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TOEIC: Beginner Presence and Existence Vocabulary Set 1

1. attend (verb) To be present somewhere, e.g., at an event.

2. cancel (verb) To proclaim that something will not be carried out.
3. continue (verb) To let something not cease or resume from a ces-
4. disappear (verb) To cease to be visible or to exist; to vanish.
5. empty (adjective) Something that has no contents; not full.
6. find (verb) To discover by chance.
7. find (verb) To discover after a period of looking.
8. form (verb) To create something; to make a specific shape.
9. hide (verb) To place something or somebody (or oneself) out of
sight in order to cover and conceal.
10. keep (verb) To hold onto something.
11. last (adjective;determiner) Something that is final, existing af-
ter others similar to it.
12. make (verb) To form something.
13. new (adjective) Not existing or known previously.
14. object (noun) Something that physically exist but isn't alive.
15. off (adjective;adverb;preposition) Removed from something.
16. possible (adjective) Capable of existing or being done.
17. attend Which word has the following synonyms?
visit, serve
18. cancel Which word has the following synonyms?
abolish, abort, eliminate

TOEIC: Beginner Presence and Existence Vocabulary Set 1

19. continue Which word has the following synonyms?

carry on, pursue, resume, recommence

20. disappear Which word has the following synonyms?

vanish, depart, perish, die out, fade

21. empty Which word has the following synonyms?

bare, devoid, dry, unfilled, vacant

22. find Which word has the following synonyms?

discover, notice, see

23. find Which word has the following synonyms?

discover, catch, see

24. form Which word has the following synonyms?

assemble, build, compose, make, create

25. hide Which word has the following synonyms?

conceal, cover, disguise, shelter, camouflage

26. keep Which word has the following synonyms?

save, store

27. last Which word has the following synonyms?

final, closing, ultimate

28. make Which word has the following synonyms?

formulate, construct, build, produce

29. new Which word has the following synonyms?

latest, unprecedented, novel

30. object Which word has the following synonyms?

article, body, comodity, purpose, goal

31. possible Which word has the following synonyms?

feasible, likely, conceivable, plausible, imaginable

32. attend

TOEIC: Beginner Presence and Existence Vocabulary Set 1

Which word has the following antonyms?

hide, ignore, neglect, ignore, disregard

33. cancel Which word has the following antonyms?

continue, keep

34. continue Which word has the following antonyms?

cease, end, finish, complete

35. disappear Which word has the following antonyms?

appear, be born, begin

36. empty Which word has the following antonyms?

full, filled, occupied, overflowing, inhabited

37. find Which word has the following antonyms?

miss, overlook,

38. find Which word has the following antonyms?

miss, neglect, overlook, lose

39. hide Which word has the following antonyms?

let go, uncover, unmask, show.

40. keep Which word has the following antonyms?

lose, leave

41. last Which word has the following antonyms?

first, front, starting

42. make Which word has the following antonyms?

destroy, break, repeal

43. object Which word has the following antonyms?

nothing, nothingness, subject

44. possible Which word has the following antonyms?

impossible, unlikely, implausible, improbable, inconceiv-

TOEIC: Beginner Presence and Existence Vocabulary Set 1

45. attended The debutants the ball.

46. cancel The singer had to her show when she got a sore

47. continues Netflix to be one of the biggest streaming services


48. disappeared I can't find my phone. It's as if it .

49. empty We filled our water bottles in the spring.

50. find She happened to look up only to the boss could see
she was on Facebook!

51. find I still can't the key to my locker for the gym.

52. form The children needed to a straight line during PE.

53. hide They would always in the bard and tell scary sto-

54. keep The girl decided to the small stone as a memento.

55. last He is the of his kind.

56. make Would you be able to me a cup of tea?

57. new The discovery for cancer treatment is a break-

through for both science and medicine!

58. object Look at this strange , isn't it weird?

59. off I need to change my shirt because the buttons just popped

60. possible It is to finish this task.


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