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Economic Indicators of Pakistan

Submitted To: Mam Umera

Submitted By: M Usama Umar
Roll No: BUSB51F20R009
Session: 2020-2024
Semester: B.B.A 3rd Regular
Noon Business School, University of Sargodha

1- Unemployment:
According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics the unemployment rates are as
Total: 5.79%
Male: 5.07%
Female: 8.27%

2- Inflation:
According to Economic Survey of Pakistan the inflation rate for year 2020-2021 is

3- Sensitive Price Index:

The SPI was recorded as 12.9% against 14.3%. It included 29 major food
items such as wheat, flour, rice, tomatoes, onions, masoor pulse, moong pulse, mash pulse,
chicken, sugar, red chilies etc. Having a weight of 59%.

4- Consumer Price Index:

According to Economic Survey of Pakistan, the consumer price index
(CPI) was recorded at 8.6% against 11.2%during last year.
Urban CPI: 11.0% against 7.7% last year.
Rural CPI: 11.3% against 9.8% last year

5- Minimum Wage of Pakistan:

According to the Federal Budget of Pakistan, the minimum wage in
Pakistan is PKR-20,000 which increased from last year of PKR 17,000. While the minimum
wage in different provinces is as following.
Punjab: PKR 20,000
Sindh: PKR 25,000
K.P.K: PKR 21,000
Baluchistan: PKR 20,000
Gilgit Baltistan: PKR 20,000
Azad Jammu and Kashmir: PKR 20,000

6- Gross Domestic Product:

According to Economic Survey of Pakistan, the GDP is 3.94% against
last year of 2,08% and was expected to be 2.1%. It consisted of 2.77%, 3.57%, 4.43% of
agriculture, industrial and service sector respectively. The growth was at 299 billion $ this year
than the last year of 263 billion $, an increase of 14.8%.
The growth in private sector remained 17% while the growth in public sector
remained11.4%. Net exports growth of 13.6% while net imports posted a growth of 20.1%.
The nominal GDP growth in 2021 was 14.806% and real GDP growth was 0.5% in

7- GDP Deflator (%):

According to Pakistan Ministry of finance the GDP deflator (growth %) for
the year 2020-21 is 9.8% than the last year of 2019-20 10.1%.

8- Gross National Product (GNP):

According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the GNP of Pakistan was
reported at 326.347 USD bn in December 2021. This records an increase from previous 283.493
USD bn for December 2020.

9- Net National Product (NNP):

According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the NNP of Pakistan
is as following
2011-12: 19361055 PKR (million)
2010-11: 16955961 PKR (million)

10- National Income (NI):

According to State Bank of Pakistan, the Gross National Income was
reported at 15,262,040 PKR Mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of
14,249,010 PKR Mn for 2020. This included subsidies on products of 71,924 PKR MN in 2020-
21 and taxes of 812,900 PKR Mn in 2020-21.
11- Disposable Personal Income:
According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Urban Disposable
Income per Household was reported at 45,200.730 PKR in 2016 an increase from previous
number of 38,817.640 PKR for 2014.

12- Per Capita Income:

GDP per capita is expected to reach 1,190 USD by the end of 2021. It
was recorded at 1,194 USD in 2020, 1,285 in 2019, 1,482 USD in 2018.

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