TOEIC - Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 5 PDF

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TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 5

1. absolutely (adverb) Used to say 'yes' or that you agree with someone
or something.
2. assist (verb) To help a person with something.
3. bargain (noun) An agreement reached among people.
4. commit (verb) To promise that you will do something or keep to an
5. commitment (noun) Dedication to an activity or task to fulfill a goal.
6. deal (noun) An agreement made between two or more parties
for a specific purpose.
7. deal (verb) To reach an agreement on something.
8. decline (verb) To refuse or to be refused by something or some-
9. demand (verb) Act of insisting on.
10. deny (verb) To reject; to refuse someone or something.
11. divide (verb) To cause a disagreement.
12. dominant (adjective) One that has influence over others; superior
and in control.
13. exclude (verb) To deny someone entry into a place or to take part
of something.
14. exploitation (noun) The act of treating unfairly or taking advantage of
someone or something for selfish purposes.
15. interaction (noun) When two or more people interact with each other.
16. involve (verb) To include someone to participate in an activity.
17. physical (adjective) Involving a lot of body-to-body contact.

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 5

18. absolutely Which word has the following synonyms?

definitely, certainly

19. assist Which word has the following synonyms?

aid, help, serve, support

20. bargain Which word has the following synonyms?

arrangement, contract

21. commit Which word has the following synonyms?

pledge, vow, promise

22. commitment Which word has the following synonyms?

pledge, promise, assurance, guarantee

23. deal Which word has the following synonyms?

agreement, contract, opportunity,

24. deal Which word has the following synonyms?

compromise, negotiate

25. decline Which word has the following synonyms?

deny, dismiss, refuse, reject

26. demand Which word has the following synonyms?

appeal, request, stipulate, urge

27. deny Which word has the following synonyms?

disagree, renounce, decline, contradict, oppose

28. divide Which word has the following synonyms?

disagree, alienate, break up, differ, split

29. dominant Which word has the following synonyms?

superior, controlling, assertive, commanding, leading

30. exclude Which word has the following synonyms?

bar, ban, keep out, block, refuse

31. exploitation

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following synonyms?

misuse, abuse, victimization, extortion

32. interaction Which word has the following synonyms?

communication, activity, relations

33. physical Which word has the following synonyms?

touchy, intimate, snug, cozy

34. assist Which word has the following antonyms?

block, delay, hinder, discourage

35. bargain Which word has the following antonyms?

disagreement, misunderstanding, dispute

36. commitment Which word has the following antonyms?

break, breach

37. deal Which word has the following antonyms?

disagreement, dissension, refusal

38. decline Which word has the following antonyms?

accept, allow, approve, grant, agree

39. deny Which word has the following antonyms?

accept, allow, approve, admit, agree

40. divide Which word has the following antonyms?

unite, reconcile, connect

41. dominant Which word has the following antonyms?

inferior, minor, secondary, subordinate, submissive

42. exclude Which word has the following antonyms?

accept, allow, include, admit

43. interaction Which word has the following antonyms?

isolation, miscommunication, aloofness

44. physical

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 5

Which word has the following antonyms?

cold, detached, distant, formal

45. absolutely Can we leave the party early? !

46. assist The organization will those in need.

47. bargain They reached a on the terms.

48. commit The celebrity wouldn't confirm if he would to holding

a show in Las Vegas this year.

49. commitment to goals is a sure way to success.

50. deal Jeremy and his team agreed to a new multi-million dollar
starting next season.

51. deal Jon resigned from the company as he could no longer

with its management.

52. declined I was so embarrassed when my card was at the


53. demanded The mother an explanation as to how her child was

hurt in the playground.

54. denied I was entrance to the club because I did not have
my ID.

55. dominant Thankfully, our product has a position in the market.

56. excluded We were from the meeting yesterday.

57. exploitation The of children working in sweatshops needs to


58. interaction The with her boss this morning led her to believe
that the business was struggling.

59. involve We our children in the performance of daily activi-

TOEIC: Intermediate Interactions Between People Vocabulary Set 5

60. physical My girlfriend's love language is touch so she re-

quires a lot of hugs and snuggles.


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