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Annoted bibiliography Stage 4

Lightbown, P. (2006) Explaining language acquisition. In P. Lightbown & N. Spada (Eds.)

How Languages are Learned (pp.10-19). Oxford.

• Summary: This chapter of the book that is being used discuss the three main

theoretical approaches of first language acquisition the Behaviorism by Skinner,

Innatism perspective by Chomsky and Interactional/developmental perspective by

different authors.

• Justification: From the information presented in the chapter, I am going to use

the information about Behaviorism since that is the approach that is going to be

used in this project.

• Commentary: This information is useful, but I will need to search for more sources

about this topic since the information given in this book is short and not enough.

Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2007). An introduction to language. (8 th ed.)

Thomson Wadsworth.

• Summary: As its name refers, this book contains many topics related to the most

basic and important concepts of linguistics such as the language brain,

morphology, syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, language acquisition,

second language acquisition, social and history linguistics.

• Justification: I will be using specifically some chapter that focus in phonetics and

phonology in order to study the anomalies on the phonemes used by the child that

I am studying. I am going to also use the chapter about language acquisition where

explain more about the Behaviorism.

• Commentary: The book contains the topics that I need and have a good

extension so I can get a lot of information however the child that I am studying

speaks Spanish and this book is in English so some thigs related to the

morphemes may change in contrast with what the book explains.

Uzco L. (2018) Estrategias didácticas para la intervención educativa en casos de dislalia

funcional en niños menores de 6 años [Didactic strategies for the educational intervation

in functional dyslalia cases in children under 6 years-old] Pontificia Universidad Católica

del Perú. PDF.

• Summary: This investigation talks about the dyslalia in children under 6 years-old

and includes didactics interventions in each of these alterations of language. Also

explaining each of the alteration that are common in children.

• Justification: This investigation helps me to understand more the alteration on

language that I am studying in Ainara, the alteration in the phoneme /k/. Is also a

big help that is in Spanish.

• Commentary: Even though the main topic of this investigation, that is to give

interactive strategies, is what I need, this source still is functional thanks to the

explanations about the alteration of phonemes that it gives.

McAllister T., Bushwald A., & Mizoguchi A. (2015) Covert contrast in velar fronting: An

acoustic ultrasound study. Clinical linguistics and phonetics 30(3-5): 249–276.


• Summary: This article explores the phenomenon of covert contrast in velar

fronting -that is the difference in pronunciation between two different sounds that-

through a study of 11 people producing the sounds /k/ and /t/ in different contexts.

• Justification: This article can help me with new terminology and concepts for my

project such as “velar fronting” that help me to give a name to the anomaly that

Ainara produces with the change of /k/ for /t/.

• Commentary: This is so far the most helpful source that I found since it talks

about specifically the topic of this investigation.

Castro C., Taboada M., & Vaca C. (2013) Representaciones sobre la adquisición del

lenguaje: vigencia y proyecciones del conductismo [Representation about language

acquisition: validity and projections of behaviorism]. Terceras Jornadas Internacionales,


• Summary: Here we can find a analysis of the behaviorism in language acquisition

with a series of arguments the author stablish that this theory has been the base

for other approaches and also that there are still some aspects of language

acquisition that have not been comprehended completely. The author still is open

to consider other approaches considering emotional and cognitive aspects.

• Justification: This text allows me to get more in the bases of behaviorism and

how can be applied in language acquisition, this way I can understand better how

I can work with this approach correctly.

• Commentary: I think this text is very helpful since gives definitions and explains

behaviorism in an easy way to comprehend.

Rowland C. (2014) The sound of languages. In Rowland C. (Eds.) Understanding child

language acquisition (pp.20-47). Routledge.

• Summary: The chapter of this book talks about how child acquire the ability to

produce and recognize speech sounds, and how this ability is shaped by their

exposure to their native language.

• Justification: This author agrees that gives feedback to children is key for them

to acquire language so is helpful to have a resource that gives reason to support

my idea.

• Commentary: This book is a good source since not only speaks about the

development of language in children but also their understanding of it.

Lyons J. (1969). Introduction to theoretical linguistics. Cambridge University Press.

• Summary: This book provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the

major concepts and theories in linguistics. It has a chapter where specifically talks

about phonetics and phonology.

• Justification: I can use the information that this book provides to determine more

about the semantic anomality that Ainara presents.

• Commentary: It is a valuable resource for who are interests in understanding the

nature of language and how it functions.

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