole, genuine and absolute owner of the property i.e. 100% share of free hold, built up
Industrial House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh, having covered area of 402.39 SQ.
feet AH of above said free hold and that no proceeding/litigation with regard to his
title/ownership qua the above site/building /property or otherwise is pending before any
revenue authority or the Court of Law.
2. That I also made myself satisfied that, the allotment of above mentioned site/building
neither stands cancelled/resumed nor are any such proceedings pending before any revenue
authority or the Court of Law.
3. That there are neither any building violations at the above mentioned site/building nor the
site is under any misuse. There is no notice/proceedings pending on account of
misuse/building violations of the above site/building. Even if, any such misuse/building
violation is detected at any subsequent stage, I undertake to remove such misuse/building
violation at my cost and also to face the consequential proceedings.
4. That there are no dues/amount of any kind payable by Smt. Kamlesh Sharma W/o Sh.
S.P.Sharma to any of the authorities /Chandigarh Administration. I undertake to pay, if any
dues, pertaining to the period of ownership of Smt. Kamlesh Sharma W/o Sh. S.P.Sharma
or my ownership, are found payable at any point of time, irrespective of the fact as to
whether Smt. Kamlesh Sharma W/o Sh. S.P.Sharma, pays them or not. I further undertake
that in such circumstances I shall settle my claim with the previous owners at my own cost
and shall not involve the Estate Office/ Chandigarh Administration in such settlement.
5. That the Industrial house was allotted built up as such there is no Sewerage Connection
/OC stands issued.
6. That I will get the mutation of the above said property carried out immediately with the
Estate Office.
7. That I undertake to indemnify the Estate Office, Chandigarh against any claim, suit, legal
proceedings, damages, initiated against the Estate Officer or any other authority of the
Chandigarh Administration and also to make good the loss/damages caused to them, by any
person(s), for taking action/passing orders based on my this affidavit.
8. That I shall be personally liable for settling all the court cases and dues so levied by the
Administration of settling in past liabilities.
9. That I shall obtain the statutory completion/occupation certificate, if not obtained earlier by
the previous owner and remove the building violations/misuse, if any.
10. That I will execute the redemption deed if not executed earlier, wherever applicable.
11. That I /we will not make the fragmentation in the site/property as the same is prohibited
under the Chandigarh Building Rules, 2017.
12. That I/we will not make any ownership rights over any floor/part of any site /building by
virtue of purchase of a share thereof or on account of a memorandum of understanding into
between me and co sharer. That I/we only become a co owner /co sharer in the entire
site/building, which remain in joint ownership.

13. That I/we do understand that in case a dispute arises between me/us and the other co-
owner/co-sharer, the only remedy available would be to put the property to auction and the
sale proceeds thereafter will be distributed as the fragmentation /division of building/site by
metes and bound specifically prohibited.

Place: Chandigarh Deponent.

Verified that the contents mentioned above are correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed by me/us. In case of any concealment
or misrepresentation legal action may be taken against me/us under Section 182 IPC, Section 415
read with Section 417 and 420 as the case may be.

Place: Chandigarh Deponent


I, Khima Nand S/o Sh. Sada Nand resident of House No.2039, Sector 27-C,
Chandigarh, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
1. That I have purchased H.No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh from its owner Smt.
Kamlesh Sharma W/o Sh.S.P.Sharma R/o House No.1244/1, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh
and the said Govt. built up house is situated at Ground Floor.

Place: Deponent
Verified that the above statement of mine is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief & nothing has been concealed therein.

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