Levels of Stress Common To Grade 12 Students of San Francisco High School

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Chapter I


Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment

or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and

emotional responses. You can experience stress from your environment, your

body, and your thoughts (https:my.clevelandclinic.org). Stress is a widespread

phenomenon all over the globe. All people have experienced stress throughout

their life history. Stress is something that causes anxiety or depression, it

comes from schooling, church, or even at home.

Porwal and Kumar (2014), stated that there are lot of stress related to

studies, home works, test and other academic competition. The student also

faces a lot of stress due to imbalance of academic, social performance and time

management for extra-curricular activities from education academic stress in

the student who are unable to maintain balance between their academic

activities, social, emotion and family.

Flora Richards-Gustafson (2018), stated that stress is the body’s natural

response to challenges. When a student experiences high level of stress,

regardless of her age or grade, it can interfere with the ability to learn,

memorize, and earn grades as well as lead to poor physical, emotional and

mental health.

The term stress was borrowed from the field of physics by one of the

fathers of stress research Hans Selye. In physics, stress describes the force

that produces strain on a physical body (i.e.: bending a piece of metal until it

snaps occurs because of the force, or stress, exerted on it). Hans Selye began

using the term stress after completing his medical training at the University of

Montreal in the 1990’s. He noticed that no matter his what his hospitalized

patients suffered from, they all had one thing in common. They all looked sick.

In his view, they were under physical stress. He proposed that stress was a

non-specific strain on the body functions. This stress resulted in the release of

stress hormones. He called this the ‘‘General Adaptation Syndrome’’ (a closer

look at general adaptation syndrome, our body’s short-term and long-term

reactions to stress).

EDC’s Shari Kessel Schneider noted that stress among the region’s youth

has been a consistent concern since the first survey was conducted 11 years

ago. Among the high school student, reports of feeling ‘‘very stressed’’ in the

past 30 days rose from 29 percent in 2012 to 36 percent in 2016. Stress levels

among girls were nearly double the levels of stress among boys. Stress was also

found to have increased slightly among middle school students.

According to the American Psychological Association (2018) there are

three types of stress: Acute, Episodic acute, and Chronic. Acute stress is the

most common form and is the result of recent or anticipated stressors. Acute

stress can be both positive and negative. For example, the excitement before an

event is a type of positive acute stress. Getting into a car accident is negative

acute stress. As long as the acute stress doesn’t last for extended periods or

occur too frequently, there is nothing wrong with suffering from acute stress. It

happens to all of us, and it passes with time. Episodic acute stress is acute

stress that occurs frequently. This is the kind of stress that continuously pops

up, sometimes in a pattern. It is accomplished by worry and angst about things

that are happening to you or around you. Episodic acute stress is a recurring

type of stress, happening over and over. Chronic acute stress can be thought of

as never-ending stress that relentlessly wears away at you. This type of stress

eventually begins to affect your health and can lead to heart problems, strokes,

or even cancer, among other issues. (Learn Psychology, 2018)

We all live with stress; the tension we feel when confronted with a new or

threatening situation. Students are no different than anyone else, as they too,

experience the stresses and strains of living in today’s world. They are

constantly facing new situations where the outcome is often uncertain. They

may be living on their own for the first time and/or supporting themselves.

Their sense of self-esteem and well-being is challenged by problems and

managing time. Without really understanding why, people who are in stress

may become angry or anxious, sad or frustrated. When young adults become

overwhelmed by stress, they sometimes withdraw or strike out at others.

Parents often feel inadequate in responding to the stress experienced by their

children. Stress is not always bad. An appropriate level of stress can effectively

motivate students toward growth, achievement, and self-satisfaction. Stress is

often the result of feeling trapped and overwhelmed by the problems in their

lives. Students are sometimes immobilized by their inability to see a positive

outcome for a difficult situation and often become obsessed with the present

moment. They may feel overwhelmed because they cannot see beyond

immediate problem. They have difficulty in identifying options and alternatives.

Stress can be often being reduced by reminding them that life goes on and

tomorrow can be better than today. Seek out professional help. Sometimes the

stress experienced by student is traumatizing and can be disruptive or

dangerous. Parent do not always have the resources within the family to deal

with stress, at a time when you should be letting go and allowing the young

adult an opportunity to handle their own life. IPFW/Parkview student

assistants program(SAP).

Stress has always been a part of humans emotional changes. This study

examines the sources and effect of stress to the academic performance of the

senior high school students of San Francisco High School.

Purpose of the Study

The researchers aim to determine the different kinds/levels of stress on

the grade 12 students since they are more prone to this emotional stages. This

study is also intended to identify how this kind of stress affect the students.

Research Questions

1. What are the kinds of stress that students experience?

2. What are the kinds of stress that affects the students’ academic


3. How does stress affect the students of SFHS?

Significance of the Study

This study is intended to encourage a better understanding about

students’ stress. It can become a cornerstone for future studies of researchers.

The findings may also help teachers and administration to have perception and

a better understanding of the reality of stress in students and this would be

beneficial to the student’s knowledge about stress and how they should come

up with this kinds of stress.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study is focused and limited only on the levels of stress common to

the Grade 12. This study will be taken at San Francisco High School for the

first semester 2019-2020. The responses will be based on the questions given.

The respondents are 20 grade 12 students from each class composed of 10

females and 10 males.


Review of Related Literature

According to Akande, Olowonirejuaro and Okwala-kalu (2014), the

results indicated that secondary students had a medium level of stress and

some of the significant sources of stress include: Academic intra-personal and

Envi0ronment. There was a significant gender difference in the level of stress

and also some sources of among stress secondary students, it was

recommended that the guidance and counselling unit of secondary schools

should identify students with stress and provide adequate support and

management strategies.

Britz and Pappas (2015), stated that a high degree and frequency of

stress exist among the participants, with over 50 percent of students reporting

high level of stress. The major causes of stress were found to be academic

workload and time management. High stress levels among participants

correlated with many unhealthy behaviours, including compromise quality of

diet and decreased quantity of sleep.

Kai-wen (2010), stated that students at this level may sometimes

experiences incompatibility of their mental development with their physical

changes or with social environment. Thus, suffer from problem and arising

from inadequate adaptation. These problem further cause psychological

troubles and even endures deviant behaviour.

According to Khan (2018), academic stress was found to be higher in

younger students than older students. There was an on-significant difference

on PSS scores among students when stress was measured at the beginning

and at the end of the semester.

Mazammil (2011), concluded that majority of students felt fatigue.

Burden of study, assignment we’re major cause of stress and they agreed that

they reduce stress by watching TV or movies, listen to music of take part in

after leisure time activity it was recommended that burden of study may be

reduced by conducting co-curricular activity in academic area.

Muhammad (2017), stated that one of the sources of stressors among

students is their teacher. He found out that majority of teachers do not provide

feedback to the students properly, which may be helpful to overwhelm their

weakness and shortcomings. Most of the teacher often fail to clarify the

objective of the lesson during class which creates a great hindrance to

understand the objectives and the same later on put the student under stress

at the end or in midterm exams.

Nasoohi and Naser (2011) revealed that 39% of the student had low level

of stress, 16% had moderate levels of stress, 8% had severe level of stress and

37% were stress free. The most important sources of stress included

completion of requirements and exams, female students had significantly

higher level of stress compared to male students.

Oduwaiye, Yahaya, Amadi and Tiamiyu (2017), found out that a

significant relationship exists between stress level and academic performance

of students. There is also significant relationship between of personal stress,

interpersonal stress, environmental stress, achievement stress, and academic

performance. The students have moderate academic performance as a result of

high influence of stress personally, in their environment and also in their

achievement, which manifest in the achievement of their academic goal.

Pasco, Hetrick and Parker (2019), stated that the students in secondary

and tertiary education settings face a wide range of ongoing stressor related to

academic demands. Previous research indicates that academic related stress

can reduce academic achievement, decrease motivation and increase the risk of

school dropout. use. This narrative review presents the most recent research

concerning the impact of academic related stress, including discussion of

impact on student’s learning capacity and academic performance, mental

health problems, such as depression and anxiety, sleep disturbances and


Reddy, Menon and Thattil (2018), stated that stress has become part of

students’ academic life due to the various internal and external expectations

placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the

problems associated with academic stress as transitions occur at an individual

and social levels. It therefore becomes imperative to understand the source and

impact of academic stress in order to drive adequate and efficient invention

strategies. Understanding the source of stress would facilitate the development

of effective counselling modules and intervention strategies by school and

teachers in order to help students alleviate stress.

Shanmohammadi (2011), stated that every individual experiences stress

occasionally students in general experience stress in situations such as going

to a new college, appearing for the exams, dealing with their friend or peers,

when their friends will not feeling-well, divorce or separation of parents, death

at a relative. He found out that the percentage of distressed secondary students

was 26.1%. the top ten rank of stressor among students there afraid of not

getting place in tertiary education, examination, too much content to be learnt,

difficulty in understanding subjects that have been learnt, too much homework

and school timetable was to packed. All of the stressor were related to

academic stress. Also the study indicated that 12 th grade students cope with

difficult situations in a mature manner, yet they tend to withdraw from the

problems they face in life.

Urchil (2017), stated that stress does not necessarily as certain that

students will perform better, but in fact under this circumstances, they would

perceive the task as unchallenging and may also get easily bored. Through

certain levels of stress push students forwards optimum performance, when it

is not managed efficiently due to inadequate resources to cope with the stress,

it can have dismal consequences for the students as well as the institution.

Vogel and Schwabe (2016), stated that exams tight deadlines and

interpersonal conflicts are just a few of the many events that may result in high

level of stress of student. Research over the past two decades identified stress

as the major modulators of human learning with critical implication for

educational context. Recent evidence further indicates that stress may hamper

the updating of memories in the light of new information and induce shift from

a flexible, cognitive form of learning towards rather rigid, habit like behaviour.

Together these stress induces changes may explain some difficulties of learning

under stress in the classroom. Taking these insights could pear the potential to

facilitate process of education for student.

Yerada (2018), stated that a new study finds that when students

experience an academic setback such as bad grade, the amount of cortisol- the

so-called stress hormone- in their bodies typically spikes. The researchers

analysed the stress levels of students at two high schools in central Texas

during an especially stressful time. A majority of 68% of these students

experienced a drop in grades in the first semester and reported feeling stressed

as a result. Stress isn’t always bad. Cortisol increased blood sugar,

metabolism, and memory function, providing a temporary boost to physical

and cognitive ability, and positive stress-called eustress-can boost motivation

and decision-making, helping students achieve goals. But with chronic stress,

high cortisol levels can instead impair brain functioning and suppress the

immune system, causing long-term damage.

Bulo and Sanchez (2004), stated that students are exposed to many

problems from family, financial, peers and school environment. There are

common stressors that affect students: intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic

and environmental stressor. The results show that interpersonal stressor of

students is ranked as the highest while the environmental stressor has the

lowest. specific result under the interpersonal stressors include working to

people they do not know, trouble with parent and relationship with opposite


Idzai (2016), stated that arrange of factors were found to be stressful.

These include work related pressures, domestic responsibilities, anxiety during

examination, absence of lecture and frequency of assignments, to mention only

a few. The three least stressful factors were identified as teaching style,

relationship with lectures and students competition. High levels of stress tend

to affect academic performance of both male and female students than male

counterparts. The impact of stress on academic performance was evidence by

delayed assignments, negative attitude towards school work, failing semester

exams and ultimately delayed completion of studies among other factors.

Deasy, C., Coughlan, B., Pinorom, Jordan, D., and Mcnamara, P. (2014),

stated that stress, define as ‘a particular relationship between the person and

the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his or

her resources and endangering his or her well-being is acknowledge as a major

part of student experience. Stress is linked to psychological distress and other

adverse consequences on students’ health and well-being which impacts

academic achievement. The factors which contributed to their distress includes

study, financial, living, and social pressures. Students varied coping strategies

including social support, problem solving, and escape avoidance.

According to Deepti and Hemant (2018), stress is a condition of mental

pressure for particular individual facing problems from environmental and

social well-being which leads to so many diseases. Young age is the critical

period because at this time youth faces lots of changes in his/her life. They are

expected to be the elites in the society. Thus, they should enhance their stress

management abilities so as to live a healthy life after entering the society.

When a child enters into the youth age, they need not only adapt themselves to

the new life and to new environment but also be familiar with many new

people, events and things. The life stress on them is considerable. Therefore,

understanding the sources of stress among them and how they can cope with

the stress is very important. They found out that the stress mainly comes from

academic tests, interpersonal relations, relationship problems, life changes,

and behavioural problems.

According to Dr. Prabu (2015), stress can exist when working at a fast

place, doing difficult problems or listening to someone shout at you. It can be

brought about through conflicts making decision, or otherwise straining

abilities, or it can exist because of numerous social demands on time. He noted

that emotional tend not to be long lasting, whether they are unpleasant

emotions like fear, or pleasant ones, such as joy. Yet occasions such states

may reach excessively high levels. When this happens, the result typically

labelled as stress and its manifested of psychological as well as psychological

terms. Stress and its manifestation, such an anxiety, depression and burnout,

have always were as a common problem among people like students, workers,

and among professions and occupations. In the few decade alarms has already

been prove by the proliferation of books, research reports, popular articles and

the growing number of organize work shop, aiming to teach people how to cope

with this phenomenon. And the present study higher secondary student is

having moderate levels of academic stress.

According to Ghatol (2017), stated that disturbed family dynamics, peers

pressure, inability to cope with studies, drug abuse, lack of competence are

some reason for stress. The involvement of adolescents in getting instant

gratification of needs has led to lot of stress in them and demographic factor

are not key factors in academic stress among high school student. In order to

overcome deviant behaviour’s. The parents play a contracture role in

channelizing energies of the adolescents. Anxiety reduction and time

management and in conjunction with leisure act may be an effective strategy

from reducing academic stress in students.

Porwal and Dr. Kumar (2014), stated that high stress level is generally

found more in boys than girls as shown in the studies boys have more stress

due to the fact that parents have a having a feeling that boys are more capable

in handling their personal business and social responsibilities, family has

higher expectation from the males to excel in life, rather than girl’s period due

to this expectations of the parents among the boys in a major cause of

increasing stress level in boys. Youth suicide, however, is only the tip of the

iceberg, which masks the generalized anxiety and depression experienced by

many high school’s students. Some students are not capable of handling so

much stress and they find it is easier to die rather than living a life full of

stress. Some expectations of the parents are there personal wish unto their

children such as becoming an engineer or a doctor with knowing their

children’s ambition in life but parents pressure rice their children’s to fulfil

their wish. All this factors affect boys more than girls as boys are belief to settle

or manage a family.

Yahya (2013), stated that stress is normally unavoidable part of

everyone’s life living in this world. It portraits a negative notion that can have

an impact of one’s mental, and physical well-being. There are four factors that

had taken under consideration were family stress, emotional stress, financial

stress and social stress. He found out that living persuasively under strict rules

and regulations can be a family stressor. Unavailability of best choices and

paramount match to live with as a partner can be an emotional stress. Less

income students find difficulty to spend money on buying and enjoying which

is a predictor of financial stress. Pressurized life and squat admiration from

people has lied under social stress.



This chapter presents how the study was conducted. This chapter also

shows the methods used during the research.

Research Design

This qualitative research will use case study to determine the levels of

stress common to grade 12 students of San Francisco High School S.Y. 2019-

2020. Case Study analyses specific issues within the boundaries of a specific

environment, situation or organization wherein researcher focuses only on one

particular case and deals with the processes that take place and their


Research Locale

The study will be conducted at San Francisco High School at Poblacion

East, Lamut, Ifugao. It is a private school that belongs to the Catholic Schools

of Ifugao and the only private high school here in the Municipality of Lamut.

Sample of Respondents

San Francisco High School students has a total of 803. The respondents

of the study are the grade 12 students of San Francisco High School. There are
approximately 63 students from both section. The two grade 12 sections are

namely St. Agnes and St. Matthew. In each section, we will take 20 students to

have a total of 40 respondents.

Research Instruments

An adapted questionnaire was used by the researchers as a mean for

gathering data.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers asked permission from the school principal before we

will distribute the questionnaires to the chosen respondents. The researchers

collected the questionnaires the respondents have finished answering it. The

respondents were given an hour to finish the questionnaires.

Data Analysis

All of the data gathered from the questionnaire given to the Grade 12

students will be presented in a table and graph form using the Microsoft Word.


Presentation and Analysis of Data

Table 1.0

Symptoms of stress (St. Agnes M/F)

s ty i n n s ty s es s te
he xie pa tio ne
s li he er
ac t s s bi ac a ch rd tra
ad an es ge es i ta ck ck s o en
he ch di ep
l irr
ba ne di nc
in h co
sl e m
ac to
s to li ty
a bi

Never Sometimes Often

Table 1.0 shows that most of the participants from St. Agnes are

sometimes experiencing these symptoms. The table has also shown that most

of the participants are experiencing one thing in common. They were all

experiencing headaches the most followed by stomach disorders and

sleeplessness. Experiencing headaches from stress was supported by the

research of Dalia, Desouky, Zaid and Taha (2019) that a high prevalence of

headache limited the ability of students to study or enjoy life.

Table 1.1

Relationship factors as source of stress (St. Agnes)


Working with new peole Troubles with Boyfriend or Conflict with parents Seatmate or Classmate
Girlfriend conflict

Males Females

Table 1.1 shows that one of the factors that are causing the participants

to feel stressed is due to conflicts with their parents. Followed by working with

new people. This was supported by the research of Borst and Jacob (2015).

They stated that family conflicts may increase the likelihood of children

committing at-risk behaviours, have negative impacts on attachment style, and

may even influence the success of the future relationships. Positive outcomes

can also occur from family conflict such as leaving an abusive environment or

gaining secure attachment figures such as stable stepparent.

Table 1.2

Environment factors as source of stress (St. Agnes)

Bad living conditions Conflict between Placed in unfamiliar Future worries Fear on failing
parents situations grades

Males Females

Table 1.2 shows that most of the participants are feared of having a

falling grade for both male and female hence this might be a contributor on

their stress. It was followed by future worries. However, having a conflict with

their parents is ranked as the lowest possible of stressors at least for the

males. Future worries as a source of stress was supported by Bamuhair (2015).

He stated that 78.2% are worried about the future. Worrying about future was

identified as one of the important stressor to the students.

Table 1.3

Personal factors as source of stress (St. Agnes)

s ’ s es s t
e t ts tie m bi
tu en bi ili lti le Ha
nm a cu ob
S H si b iffi r ng
ith iro ng po
P ti
w En
e pi s ia lt h Ea
b g le re nc He
a or
in S
ew a Po
ng Li v in in
ni e N F
bi in ng
m ge Ch
Co an

Males Females

Table 1.3 shows that having a change in sleeping habit’s is a big factor

that contributes to the participants from grade 12 St. Agnes for having the

highest rating. It is followed by new responsibilities. As for the lowest, students

rated change in living environment as the least contributor to their stressors.

Having a change in sleeping habits was supported by the research of Britz and

Pappas (2015) they stated that high levels of stress among participants

correlated with unhealthy behaviour like change in sleeping habit.

Table 1.4

Feelings of students when stressed (St. Agnes)


Feeling tired during Cannot sleep at night Occasionally do not Feeling uneasy Others
the day feel well all times

Males Females

Table 1.4 shows the emotions of the participants when feeling stressed.

The graph shows that most of the participants are feeling uneasy through the

day. It is followed by feeling tired during the day. However, with the possible

stressors that were given, there are still some other reasons that are causing to

their unusual feelings. As Dobson (2012) sated on her research that feeling

uneasy or having an anxiety can have negative effects on all students. Students

with anxiety problems tend to show lower levels of academic achievements,

self-efficiency, and self-concept.

Table 2.0

Symptoms of stress (St. Matthew M/F)

es ty i n on s s ty es s rs te
ch xie pa ti ne bi
li ch c he de ra
a an st es ss a ck
a ka so
r nt
ad e di
g le irr
i t c di nc
he ch in ep ba ne h co
ls e ac to
om ty
st ili

never sometimes often

Table 2.0 represents the symptoms of stress to the grade12

participants from St. Matthew. On the graph shown above, Irritability got

the highest rating as the symptoms of stress to both male and female

students of grade12 St. Matthew. Followed by indigestion and headaches.

This was supported by the research of Carlson (2016). He stated that

stress increases feelings of irritability which increases the likelihood of

angry outbursts and social withdrawal.

Table 2.1

Relationship factors as source of stress (St. Matthew)






Working with new peole Troubles with Boyfriend or Conflict with parents Seatmate or Classmate
Girlfriend conflict

Males Females

Table 2.1 shows the relationship stressors of the grade12

participants from St. Matthew. The graph shows that working with new

people and having troubles with their boyfriend or girlfriend got the highest

rating. It is followed by seatmate or classmate conflict. This was supported

by the research of Bulo and Sanchez (2014) and Gomez (2018). They stated

that the highest stressors of students are interpersonal which include

working with new people.

Table 2.2

Environment factors as source of stress (St. Matthew)


Bad living conditions Conflict between Placed in unfamiliar Future worries Fear on failing
parents situations grades

Males Females

The graph shows that the participants from grade12 St. Matthew are

getting some of their stressors from fear on having a falling grade and is

followed by having a bad living conditions. And at the very least, none of

them were having a conflict between their parents. The fear on failing

grades was supported by the research of Dy, Santos, Ferido and Sanchez

(2015). They stated that assignments, requirements, exams and other

responsibilities are heavy concern like fear of failing. Fear is shown as a

frequent response most likely due to the thinking that courses are highly

difficult and thus, easy to fail.

Table 2.3

Personal factors as source of stress (St. Matthew)

s ts s es s t
e t bi tie m bi
tu en a ili lti le Ha
nm H cu ob
ng si b iffi r ng
ith iro pi po
P ti
w En
v e s ia lth Ea
b le re nc
a or
Jo in
S a He Po
ng Li v ew in
ni ge N F
bi in an
m ge Ch
Co an

Males Females

Table 2.3 shows the Personal factors as the source of stress to the

grade12 participants from St. Matthew. Having a change in sleeping habit’s

is a huge stressor at least most of the males. And most of the females have

the same rating for change in sleeping habits, new responsibilities, and

health problems. This was supported by the research of Lee, Wuertz,

Rogers and Chen (2013) stated that stress can affect an individual’s health,

even more specially their sleep habits, which can lead to increased poor

academic performance.

Table 2.4

Students' feelings when stressed (St. Matthew)

Feeling tired during Cannot sleep at night Occasionally do not Feeling uneasy Others
the day feel well all times

Males Females

Table 2.4 shows that most of the participants from grade12 St.

Matthew are mostly feeling tired during the day when they are stressed.

Followed by feeling uneasy. Regardless to the possible causes of stress

there are still other reasons on why they feel unusual due to stress. Feeling

tired during the day was supported by the research of Kocalevent, Hinz and

Klapp (2011). They stated that fatigue or feeling tired can be triggered by

previous perceived stress which may lead to impairment of performance

and function.

Table 3.0

How stress influence student's academic life

(rating from 1-3)

St. Agnes St. Matthew

1-Not influencial 2-More influencial 3-Most influencial

The table shows the rating of the participants from grade12 St. Matthew

on how stress can influence the academic life of the student. The majority of

the rating goes to 3 as most influential to the academic life of the students.

Aafrin, Priya and Gayathri (2018) stated that stress levels among students can

result in a decreased performance in the academic accomplishment and can

affect both physical and mental health of students.

Table 3.1

Stress awareness be taught at schools (St. Agnes & St. Mat -


Yes No

The table shows the agreement and disagreement of the participants

from grade12 St. Agnes and St. Matthew in relation to their point of view if

stress awareness should be taught at schools. The majority of both male

and female participants agreed that stress awareness should be taught at

schools. Dr. Lou stated that teachers need to be aware of the stress of their

student’s experiences in the classroom as well as their personal lives.

Although we have a little control of what happens outside the classroom,

we can provide the support and help they may need to handle this stressful

times. By understanding how stress affects learning, teachers can help

build their student’s emotional resilience as well as activate their highest

level of cognition.

Conceptual Framework

Senior High School experience high stress at predictable time each

semester times due to academic commitments, financial, pressures and

lack of time management skills. When stress is perceived negatively or

becomes excessive, it can affect both health and academic performance.

(Campbell & Svenson, (1992)

Independent Dependent

 Academic performance Levels of Stress

 Social relationship Common to Grade 12

 Time management Students of SFHS

Paradigm of the study


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

In terms of stress, students tend to suffer from different illness.

The research was conducted at San Francisco High School. This study aims to

know the different kinds of stress to the senior high school students and on

how does this stresses affect their academic performance. This was done in

order to give clarity about the different levels of stress. The questionnaire given

consists of 4 parts. The first part of the questionnaire indicates of their

personal data. The second part indicates the symptoms and the factors as

source of stress. The third part consists of how they feel when stressed. And

the last part shows the opinions of the respondents in relation to stress.

Having headaches and feeling irritated was the two most found symptoms of

stress to the senior high. As for their relationship factors as source of stress,

the students were divided in two groups. Some said that some factors to their

stress is due to having conflicts with their parents, while on the other hand,

they said that it is due to their troubles with their Girlfriends/Boyfriends. It is

common for the students to feel the fear in having a falling grade. Hence, it had

become one of the reasons based on the observation to the research on why

students feel stress. In relation to their personal factors as source of stress,

most of the respondents were having a problem with their sleeping habits and

is still due to stress. We have also found that the majority of the respondents
were feeling uneasy and tired during the day. This is still in relation to stress.

This sudden change in our physical and mental health is a natural response of

our body to stress, when we feel stressed our body is requiring an adjustment

or response. Hence, the respondents start to feel uneasy. The body reacts to

these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses.


Therefore, we conclude that most of our respondents from the senior

high have mostly the same feelings when stressed. From the three kinds of

stress (acute, episodic, and chronic stress), the findings revealed that the

students who are having conflicts with their parents, irritability and feeling

tired are experiencing Acute Stress. Though irritability can become chronic

stress if not managed well. While students who feel headaches and fear on

failing grades are experiencing Episodic Acute Stress. And as for those who are

feeling uneasy, irritability, and having a change in sleeping habits may be

feeling Chronic Stress. This may reduce the productivity of a student if he/she

does not have the ability to cope up with these problems.


1. It is recommended that San Francisco High School should develop a

sensitive system for prevention and response to stress among student.

This include engagement in public education and awareness raising

activities about stress, coping mechanism and the importance for

student to seek help early.

2. Use an ice pack on your forehead, scalp, or neck. Get some caffeine. Go

to dark, quiet room.

3. The students should spend more time with their parents, make an eye

contact, and speak to them.

4. Help the student to find more effective study techniques, for instance by

exploring how useful different methods have been so far and suggesting

new ones.

5. If possible, students should wake up at the same time each day. Go to

bed around the same time every day, but not more than 8 hours before

you expect to start your day.

6. It is advisable that students should limit caffeine and sugar intake and

do whatever that feels right to ease their anxious feelings.

7. Avoid the things that makes you feel irritated. Get in touch with your

compassions. Gain perspective and rid yourself of nervous energy.

8. Demonstrating respect to each other is best way to build up good

relationships with others.

9. Treat your lover with respect. Do your best in avoiding possible conflicts.

Be more open to each other.

10. Eat a balance diet. Drink more water. Get your sleep on and learn

to take a break once in a while.


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Dear Respondents,

As part of the requirements in research, we researchers would like to

conduct a survey questionnaire regarding “Levels of Stress common to Grade

12 Students of San Francisco High School.” Hence, we are earnestly requesting

your help by completing the attached questionnaire.

Name (optional):_________________________ Age:_________


Sex: F M

Part A.

Please ✔ the appropriate box

I. Do you ever suffer from the following?

Never Sometimes Often



Chest pain/palpitations

Indigestion or nausea




Neck ache

Stomach disorders

Inability to concentrate

II. Relationship factors as source of stress

Working with new people ( )

Troubles with Boyfriend or Girlfriend ( )

Conflict with parents ( )

Seatmate or Classmate conflict ( )

III. Environment factors as source of stress

Bad living conditions ( )

Conflict between parents ( )

Placed in unfamiliar situations ( )

Future worries ( )

Fear on failing grades ( )

IV. Personal factors as source of stress

Combining Job with Studies ( )

Change in Living Environment ( )

Change in Sleeping Habits’ ( )

New responsibilities ( )
Financial Difficulties ( )

Health Problems ( )

Poor Eating Habit ( )

Part B.
How do you feel when you are stressed?

1. Feeling tired during the day ( )

2. Cannot sleep at night ( )
3. Occasionally do not feel well all times ( )
4. Feeling uneasy ( )
5. Others ( )

In your view should stress awareness be taught at the School?

Yes ( ) No ( )

In your opinion rate from 1-5 how stress influence student’s academic life?

1......( ) 2……( ) 3……( ) 4……( ) 5……( )

What is the main cause of stress in your academic studies?


What are the effects of stress in your studies and to yourself?


In your own view, how can stress be managed?

Republic of the Philippine
Cordillera Administrative Region
San Francisco High School
Poblacion East, Lamut, Ifugao

November 15, 2019

The School Principal

Division of Ifugao
Lamut, Ifugao


We hereby request permission from your office to conduct study about stress levels and its
effect to the grade 12 students of San Francisco High School.

This is in relation to our research entitle “Levels of stress common to grade 12 students of San
Francisco High School.”

Your approval of this request is highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
St. Thomas Researchers

Noted by:

Ma’am Zoraida Marie Co. Millano

Practical Research 1 Teacher

Approved by:

Mr. Donald S. Bandoc

School Principal


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