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Let off steam

Put your feet up

Take five

Surf the internet

Be on the ball – be on fire

Jump the gun – jump ahead

Be down to earth – humble/realistic

Go with the flow – go along with anything

Have itchy feet –want to move

Be a globetrotter – be a traveller, enjoy travelling

Be in the same boat – be in the same situation

Dive (SB) up the wall – annoy someone

Take sth in one´s stride – accept sth for what sth is

Hit the books – study a lot

Pull an all nighter

Be on the mark – be correct

Cover all the bases – be detailed

Be ahead of the pack – ahead of or better than the rest of the people

With flying colours – do something well

Work like a dog

Work 9-5 - Work 24/7

Work around the clock

Be a people person – sociable

Be a big fish – important

Be a go-getter – ambitious

Be a cheapskate – tight/stingy

Foot the bill – pay for

Have an eye for – the ability to do sth well

Be pinching pennies – not have money

Be on the dole – unemployed

Be skint – not have money

Be in a pickle – be confused or in trouble

Around the corner – soon

In a flash – fast

In the nick of time – just in time

Lose track of time – not know the time

When pigs fly – never

Once in a blue moon – rarely

In hindsight – looking back in time/thinking about what could have been

Take the easy way out – look for the easiest option

Take with a pinch of salt – not take seriously

Be a piece of cake - easy

Be tough to swallow – a difficult situation

Take the biscuit – be out of order

Be as easy as pie – very easy

Spill the beans – tell a secret

Pig out – eat a lot

Get your heart pumping – get active/excited

Push yourself – make an effort

Risk life and limb – do something very dangerous

Feel like sb is made of glass – be prone to injury

Follow suit – do the same as sb

Give a hand with sth

Keep an eye on sb

Have a cat nap – sleep for a short time

Give the green light – give permission

Be a busy body – nosy/gossip

Be a know it all

Surf the net

Blow a fuse – get angry

Pull the plug – give up/stop doing something

To make sth tick – to make something work

Rain cats and dogs – rain a lot

Be bucketing it down – rain a lot

Face the facts – accept reality

Turn a blind eye – not take notice of something

Let the cat out of the bag – reveal a secret

Smell a rat – feel that something is wrong

Curiosity killed the cat – being curious can get into trouble

Copy cat – do the same as someone else

Smell something fishy – suspicious

Look dodgy/shifty – seem suspicious

In retrospect/hindsight – looking back in time

Be dressed to kill – wear good clothes

Dress like a tramp – wear bad clothes

See through rose-tinted glasses – see in a

positive way

Cost an arm and a leg – be very expensive

Spend an arm and a leg – spend lots of money

Have good fashion-sense – know how to dress

Be over the moon - happy

Be on cloud noun - happy

Be in the clouds - distracted

Jump for joy – excited

Be an item – be couple

Tie the knot – get married

Have butterflies in your stomach – nervous

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