National - Natural Parks Task

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Scientific and Finanial literacy

TASK: In groups of 2 or individually, students will analyze the measurements that one
natural or national parks in our country have developed to protect and maintain
In a Power-Point/Prezi presentation students must summarize the following aspects:
1. Location, type of park, extension, climate.
2. Description of the flora, fauna and geological characteristics.
Nuestros Parques Nacionales (
Anexo:Espacios naturales protegidos de España - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

3. Travel agencies dedicated to offer ecotourism in every park.

Travel agencies dedicated to ecotourism:
Asociación de Ecoturismo en España | Soy Ecoturista

Ecoturismo en España: turismo comprometido con la naturaleza | en español

Primer canal especializado en Ecoturismo de España, noticias sobre Ecoturismo y las mejores
ofertas de Alojamientos, Ecotours y Turismo Sostenible de España, Europa y América

4. The measures taken for this type of tourism to promote the protection of
natural areas and reduce the ecological footprint (waste reduction, use of energy and
water management, campsites management, influx visitor flow control, road traffic
control, etc)
Article: Best Environmental Management Practice in the Tourism Sector .

5. Activities developed by the travel agencies or in the park that are related to
ecotourism: trekking, boat routes, mountaineering, horse trips, bivouac, etc
1. Teide National Park
2. Picos de Europa National Park
3. Doñana National Park
4. Monfragüe National Park
5. Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park
6. Sierra de Guadarrama National Park
7. Tablas de Daimiel National Park
8. Teide National Park
9. Timanfaya National Park
10. Sierra de las Nieves National Park
11. Natural Park: Las Ubiñas – La Mesa – Asturias
12. Natural Park: Somiedo - Asturias
13. Natural Park: Moncayo - Zaragoza
14. Natural Park: l’Alt Pirineu - Lérida
15. Natural Park: Sierra Nevada - Almería
16. Natural Park: Sierra Nevada - Las Alpujarras - Granada
17. Natural Park: Lagunas de Ruidera - Ciudad Real y Albacete
18. Natural Park: Arribes del Duero - Salamanca
19. Natural Park: Redes - Asturias
20. Natural Park: Bardenas Reales - Navarra
21. Natural Park: La Breña y Marismas de Barbate - Cádiz

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